/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2013 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLFilter/apps/local-thresh/local-thresh.cpp ** ** Module : ICLFilter ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter, Robert Haschke ** ** ** ** ** ** GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ** ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the license requirements will ** ** be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include HBox gui; GenericGrabber grabber; LocalThresholdOp ltop; Mutex mutex; Rect selroi[3]; void step(); void mouse(const MouseEvent &e){ if(e.isRight()){ selroi[1] = selroi[2]; selroi[0] = Rect::null; step(); }else if(e.isLeft()){ if(e.isPressEvent()){ selroi[0] = Rect(e.getPos(),Size(1,1)); }else if(e.isDragEvent()){ selroi[0].width = e.getX() - selroi[0].x; selroi[0].height = e.getY() - selroi[0].y; }else if(e.isReleaseEvent()){ selroi[1] = selroi[0].normalized(); selroi[0] = Rect::null; } step(); } } void save(){ static int &masksize = gui.get("masksize"); static int &thresh = gui.get("threshold"); static float &gamma = gui.get("gamma"); bool ok = false; QString qname = QInputDialog::getText(0,"Save Params", "Please specify output xml-file name" ,QLineEdit::Normal,"local-threshold-params.xml",&ok); if(ok){ ConfigFile f; f.set("config.masksize",masksize); f.set("config.threshold",thresh); f.set("config.gammaslope",gamma); f.save(qname.toLatin1().data()); } } void step(){ Mutex::Locker lock(mutex); static DrawHandle orig = gui["orig"]; static ImageHandle prev = gui["prev"]; static ButtonHandle next = gui["next"]; static LabelHandle time = gui["time"]; static ComboHandle algorithm = gui["algorithm"]; static FPSHandle fps = gui["fps"]; bool loop = gui["loop"]; bool clipToROI = gui["clipToROI"]; int masksize = gui["masksize"]; float threshold = gui["threshold"]; float gamma = gui["gamma"]; gui["save"].registerCallback(save); ltop.setClipToROI(clipToROI); ltop.setup(masksize, threshold, (LocalThresholdOp::algorithm)(int)algorithm, gamma); static const ImgBase *image = 0; if(!image || loop || next.wasTriggered()){ bool init = !image; image = grabber.grab(); if(init){ selroi[0]=selroi[2]=image->getImageRect(); } } const ImgBase *useImage = image; if(selroi[1] != image->getImageRect()){ useImage = useImage->shallowCopy(selroi[1]); } Time last = Time::now(); const ImgBase *result = ltop.apply(useImage); time = str((Time::now()-last).toMilliSeconds())+"ms"; orig = image; if(image != useImage){ delete useImage; } if(selroi[0] != Rect::null){ orig->color(0,100,255); orig->fill(0,100,255,20); orig->rect(selroi[0]); } orig->color(255,0,0); orig->nofill(); orig->rect(selroi[1]); orig.render(); prev = result; fps.render(); } void init(){ int masksize = 10; int thresh = 2; float gamma = 0; if(pa("-config")){ ConfigFile f(*pa("-config")); masksize = f["config.masksize"]; thresh = f["config.threshold"]; gamma = f["config.gammaslope"]; } gui << Draw().minSize(16,12).handle("orig").label("original image") << Image().minSize(16,12).handle("prev").label("preview image") << ( VBox().label("controls") << Slider(2,200,masksize).label("mask size").out("masksize").minSize(15,2).handle("a") << FSlider(-30,40,thresh).label("threshold").out("threshold").minSize(15,2).handle("b") << FSlider(0,15,gamma).label("gamma slope").out("gamma").minSize(15,2).handle("c") << Button("next image").handle("next") << Button("stopped","running").out("loop").handle("d") << Button("no clip","clip to roi").out("clipToROI").handle("e") << Button("save params").handle("save") << Combo("region mean,tiledNN,tiledLIN").handle("algorithm").label("algorithm") << ( HBox() << Label("..ms").handle("time").label("apply time").minSize(2,3) << Fps(10).handle("fps").minSize(4,3).label("fps") ) ) << Show(); grabber.init(pa("-i")); if(grabber.getType() != "file"){ grabber.useDesired(pa("-s")); if(!pa("-color")){ grabber.useDesired(formatGray); }else{ grabber.useDesired(formatRGB); } grabber.useDesired(depth8u); } gui.registerCallback(step,"a,b,c,d,e,next,algorithm"); gui["orig"].install(new MouseHandler(mouse)); step(); } void batch_mode(){ if(pa("-config")){ ConfigFile f(*pa("-config")); int masksize = f["config.masksize"]; int thresh = f["config.threshold"]; float gamma = f["config.gammaslope"]; if(!pa("-output")){ printf("please specify output file pattern\n"); return; } grabber.init(pa("-i")); FileList fl; int maxSteps = -1; if(grabber.getType() == "file"){ fl = FileList(*pa("-input",1)); maxSteps = fl.size(); } static FileWriter w(*pa("-output")); static LocalThresholdOp t; t.setMaskSize(masksize); t.setGlobalThreshold(thresh); t.setGammaSlope(gamma); int i=0; while(maxSteps < 0 || maxSteps--){ if(maxSteps > 0){ printf("processing image %30s ......",fl[i++].c_str()); } const ImgBase *image = grabber.grab(); if(image->getFormat() != formatGray){ printf("..."); static ImgBase *grayImage = 0; ensureCompatible(&grayImage,depth8u,image->getSize(),formatGray); cc(image,grayImage); printf("..."); image = grayImage; } static ImgBase *dst = 0; printf("..."); t.apply(image,&dst); printf("..."); w.write(dst); printf("done! \n"); printf("writing image to %30s ... done\n",w.getFilenameGenerator().showNext().c_str()); } }else{ ERROR_LOG("please run with -config config-filename!"); return; } } void run(){ while(!gui["loop"].as()) Thread::msleep(100); step(); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { pa_explain("-input","generic-grabbers generic grabbers params") ("-config","config file input") ("-size","grabbers desired image size") ("-nogui","start without gui") ("-output","for no gui batchmode: define output-image pattern\n" "use ##### for the image index in this pattern"); pa_init(argc,argv,"[m]-input|-i(device,device-params) " "-output|-o(output-file-pattern) -config|-c(cfg-filename) " " -nogui|-n -color -size|-s(size=VGA)"); if(pa("-nogui")){ batch_mode(); }else{ return ICLApp(argc,argv,"",init,run).exec(); } }