/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2013 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLMarkers/apps/camera-calibration/CameraCalibration ** ** Utils.cpp ** ** Module : ICLMarkers ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ** ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the license requirements will ** ** be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** ********************************************************************/ #include "CameraCalibrationUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ namespace markers{ static inline Vec set_3_to_1(Vec a){ a[2] += 1; a[3] = 1; return a; } const std::string &CameraCalibrationUtils::create_sample_calibration_file_content(){ static const std::string sample= ("\n" " \n" "
\n" " (NumXCells)x(NumYCells)\n" " x,y,z\n" " dx1,dy1,dz1\n" " dx2,dy2,dz2\n" " amoeba|bch\n" " [minID,maxID]\n" "
\n" " \n" "\n" " \n" "
\n" " amoeba|bch\n" " x,y,z\n" " id\n" "
\n" " \n" "\n" " \n" "
\n" " example with z-offset of 100mm\n" " \n" " 1 0 0 0\n" " 0 1 0 0\n" " 0 0 1 100\n" " 0 0 0 1\n" " \n" "
\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "
\n"); return sample; } FiducialDetector *CameraCalibrationUtils::create_new_fd(MarkerType t, std::vector &configurables, std::string &iin, const utils::Size *size){ static const std::string ts[2] = {"bch","amoeba"}; FiducialDetector *fd = new FiducialDetector(ts[t]); fd->setConfigurableID(ts[t]); configurables.push_back(ts[t]); iin = fd->getIntermediateImageNames(); fd->setPropertyValue("css.angle-threshold",180); fd->setPropertyValue("css.curvature-cutoff",66); fd->setPropertyValue("css.rc-coefficient",1); fd->setPropertyValue("thresh.global threshold",-10); fd->setPropertyValue("thresh.mask size",30); if(size && size->getDim() <= utils::Size::QVGA.getDim()){ fd->setPropertyValue("pp.filter","none"); } return fd; } std::string CameraCalibrationUtils::get_save_filename(const std::string &progArgName){ if(pa(progArgName)){ return *pa(progArgName); }else{ try{ return saveFileDialog("*.xml","save current camera","./"); }catch(...){} } return ""; } void CameraCalibrationUtils::save_cam_filename(geom::Camera cam, const std::string &outputSizeProgArg, const std::string &filename){ if(filename.length()){ std::ofstream s(filename.c_str()); if(pa(outputSizeProgArg)){ Camera::RenderParams &r = cam.getRenderParams(); Size os = parse(*pa(outputSizeProgArg)); float fx = float(os.width) / float(r.chipSize.width); float fy = float(os.height) / float(r.chipSize.height); r.chipSize = os; cam.setSamplingResolutionX(cam.getSamplingResolutionX()*fx); cam.setSamplingResolutionY(cam.getSamplingResolutionY()*fy); cam.setPrincipalPointOffset(cam.getPrincipalPointOffsetX()*fx, cam.getPrincipalPointOffsetY()*fy); r.viewport = Rect(Point::null,os); } s << cam; } } void CameraCalibrationUtils::save_cam_pa(const geom::Camera &cam, const std::string &outputSizeProgArg, const std::string &outputFileNameProgArg){ std::string filename = get_save_filename(outputFileNameProgArg); save_cam_filename(cam,outputSizeProgArg,filename); } CameraCalibrationUtils::BestOfNSaver::BestOfNSaver(utils::Function nFramesSource): inited(false),nFramesSource(nFramesSource){} bool CameraCalibrationUtils::BestOfNSaver::event ( QEvent * event ){ ICLASSERT_RETURN_VAL(event,false); if(event->type() == QEvent::User){ QMessageBox::information(0,"saved",("camera file has been saved to\n"+lastFileName+"\n"+"error was:"+str(lastBestError)).c_str()); return true; }else{ return QObject::event(event); } } void CameraCalibrationUtils::BestOfNSaver::init(){ num_end = nFramesSource(); Mutex::Locker l(this); if(inited) return; filename = CameraCalibrationUtils::get_save_filename("-o"); if(filename != ""){ cams.resize(0); cams.reserve(num_end); errors.resize(0); errors.reserve(num_end); n = 0; inited = true; } runningBestError = 99999; } void CameraCalibrationUtils::BestOfNSaver::stop(){ Mutex::Locker l(this); if(inited){ n = num_end; } } std::pair CameraCalibrationUtils::BestOfNSaver::next_hook(const Camera &cam, float error){ Mutex::Locker l(this); if(!inited) return std::pair(0,0); if(error > 0){ cams.push_back(cam); errors.push_back(error); } ++n; //gui["save_remaining_frames"] = num_end - n; if(error > 0 && (error < runningBestError)){ runningBestError = error; } //gui["save_best_error"] = runningBestError; if(n >= num_end){ if(!cams.size()){ QMessageBox::critical(0,"error","unable to save the best of N calibration results:\n" "all N calibration runs failed!"); } else{ int best = (int)(std::min_element(errors.begin(),errors.end())-errors.begin()); int worst = (int)(std::max_element(errors.begin(),errors.end())-errors.begin()); std::cout << "best error:" << errors[best] << std::endl; std::cout << "worst error:" << errors[worst] << std::endl; CameraCalibrationUtils::save_cam_filename(cams[best],"-os",filename); lastBestError = errors[best]; lastFileName = filename; QApplication::postEvent(this,new QEvent(QEvent::User),Qt::HighEventPriority); } inited = false; } return std::pair(num_end -n, runningBestError); } CameraCalibrationUtils::CalibFile CameraCalibrationUtils::parse_calib_file(const std::string &fn, int c, CameraCalibrationUtils::CalibFileData &d){ CalibFile cf; cf.filename = fn; cf.obj = 0; ConfigFile cfg(cf.filename); std::cout << "* parsing given configuration file '" << cf.filename << "'" << std::endl; std::ostringstream transformNameList; for(int t=0;true;++t){ try{ const std::string name = cfg["config.world-transform-" + str(t) + ".name"].as(); transformNameList << (t?",":"") << name; const Mat transform = parse(cfg["config.world-transform-"+str(t)+".transform"]); cf.transforms.push_back(NamedTransform(name,transform)); }catch(...){ break; } } const bool transformGiven = cf.transforms.size(); if(!transformGiven){ cf.transforms.push_back(NamedTransform("identity",Mat::id())); } File cff(cf.filename); std::string tt = "full path: " + cf.filename; int initIdx = pa("-it"); d.objGUI << ( HBox().label(cff.getBaseName()+cff.getSuffix()).minSize(1,3).maxSize(100,3) << CheckBox("enable",true).out("enable-obj-"+str(c)).tooltip(tt) << Combo(transformNameList.str() + (transformGiven?"":",id"),initIdx).handle("transform-obj-"+str(c)).tooltip(tt) ); #ifdef WIN32 std::string tmpFilename("tmp-obj-file.obj"); #else std::string tmpFilename("/tmp/tmp-obj-file.obj"); #endif try{ std::string s; try{ const std::string s2 = cfg["config.obj-file"].as(); s = s2; }catch(...){ throw 1; } { std::ofstream obj(tmpFilename.c_str()); obj << s << std::endl; } SceneObject *o = new SceneObject(tmpFilename.c_str()); o->setColor(Primitive::quad,GeomColor(0,100,255,100)); o->setColor(Primitive::line,GeomColor(255,0,0,255)); o->setVisible(Primitive::line,true); o->setLineWidth(2); o->setTransformation(cf.transforms[0].transform); o->setVisible(false); cf.obj = o; }catch(ICLException &e){ SHOW(e.what()); }catch(int){} int systemResult = system(string(ICL_SYSTEMCALL_RM).append(tmpFilename.c_str()).c_str()); (void)systemResult; enum Mode{ ExtractGrids, ExtractSingleMarkers, ExtractionDone } mode = ExtractGrids; for(int i=0;mode != ExtractionDone ;++i){ cfg.setPrefix(str("config.") + ((mode == ExtractGrids) ? "grid-" : "marker-")+str(i)+"."); if(!cfg.contains("offset")) { mode = (Mode)(mode+1); i = -1; continue; } Vec3 o,dx,dy,dx1,dy1; Size s(1,1); Size32f ms; std::vector markerIDs; MarkerType t; bool haveCorners; t = (MarkerType)(cfg["marker-type"].as() == "amoeba"); o = parse(cfg["offset"]); if(mode == ExtractGrids){ s = parse(cfg["dim"]); dx = parse(cfg["x-direction"]); dy = parse(cfg["y-direction"]); dx1 = dx.normalized(); dy1 = dy.normalized(); markerIDs = FiducialDetectorPlugin::parse_list_str(cfg["marker-ids"].as()); ICLASSERT_THROW((int)markerIDs.size() == s.getDim(), ICLException("error loading configuration file at given grid " + str(i) + ": given size " +str(s) + " is not compatible to " + "given marker ID range " + cfg["marker-ids"].as())); }else{ markerIDs.push_back(cfg["marker-id"].as()); } if(!d.fds[t]){ static SmartPtr s = pa("-s") ? SmartPtr(new Size(pa("-s").as())) : SmartPtr(); d.fds[t] = create_new_fd(t,d.configurables,d.iin,s.get()); d.lastFD = d.fds[t].get(); } try{ ms = parse(cfg["marker-size"]); } catch(...){} if(markerIDs.size() > 1){ d.fds[t]->loadMarkers("{"+cat(markerIDs,",")+"}",t==AMOEBA ? ParamList() : ParamList("size",ms)); }else{ d.fds[t]->loadMarkers(str(markerIDs[0]),t==AMOEBA ? ParamList() : ParamList("size",ms)); } if(mode == ExtractGrids){ MarkerGrid g = { o, dx, dy, s, ms, markerIDs, t }; cf.grids.push_back(g); std::cout << "** registering grid with " << (t?"amoeba":"bch") << " marker ids: {" << markerIDs.front() << ", ..., " << markerIDs.back() << "}" << std::endl; }else{ std::cout << "** registering single " << (t?"amoeba":"bch") << " marker with id " << markerIDs[0] << std::endl; } int idIdx = 0; std::vector &lut = d.possible[t]; // std::vector vertices; haveCorners = (mode==ExtractGrids) && (ms != Size32f::null) && (t==BCH); for(int y=0;y(1), ul.resize<1,4>(1), ur.resize<1,4>(1), ll.resize<1,4>(1), lr.resize<1,4>(1)); }else{ lut[id] = PossibleMarker(c,Vec(v[0],v[1],v[2],1)); } lut[id].gridIdx = mode == ExtractGrids ? i : -1; // vertices.push_back(cf.transforms[0].transform*Vec(v[0],v[1],v[2],1)); } } } return cf; } void CameraCalibrationUtils::change_plane(const std::string &handle, GUI &planeOptionGUI, Scene &scene, CameraCalibrationUtils::CalibFileData &calibFileData){ if(handle == "planeDim"){ if(planeOptionGUI["planeDim"].as() == "none"){ planeOptionGUI["planeOffset"].disable(); planeOptionGUI["planeRadius"].disable(); planeOptionGUI["planeTicDist"].disable(); planeOptionGUI["planeColor"].disable(); planeOptionGUI["planeStatus"] = str("removed"); scene.removeObject(calibFileData.planeObj); calibFileData.planeObj = 0; // havePlane = false; return; }else{ //havePlane = true; planeOptionGUI["planeOffset"].enable(); planeOptionGUI["planeRadius"].enable(); planeOptionGUI["planeTicDist"].enable(); planeOptionGUI["planeColor"].enable(); } } if(calibFileData.planeObj){ scene.removeObject(calibFileData.planeObj); ICL_DELETE(calibFileData.planeObj); } const std::string t = planeOptionGUI["planeDim"].as(); const float offset = planeOptionGUI["planeOffset"]; const float radius = parse(planeOptionGUI["planeRadius"]); const float ticDist = planeOptionGUI["planeTicDist"]; const Color4D c = planeOptionGUI["planeColor"]; int n = (2*radius) / ticDist; if(n * n > 1000000){ planeOptionGUI["planeStatus"] = str("too many nodes"); return; }else{ planeOptionGUI["planeStatus"] = str("ok (") + str(n*n) + " nodes)"; } Vec o(offset*(t=="x"),offset*(t=="y"),offset*(t=="z"),1); Vec dx,dy; if(t == "x"){ dx = Vec(0,ticDist,0,1); dy = Vec(0,0,ticDist,1); }else if(t == "y"){ dx = Vec(ticDist,0,0,1); dy = Vec(0,0,ticDist,1); }else{ dx = Vec(ticDist,0,0,1); dy = Vec(0,ticDist,0,1); } int n2 = n/2; calibFileData.planeObj = new GridSceneObject(n,n,o -dx*(n2) - dy*(n2) ,dx,dy,true,false); calibFileData.planeObj->setColor(Primitive::line,GeomColor(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3])); calibFileData.planeObj->setVisible(Primitive::vertex,false); calibFileData.planeObj->addVertex(set_3_to_1(o-dx*n2)); calibFileData.planeObj->addVertex(set_3_to_1(o+dx*n2)); calibFileData.planeObj->addVertex(set_3_to_1(o-dy*n2)); calibFileData.planeObj->addVertex(set_3_to_1(o+dy*n2)); calibFileData.planeObj->addLine(n*n,n*n+1,GeomColor(255,0,0,255)); calibFileData.planeObj->addLine(n*n+2,n*n+3,GeomColor(0,255,0,255)); scene.addObject(calibFileData.planeObj); } void CameraCalibrationUtils::visualize_found_markers(DrawHandle3D &draw, const std::vector &markers, const std::vector &enabled, bool deactivatedCenters, bool useCorners){ draw->symsize(7); for(unsigned int i=0;ilinewidth(2); const int idx = markers[i].cfgFileIndex; if(enabled[idx]){ draw->color(0,100,255,255); draw->fill(0,100,255,100); }else{ draw->color(200,200,200,255); draw->fill(100,100,100,100); } if(m.hasCorners){ draw->polygon(std::vector(m.imageCornerPositions,m.imageCornerPositions+4)); } if(enabled[idx]){ draw->color(255,0,0,255); }else{ draw->color(200,200,200,255); } draw->linewidth(1); draw->sym(m.imagePos,'x'); if(useCorners && m.hasCorners){ if(deactivatedCenters) draw->color(255,0,0,100); draw->sym(m.imageCornerPositions[0],'x'); draw->sym(m.imageCornerPositions[1],'x'); draw->sym(m.imageCornerPositions[2],'x'); draw->sym(m.imageCornerPositions[3],'x'); } if(enabled[idx]){ draw->color(0,255,0,255); }else{ draw->color(200,200,200,255); } draw->text(str(m.id),m.imagePos.x, m.imagePos.y+12, -10); } } std::vector CameraCalibrationUtils::detect_markers(const core::ImgBase *image, CalibFileData &calibFileData){ std::vector markers; for(int x=0;x<2;++x){ if(!calibFileData.fds[x]) continue; const std::vector &fids = calibFileData.fds[x]->detect(image); for(unsigned int i=0;i &kps = fids[i].getKeyPoints2D(); Point32f imagePositions[4] = { kps[0].imagePos, kps[1].imagePos, kps[2].imagePos, kps[3].imagePos }; markers.push_back(FoundMarker(fids[i].getID(), &p,(MarkerType)x,fids[i],fids[i].getCenter2D(),p.center, imagePositions,p.corners,p.cfgFileIndex)); }else{ markers.push_back(FoundMarker(fids[i].getID(), &p,(MarkerType)x,fids[i],fids[i].getCenter2D(),p.center,p.cfgFileIndex)); } } } } return markers; } void CameraCalibrationUtils::visualize_plane(DrawHandle3D &draw, const std::string &planeDim, float planeOffset, const utils::Point32f ¤tMousePos, geom::Scene &scene){ draw->linewidth(1); const Point32f p = currentMousePos; const std::string t = planeDim; const float o = planeOffset; const float x=t=="x",y=t=="y",z=t=="z"; PlaneEquation pe(Vec(o*x,o*y,o*z,1),Vec(x,y,z,1)); const Vec w = scene.getCamera(0).getViewRay(p).getIntersection(pe); const Vec wx = x ? Vec(w[0],o,w[2],1) : Vec(o,w[1],w[2],1); const Vec wy = y ? Vec(w[0],w[1],o,1) : Vec(w[0],o,w[2],1); draw->color(0,100,255,255); draw->line(p,scene.getCamera(0).project(wx)); draw->line(p,scene.getCamera(0).project(wy)); const std::string tx = str("(")+str(w[0])+","+str(w[1])+","+str(w[2])+")"; draw->color(0,0,0,255); draw->text(tx,p.x+1,p.y-11,8); draw->text(tx,p.x,p.y-12,8); draw->color(255,255,255,255); draw->text(tx,p.x-1,p.y-13,8); } const core::ImgBase *CameraCalibrationUtils::preprocess(const core::ImgBase *image){ if(pa("-normalize-input-image")){ static ImgBase *normalized = 0; image->deepCopy(&normalized); normalized->normalizeAllChannels(Range64f(0,255)); static Img8u normalized8u; normalized->convert(&normalized8u); image = &normalized8u; } if(pa("-crop-and-rescale")){ static Rect *r = 0; static ImgBase *croppedAndRescaled = 0; if(!r){ int bx = pa("-crop-and-rescale",0); int by = pa("-crop-and-rescale",1); int tw = pa("-crop-and-rescale",2); int th = pa("-crop-and-rescale",3); r = new Rect(bx,by,image->getWidth()-2*bx, image->getHeight()-2*by); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->width <= image->getWidth(),ICLException("clipping rect width is larger then image width")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->height <= image->getHeight(),ICLException("clipping rect height is larger then image height")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->x>= 0,ICLException("clipping x-offset < 0")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->y>= 0,ICLException("clipping y-offset < 0")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->right() < image->getWidth(),ICLException("clipping rect's right edge is outside the image rect")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->bottom() < image->getHeight(),ICLException("clipping rect's right edge is outside the image rect")); croppedAndRescaled = imgNew(image->getDepth(),Size(tw,th),image->getChannels(),image->getFormat()); } const ImgBase *tmp = image->shallowCopy(*r); tmp->scaledCopyROI(&croppedAndRescaled, interpolateLIN); delete tmp; image = croppedAndRescaled; } return image; } /* move to Camera.cpp namespace{ struct LMAOptUtil{ typedef math::LevenbergMarquardtFitter LMA; typedef LMA::Vector vec; typedef LMA::Params params; typedef LMA::Matrix mat; Camera cam; Mat P,T; LMAOptUtil(const Camera &cam):cam(cam){ P = cam.getProjectionMatrix(); T = cam.getCSTransformationMatrix(); } static Mat m(const params &p){ return create_hom_4x4(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]*1000,p[4]*1000,p[5]*1000); } Camera fixCam(const params &par){ Mat3 R = T.part<0,0,3,3>(); Vec3 pOrig = cam.getPosition().resize<1,3>(); //T.part<3,0,1,3>(); Mat d = m(par); Mat3 dR = d.part<0,0,3,3>(); Vec3 dt = d.part<3,0,1,3>(); Mat3 dRR = dR * R; Camera c = cam; c.setUp(Vec(dRR(0,1), dRR(1,1), dRR(2,1), 1)); c.setNorm(Vec(dRR(0,2), dRR(1,2), dRR(2,2), 1)); c.setPosition( (pOrig - dRR.transp() * dt).resize<1,4>(1)); return c; } Mat getFixedCSMatrix(const params &p){ return m(p) * T; } vec f(const params &p, const vec &x) const{ Mat Q = P * m(p) * T; Vec y = Q * Vec(x[0],x[1],x[2],1); vec r(2); r[0] = y[0]/y[3]; r[1] = y[1]/y[3]; return r; } static Camera optimize(const Camera &init, const std::vector &Xws, const std::vector &xis){ LMAOptUtil u(init); LMA lma(function(u,&LMAOptUtil::f), 2, std::vector(), 0.1, 1000); //lma.setDebugCallback(); int n = (int)Xws.size(); mat xs(3,n), ys(2,n); for(int i=0;i &Xws, const std::vector &xis){ return LMAOptUtil::optimize(init, Xws, xis); } */ CameraCalibrationUtils::CalibrationResult CameraCalibrationUtils::perform_calibration(const std::vector &markers, const std::vector &enabledCfgFiles, const std::vector &Ts, const geom::Mat &Trel, const utils::Size &imageSize, bool &deactivatedCenters, bool useCorners, bool normalizeError, BestOfNSaver *saver, bool &haveAnyCalibration, geom::Scene &scene, const geom::Camera *givenIntrinsicParams, bool performLMAbasedOptimiziation){ CalibrationResult res; res.error = 0; std::vector xws,xwsCentersOnly; std::vector xis,xisCentersOnly; for(unsigned int i=0;i *W[2] = { &xws, &xwsCentersOnly }; std::vector *I[2] = { &xis, &xisCentersOnly }; int idx = 0; deactivatedCenters = false; while(true){ try{ scene.lock(); Camera cam = scene.getCamera(0); { Mutex::Locker lock(saver); try{ if(givenIntrinsicParams){ cam = Camera::calibrate_extrinsic(*W[idx], *I[idx], *givenIntrinsicParams, Camera::RenderParams(), performLMAbasedOptimiziation); }else{ cam = Camera::calibrate_pinv(*W[idx], *I[idx], 1, performLMAbasedOptimiziation); } }catch(std::exception &e){ scene.unlock(); throw; } cam.getRenderParams().viewport = Rect(Point::null,imageSize); cam.getRenderParams().chipSize = imageSize; //if(performLMAbasedOptimiziation){ // cam = optimize_extrinsic_lma(cam, *W[idx], *I[idx]); //} } scene.getCamera(0) = cam; scene.unlock(); float error = 0; for(unsigned int i=0;isize();++i){ error += I[idx]->operator[](i).distanceTo(cam.project(W[idx]->operator[](i))); } if(normalizeError){ error /= sqr(W[idx]->size()); error *= 100; }else{ error /= W[idx]->size(); } //gui["error"] = error; res.error = error; //gui["status"] = str("ok") + ((idx&&useCorners) ? "(used centers only)" : ""); res.status = str("ok") + ((idx&&useCorners) ? "(used centers only)" : ""); if(idx) deactivatedCenters = true; std::pair r = saver->next_hook(cam,error); res.saveRemainingFrames = r.first; //gui["save_remaining_frames"] = r.first; res.saveBestError = r.second; //gui["save_best_error"] = r.second; if(error > 0 && !haveAnyCalibration){ haveAnyCalibration = true; for(int i=0;isetVisible(true); } } break; }catch(ICLException &e){ if(idx == 0){ ++idx; }else{ res.status = str(e.what()); //gui["status"] = str(e.what()); std::pair r = saver->next_hook(Camera(),-1); res.saveRemainingFrames = r.first;// gui["save_remaining_frames"] = r.first; res.saveBestError = r.second; //gui["save_best_error"] = r.second; break; } } } return res; } int CameraCalibrationUtils::MarkerGrid::getCellIdx(int id) const{ std::vector::const_iterator b = markerIDs.begin(); std::vector::const_iterator e = markerIDs.end(); std::vector::const_iterator it = std::find(b,e,id); if(it == e) return -1; return (int)(it - b); } utils::Point CameraCalibrationUtils::MarkerGrid::getCellFromCellIdx(int cellIdx) const{ if(cellIdx == -1){ return Point(-1,-1); }else{ return utils::Point(cellIdx%dim.width,cellIdx/dim.width); } } utils::Point CameraCalibrationUtils::MarkerGrid::getCell(int id) const{ return getCellFromCellIdx(getCellIdx(id)); } CameraCalibrationUtils::DetectedGrid::DetectedGrid():realGrid(0){} CameraCalibrationUtils::DetectedGrid::operator bool() const { return !!realGrid; } void CameraCalibrationUtils::DetectedGrid::setup(const CameraCalibrationUtils::MarkerGrid *realGrid){ this->realGrid = realGrid; foundMarkers.resize(realGrid->getDim(),(const CameraCalibrationUtils::FoundMarker*)0); } int CameraCalibrationUtils::DetectedGrid::numFound() const{ int n = 0; for(size_t i=0;i modelCoords; std::vector imageCoords; for(size_t i=0;iimagePos); // center Point32f center = get_marker_center(i, *realGrid); modelCoords.push_back(center); if(f->hasCorners){ for(int j=0;j<4;++j){ imageCoords.push_back(f->imageCornerPositions[j]); modelCoords.push_back(get_marker_corner(center, *realGrid, j)); } } } CoplanarPointPoseEstimator cppe(CoplanarPointPoseEstimator::worldFrame, CoplanarPointPoseEstimator::SamplingFine); Mat pose = cppe.getPose(modelCoords.size(), modelCoords.data(), imageCoords.data(), cam); return pose; } void CameraCalibrationUtils::DetectedGrid::getGridCornersAndTexture(const Camera &cam, std::vector &points, std::vector &lines, Size32f &size, const Rect &bounds) const{ Point32f centerLR = get_marker_center(realGrid->getDim()-1,*realGrid); Point32f c = get_marker_corner(centerLR, *realGrid, 1); bool pointsInBounds = true; if(numFound()){ Mat T = estimatePose(cam); const Vec cs[4] = { T * Vec(0,0,0,1), T * Vec(c.x,0,0,1), T * Vec(c.x,c.y,0,1), T * Vec(0, c.y, 0, 1) }; std::vector ps = cam.project(std::vector(cs,cs+4)); points = std::vector(ps.begin(), ps.end()); for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ if(!bounds.contains(ps[i].x,ps[i].y)){ pointsInBounds = false; } } } if(!numFound() || !pointsInBounds){ Rect r = Rect(Point::null,cam.getResolution()).enlarged(-10); Point ps[4] = { r.ul(), r.ur(), r.lr(), r.ll() }; points.assign(ps,ps+4); } size = Size32f(c.x,c.y); lines.clear(); int cellIdx = 0; for(int y=0;ydim.height;++y){ for(int x=0;xdim.width;++x,++cellIdx){ Point32f c = get_marker_center(cellIdx,*realGrid); Point32f cs[5]; for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ cs[i] = get_marker_corner(c, *realGrid, i); } cs[4] = cs[0]; for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ lines.push_back(Line32f(cs[i],cs[i+1])); } // a cross? lines.push_back(Line32f(cs[0], cs[2])); lines.push_back(Line32f(cs[1], cs[3])); } } } } }