.. include:: ../js.rst .. _howto.camcalib: ################## Camera Calibration ################## ICL provides a very intuitive tool for camera calibration. While common tools, such as OpenCV's camera calibration tool or the Matlab camera calibration tool-box, use a checker-board, that has to be presented in many different orientation to the camera, ICL performs camera calibration in a *one shot* manner. By using a 3D calibration object and by assuming lens-distortion correction to be performed independently (see below), accurate camera calibration can actually be performed in real-time. Given a well described and accurately built calibration object, camera calibration is performed in less then one minute. In order to bypass detection issues, ICL's camera calibration tool makes use of ICL's built-in fiducial marker detection toolbox. The calibration object needs to be augmented with a set of fiducial markers that can be detected with a high reliability and high accuracy. The calibration prodecure produces a camera description xml file, which is used to instantiatiate the :icl:`geom::Camera` class. The camera class is used for ICL's 3D computer vision tools located in the :icl:`icl::geom` package. The calibration toolbox implicitly includes calibration of multi camera environments. To this end, each camera can simply be calibrated seperately, each resulting in a portable and human readable xml description file. Since Kinect (consisting of a depth and color camera) can basically also be seen as a stereo camera system, ICL implicitly supports RGB-D calibration allowing to compute the mapping between Kinects color and depth image. .. note:: Usually Kinects depth-camera is calibrated by exploiting the fact that Kinect also allows to grab the camera's intensity (IR) image. In contrast to the depth image, the intensity images also allows fiducial markers to be detected just like in common gray-scale or color images. Table of Contents """"""""""""""""" * :ref:`howtos.calib.distortion` * :ref:`howtos.calib.object` * :ref:`howtos.calib.application` * :ref:`howtos.calib.kinect` .. _howtos.calib.distortion: Image Undistortion (Lens distortion correction) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ICL explicitly distinguishes between *camera calibration* and *correction of lens distortion*. While camera calibration only builds on projective geometry, lens distortion can only be modeled in a non-linear manner leading to several issues in former processing steps. Therefore, ICL explicitly assumes lens distortion to be corrected **before** camera calibration is approached. The ICL application **icl-opencv-calib**, located in the **Geom** module provides the necessary functionality to obtain appropriate parameters for lens distortion correction. Internally this wraps OpenCV's calibration functions, but we plan to provide a native built-in tool for lens distortion correction in the future. For **icl-opencv-calib**, a common checkerboard image is needed. In order to obtain optimal calibration results, the image of the checkerboard must be printed out and attached to a very planar surface. Alternatively, the images could also be displayed on another computer screen, so that it is visible by the camera. .. note:: The checkerboard dimensions, that need to be given to the program refer to the amount of inner checkerboard edges, so usually one less then the intuitive number of x and y cells. In order to initiate the tool, just run it with an approriate parameter set, e.g.:: icl-opencv-calib -i dc800 0 -cbs 6x9 -m 20 This uses the first fire-wire device, a 6 by 9 checkerboard and a set of 20 reference images for calibration. Here is a screenshot of the application running: .. image:: images/opencv-calib-screenshot.jpg :alt: shadow :scale: 50% Once enough frames are collected, the application will automatically start the calibration procedure, resulting in the estimation of intrinsic camera parameters, which can be split into two sets: 1. Parameters describing the projective camera geometry (focal length in x and y direction, and principal point offset of the camera, and skew -- which is always 0 here). 2. Parameters describing the compensation of lens distortion. Here, we use the standard model described by 5 scalar parameters k1, ..., k5 However, it turned out, that the estimation of these projective geometry parameters is more accurate when using a 3D calibration object, which is why these parameters are estimated and also saved, but not used in the further steps of the processing pipeline. Pressing the *save parameters* button pops up a file dialog, which allows the destimation xml file to be selected. The resulting file looks like this one: .. literalinclude:: files/udist.xml :language: xml Once an undistortion parameter file is available (e.g. called **udist.xml**), it can be passed to all ICL-applications that use the :icl:`io::GenericGrabber` (see also :ref:`io.generic-grabber`) for images acquistion. Usually ICL applications use the generic grabber in combination with ICL's program argument evaluation toolkit (see also :ref:`utils.pa` and/or :ref:`this code example`). These applications most of the time provide an input argument **-input** which allows two additional parameters to be passed e.g.:: icl-viewer -input dc800 0 Here, the first *sub-argument* **dc800** selects a grabber backend, which is fire-wire-800 in the present example, and the second sub-argument selects a device from that backend (here, the 1st one found -- at index 0). As explained :ref:`here`, the second sub-argument can be augmented with additional parameters of shape **@name=value** that are then passed to the underlying grabber implementation. As a generic feature, all backends support the parameter **@udist=udist-xml-file**, so using the created file **udist.xml** with our **icl-viewer** application would work like:: icl-viewer -input dc800 0@udist=./udist.xml When using a camera with significant lens distortion, it is strongly recommended to acquire undistortion parameters **before** approaching the actual camera calibration step, since this assumes undistorted images to be used as input. .. _howtos.calib.object: The Calibration Object and its XML-based description """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Before the actual camera calibration can be performed, a calibration object needs to be constructed. The calibration object is then augmented with fiducial markers that can be be detected robustly with ICL's marker detection toolbox. It is very important to mention that the calibration object needs to be a real 3D shape, e.g. the fiducial markers must not be located on a coplanar surface only. It is recommended to construct *something like a wooden angle with a 90 degree corner*, but all shapes, with known surface geometry are possible. Once the Object is built, fiducial marker can be attached to the object. Each fiducial marker will provide a image-to-world point correspondence, needed for the calibration step, so the more markers are used, the better the calibration result that can be obtained. As a minimum 8 markers are needed, however, it needs to be taken into account, that if only 8 markers are attached to the calibration object, all markers must be detected. If more markers are used, the calibration process will be faster and more accurate. Each marker that is attached to the object later needs to be described geometrically w.r.t. an arbitrary, but (for all markers) fixed calibration object coordinate frame. For each 2D marker the following properties need to be defined: * marker size in mm * marker offset to the object frame * the fiducial marker type and ID In order to facilitate the definition of a calibration object with many markers, it is also possible to arrange sub-sets of the markers in a regular 2D grid aligned coplanar in the object space. In this case, the whole grid of markers can be described at once by: * marker size is mm * grid dimensions W x H * offset of the upper left marker's center in object coordinates * displacement vector between two marker centers in x-grid-direction (given in object coordinates) * the same for the y-grid-direction This allows a large set of marker to be defined at once. Markers defined within a grid description also have a large advantages. Due to the fact that they have a well defined x and y direction, the given size information can be used to derive the object-coordinates of each of the markers corners. This then allows the system to not only use the marker center as a known object-to-world correspondence, but also its four corners, resulting in a much higher key-point density. .. note:: Also single markers can be defined as a 1 by 1 grid. In this case, only the normal direction of the given x and y displacement vectors are used to derive the object coordinates of the marker corners. By these means, the marker corners can also be used for markers that are not part of a larger grid A single calibration object can consist of several grid definitions and also several single marker definitions, that are then all used for calibration. In addition to the definition of markers attached to the calibration object, a set of suggested object-to-world transforms can be provided. Each suggested world transform can then later be selected from a combo-box at run-time. For the typical triangularly shaped calibration objects these suggestions usually provide an initial rotation of the object so that it can be put standing upwards into the scene. But also an offset between the object and the desired world-frame can be defined here. Alternatively, the object-to-world transform can also be defined interactively at run-time, but it is recommended to do this only if the desired object-to-world transform is not available. The GUI allows for printing the manually defined object-to-world transform, so that it can be copy-and-pasted into the calibration object file in case the calibration needs to be performed again at a later point in time. Last but not least, the calibration object definition file can contain data that defines the geometry of the calibration object in .obj file format. This is then read by the calibration application, which allows to directly render the calibration object geometry using the estimated/calibrated camera parameters as an image overlay in real-time. .. note:: Please note that the accuracy of the description/measurement of the marker layout is directly linked to the accuracy of the calibration result. and .. note:: Due to their outstanding accuracy, it is strongly recommended to use BCH code markers (see :ref:`markers.supported.bch`) Calibration Object Examples '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In order to provide a better understanding of what is mentioned here, two examples are presented. +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | .. image:: images/calib-obj-large.jpg | .. image:: images/calib-obj-huge.jpg | | :alt: shadow | :alt: shadow | | :scale: 50% | :scale: 50% | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Our first calibration object. The | Second calibration object example. | | object consists of two planks of wood | The object was professionally designed | | attached to each other in a 90 deg | using CAD software and optimized with | | angle. The faces are 300 by 430 mm | respect to several regards in | | (*banana for scale*) | comparison to our first design. | | | | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ **First Example** (:download:`download xml file here`) The calibration object description file uses ICLs config-file class (see :icl:`ConfigFile` and :ref:`config-file-tutorial`), which uses a special xml- based format. Due to its very regular shape, the object's markers can well be described by 8 grids of markers -- two for each face (The invisible back-faces are covered with markers as well). The reason why each face is not represented by a single grid is that the markers were printed on A4 self-sticking labels that we were not able to 100%ly align into a single regular grid of markers. In the first sections, the marker layout is presented. It is important to mention that the grids need to be successively enumerated (**grid-0**, **grid-1**, ...). The marker IDs can either be a continuous range [start,end] or a list of marker IDs {a,b,c, ...}. The IDs are assumed to be distributed in row-major order (row by row, from left to right) to the grid. The following sections then define a set of suggested object- to-world transforms. Each again successively enumerated. Each transform is also given a unique name, that will later become a combo-box entry in the calibration application's GUI. If no world transforms are given an identity transform is automatically provided but if there are suggested transforms, it is usually not the worst idea to also provide an identity transform that then can manually be selected in the GUI. The last section contains the .obj file description for the object geometry. Even though this is purely optional, it is strongly recommended to use this feature, because it significantly facilitates the manual evaluation of the current calibration results. **Second Example** (:download:`download xml file here`) The most important difference is the much higher manufacturing accuracy reached by a better design and material (PVC). * by adding *the sides* of the object, strong angle deformations are avoided * an additional supporting bar at the otherwise open bottom side provides additional stability and shape accuracy and also works as a handle of the object * the *fields* where the markers are attached are predefined by using high precision *flutes* added with a CNC milling cutter * each marker is still attached manually, but not as part of a single A4 sheet of self-sticking paper. Instead, each marker was added separately. By these means, small errors in manually attaching the markers do not lead to *general drift* (when sticking a whole grid slightly rotated onto the object, all markers are wrong into the same direction), but small errors can be assumed to compensate each other mutatively. The structure of the corresponding description file is comparable to the first one, but it also demonstrates how to add single markers and also the side faces are more complex to describe. Since single markers do not provide a direction, they only provide a single point 2D/3D point correspondence to the calibration procedure. By defining the markers as a 1 by 1 marker grid, also a direction can be given allowing to also use the 4 marker corners as point correspondences. While the square top faces result in large regular grids, the front and back-face definition required a little hack. Rather than defining the faces by many single markers, they were defined by a 5 by 5 marker grid each, where the missing marker IDs are simply not used. .. todo:: add a helper application that can provide images of an artificial calibration object .. note:: the marker ID order is known to be a bit strange .. _howtos.calib.application: ICL's camera calibration application """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Once a calibration object is available, it can be used for fast camera calibration. The application we need for this is called **icl-camera-calibration**. The application knows several input arguments that will be presented in the following. A standard way to start the application would look like this:: icl-camera-calibration -i dc800 0 -c ./calib-obj.xml This would start the calibration application acquiring images from the first firewire 800 device using the calibration object described in **./calib-obj.xml**. .. note:: In case of the need for a prior lens undistortion (see :ref:`howtos.calib.distortion`) the resulting parameter file (e.g. called **udist.xml**) would have to be passed to the fire-wire backend used by **icl-camera-calibration**. E.g:: icl-camera-calibration -i dc800 0@udist=./udist.xml -c calib-obj.xml However, for this tutorial, a single image (a png version of the one shown above) of our more sophisticated calibration object is used. An image can also be used as input by selecting the *file grabber* image input backend:: icl-camera-calibration -i file myImage.png -c calib-obj.xml When the application starts, the resulting GUI looks like this .. image:: images/calib-1.jpg :alt: shadow The GUI provides several features: * **visualized image** here, you can select which image of the processing pipeline you want to see in the left images display component. Possible options are *input*, which shows the real input image, *pp*, which shows an intermediate image after the preprocessing step (usually gray) and *binary* which shows a binary version of the input image. The binary image is actually used internally for fiducial marker detection. * **object-alpha** allows the transparency of the object's geometry overlay to be adapted. For a solid object visualization, the alpha value must be set to 255. .. note:: setting the alpha value to 0 allows for *looking through the object*, which is sometimes necessary to see a coordinate frame that occurs behind the virtual object. Due to the fact, that the used OpenGL does not support real transparency handling even a partly transparent object would not allow to see through it * **use corners** defines whether to use marker corners or only marker centers. Actually, it is strongly recommended to always leave this checked. When internally solving the equations for camera calibration, using the corners sometimes lead to worse solutions -- most of the time only when already enough marker centers are available. In this case the system will automatically not use the corners internally * **show CS** visualized the current world coordinate frame. If the object-to-world transform is *identity* this will be equal to the local calibration object coordinate frame * **more options.plane** here, an artificial plane visualized as a 2D grid) can be added to the rendered scene overlay. An extra dialog that pops up allows the plane normal, the size and the color of the plane to be adapted. Once a plane is added, the mouse can be used to point at that plane in order to visualize the estimated 3D coordinate of the intersection between the plane and the view-ray estimated from the current camera calibration result and the mouse pointer. This feature becomes very handy when trying to estimate the real quality of the calibration result. You can e.g. measure a real distance or a known key point in the world and then point at that point in order to directly see the point's estimated 3D position, which should in an optimal case be identical to the known 3D position. .. image:: images/calib-2.jpg :alt: shadow The image shows an example of a grid, visualized as an overlay of the *pp* image. * **more options.markers** This is actually the most complex and sometimes also important set of properties that can be adjusted. The extra GUI that pops up allows for setting all properties necessary for the marker detection. Usually, these parameters are adapted after switching the the *binary* image. The most common parameters that have to be manually tuned here are the ones in the *thresh* tab, which define the mask size and the global threshold for the used :icl:`filter::LocalThresholdOp` instance. By adapting these parameters, it usually becomes possible to detect more markers, which then directly improves the calibration result. .. note:: It is not the worst idea to optimize your calibration outcome by trying to find the parameter set that leads to a maximum number of detected markers. In contrast, tuning the parameters in order to make the **error** become as small as possible does not really make sense. For the calibration result, it is very important that 1. as many markers as possible are detected 2. the detected markers are well distributed over at least two non-coplanar surfaces of the calibration object 3. the markers of the detected object cover a large part of the actual 2D image (optimally > 80%) and optimall reach into the corners of the image * **more options.rel. Transf** shows an extra GUI that allows an additional object-to-world transform to be adapted. This is also the tool of your choice to add object-to-world transforms to the object description file. You can either start with an already defined transform (by selecting this in the combo-box below) or you can start with the identity transform. If we call this **T1**, the relative transform **TR** will also be pre-multiplied to get the actually used transform (**TR T1**) that defines the world-coordinates of the object's reference points. Once an appropriate transform is defined, the pop-up GUI allows for printing the current transforms (both, **TR** and **TR T1**), which can then be copy-and-pasted into the object description file and once it is endowed with an appropriate name, it can be selected in the transform selection combo box. .. note:: for this, the application has to be restarted * **calibration objects** Here, it becomes clear, that the application can actuall handle an arbitrary number of calibration objects at once (simply pass several calibration object files at once to the **-c** program arguments, but ensure that the used marker sets do not overlap to avoid random behaviour). When each of the calibration objects is a set up with an appropriate (and compatible transform), the union of all reference points it used for calibration. .. note:: please ensure that the actual relative transform between different calibration objects use is well defined, since little relative displacements will significantly decrease the calibration quality For each selected calibration object (checkbox checked, a predefined object-to-world transfrorm can be defined. * **error and detection status** This simply shows an average object detection error. The error is given by the square error of references points (in image space) and their virtual camera projects when using the currently estimated camera parameters. Normalizing the error* will normalize this value by to the number of actually found markers -- otherwise, less detected markers would result in a smaller errro. Saving the calibration Result ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Once an appropriate calibration result is obtained, the resulting camera description can be saved using the **save** button. This will raise a file-dialog for selecting an output **.xml** file. When starting **icl-camera-calibration** with the program argument **-o /tmp/myCalib.xml**, the file dialog is suppressed and the passed output file is used .. note:: When using **-o filename**, the system will not ask before overwriting files. How can the result be used ? '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The resulting XML file can be used in combination with the :ref:`ICLGeom` module. There are basically two main purposes for the :icl:`geom::Camera`: visualization and 3D-vision. As for visualization, the Camera class, which can be instantiated from a given calibration result **.xml** file, is directly linked to ICL's :ref:`Scene Graph Framework`. The main goal here was to provide a very simple way to * calibrate a real camera device **C** * obtain the calibration result * use the calibration result as a *virtual camera* * create a *virtual scene* * add the virtual camera to the virtual scene * add virtual objects * render the virtual scene on top of an image stream acquired from **C** In this case, virtual and real objects should perfectly overlap if they are located at the same position (the real object in the real world, and the virtual object in the virtual world). ICL's visualization framework provides exactly this in a very intuitive manner at it even allows for zooming and panning of the view while preserving the images' aspect ratio. Please also see :ref:`geom.overlay`. .. _howtos.calib.kinect: Calibrating Kinect and Kinect-Like Devices """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" When using the Microsoft Kinect Camera, or other comparable devices, that consist of a depth and a color camera, an important feature is RGB-D calibration, which means to calibrate the used Color and Depth camera. The actual issue is the determination of the parameters, that provide the pixel-location of a given depth image pixel in the corresponding color image. Since the cameras' view axes are not identical, a small non-static offset between the the two image spaces exists. +-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: images/kinect-pc-uncalibrated.jpg | PointCloud visualization extracted from | | :alt: shadow | an uncalibrated kinect device. If you have | | | a kinect attached to your computer, you can | | | generate such a visualization e.g. with:: | | | | | | icl-point-cloud-viewer -pci dcam kinectd,0,DEFAULT,kinectc,0,DEFAULT | | | | | | As one can see, the color mapping is not correct. This becomes | | | very obvious for the part with the human hand. | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Step by step RGB-D calibration of a Kinect device ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The mapping between the two cameras can easily be estimated by simply calibrating both kinect cameras separately in two calibration steps -- one for each camera. For this is is very **important** to not move the camera or the calibration object between the two calibration steps. 1. Calibrate the color camera (using the calibration object description file, which is here located in the current directory):: icl-camera-calibration -input kinectc 0 -c calib-obj-huge.xml -o color.xml .. image:: images/kinect-calib-color.jpg :alt: shadow :scale: 60% The result is the xml-file **color.xml** which describes the parameters of the kinect color camera. If you are only interested in the mapping between color and depth camera, the actually used *object-to-world* transform is completely irrelevant, but is must of course be identical in the two calibration steps 2. Calibrate the depth camera. This step is actually a bit more tricky, since the markers on the calibration object can not be detected in the depth image. However, since it is known, that the depth image is computed on the basis of the *IR-intensity image*, which can also be accessed from the kinect camera, this is still possible. The only drawback, when calibrating on the basis of the intensity image, is that the actively emitted *IR speckle pattern* makes marker detection more difficult and potentially less accurate. While this effect becomes negligible in case of using a large calibration object with large markers (Due to the minimal viewing distance of kinect of about 70cm, smaller objects with smaller markers cannot simply be placed closer to the camera), smaller markers can quickly become undetectable by the system:: icl-camera-calibration -input kinecti 0 -c calib-obj-huge.xml -o depth.xml .. image:: images/kinect-calib-intensity.jpg :alt: shadow :scale: 60% As one can see, smaller markers are detected much worse in the noisy intensity images. .. note:: The speckle pattern can sometimes be too strong for robust marker detection. In this case, adapting the marker detection parameters can lead to acceptable results. In addition, we found out, that temporarily covering the Kinect's IR-speckle pattern emitter with one or even two layers of transparent plastic foil (e.g. from a transparent bag or a clear plastic folder) diffuses the emitted speckle pattern significantly. This can help to strongly increase the marker detection result, which, in turn, also improves the calibration result. +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: images/kinect-pc-calibrated.jpg | Once the two calibration files (here, **depth.xml** and **color.xml**) | | :alt: shadow | are available, the :icl:`geom::GenericPointCloudGrabber` that is | | | recommended to be used for point cloud input can be set up to use the | | | calibration result. As an example, we can again use the | | | **icl-point-cloud-viewer** application, which was already used before to | | | visualize the erroneous RGB-D calibration:: | | | | | | icl-point-cloud-viewer -pci dcam kinectd,0,depth.xml,kinectc,0,color.xml | | | | | | As one can see, the color and the depth images are now impressingly well | | | alligned. | | | | | | .. note:: | | | | | | Please keep in mind, that perfect aligment/mapping from color to depth | | | image is not always possible. In case of having more than one *object | | | layer*, the coloring of the back layers/background cannot be 100% | | | perfect, since the color of object parts that are visible by the depth | | | camera, but occluded in the color camera image will be taken from the | | | object that *occludes* the other one | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Calibrating Kinect with lower Resolution '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In many applications, the Kinect's depth images is not used in its maximum resolution (VGA), but only in QVGA resolution (320 by 240). This is due to the fact, that the additional amount of pixels (4 times as many) when using full VGA resolution does not scale well to the additional amount of information obtained when using VGA rather than QVGA. Due to the method that is used to computed Kinect's depth image, many sources argue that Kinect internally does not support more than QVGA resolution and the VGA image is basically and intelligently up-scaled version of this. Only by reducing the resolution to QVGA, many point cloud processing applications obtain real-time capabilities. However, using ICL's calibration pipeline sketched above for Kinect with QVGA resolution usually leads to difficulties when calibrating the depth camera from the QVGA-intensity images. Here, often the visible speckle pattern becomes too strong leading to an impossible or very inaccurate calibration. In order to avoid these issues, the camera calibration application provides an option to calibrate a camera with a higher images size and then to internally artificially downscale the resulting calibrated camera's resolution to a given one. In case of the kinect camera, this could be done with:: icl-camera-calibration -input kinectc 0 -c calib-obj-huge.xml -o color.xml -os QVGA icl-camera-calibration -input kinecti 0 -c calib-obj-huge.xml -o depth.xml -os QVGA The given output-size (arg **-os**) is then used for the resulting camera parameter **.xml** file. This feature can of course also be used for normal cameras. .. note:: This only leads to useful results, if the used camera images the one of larger resolution that is used for calibration and the one with the smaller target resolution are actually down-scaled versions of each other. If a camera (e.g. the Point Grey Flea2G) uses only a part of the full image when the image size is adapted, the calibration does not work with the **-os** argument.