/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2013 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLMarkers/apps/camera-calibration/CameraCalibration ** ** Utils.h ** ** Module : ICLMarkers ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ** ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the license requirements will ** ** be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ namespace markers{ /// special utility class that provices outsource functions and types for the camera-calibration app struct CameraCalibrationUtils{ /// A PossibleMarker is a marker prototype that could be detected struct PossibleMarker{ PossibleMarker():loaded(false){} PossibleMarker(int cfgFileIndex,const geom::Vec &v):loaded(true),center(v),hasCorners(false),cfgFileIndex(cfgFileIndex),gridIdx(-1){} PossibleMarker(int cfgFileIndex,const geom::Vec &v, const geom::Vec &a, const geom::Vec &b, const geom::Vec &c, const geom::Vec &d): loaded(true),center(v),hasCorners(true),cfgFileIndex(cfgFileIndex),gridIdx(-1){ corners[0] = a; corners[1] = b; corners[2] = c; corners[3] = d; } bool loaded; geom::Vec center; bool hasCorners; geom::Vec corners[4]; int cfgFileIndex; int gridIdx; }; /// special utility class that implements saving the best of a number of calibration results struct BestOfNSaver : public QObject, public utils::Lockable{ std::vector cams; std::vector errors; int n; int num_end; bool inited; std::string filename; float lastBestError; std::string lastFileName; float runningBestError; utils::Function nFramesSource; BestOfNSaver(utils::Function nFramesSource); virtual bool event(QEvent *event); void init(); void stop(); std::pair next_hook(const geom::Camera &cam, float error); }; /// supported marker types (actually only BCH really makes sense) enum MarkerType { BCH, AMOEBA }; /// A named transform can be provided in the calibration object definition file /** Named transforms are used to rotate and translate the calibration object origin frame */ struct NamedTransform{ NamedTransform(){} NamedTransform(const std::string &name,const geom::Mat &t): name(name),transform(t){} std::string name; geom::Mat transform; }; /// MarkerGrids are used to more simply define a 2D-aligned grid of markers attached to a calibration object struct MarkerGrid{ math::Vec3 offset; math::Vec3 dx; math::Vec3 dy; utils::Size dim; utils::Size32f markerSize; std::vector markerIDs; MarkerType type; int getDim() const { return dim.width * dim.height; } utils::Point getCell(int id) const; utils::Point getCellFromCellIdx(int cellIdx) const; int getCellIdx(int id) const; }; /// represents the parsed content of an XML-calibration object description file struct CalibFile{ std::string filename; std::vector transforms; geom::SceneObject* obj; std::vector grids; }; /// represents a marker that was actaully found in the calibration process struct FoundMarker{ FoundMarker(){} FoundMarker(int markerID, const PossibleMarker *possible, MarkerType t, markers::Fiducial fid, const utils::Point32f &imagePos, const geom::Vec &worldPos, int cfgFileIndex): id(markerID),possible(possible),type(t),fid(fid),imagePos(imagePos),worldPos(worldPos),hasCorners(false), cfgFileIndex(cfgFileIndex){} FoundMarker(int markerID, const PossibleMarker *possible, MarkerType t, markers::Fiducial fid, const utils::Point32f &imagePos, const geom::Vec &worldPos, const utils::Point32f imageCornerPositions[4], const geom::Vec worldCornerPositions[4], int cfgFileIndex): id(markerID), possible(possible), type(t), fid(fid),imagePos(imagePos),worldPos(worldPos),hasCorners(true),cfgFileIndex(cfgFileIndex){ std::copy(imageCornerPositions,imageCornerPositions+4,this->imageCornerPositions); std::copy(worldCornerPositions,worldCornerPositions+4,this->worldCornerPositions); } int id; const PossibleMarker *possible; MarkerType type; markers::Fiducial fid; utils::Point32f imagePos; geom::Vec worldPos; bool hasCorners; utils::Point32f imageCornerPositions[4]; geom::Vec worldCornerPositions[4]; int cfgFileIndex; }; /// accumulates a combination of data needed for the calibration application struct CalibFileData{ qt::GUI objGUI; utils::SmartPtr fds[2]; std::vector possible[2]; std::vector configurables; std::string iin; // comma-sep. string list markers::FiducialDetector *lastFD; // used for visualization geom::SceneObject *planeObj; std::vector loadedFiles; CalibFileData():lastFD(0),planeObj(0){ possible[0] = possible[1] = std::vector(4096); } }; /// describes a MarkerGrid for which at least a single marker was found struct DetectedGrid{ DetectedGrid(); operator bool() const; const MarkerGrid *realGrid; std::vector foundMarkers; void setup(const MarkerGrid *realGrid); int numFound() const; geom::Mat estimatePose(const geom::Camera &cam) const; void getGridCornersAndTexture(const geom::Camera &cam, std::vector &points, std::vector &lines, utils::Size32f &size, const utils::Rect &bounds) const; }; /// accumulates all data that is provided by a single calibration call /** Some data, such as camera calibration parameters are returned though the given arguments */ struct CalibrationResult{ float error; std::string status; int saveRemainingFrames; float saveBestError; }; /// actually performs the camera calibration static CalibrationResult perform_calibration(const std::vector &markers, const std::vector &enabledCfgFiles, const std::vector &Ts, const geom::Mat &Trel, const utils::Size &imageSize, bool &deactivatedCenters, bool useCorners, bool normalizeError, BestOfNSaver *saver, bool &haveAnyCalibration, geom::Scene &scene); /// parses a camera calibration file static CalibFile parse_calib_file(const std::string &filename, int calibrationFileIndex, CalibFileData &data); /// adapts the camera calibration help-indicator plane static void change_plane(const std::string &handle, qt::GUI &planeOptionGUI, geom::Scene &scene, CalibFileData &calibFileData); /// creates a simple template for a calibration object description file static const std::string &create_sample_calibration_file_content(); /// creates a new FiducialDetector (used for the camera calibration app) static FiducialDetector *create_new_fd(MarkerType t, std::vector &configurables, std::string &iin, const utils::Size *imageSize=0); /// returns the output-filename (either from a given program-argument or by spawning a dialog) static std::string get_save_filename(const std::string &progArgName); /// saves the calibration result static void save_cam_filename(geom::Camera cam, const std::string &outputSizeProgArg, const std::string &filename); /// saves the calibration result (using program argument for the definition of the output filename) static void save_cam_pa(const geom::Camera &cam, const std::string &outputSizeProgArg, const std::string &outputFileNameProgArg); /// utility method that visualizes markers that were found in the calibration loop static void visualize_found_markers(qt::DrawHandle3D &draw, const std::vector &markers, const std::vector &enabled, bool deactivatedCenters, bool useCorners); /// detects markers in the source image static std::vector detect_markers(const core::ImgBase *image, CalibFileData &calibFileData); /// visualizes the help-indicator plane (if required) static void visualize_plane(qt::DrawHandle3D &draw, const std::string &planeDim, float planeOffset, const utils::Point32f ¤tMousePos, geom::Scene &scene); /// performs the image preprocessing (based on program args) static const core::ImgBase *preprocess(const core::ImgBase *image); }; } }