/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLQt/LowLevelPlotWidget.h ** ** Module : ICLQt ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #pragma once #include namespace icl{ namespace qt{ /// Default AbstractPlotWidget implementation for plotting different kinds of data /** \section WHY Why Low-Level ? ICL's plotting framework does also provide a derived class called icl::PlotWidget. We strongly recommend to use the PlotWidget instead of the LowLevelPlotWidget be cause the PlotWidget provides a simpler interface and it's usage is more similar to the usage of ICL's image annotation framework (see ICLDrawWidget and ICLDrawWidget3D). However, in some special situations, the LowLevelPlotWidget provides a better performance, since it can e.g. visualize data that is just linked into it using a shallow copy. In contrast to the LowLevelPlotWidget, the PlotWidget does also provide template methods, that can be used to draw data of all POD types directly. In short: The LowLevelPlotWidget provides a low level interface for data visualization. It's functions are tuned for speed. Usually, the derived class icl::PlotWidget is simpler to use. \section _TYPES_ Data types So far, the LowLevelPlotWidget can be used as scatter plot, bar-plot and as series-plot (graph-plot). All types can be used in parallel for overlayed visualization. \image html plot_widget_h.png \section _SCATTER_ scatter plots The scatter plot engine uses a set of data sets, that can be added successively. Each dataset is basically defined by a set of N (x,y) points, where the x- and y- coordinates are both taken from a data pointer that is read using a stride value. To add scatter data, the method LowLevelPlotWidget::addScatterData is provided. Scatter data is usually visualized by scattered colored symbols, and it can be visualized with- and without connecting lines between the points and if the shape that is described by the points is convex, it can also be filled automatically. \section _SERIES_ function data (or series data) In order to draw function graphs, the X-viewport is used in slightly adapted way . Basically, a single function data-set is defined by a 'strided' float array of N elements. If a data-viewport is given to the inherited AbstractPlotWidget, the data X-values (which are not given) are assumed to be equally distributed withing the data-viewport's x-range. If no data viewport is provided, the X-range is automatically estimated to [0, N-1], which is the data index range. \section _BAR_PLOTS_ Basically, bar plots are quite similar to function data/series plots. The viewport adaptions is managed indentically here. If several bar plots are used in one graph, the bars of each bin become smaller and the different bins are shown in an interleaved manner. As for function data, the longest bar plot row is used to determine the data x-range if no x-range is provided explicitly. Please Note: If both, scatter- and function data is given, but not viewport information is available, it is not clear, whether to use the scatter-data X-range or the function data index-range. Therefore, visualizing scatter and function data at once is only supported if the data viewport is given. \section _PERFORMANCE_ Performance and bechmarks The data interfaces are hold very low-level. The provide the option copy given data shallowly and deeply. However drawing the data needs some viewport calculations. Note, in the widget's right-button context menu, you can directly see the rendering time! Here are some examples, to get an idea of the performance (using a 4-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5530 running at 2.40GHz and an optimized build) -# scatter data point rendering point rendering is internally accellerated since it turned out that the QPainter's drawPoint method works very slow for single points. Instead, the points are pre-buffered internally in order to be able to use the QPainter's drawPoints method, which is almost 10 times faster! - rendering 100.000 points (almost all visible) -> 12ms - zooming into the center of the data -> 7ms - zooming to somewhere where no datapoints are -> 5ms (please note, that the clipping mechanism, that avoid to draw invisible point works quite well) - using a dynamic viewport for 100.000 points (here, all are visible) -> 17ms -# scatter plot symbol rendering (here, size 5 crosses) - rendering 100.000 crosses (all visible) 30ms - zooming into the center of the data -> 12ms - zooming to somewhere where no datapoints are -> 5ms - additionally connecting all successive points with lines the lines -> 50ms -# drawing function/series data Here, x-clipping is implemented much more efficient: Due to the linear character of the x-coordinates, the visible X-interval of the function can be estimated directly. Therefore, only the visible part of the function data is processed and drawn at all. - rendering a sine-function with 100.000 entries (usually this does not make sense since about 100 Entries become a single point on the screen) - lines only -> 17ms - symbols only (dots) -> 17ms - lines and dots (redundant) -> 26ms - fill only with alpha value -> 65ms (rather slow, but actually much less samples are needed. Using less samples can easily be implemented by increasing the data stride) - using '+'-symbols instead of dots, lines off -> 26ms - using the same function, but a stride value of 100 (optically, there is no difference). In this case: with and without symbols, the rendering time is 1msec - lines only or in combination with any symbol: 1ms - fill only (with alpha value) -> 9ms - fill and lines -> 15ms \section _EX_ Examples Please note, that the example application can be found at ICLQt/examples/plot-component-demo.cpp the binary name is icl-plot-component-demo. \subsection _EX_1_ Series Data 1 \code LowLevelPlotWidget pw; static std::vector sinData(100); // fill it pw.setPropertyValue("tics.y-distance",0.25); pw.setPropertyValue("enable fill",true); pw.addSeriesData(sinData.data(), sinData.size(), new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(255,0,0),Qt::NoPen,' ',5, QColor(255,0,0,100)), "sin(x)"); \endcode \image html plot_widget_a.png \subsection _EX_2_ Series Data 2 (no fill) \code static std::vector tanData(100); // fill it! pw.setPropertyValue("tics.y-distance",0.25); pw.addSeriesData(tanData.data(), tanData.size(), new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(0,100,255),Qt::NoPen,' ',2, QColor(0,100,255,100)), "tan(x)"); \endcode \image html plot_widget_b.png \subsection _EX_3_ Series Data 3 (symbols) \code static std::vector cosData(100); // fill it! pw.setPropertyValue("tics.y-distance",0.25); // we use symbols of radius 2, the 'o' selects circles pw.addSeriesData(cosData.data(), cosData.size(), new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(0,255,0),QColor(0,255,0),'o',2, QColor(0,255,0,100)), "cos(x)"); \endcode \image html plot_widget_e.png \subsection _EX_4_ Series Data 4 (multiple functions) \code // use sin, cos and tan data from above pw.setPropertyValue("tics.y-distance",0.25); pw.addSeriesData(sinData.data(), sinData.size(), new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(255,0,0)), "sin(x)"); pw.addSeriesData(cosData.data(), cosData.size(), new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(0,255,0)), "cos(x)"); pw.addSeriesData(tanData.data(), tanData.size(), new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(0,100,255)), "tan(x)"); \endcode \image html plot_widget_f.png \subsection _EX_5_ Scatter Data (one or two data sets) \code /// interleaved data static std::vector scatterData1(10000); // fill it! /// planar data order static std::vector scatterData2(20000); // fill it! pw.setPropertyValue("tics.x-distance",3); pw.setPropertyValue("tics.y-distance",3); /// for interleaved data, the x- and y-stride is 2 /// the data is static, so we use shallow copy instead of deep copy pw.addScatterData('.',&scatterData1[0].x,&scatterData1[0].y,scatterData1.size(), "some noise", 255, 0, 0, 2, false, 2, 2, false, false, false); /// for the planar data, the x- and y-stride is 1 pw.addScatterData('.',&scatterData2[0],&scatterData2[0]+10000,scatterData2.size()/2, "some other noise", 0, 100, 255, 2, false, 1, 1, false, false, false); \endcode \image html plot_widget_c.png \subsection _EX_6_ Connected Scatter Data and annotations \code static std::vector scatterData3(1000); /// here, we fill it! static utils::Time t = utils::Time::now(); float dtSec = (utils::Time::now()-t).toSecondsDouble(); for(unsigned int i=0;i(-.2,-.2,.4,.4).data() ,1,QColor(255,0,0), QColor(255,0,0,100)); pw.addAnnotations('l',FixedMatrix(0,0,3,3).data(),1,QColor(255,0,0)); pw.addAnnotations('t',FixedMatrix(3.f,3.f).data(),1,QColor(255,0,0),Qt::NoBrush,"the center"); \endcode \image html plot_widget_g.png */ class LowLevelPlotWidget : public virtual AbstractPlotWidget{ class Data; //!< pimpl Data *data; //!< pimpl pointer class DrawState; //!< internally used protected: /// draws the ledgend virtual void drawLegend(QPainter &p,const utils::Rect &where, bool horizontal); /// draws the series data virtual bool drawSeriesData(QPainter &p, const DrawState &state); /// draws the sctter data virtual bool drawScatterData(QPainter &p, const DrawState &state); /// draws the bar plot data virtual bool drawBarPlotData(QPainter &p, const DrawState &state); /// draws all the data virtual bool drawData(QPainter &p); /// estimates the data xrange (for automatic viewport adaption) virtual utils::Range32f estimateDataXRange() const; /// estimates the data yrange (for automatic viewport adaption) virtual utils::Range32f estimateDataYRange() const; public: /// constructor LowLevelPlotWidget(QWidget *parent=0); /// destructor ~LowLevelPlotWidget(); /// returns the data viewport /** If the data viewport is not given using AbstractPlotWidget::setDataViewPort */ virtual utils::Rect32f getDataViewPort() const; /// adds series data /** @param data data pointer @param len number of elements in the data pointer @param style draw style @param stride data stride (in units of sizeof(float)) @param deepCopy if true, the data is copied into the drawer, otherwise, it is just linked. If the data is linked, it must remain valid until the seriesData is removed using LowLevelPlotWidget::clearSeriesData or LowLevelPlotWidget::clear. @param passOwnerShip. This flag is only used if deepCopy is false. If passOwnerShip is true, the LowLevelPlotWidget will delete the data at deletion or when clear/ clearSeriesData is called. */ void addSeriesData(const float *data, int len, const AbstractPlotWidget::PenPtr &style = new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(255,0,0)), const std::string &name="", int stride=1, bool deepCopy=true, bool passOwnerShip=false); /// adds data for a bar plots /** Bar plots basically work like function/series data except for the fact, that bars are drawn instead of a (filled) function graph line @see addSeriesData */ void addBarPlotData(const float *data, int len, const AbstractPlotWidget::PenPtr &style = new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(255,0,0)), const std::string &name="", int stride=1, bool deepCopy=true, bool passOwnerShip=false); /// adds a list of symbols /** @param sym symbol type @param xs x-coordinate pointer (using xStride as stride) @param ys y-coordinate pointer (using yStride as stride) @param num number of symbols (i.e. xs and ys have xStride * num elements @param r symbol red component @param g symbol green component @param b symbol blue component @param size symbol size (in screen pixels) @param filled defines whether the symbol must be filled (for triangle, circle, rect and diamond only) @param xStride stride for xs-data (in units of sizeof(float), i.e. if the underlying data is interleaved (x,y)-data, the strides are 2 ) @param yStride stride for ys-data (in units of sizeof(float)) @param connectingLine draw a line that connects successive symbols @param deepCopyData if set to true, xs, and ys are copied deeply otherwise, they are just linked (via pointer) @param passOwnerShip if set to true, the plot widget will take the ownership of the given data @see AbstractPlotWidget::Pen::Pen for allowed symbols */ void addScatterData(char symbol, const float *xs, const float *ys, int num, const std::string &name = "", int r=255, int g=0, int b=0, int size=5, bool connectingLine=false, int xStride=1, int yStride=1, bool filled = false, bool deepCopyData=true, bool passDataOwnerShip=false); /// clears the scatter data draw list void clearScatterData(); /// clears series data draw list void clearSeriesData(); /// clears the bar plot draw list void clearBarPlotData(); /// clears all contained data void clear(); }; } // namespace qt }