Fiducial Marker Detection ========================= In this demo application, we will try to detect markers in real-time in an input image stream. .. image:: images/marker-detection.png :scale: 80% :alt: shadow The main class for this demo is the **icl::markers::FiducialDetector**, which implements the **Configurable** interface [#f1]_ for dynamic property handling. The **FiducialDetector** is instantiated with a marker type string. In the example, we use "bch" markers. Once, the marker type is defined, marker IDs can be loaded. For most markers, these are just integer values. For "art" type markers, valid ID's are marker pattern files, i.e. images, that define valid pattern-images for markers. The actual marker detection is then applied using the:: FiducialDetector::detect(ImgBase*) method. This returns a vector of **Fiducial** instances, that provide access to all marker features, such as ID, position, boundary and even 3D pose. .. literalinclude:: examples/marker-detection-2.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: Step by Step """""""""""" After including the headers needed, the global application data is instantiated. This time, we use a special top level **GUI** container of type **HSplit** which is a horizontal split widget. The **FidudicalDetector** is directly set up to track "bch"-markers with IDs in range 100 to 200. .. literalinclude:: examples/marker-detection-2.cpp :language: c++ :lines: 1-6 In the initialization method the fiducial detector is set up with a configurable ID ("fid"), which is used to link the **Prop** GUI component to the fiducial detector's properties. .. literalinclude:: examples/marker-detection-2.cpp :language: c++ :lines: 8-16 In **run**, the fiducials are detected and then visualized. The visualization part demonstrates some extra abilities of the **Draw()** component as well as some of the fiducial features. For each detected marker, the outline, the ID and an arrow to indicate the marker rotation is drawn. .. literalinclude:: examples/marker-detection-2.cpp :language: c++ :lines: 18-38 .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] as shown in an extra chapter of the tutorial