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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
230Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewLowReplace unp program with more widely available alternatives in recipes2015-08-26 09:30
287Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalRead branches out of git to reduce versioning efford.2016-04-08 15:17
349Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalBuild toolkit nightly cmake jobs with VERBOSE=12015-09-01 15:06
404IPAACAFeatureNewLowJSON schema support2015-03-26 10:42
406IPAACAFeatureNewNormaladd time stamps to IUs/messages2016-02-16 14:31
410Finite State Machine Based TestingFeatureNewNormalAdd comment field to tests2015-03-27 12:30
419Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalCITK Json Schema validation2015-08-28 16:44
435IPAACAFeatureNewNormalExpose whether an ADDED event is caused through resending2016-02-16 14:30
437GazeTK FeatureNewNormalWrite a basic Tobii eye tracking workflow2015-12-09 17:31
439GazeTK FeatureNewNormalConnection to Browser2015-12-09 17:35
441GazeTK FeatureNewNormalDialog to show the plugins2015-12-09 17:37
442GazeTK FeatureNewNormalApplication and plugin specific setting storage2015-12-09 17:38
462IPAACAFeatureIn ProgressNormalv3: Structured metadata2016-02-22 16:17
463IPAACAFeatureNewNormalv3: Expose more event data2016-02-16 14:30
464IPAACAFeatureNewNormalv3: Sender tokens2016-03-15 19:54
465IPAACAFeatureNewNormalv3: TimeBoard extension2016-02-16 14:29
466IPAACAFeatureNewNormalIPAACA v32016-02-16 14:52
467IPAACAFeatureNewNormalv3: Linked IU events / Batch updates on the IU [event] level2016-02-22 16:17
468IPAACAFeatureNewNormalv3: Better IU access via Buffer interface2016-02-18 13:11
469IPAACAFeatureNewNormalv3: Thread-safe iterators2016-02-18 14:11
470IPAACAFeatureNewNormalv3: Event queueing2016-02-18 14:09
488IPAACAFeatureNewNormalipaaca_pb2 should lie inside ipaaca package and in the PYTHONPATH2016-09-12 13:24
584Cognitive Interaction ToolkitFeatureNewNormalcitkat: Indicate external links using an icon or similar2018-10-16 10:38
589AMiRo-OSFeatureNewNormalEnhanced I/O events2019-03-08 13:13
591AMiRo-OSFeatureNewNormalMore generic QtCreator project setup2019-03-08 13:20

1 2 3 4 5 (26-50/117) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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