Bug #262

Oncilla-Sim distribution: fix remaining warnings / issues during build generation

Added by Sebastian Wrede almost 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:2014-05-29
Priority:HighDue date:2014-06-11
Assignee:Arne Nordmann% Done:


Category:RecipeSpent time:-
Target version:-


Trying to replicate it, I still get the following errors (fresh clone of recipes) with the "default" build generator downloaded from the given URL:

swrede@ubuntu:/vol/citk/recipes$ build-generator --on-error=continue -d distributions/oncilla-sim.distribution -t 'templates/*.template'
13 problems during INSTANTIATE/PROJECT phase:

  #<VERSION-SPEC fsmt:master {104F34D9}> (1 missing dependency):
    No provider for (:SETUPTOOLS "pep8").

  #<VERSION-SPEC libcca-oncilla:pkgconfig-0.5 {E4FB2F9}> (4 missing dependencies):
    No provider for (:CMAKE "Spread").
    No provider for (:CMAKE "NemoBench").
    No provider for (:PKG-CONFIG "QUIET").
    No provider for (:PKG-CONFIG "biorob-cpp-0.3" (0 3 1)).

  #<VERSION-SPEC liboncilla-webots:master {EC8B181}> (1 missing dependency):
    No provider for (:CMAKE "BiorobCMakeUtils" (0 3 4)).

  #<VERSION-SPEC liboncilla:rci0.5 {EB65719}> (3 missing dependencies):
    No provider for (:CMAKE "BiorobCMakeUtils" (0 3 4)).
    No provider for (:CMAKE "GMock").
    No provider for (:PKG-CONFIG "biorob-cpp-0.3" (0 3 1)).

  #<VERSION-SPEC biorob-cpp:master {E524EC9}> (1 missing dependency):
    No provider for (:CMAKE "BiorobCMakeUtils" (0 3 6)).

  #<VERSION-SPEC rci:trunk {10073F01}> (1 missing dependency):
    No provider for (:CMAKE "NemoBench").

  #<VERSION-SPEC cca:trunk {FD98A99}> (1 missing dependency):
    No provider for (:CMAKE "NemoBench").

  #<VERSION-SPEC rsb-python:master {E527751}> (1 missing dependency):
    No provider for (:PROGRAM "spread" (4 1 0)).

At least Spread, NemoBench, the "QUIET" dependency and the Biorob stuff should be fixed.

Related issues

related to Cognitive Interaction Toolkit - Bug #263: Dependency between libcca-oncilla and liboncilla not gene... Closed 2014-06-01

Associated revisions

Revision 8feeb33e
Added by Sebastian Wrede almost 11 years ago

added Nemobench to Oncilla-Sim dstri, refs #262


#1 Updated by Sebastian Wrede almost 11 years ago

  • Project changed from CITk Coordination to Cognitive Interaction Toolkit
  • Subject changed from Fix remaining warnings / issues in Oncilla-Sim distribution to Oncilla-Sim distribution: fix remaining warnings / issues during build generation
  • Category set to Recipe
  • Parent task deleted (#252)

#2 Updated by Johannes Wienke almost 11 years ago

The quiet thing has been fixed in the generator already. Nemobench seems to be optional, which isn't modeled at all in the generator so far. And for spread it is not clear how to handle this thing at all since CMake Find-Macros are hard to model.

#3 Updated by Sebastian Wrede almost 11 years ago

In which version of the generator was the fix for the QUIET thing applied?

For NemoBench: I'd still suggest to include it in the generator just to have less warnings. Alternatively, we could hack around this temporarily by adding it as a provided system dependency in the template file.

#4 Updated by Jan Moringen almost 11 years ago

Sebastian Wrede wrote:

In which version of the generator was the fix for the QUIET thing applied?
master, IIRC.

OK. Welche Version landet denn aktuell auf unserem Web-Server?

D.h. unter: https://toolkit.cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de/dist/jenkins.tar.gz

BTW: --version produziert bei mir folgenden Output:

swrede@ubuntu:/vol/citk/jenkins$ build-generator --version
  None of the TEMPLATE patterns  matched anything.

For NemoBench: I'd still suggest to include it in the generator just to have less warnings.
What does that mean? Can you elaborate?

"in the generator" should be replaced with "as a project" ... So, we should just add the project to make it available.

#5 Updated by Florian Lier over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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