.. include:: ../js.rst .. _utils: ################################### General Support Types and Functions ################################### .. image:: /icons/185px/utils.png The Utils package contains a set of C++ support functions and classes. Due to the library dependency order, these classes have no internal dependencies. In particular, the utils package does not contain classes or functions that are related to image processing. Table of Contents """"""""""""""""" * :ref:`utils.basic-types` * :ref:`utils.support-types` * :ref:`utils.pa` * :ref:`utils.configurable` * :ref:`utils.smart-ptr` * :ref:`utils.time` * :ref:`utils.exceptions` * :ref:`utils.threading` * :ref:`utils.xml` * :ref:`utils.string` * :ref:`utils.function` * :ref:`utils.random` * :ref:`utils.others` * :ref:`utils.macros` .. _utils.basic-types: Basic Types """"""""""" ICL's basic data types are defined in **ICLUtils/BasicTypes.h**. Unlike all other classes, types and functions, the basic types are defined directly in the :icl:`icl` -namespace. The type syntax is copied from the Intel IPP library: All types have an *icl*-prefix, an integer-value that describes the number of bits used, and a suffix * **u** for unsigned integers * **s** for signed integers * **f** for floating point numbers * **c** for complex floating point numbers The most common types are * :icl:`icl8u` for 8 bit unsigned integers (commonly known as **unsigned char**) * :icl:`icl16s` for 16 bit signed integers (commonly known as **short**) * :icl:`icl32s` for 32 bit signed integers (usually **int**) * :icl:`icl32f` for floats * :icl:`icl64f` for doubles ICL's :ref:`image classes` (provided by the :ref:`ICLCore` module) are implemented for these common types **Note:** Please ensure not to mix up the basic data types with the alternatives for the enumeration :icl:`core::depth` which are * :icl:`depth8u` * :icl:`depth16s` * :icl:`depth32s` * :icl:`depth32f` * :icl:`depth64f` The :icl:`core::depth` value is used for run-time type-inference .. _utils.support-types: Support Types """"""""""""" :icl:`Point` and :icl:`Point32f` A simple 2D point class with **int** (**float** for :icl:`Point32f`) elements **x** and **y**. Other than this, points behave like built-in types. They are serialized as and de-serialized from "(x,y)" .. note:: in case of Intel IPP Support, :icl:`Point` is derived from it's IPP-counter-part **IppiPoint** :icl:`Size` and :icl:`Size32f` Like the :icl:`Point` classes, but with members **width** and **height**. Serialized and de-serialized from "WxH". .. note:: in case of Intel IPP Support, :icl:`Size` is derived from it's IPP-counter-part **IppiSize** :icl:`Rect` and :icl:`Rect32f` Defines a rectangle by given **x**, **y**, **width** and **height**. Serialization: "(x,y)WxH" .. note:: in case of Intel IPP Support, :icl:`Rect` is derived from it's IPP-counter-part **IppiRect** :icl:`Range` and :icl:`SteppingRange` A template class for ranges, described by **minVal** and **maxVal**. :icl:`SteppingRange` extends the :icl:`Range` template by a **stepping** member variable of the same type :icl:`Uncopyable` and :icl:`Lockable` Two straight-forward to use interfaces. :icl:`Uncopyable` just declares copy constructor and assignment operators in a private scope to avoid copying instances of classes that are derived from it. The :icl:`Lockable` interfaces contains a :icl:`Mutex` and provides a **lock** and **unlock** method. :icl:`Mutex` and :icl:`Lockable` instances can be *scope-locked* using an instance of :icl:`Mutex::Locker`. :icl:`VisualizationDescription` Utility class for describing visualizations in a state-machine manner. With this tool, classes can e.g. provide a visualization of something, that can then be rendered generically .. _utils.pa: Program Argument Evaluation """"""""""""""""""""""""""" The program argument evaluation toolkit is used in most ICL-based applications. It provides * a simple and intuitive string-based description of allowed program arguments * an easy to use way to describe program arguments * a efficient parser for program arguments, that provides human-readable error messages * an automatically supported set of common default program arguments, such as **-version** or **-help** * a concise method :icl:`pa` that can be use to query whether a specific program argument has been given and what it's sub arguments where The usage of the program argument evaluation toolkit is explain in an extra chapter of the tutorial (see :ref:`progarg-tutorial`) .. _utils.configurable: The :icl:`Configurable` interface """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The Configurable-interface can be used to define a classes parameters/properties that shall be changed at runtime. The Configurable-subclasses can define properties that can be accessed by string identifiers. Each property has a type, a type-dependend description of possible values, a current value and a so called volatileness. Further details and examples are given in the tutorial :ref:`tut.configurable`. .. _utils.smart-ptr: Smart-Pointer and Smart-Array """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" ICL provides a very simple, yet powerful reference counting smart-pointer implementation :icl:`SmartPtr` that basically behaves like the **boost::shared_ptr**. For array-pointers (where the data was created using **new []**), the :icl:`SmartArray` can be used. .. _utils.time: Time and Timer Support """""""""""""""""""""" :icl:`utils::Time` Here, the main utility class is :icl:`Time`, which was originally copied from **libiceutils**. The :icl:`Time` class provides microsecond resolutions internally represented as an icl64s. :icl:`Time::now()` returns the current system time. :icl:`Time` instances can easily be added, subtracted and compared. In contrast to e.g. the boost-libraries, the time class represents absolute times and time intervalls at once. :icl:`FPSEstimator` This class can be used to estimate the average frames-per-second count of a running application:: void runction(){ static icl::utils::FPSEstimator fps(10); // averages over 10 iterations std::cout << fps.getFPSString() << std::endl; } :icl:`FPSLimiter` The limiter inherits the :icl:`FPSEstimator` class. It's :icl:`FPSLimiter::wait()` method will wait long enough to ensure, the desired FPS-limit is not overshot. :icl:`StackTimer` The :icl:`StackTimer` is a very special tool, that can be used for coarse profiling. The header **ICLUtils/StackTimer.h** provides the *magic*-macros **BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION** and BENCHMARK_THIS_SCOPE(STRING):: void foo(){ BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION; // some other stuff } Now, you'll get an evaluation of the run-time of your function when your program exits normally. .. _utils.exceptions: Exceptions Types """""""""""""""" ICL's basic exception type is :icl:`ICLException` that inherits **std::runtime_error**. In addition, there are several other exception types either implemented in the **ICLUtils/Exception.h** header or within one of the other ICL modules. ICL's exception hierarchy is rather flat; most of the time either :icl:`ICLException` or a direct child-class instance is thrown. .. _utils.threading: Multi-Threading Tools """"""""""""""""""""" Here, the two fundamental classes are :icl:`Thread` and :icl:`Mutex` which are basically simple wrappers of the corresponding PThread-types. Most of the time, threading must not be implemented explicitly. Instead the :icl:`ICLApplication` can be used for multi-threaded (interactive) applications. .. _utils.xml: XML-based Configuration Files """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" We included the Pugi-XML parsing framework into the ICL source tree. Even though, this can be uses for XML file parsing and creation, ICL provides a much simpler tool for XML-based configuration files, the :icl:`ConfigFile` class. This is documented in an extra chapter of the tutorial (see :ref:`config-file-tutorial`) .. _utils.string: String Manipulation """"""""""""""""""" :icl:`str` and :icl:`parse` Since C++'s support for string manipulation is a bit weak, ICL supports a set of support functions for intuitive and easy-to use string manipulation. Most important are the two function templates:: template std::string str(const T &instance); template T parse(const std::string &text); where :icl:`str` converts a type instance into a string, and :icl:`parse` converts a string into a type instance. Internally, these functions make use of the in- and output stream-operators (**<<** and **>>**). Therefore, :icl:`str` is automatically supported for each type that supports the **std::ostream**-operator and :icl:`parse` for each type that supports the **std::istream**-operator. For most of the common ICL-types, this is true. :icl:`Array2D` :icl:`Any` :icl:`Any` is a utility class that defines a string-serialized object. :icl:`Any` is derived from the **std::string**, and extends it's functionality by easy to use serialization and de-serialization functions. An :icl:`Any` instance can be created from every type that is supported by the :icl:`str`-template (see above). And it can be converted to any type that is supported by the :icl:`parse`-template .. literalinclude:: examples/any.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: :icl:`tok` and :icl:`cat` The two support functions are used for tokenization and concatination of string. :icl:`tok` can tokenize strings an std::vector tokens. It can either use a set of single allowed **char**-delimiters, or a delimiting **std::string**. Furthermore, an escape-character can be defined for also being able to use the delimiting characters. The opposite of :icl:`tok` is :icl:`cat`, which concatenate the elements of an **std::vector**. Optionally a delimiter can be inserted between the elements here. :icl:`match` Is a regular expression matching function. It also supports accessing sub-matches. .. _utils.function: The Generic Function Class """"""""""""""""""""""""""" The :icl:`Function` class and it's heavily overloaded creator function :icl:`function`, is a simplification of the well known **boost::function** type. The :icl:`Function` defines a generic interface for * global functions * static functions (in classes, that are basically global) * member functions * functors .. literalinclude:: examples/function.cpp :linenos: :language: c++ .. _utils.random: Random Number Generation """""""""""""""""""""""" Even though, creation of random numbers is supported sufficiently in C++, ICL provides some extra functions and classes here. In particular creation of Gaussian distributed random numbers usually requires some extra work. In addition to the normal random number generation functions :icl:`random(min,max)` and :icl:`gaussRandom(mean,variance)`, few special *classes* are provided, that can be created with the random number generation properties, and that will draw a new random number, *whenever they are assigned to something*. .. literalinclude:: examples/random.cpp :linenos: :language: c++ .. _utils.file: The **File** class """""""""""""""""" The :icl:`File` class is a simple, yet powerful wrapper of a default C-Style **FILE**-pointer. In case of zlib-support, it provides built-in abilities for *gzipped* file I/O. I.e. as soon as a file-ending ".gz" is detected, the file will be written and read using zlib-functions. In addition to this it supports * buffered reading * decomposition of file names into *directory*, *basename* and *suffix* * several reading and writing functions * :icl:`File::exists()` .. _utils.others: Others """""" :icl:`MultiTypeMap` Abstract map implementation, that can hold entries of different types :icl:`ProcessMonitor` Grants process information at run-time such as the current memory consumption, the application's thread-count or the average processor usage of the system and the current process. :icl:`ShallowCopyable` A generic, but difficult to use utility class for the creation of shallow- copyable classes :icl:`SignalHandler` C++-based wrapper of the C-functions around *sigaction* for process signal handling .. _utils.macros: Support Macros """""""""""""" **DEBUG_LOG(MESSAGE-STREAM)** Can be used to show standard debug messages, that automatically include the source file, line and function name. Internally a C++-stream is used so that debug messages can easily be composed:: DEBUG_LOG("loop " << i ); **WARNING_LOG** and **ERROR_LOG** Can be used to show warning and critical log messages. They work identically like **DEBUG_LOG** **ICLASSERT(assertion)** Standard assertion wrapper that shows the code position of the failure. For convenience also **ASSERT_RETURN(assertion)**, **ASSERT_THROW(assertion,exception)** and **ASSERT_RETURN_VAL(assertion,return-value)** are provided. **ICL_UNLIKELY(unlikely-test)** Is a wrapper of gcc's **__builtin_expect**:: if(ICL_UNLIKELY(error)){ break; } **ICL_DEPRECATED** Can be used to add a deprecated status to functions and classes:: void ICL_DEPRECATED foo(){ .. } class ICL_DEPRECATED Bar { ...}; :icl:`sqr` Is a generic power-of-two template, that is sometimes very useful. .. note:: **utils::sqr** is a function rather than a macro and therefore is lies within the **icl::utils**-namespace **iclMin** and **iclMax** Are generic replacements of the sometimes missing **std::min** and **std::max** function templates. Usually, **iclMin** and **iclMax** are just macros that forward their arguments to the std-functions **ICL_DELETE(pointer)** Deletes only non-null pointers and sets them to 0 after deletion. For arrays, **ICL_DELETE_ARRAY(pointer)** has to be used.