.. include:: ../js.rst .. _hello-icl: ######### Hello ICL ######### Let's start with a very simple example, which visualizes a demo image only. The basic Idea for this chapter is to help you to set up all you environment variables to easily compile and run your example code. +--------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | .. literalinclude:: examples/hello-icl.cpp | .. figure:: images/hello-icl.png | | :language: c++ | :scale: 60% | | :linenos: | :alt: shadow | +--------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ In order to make this demo work, you have to apply the following steps (linux/mac): * ensure you have all necessary build tools like g++, make and pkg-config installed and available on you system * adapt you **PKG_CONFIG_PATH** environment variable by adding **$ICL_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig** * now, typing **pkg-config --libs --cflags icl-8.0.0** in your bash should provide you some useful compiler and linker flags add ICL's bin-directory to your PATH environment variable. This is necessary for the show-function, which starts an external process to for image visualization. Addittionally e.g. **which icl-xv** should print you the complete path to ICL's image-viewer application * furthermore you can now compile every foo.cpp file into an executable that links against ICL by using the script **icl-make** * simply save the example above as example.cpp in your current directory and type **icl-make example** * this should invoke c++ with all necessary compiler and linker flags * once your demo application is built, you can run it by typing **./example** The example code contains actually two nested function calls: The inner :icl:`create` function and the outer :icl:`show` function. Actually, you will find these functions in the namespace :icl:`icl::qt`, however these are not needed here because the header :icl:`ICLQt/Quick.h` is included. This header is meant for rapid prototyping and therefore it will automatically use all ICL-namespaces and the **std**-namespace * :icl:`qt::create` creates a demo image that is specified by the given string value. * :icl:`qt::show` is a very special function. It saves the given image to a temporary file, and starts the application **icl-xv** in order to display this image. **icl-xv** can be set up to delete the visualized image-file. This helps to avoid having to delete all temporary files manually. Furthermore, by using the external application **icl-xv**, the current application does not have to implement GUI- and event handling itself. (Note: it is also possible to set up the show function to use a custom image-viewer application, see :icl:`showSetup`).