/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2013 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLIO/apps/pipe/pipe.cpp ** ** Module : ICLIO ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ** ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the license requirements will ** ** be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_QT VBox gui; #endif // also comment in include/ICLUtils/PThreadFix.h and .cpp // EXPLICITLY_INSTANTIATE_PTHREAD_AT_FORK; bool first = true; bool *ppEnabled = 0; GenericGrabber grabber; std::vector remove_size(const vector &v){ vector r; for(unsigned int i=0;isetIgnoreDesiredParams(true); if(pa("-size")){ grabber.useDesired(pa("-size")); } if(pa("-depth")){ grabber.useDesired(pa("-depth")); } if(pa("-format")){ grabber.useDesired(pa("-format")); } if(pa("-camera-config")){ grabber.loadProperties(pa("-camera-config")); } } const ImgBase *grab_image(){ const ImgBase *img = 0; // const ImgBase *image = grabber.grab(); if(!pa("-flip")){ img = grabber.grab(); }else{ ImgBase *hack = const_cast(grabber.grab()); std::string axis = pa("-flip"); if(axis == "x"){ hack->mirror(axisVert); }else if(axis == "y"){ hack->mirror(axisHorz); }else if(axis == "both" || axis == "xy"){ hack->mirror(axisBoth); }else{ ERROR_LOG("nothing known about axis " << axis << "(allowed arguments are x,y or both)"); } img = hack; } /* this does not work in the intended way because the images are converted to dst-format by the grabbers grab function using useDesired ... static bool reint = pa("-reinterpret-input-format"); if(reint){ static SmartPtr re; static format fmt = pa("-reinterpret-input-format"); format ifmt = img->getFormat(); if(fmt != formatMatrix && getChannelsOfFormat(fmt) != img->getChannels()){ ERROR_LOG("cannot reinterpret image format " << str(ifmt) << " to " << str(fmt) << " (cannel cout missmatch)"); }else{ re = img->reinterpretChannels(fmt); img = re.get(); } } */ if(!pa("-clip")){ return img; }else{ if(*pa("-clip")=="interactive"){ throw ICLException("interactive clipmode is not yet implemented ..."); }else{ static Rect *r = 0; static ImgBase *clipped = 0; if(!r){ r = new Rect; *r = pa("-clip"); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->width <= img->getWidth(),ICLException("clipping rect width is larger then image width")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->height <= img->getHeight(),ICLException("clipping rect height is larger then image height")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->x>= 0,ICLException("clipping x-offset < 0")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->y>= 0,ICLException("clipping y-offset < 0")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->right() < img->getWidth(),ICLException("clipping rect's right edge is outside the image rect")); ICLASSERT_THROW(r->bottom() < img->getHeight(),ICLException("clipping rect's right edge is outside the image rect")); clipped = imgNew(img->getDepth(),r->getSize(),img->getChannels(),img->getFormat()); } const ImgBase *tmp = img->shallowCopy(*r); tmp->deepCopyROI(&clipped); delete tmp; img = clipped; } } return img; } void send_app(){ static GenericImageOutput output(pa("-o")); #ifdef HAVE_QT ImageHandle IH; FPSHandle FPS; if(!pa("-no-gui")){ IH = gui.get("image"); FPS= gui.get("fps"); } #endif while(first || !pa("-single-shot")){ const ImgBase *grabbedImage = grab_image(); const ImgBase *ppImage = 0; if(pa("-pp") && *ppEnabled){ static UnaryOp *pp = 0; if(!pp){ static std::string pps = pa("-pp"); if(pps == "gauss"){ pp = new ConvolutionOp(ConvolutionKernel(ConvolutionKernel::gauss3x3)); }else if(pps == "gauss5") { pp = new ConvolutionOp(ConvolutionKernel(ConvolutionKernel::gauss5x5)); }else if(pps == "median"){ pp = new MedianOp(Size(3,3)); }else if(pps == "median5"){ pp = new MedianOp(Size(5,5)); }else{ ERROR_LOG("undefined preprocessing mode"); ::exit(0); } } pp->setClipToROI(false); ppImage = pp->apply(grabbedImage); static const bool ppp = pa("-ppp"); if(!ppp){ const_cast(ppImage)->setFullROI(); } }else{ ppImage = grabbedImage; } const ImgBase *normImage = 0; if(pa("-normalize")){ static ImgBase *buf = 0; ppImage->deepCopy(&buf); buf->normalizeAllChannels(Range64f(0,255)); normImage = buf; }else{ normImage = ppImage; } output.send(normImage); #ifdef HAVE_QT if(!pa("-no-gui")){ bool &updateImages = gui.get("updateImages"); if(updateImages){ IH = normImage; } FPS.render(); } #endif first = false; bool useGUI = false; #ifdef HAVE_QT int fpsLimit = 0; if(!pa("-no-gui")){ fpsLimit = gui.get("fpsLimit"); useGUI = true; }else{ fpsLimit = pa("-fps").as(); } #else int fpsLimit = pa("-fps"); #endif if(!useGUI){ if(pa("-progress")){ static int curr = 0; static bool first = true; if(first){ progress_init("icl-pipe sending next 100 images"); first = false; } static FPSEstimator fpsEst(10); progress(curr++,99,"(" + fpsEst.getFPSString() + ")"); if(curr == 100){ curr = 0; } } } static FPSLimiter limiter(15,10); if(limiter.getMaxFPS() != fpsLimit) limiter.setMaxFPS(fpsLimit); limiter.wait(); } } #ifdef HAVE_QT void init_gui(){ bool idu = pa("-idu"); if(pa("-pp")){ gui << Image().handle("image").minSize(12,8) << ( VBox().maxSize(100,8) << ( HBox() << CamCfg().maxSize(5,2) << Spinner(1,100,pa("-fps").as()).out("fpsLimit").label("max fps") << Fps(10).handle("fps") ) << ( HBox() << Button("off","on",!idu).out("updateImages").label("update images") << Button("off","!on").handle("_").out("pp-on").label("preprocessing").minSize(5,2) ) ); gui.show(); ppEnabled = &gui.get("pp-on"); }else{ gui << Image().handle("image").minSize(12,8) << ( VBox().maxSize(100,8) << ( HBox() << CamCfg().maxSize(5,2) << Spinner(1,100,pa("-fps").as()).out("fpsLimit").label("max fps") ) << ( HBox() << Fps(10).handle("fps") << Button("off","on",!idu).out("updateImages").label("update images") ) ); gui.show(); ppEnabled = new bool(false); } } #endif int main(int n, char **ppc){ pa_explain ("-input","for sender application only allowed ICL default\n" " input specification e.g. -input pwc 0 or -input file bla/*.ppm") ("-single-shot","no loop application") ("-size","output image size (sending only, default: VGA)" "[please note that -format, -size and -depth use the grabbers desired params." " I.e. usually none or all of these three parameters have to be given]") ("-depth","output image size (sending only, default: depth8u)" "[please note that -format, -size and -depth use the grabbers desired params." " I.e. usually none or all of these three parameters have to be given]") ("-format","if given the source image is converted into this format" "[please note that -format, -size and -depth use the grabbers desired params." " I.e. usually none or all of these three parameters have to be given]") ("-o","analog to -input , this can be used to specify the output device and parameters\n" " output specification e.g. -output file image_###.ppm or -o sm MySharedMem") ("-fps","initial max FPS count, further adjustable in the GUI") ("-no-gui","dont display a GUI (sender app only this is default if Qt is not available)") ("-flip","define axis to flip (allowed sub arguments are" " x, y or both") ("-clip","define clip-rect ala ((x,y)WxH) or string interactive (which is not yet supported)") ("-pp","select preprocessing (one of \n" "\t- gauss 3x3 gaussian blur\n" "\t- gauss5 5x5 gaussian blur\n" "\t- median 3x3 median filter\n" "\t- median5 5x5 median filter\n") ("-ppp","if this flag is set, the image ROI, that results form preprocessing is actually sent") //("-dist","give 4 parameters for radial lens distortion.\n" // "\tThis parameters can be obtained using ICL application\n" //"\ticl-calib-radial-distortion") ("-reset","reset bus on startup") //("-reinterpret-input-format","can be used to e.g. reinterpret input matrix-format images as gray") ("-progress","show progress bar (only used in -no-gui mode)") ("-idu","if this is given, image updates are initally switched off which means, that no" "image is visualized in the preview widget. This helps to reduce network traffic!") ("-normalize","normalize resulting image to [0,255]") ("-camera-config","if a valid xml-camera configuration file was given here, the grabber is set up " "with this parameters internally. Valid parameter files can be created with icl-camera-param-io or with " "the icl-camcfg tool. Please note: some grabber parameters might cause an internal grabber crash, " "so e.g. trigger setup parameters or the isospeed parameters must be removed from this file"); pa_init(n,ppc,"[m]-output|-o(output-type-string,output-parameters) " "-flip|-f(string) -single-shot [m]-input|-i(device,device-params) " "-size|(Size) -no-gui -pp(1) " //"-reinterpret-input-format(fmt) " //-dist|-d(float,float,float,float) -reset|-r " "-dist|-d(fn) -reset|-r " "-fps(float=15.0) -clip|-c(Rect) -camera-config(filename) -depth(depth) -format(format) -normalize|-n " "-perserve-preprocessing-roi|-ppp -progress " "-initially-disable-image-updates|-idu"); if(pa("-reset")){ GenericGrabber::resetBus(); } init_grabber(); #ifdef HAVE_QT if(!pa("-no-gui")){ return ICLApp(n,ppc,"",init_gui,send_app).exec(); }else{ static bool alwaysTrue = 1; ppEnabled = &alwaysTrue; send_app(); } #else static bool alwaysTrue = 1; ppEnabled = &alwaysTrue; send_app(); #endif }