Bug #307
Build Generator: Build steps (invoke maven, shell, etc) in Jobs that contain a subfolder are not executed in the right order
Status: | Resolved | Start date: | 2014-10-13 | ||
Priority: | High | Due date: | |||
Assignee: | % Done: | 60% | |||
Category: | build-generator | Spent time: | 0.10 hour | ||
Target version: | Toolkit 0.1 |
Build Generator: Build steps (invoke maven, shell, etc) in Jobs that contain a subfolder are not executed in the right order.
For Example, if you need to move a directory to the top-level folder in order to invoke maven (pom) or cmake-based build tools, the build process fails because maven (cmake, whatever) is actually invoked before the folder, contrain the cmake or pom file, is moved.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what version of the build-gen is installed on bnd. I assume the latest one.
Can you confirm this bug?
Associated revisions
Updated by Simon Schulz over 10 years ago
some additional info: this is related git projects with subfolders
the subfolder is moved to the build directory after your shell code is run
Updated by Florian Lier over 10 years ago
...but related to any kind of project file that contains the "subfolder" variable
Updated by Jan Moringen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Please try the 0.3 version of the generator (See Johannes' email).
Updated by Jan Moringen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Simon Schulz over 10 years ago
bug still exists...
build-generator version 0.3.36
{ "name": "libreflexxes", "templates": [ "cor-lab", "freestyle" ], "catalogue.component.title": "libreflexxes", "catalogue.component.nid": "0", "variables": { "description": "libreflexxes - a motion/trajectory generation lib. we use the open source type2 library (no jerk limitation). the type5 library is available for academic use for free (contact reflexxes.com)", "keywords": [ "motion", "trajectory", "planning" ], "repository": "https://projects.cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de/git/flobidev.core/", "sub-directory": "external/ReflexxesTypeII_v1.2.3/", "branches": [ "master" ], "extra-provides" : [ [ "cmake", "libreflexxes" ] ], "shell.command": " ARCH=\\$(case \\$(uname -m) in (i686) echo x86 ;; (x86_64) echo x64 ;; esac) ls -al ls -al * cd Linux make all mkdir -p ${toolkit.dir}/lib/pkgconfig mkdir -p ${toolkit.dir}/include install \\${ARCH}/release/lib/shared/libReflexxesTypeII.so ${toolkit.dir}/lib install ../include/*.h ${toolkit.dir}/include echo \"#pkg config file for reflexxes lib\nprefix=${toolkit.dir}\nexec_prefix=\\${prefix}\nlibdir=\\$(prefix)/lib\nincludedir=\\$(prefix)/include\nName: reflexxes\nDescription: reflexxes motion lib\nVersion: 1.2.3\nRequires:\nLibs: -L\\${libdir} -lReflexxesTypeII\nCflags: -I\\${includedir}\n\n\" > ${toolkit.dir}/lib/pkgconfig/libReflexxesTypeII.pc " }
.. <builders> <hudson.tasks.Shell> <command> ARCH=$(case $(uname -m) in (i686) echo x86 ;; (x86_64) echo x64 ;; esac) ls -al ls -al * cd Linux make all mkdir -p /media/local/vol/flobi-emotrack/releases/nightly/lib/pkgconfig mkdir -p /media/local/vol/flobi-emotrack/releases/nightly/include install ${ARCH}/release/lib/shared/libReflexxesTypeII.so /media/local/vol/flobi-emotrack/releases/nightly/lib install ../include/*.h /media/local/vol/flobi-emotrack/releases/nightly/include echo "#pkg config file for reflexxes lib prefix=/media/local/vol/flobi-emotrack/releases/nightly exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=$(prefix)/lib includedir=$(prefix)/include Name: reflexxes Description: reflexxes motion lib Version: 1.2.3 Requires: Libs: -L${libdir} -lReflexxesTypeII Cflags: -I${includedir} " > /media/local/vol/flobi-emotrack/releases/nightly/lib/pkgconfig/libReflexxesTypeII.pc </command> </hudson.tasks.Shell> <hudson.tasks.Shell> <command>find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name "external/ReflexxesTypeII_v1.2.3/" -exec rm -rf {} \; # Uniquely rename directory. temp=$(mktemp -d ./XXXXXXXX) mv "external/ReflexxesTypeII_v1.2.3/" "${temp}/" # Move contents to toplevel workspace directory. find "${temp}" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -exec mv {} . \; rm -r "${temp}"</command> </hudson.tasks.Shell> </builders> ...
Updated by Simon Schulz over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
Updated by Jan Moringen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Right, the workaround is not possible for freestyle projects.
Updated by Simon Schulz over 10 years ago
still broken. see e.g. project flobidev-basic-hlc_client_java-master-toolkit-nightly
Updated by Jan Moringen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
- % Done changed from 100 to 60
still broken. see e.g. project flobidev-basic-hlc_client_java-master-toolkit-nightly
Sorry, I didn't mean to change this to "resolved". The combination of this redmine instance and the webbrowser sometimes causes random changes to "Status" and "% Done" when I just want to write a comment.
The situation should be as follows:- In the 0.3 version of the generators, the problem should be fixed (or worked around, rather) with two exceptions:
- The workaround is not applicable to freestyle projects
- Since the Maven template currently introduces an additional shell fragment, the workaround is not applicable to Maven projects as well
- An extended aspect sorting mechanism is being developed in the generator master branch, but it is not clear whether a backport to 0.3 will make sense or not
Updated by Florian Lier about 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
This should be fixed right?
Updated by Florian Lier about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved