/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2013 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLGeom/apps/show-scene/compute-relative-camera- ** ** transform.cpp ** ** Module : ICLGeom ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ** ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the license requirements will ** ** be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include Mat compute_relative_transform(const Camera &s, const Camera &d){ Mat ms = s.getInvCSTransformationMatrix(); Mat md = d.getInvCSTransformationMatrix(); // Mat rel = d.getInvCSTransformationMatrix() * s.getCSTransformationMatrix(); Mat3 Rs = ms.part<0,0,3,3>(); Mat3 Rd = md.part<0,0,3,3>(); Vec3 Ts = ms.part<3,0,1,3>(); Vec3 Td = md.part<3,0,1,3>(); Mat3 Rrel = Rs.transp() * Rd; Vec3 Trel = Td - Ts; Mat T = Rrel.resize<4,4>(0); T.col(3) = Trel.resize<1,4>(1); return T; } std::ostream &out(){ if(pa("-o")){ static std::ofstream s((*pa("-o")).c_str()); return s; }else{ return std::cout; } } int main(int n, char**ppc){ pa_init(n,ppc, "-compute-transform|-c(src-xml-file,dst-xml-file) " "-add-transform|-a(src-xml-file,transform-output-file) " "-add-camera-template|-t(xml-file) " "-output-file|-o(filename) -how-to|-explain|-?"); if(pa("-how-to")){ #define say(x) std::cout << x << std::endl say("This tool allows relative camera tranformations to be caculated, and to"); say("apply a resulting relative camera transform to another camera. Here's an"); say("example:"); say("We assume that we have a low resolution C1 camera, that cannot be calibrated"); say("well. In order to perform the calibration, we can however, rigidly attach"); say("another camera C2 that has a better resolution so it can be calibrated more"); say("easily. Now, in a very special setup, with an optimal positioning of the"); say("two rigidly mounted cameras wrt. a calibration object, we assume the "); say("calibration to be possible, which results in two calibration files C1.xml"); say("and C2.xml. In a real setup, we now want to only calibrate the high resolution"); say("camera C2 in order to then compute the resulting position of C1. To this end,"); say("firstly the relative transform between C1 and C2 has to be extracted. This is"); say("achieved by using compute-relative-camera-transform with the -c argument:"); say(""); say("compute-relative-camera-transform -c C2.xml C1.xml -o rel.dat"); say(""); say("This will compute the relative transformation from C2 to C1 and store the"); say("result in a file named rel.dat. Subsequently, the two cameras can be mounted"); say("in the real setup. In this step, it is very important that the relative"); say("transform between the two cameras is not altered. In the new setup, the"); say("high-resolution camera is calibrated resulting in a calibration file C2s.xml."); say("Now, all data to assemble the calibration file for the low-resolution camera,"); say("C1s.xml is available. To this end, compute-relative-camera-transform is called"); say("with the -a sub-argument:"); say(""); say("compute-relative-camera-transform -a C2s.xml rel.dat -o C1s.xml -t C1.xml"); say(""); say("This will extract the extrinsic camera transform of C2 and add the relative"); say("transform defined in rel.dat to it. The result is written to C1s.xml."); say("In this case, we use the -t argument to provide a template configuration"); say("for the resulting camera, so that the intrinsic parameters of C1s.xml are"); say("identical to those of C1.xml. If -t is not used, the resulting camera will"); say("use the intrinsic parameters of the given source camera -- here, C2s.xml"); return 0; } if(pa("-c")){ Mat T = compute_relative_transform(Camera(*pa("-c",0)), Camera(*pa("-c",1))); out() << T << std::endl; }else if(pa("-a")){ Camera c(*pa("-a")); std::ifstream str((*pa("-a",1)).c_str()); Mat T; str >> T; Mat Tcur = c.getInvCSTransformationMatrix(); Mat3 Rcur = Tcur.part<0,0,3,3>(); Vec Pcur = Tcur.part<3,0,1,4>(); Mat3 Rrel = T.part<0,0,3,3>(); Vec Prel = T.part<3,0,1,4>(); if(pa("-t")){ c = Camera(*pa("-t")); } Mat3 Rnew = Rcur * Rrel; Vec Pnew = Pcur + Prel; c.setPosition(Pnew); c.setRotation(Rnew.transp()); Mat Tnew = compute_relative_transform(Camera(*pa("-a")),c); std::cout << "transformation error matrix: " << std::endl << (Tnew - T) << std::endl; out() << c << std::endl; } }