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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
409Finite State Machine Based TestingBugNewUrgentImplement non-children killing process end strategyFlorian Lier2015-09-22 10:31
39ivToolsFeatureNewUrgentivTrace: Reload 3D world parametersJens Peter Lindemann2012-06-28 15:51
294Finite State Machine Based TestingBugIn ProgressHighComponent names must be unique in order to trigger the correct eventFlorian Lier2014-09-30 18:32
279Cognitive Interaction ToolkitSupportIn ProgressHighCreate videos of the most basic tutorialsFlorian Lier2014-09-21 13:10
145RML - RobotMetaLoggerSupportNewHighDocumentation additions DRAFTFlorian Lier2013-03-02 14:27
146RML - RobotMetaLoggerFeatureIn ProgressHighTest LCM SupportFlorian Lier2013-02-19 02:36
283ivToolsBugNewHighivrender colors broken depending on Mesa3D versionJens Peter Lindemann2014-07-10 16:07
588AMiRo-OSSupportIn ProgressHighAMiRo-BLT overhaulMarc Rothmann2019-03-08 11:57
520Cognitive Interaction ToolkitTaskFeedbackHighCITKat WSGI documentationMartin Wiechmann2017-11-23 15:18
403IPAACAFeatureIn ProgressHighJSON payload support for ipaaca-javaMatthias Priesters2016-02-16 14:48
339meta-openrobotixBugNewHighCheck debricated opencv.pcTimo Korthals2014-11-23 15:50
410Finite State Machine Based TestingFeatureNewNormalAdd comment field to tests2015-03-27 12:30
406IPAACAFeatureNewNormaladd time stamps to IUs/messages2016-02-16 14:31
442GazeTK FeatureNewNormalApplication and plugin specific setting storage2015-12-09 17:38
596AMiRo-OSFeatureNewNormalautomated test script2019-11-14 11:52
349Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalBuild toolkit nightly cmake jobs with VERBOSE=12015-09-01 15:06
419Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalCITK Json Schema validation2015-08-28 16:44
584Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalcitkat: Indicate external links using an icon or similar2018-10-16 10:38
199Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalClient-side error handling2014-01-27 11:31
34XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitFeatureNewNormalConfigurable submission2012-03-16 14:43
128XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitFeatureNewNormalConfirmation of 'completed' state2012-11-22 16:24
439GazeTK FeatureNewNormalConnection to Browser2015-12-09 17:35
408IPAACABugNewNormalDelay/framedropping in AsapRealizer rendering when closing the injector2015-03-26 16:52
441GazeTK FeatureNewNormalDialog to show the plugins2015-12-09 17:37
45XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitFeatureFeedbackNormalDisplay transitions2012-07-25 13:32

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