
bonsai.behaviors available

Added by Frederic Siepmann almost 12 years ago

The behavior layer for BonSAI has its own repository now and is available under

This includes the Skill classes as well as the Skill engine with according SCXML files.

0.11.0 releases

Added by Frederic Siepmann almost 12 years ago

We have just released the 0.11.0 version of the BonSAI core. You can find an according tag "0.11.0" in the git repository under

Moved to git

Added by Frederic Siepmann almost 12 years ago

The bonsai projects was moved from the original svn, which is still available under but will not accept any new commits. Please use the git repository under :

which will contain a stable master branch and an unstable branch for developmental stuff.

BonSAI API Doc online

Added by Frederic Siepmann over 12 years ago

BonSAI 0.10.0

Added by Frederic Siepmann almost 13 years ago

The new BonSAI release 0.10.0 now comes with maven as managment/build tool. Additionally the SCXML feature is no activated, which means that you can compose robot behaviors via SCXML files. Check the examples or the mailing list.

Release 0.9.1

Added by Frederic Siepmann over 13 years ago

The BonSAI 0.9.1 release is out, which basically covers most of the changes from the robocup 2010 and some of the changes from RoboCup 2011.


Also available in: Atom