/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2013 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLMath/demos/polynomial-regression/polynomial-regress ** ** ion.cpp ** ** Module : ICLMath ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ** ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the license requirements will ** ** be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include HSplit gui; typedef float Scalar; typedef DynMatrix Matrix; typedef PolynomialRegression Reg; Scene scene; GenericGrabber grabber; Reg *reg = 0; ImgQ approx(const ImgQ &image){ static std::string lastF; std::string currF = gui["f"]; if(!reg) reg = new Reg(currF); gui["fused"] = reg->getFunctionString(); gui["status"] = str("ok"); static ImgQ rimage(image.getSize(),3); rimage.setSize(image.getSize()); if(lastF != currF){ try{ Reg *rnew = new Reg(currF); if(reg) delete reg; reg = rnew; gui["fused"] = reg->getFunctionString(); gui["status"] = str("ok"); lastF = currF; }catch(ICLException &e){ gui["status"] = str(e.what()); } } try{ const int N= image.getDim(); Matrix xs(2,N); Matrix ys(3,N); for(int y=0,idx=0;yapply(xs,ys,gui["use svd"]); const Matrix &z = result(xs); for(int i=0;i<3;++i){ std::copy(z.col_begin(i),z.col_end(i), rimage.begin(i)); } }catch(ICLException &e){ gui["status"] = str(e.what()); } return rimage; } // approximates a rgb image by color patches of size cellsize x cellsize // each color patch is learned using polynomial regression void init_2D_demo(){ grabber.init(pa("-2D")); grabber.useDesired(formatRGB); grabber.useDesired(depth32f); grabber.useDesired(Size::QVGA); gui << Image().handle("input") << Image().handle("result") << ( VBox().minSize(14,1) << Slider(2,100,16).handle("cellsize").label("cell size") << CheckBox("use svd").handle("use svd") << String("1 + x0 + x1 + x0*x1").handle("f").label("function") << Label("--").handle("fused").label("current function") << Label("--").handle("status").label("status") << Label("--").handle("compression").label("compression") ) << Show(); } void init_3D_demo(){ randomSeed(); Reg reg(*pa("-f")); static const int N = pa("-n-samples"); Matrix xs(2,N); Matrix ys(1,N); std::cout << "Parsed Function: " << reg.getFunctionString() << std::endl; URand r(-6,6); GRand noise(0,pa("-n")); SceneObject *o = new SceneObject; for(int i=0;iaddVertex(Vec(xs(0,i), xs(1,i), ys[i], 1)); } o->setColor(Primitive::vertex,geom_red()); o->setVisible(Primitive::vertex,true); o->setPointSize(5); scene.addObject(o); const Reg::Result &result = reg.apply(xs,ys); int dim = 151; xs.setBounds(2,dim*dim); for(float x=-dim/2;x<=dim/2;++x){ for(float y=-dim/2;y<=dim/2;++y){ xs(0,(x+dim/2)+dim*(y+dim/2)) = x/10.0; xs(1,(x+dim/2)+dim*(y+dim/2)) = y/10.0; } } const Matrix &grid = result(xs); std::vector ps(dim*dim); for(int i=0;icreateAutoNormals(); ogrid->setVisible(Primitive::vertex,false); ogrid->setColor(Primitive::quad,GeomColor(0,100,255,200)); scene.addObject(ogrid); scene.addCamera(Camera(Vec(16.6866,10.8957,21.3801,1), Vec(-0.672659,-0.415045,-0.61259,1), Vec(0.453578,0.431459,-0.779814,1), 3, Point32f(320,240),200,200, 0, Camera::RenderParams(Size(640,480), 1,10000, Rect(0,0,640,480), 0,1))); gui << Draw3D().handle("draw").minSize(32,24) << Show(); gui["draw"].install(scene.getMouseHandler(0)); gui["draw"].link(scene.getGLCallback(0)); scene.getLight(0).setSpecular(GeomColor(0,200,255,255)); scene.getLight(0).setSpecularEnabled(true); scene.setDrawCoordinateFrameEnabled(true,4); } void init(){ if(pa("-2D")){ init_2D_demo(); }else{ init_3D_demo(); } } void run_2D(){ ImgQ image = *grabber.grab()->as32f(); int cellsize = gui["cellsize"]; while( (image.getWidth() % cellsize) || (image.getHeight() % cellsize)) --cellsize; static ImgQ result(image.getSize(),formatRGB); static ImgQ tmpa(Size(cellsize,cellsize),formatRGB); tmpa.setSize(Size(cellsize,cellsize)); for(int y=0;ygetFunctionString(),"+").size(); int orig = cellsize * cellsize * 3; int compr = ts * 3 * sizeof(float); gui["compression"] = str((int)((float(compr)/orig)*100))+ "%"; gui["input"] = ℑ gui["result"] = &result; } void run_3D(){ Thread::msleep(1000); } void run(){ void(*run_func)() = pa("-2D") ? run_2D : run_3D; run_func(); } int main(int n, char **ppc){ return ICLApp(n,ppc,"-2D(input-type,input-ID) " "[m]-f(function-string) -noise|-n(float=0) -n-samples(n=100)",init,run).exec(); }