Genral note: We build icl for 32 bit (64 bit applications seem to be more complicated). That is, even on a 64 bit windows, all stuff is downloaded as 32 (aka x86) binaries/libraries. * get tortoise svn * get winscp (perhaps) * get visual studio express 2013 Desktop (Version 12.0) * get a good editor (such as emacs) * get winrar * get cmake for windows ( * get windows SDK for your windows version ( In the online installer, check only Windows Headers and Libraries/Headers and X86Libraries * If you have not done this already: download your graphics driver ... * get python 2.x and (such as 2.7.10) and install to c:\Python27 (or similar with another version number) * ensure that binary directories are added to the path (the most recent windows Python.msi installer can do that for you -- simply check that option in the installation option dialog) * install sphinx using pip from command line: > pip install sphinx > pip install pyparsing * now on command line > sphinx-build -h Should actually produce some help text for sphinx-build * for formulas within the doxygen documentation, you'll need latex ans ghostscript * Get latex, e.g. from * get ghostscript: (please ensure to get the 32bit version here) * add gs binary dir to your path: (such as C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.16\bin) create folder c:\ICL All further steps in this tutorial will assume that all ICL related files are installed to here. check out ICL to c:\ICL\src the trunk: everything Download some important dependencies: ===================================== pthread (mandatory) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use your browser to get pthread for windows from get dll/x86/pthreadVC2.dll and store to C:\ICL\dependencies\pthread\bin\ get lib/x86/ptheradVC2.lib and store to c:\ICL\dependencies\pthread\lib\ get include/pthread.h and store to C:\ICL\dependencies\pthread\include Qt 5.5 (optional but strongly recommended) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download Qt 5.5 (or maybe another newer or older version) using Qt's online installer: run the qt-online installer Chose the destination directory C:\ICL\dependencies\qt Deselect all but a single Qt version (e.g. only 5.5) In the chosen version, deselect all builds except for msvc2013 32Bit Deselect all extra packages, such as QtCanvas3D, Qt3D, Qt Script etc. Deselect Qt Extras You cannot deselect the installation of the QtCreator, so simply install it then :-) Glew (mandatory extra dependency for Qt) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download glew, e.g. from sourceforce: unpack to C:\ICL\dependencies\glew-1.12.0 (or similar if the version is different) Configure Build using CMake =========================== cmake.exe should be in you path, if not, you'll have to use an absolute path in the commandline or you'll have to add the containing directory to your bin directory Open command line Window+R cmd -> ENTER > cd c:\ICL\src\trunk [or branches\some-branch or something] > mkdir build > cd build > cmake-gui .. This opens the cmake gui Click on configure and select "Visual Studi 12 2013" (no arm and no 64bit here!) Check "Use Default native Compilers" Click finish before we start: ensure to set some default configuration values check BUILD_APPS, BUILD_DEMOS and BUILD_DEMOS if you need them set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to somewhere, where you'll have writing permissions please note that you can also leave it at the default value "C:/Program Files (x86)/ICL" if you simply create that folder manually and grant yourself writing permissions to that folder (using right click etc.). It is also recommended to check all BUILD_WITH_SSE* flags. Set up pthreadVC2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This results in a error and your CMake-GUI's main parameter list gets a red background As the system cannot find the pthread library Set variable PTHREADS_INCLUDE_DIR to c:/ICL/dependencies/pthread/include Set variable pthreadVC2_LIBRARY to C:/ICL/dependencies/pthread/lib/pthreadVC2.lib presss configure again There should be warnings, but no errros and the configuration should exit with "Configuring done" Set up Qt 5.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ check BUILD_WITH_QT click "add Entry" (upper left) add Entry QT_ROOT, type string, value C:\ICL\dependencies\qt\5.5\msvc2013 click configure (this results in errors, but also in some new entries) set GLEW_ROOT to C:/ICL/dependencies/glew-1.12.0 set GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR to C:/ICL/dependencies/glew-1.12.0/include check "advanced" view set OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Lib\OpenGL32.lib set OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Lib\GlU32.lib press configure again This should now also exit successfully with "Configuring done" Generate the msvc-files by pressing "generate" Import the project to Visual Studio Express 2013 and Combile it =============================================================== Open Visual studio Choose "Open Project" And then open C:\ICL\src\trunk\build\ICL (or the svn branch/tag that you chose) Chose the build type (debug or release) hit F7 to build the project Once everything build correctly, right click on INSTALL in the project explorer and chose build if you get an error that starts with "the command setlocal ...", you dont have the permission to install ICL into the specified CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. You can either adapt the install prefix in cmake-gui or you can simply create the already specified target folder "C:/Program Files (x86)/ICL" and grant yourself writing permissions to that folder. Once, the library is installed, you should acually be able to start programs. However, you must ensure adapting the PATH-environment variable so that the runtime linker can actually find all the libraries: To this end go to Start-Menu->Computer->RightClick->Properties then click "advanced settings" (or similar) Click Environment-Variables Select Path in the lower list and click edit append C:\ICL\dependencies\glew-1.12.0\bin\Release\Win32 C:\ICL\dependencies\pthread\bin C:\ICL\dependencies\qt\5.5\msvc2013\bin C:\Program Files (x86)\ICL\bin (or the installation prefix that you chose) (delimited with semikolons) Installation and Enabling of further dependencies ================================================= Bullet ~~~~~~ * download bullet source and unpack * use cmd and go to the unpacked folder > cd C:\path\to\folder\bullet3-2.83.5 > mkdir build > cd build > cmake-gui .. * press configure (select your visual studio version) * uncheck BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, BUILD_BULLET3, BUILD_BULLET2_DEMOS, BUILD_CPU_DEMOS, BUILD_OPENGL3_DEMOS, BUILD_UNIT_TESTS * press configure first, then press generate * import project to visual studio (open visual studio, hit "open project" and select the visual studio file from the build-folder, you just created) * select Release-Win32 build and compile everything (by pressing F7) * create C:\Program Files (x86)\BULLET_PHYSICS and grant yourself writing permissions * right click INSTALL in the msvc-project-folder-explorer and chose compile * go back to ICL's cmake-gui * check BUILD_WITH_BULLET * add new entry BULLET_ROOT of type string and set value to C:\Program Files (x86)\BULLET_PHYSICS * click configure and the generate OpenCV (3.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * download and unpack opencv for windows (