Please note, that this software is beta and most programs and settings are adapted to the Dual Arm Setup at the Cognitve Interaction Technology - Center of Excellence @ Bielefeld University. If you find the software here useful, please cite [1]. To install OpenKC, please run "./" first. Remember to export CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/fricomm.h. This file comes as part of FRI and cannot be included into OpenKC because of copyright issues. Please also edit src/fri_okc_hostconfig.h to match your configuration. run "./configure && make" and, if you like "make install" after that. If you have Doxygen installed, a make doxygen-doc will create a ./doc subdirectory where you will find a at least very basic documentation (which I would recommend for reading anyways ;-)) For more options, try "./configure --help" -- Getting Started -- You will have to copy the friokc2.src and friokc2.dat (friokc.src and friokc.dat are deprecated as of version 1.0.0, but will probably still work) to your robot. Once you run the program, it will friopen and wait for you to get an OpenKC program running (if it is not already running). Please check out the example programs (okc-axis-control, okc-callback-test). You can use the okc-ping-server to check your timing. [1]