#pragma once #include namespace icl{ namespace qt{ /// Button Component /** Buttons can either be push- or toggle buttons. Buttons create a ButtonHandle. If a toggle button is created, also an output of type bool is created, which is true as long as the button is toggled. */ struct Button : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ private: /// utility method static std::string form_args(const std::string &text, const std::string &toggledText, bool initiallyToggled){ if(!toggledText.length()){ return text; } std::ostringstream str; str << text << ','; if(initiallyToggled) str << '!'; str << toggledText; return str.str(); } public: /// creates button component (if toggledText is empty, a push-button is created) Button(const std::string &text, const std::string &toggledText="", bool initiallyToggled=false): GUIComponentWithOutput(toggledText.length() ? "togglebutton" : "button",form_args(text,toggledText,initiallyToggled)){} }; /// ButtonGroup component (aka vertical list of radio buttons) /** Creates a ButtonGroupHandle and an int-valued output, that contains the index of the currently checked radio-button */ struct ButtonGroup : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ ButtonGroup(const std::string &commaSepTexts): GUIComponentWithOutput("buttongroup",commaSepTexts){} }; /// CheckBox component /** Creates a CheckBoxHandle and a boolean output that is true as long as the check box is checked */ struct CheckBox : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ /// create a check box component, optionally checked intially CheckBox(const std::string &label, bool checked=false): GUIComponentWithOutput("checkbox",label+','+(checked ? "checked":"unchecked")){} }; /// Label component for displaying text /** Creates a LabelHandle, that can be used to display text. The text can have several lines */ struct Label : public GUIComponent{ /// create label with optionally given initial text Label(const std::string &text=""):GUIComponent("label",text){} }; /// Slider component for int-ranges /** Creates a SliderHandle and an int-valued ouptut that contains the current slider value. Sliders always come with an QLCDNumber component, that displays the current slider value */ struct Slider : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ /// creates a slider with given POD parameters Slider(int min=0, int max=100, int curr=50, bool vertical=false): GUIComponentWithOutput("slider",form_args_4(min,max,curr,vertical?"vertical":"horizontal")){} /// creates a slider from given int-range Slider(const utils::Range32f &r, int curr, bool vertical=false): GUIComponentWithOutput("slider",form_args_4(r.minVal,r.maxVal,curr,vertical?"vertical":"horizontal")){} }; /// Float-valued Slider component /** Creates a FSliderHandle and an float-valued ouptut that contains the current slider value. Sliders always come with an QLCDNumber component, that displays the current slider value */ struct FSlider : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ /// creates a FSlider with given POD parameters FSlider(float min=0, float max=1, float curr=0.5, bool vertical=false): GUIComponentWithOutput("fslider",form_args_4(min,max,curr,vertical?"vertical":"horizontal")){} /// creates a FSlider from given float-range FSlider(const utils::Range32f &r, float curr=0.5, bool vertical=false): GUIComponentWithOutput("fslider",form_args_4(r.minVal,r.maxVal,curr,vertical?"vertical":"horizontal")){} }; /// Text Input component, that allows integer inputs in a given range /** Creates an IntHandle and an int-valued output */ struct Int : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ /// create integer input component with given range and initial value Int(int min=0, int max=100, int curr=50): GUIComponentWithOutput("int",form_args_3(min, max, curr)){} }; /// Text Input component, that allows float inputs in a given range /** Creates an FloatHandle and an float-valued output */ struct Float : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ /// create float input component with given range and initial value Float(float min=0, float max=1, float curr=0.5): GUIComponentWithOutput("float",form_args_3(min, max, curr)){} }; /// Text Input component, that allows float inputs with a given maximun length /** Creates an StringHandle (but no output) */ struct String : public GUIComponent{ /// create string input compoent with given max length String(const std::string &initText, int maxLen=100):GUIComponent("string",initText+','+utils::str(maxLen)){} }; /// Display component for a 2D Array of labels /** Creates a DispHandle that provides access to each label */ struct Disp : public GUIComponent{ Disp(int nxCells, int nyCells): GUIComponent("disp",utils::str(nxCells)+','+utils::str(nyCells)){} }; /// Image visualization component /** Creates an ImageHandle for image visualization */ struct Image : public GUIComponent{ /// constructor Image():GUIComponent("image"){} }; /// Image visualization component that allows for overlayed 2D image annotation /** Creates an DrawHandle for image visualization and annotation */ struct Draw : public GUIComponent{ /// create draw component with given default view port size /** The defaultViewPortsize is uses as annotation coordinate frame as long as not image is provided */ Draw(const utils::Size &defaultViewPortsize=utils::Size::VGA): GUIComponent("draw",str(defaultViewPortsize)){} }; /// Image visualization compoent that allows for 2D and 3D image annotation /** Creates a DrawHandle3D for image visualization and annotation. The Draw3D component is closely integrated with the icl::geom::Scene class. Together these classes can be used to render a 3D scene on top of a camera image */ struct Draw3D : public GUIComponent{ /// create Draw3D component with given defaultViewPortsize /** The given defaultViewPortsize is to create an OpenGL viewport as long as no backgrond image is given. */ Draw3D(const utils::Size &defaultViewPortsize=utils::Size::VGA): GUIComponent("draw3D",str(defaultViewPortsize)){} }; /// a 2D function and data plotting component /** Creates a PlotHandle */ struct Plot : public GUIComponent{ private: /// utility method static std::string form_args(const utils::Range32f xRange, const utils::Range32f yRange, bool useOpenGL, const std::string &xLabel, const std::string &yLabel){ std::ostringstream str; str << xRange.minVal << ',' << xRange.maxVal << ',' << yRange.minVal << ',' << xRange.maxVal << ',' << (useOpenGL ? "gl" : "noGL"); if(xLabel.length()){ str << ',' << xLabel; if(xLabel.length()){ str << ',' << yLabel; } } return str.str(); } public: /// Create Plot component with optionally given range parameters /** @param xRange horizontal range of the data view-port. If [0,0], then it is derived from the data @param yRange vertical range of the data view-port. If [0,0], then it is derived from the data @param useOpenGL if true, the renderering is performed in OpenGL (this can be faster in case of transparency) @param xLabel x-axis label @param yLabel y-axis label */ Plot(const utils::Range32f xRange=utils::Range32f(0,0), const utils::Range32f yRange=utils::Range32f(0,0), bool useOpenGL=false, const std::string &xLabel="", const std::string &yLabel=""): GUIComponent("plot",form_args(xRange,xRange, useOpenGL, xLabel, yLabel)){} /// Create Plot component with optionally given POD parameters /** The parameters are described well in the other constructor */ Plot(float minX, float maxX=0, float minY=0, float maxY=0, bool useOpenGL=false, const std::string &xLabel="", const std::string &yLabel=""): GUIComponent("plot",form_args(utils::Range32f(minX,maxX),utils::Range32f(minY,maxY), useOpenGL, xLabel, yLabel)){} }; /// ComboBox GUI component /** Creates a ComboHandle*/ struct Combo : public GUIComponent{ private: /// utility method static std::string form_args(const std::string &entries, int initialIndex){ if(!initialIndex) return entries; std::vector ls = utils::tok(entries,","); if(initialIndex < 0 || initialIndex >= (int)ls.size()){ throw utils::ICLException("Combo::Combo(entries,initialIndex): initialIndex is invalid"); } ls[initialIndex] = '!' + ls[initialIndex]; return utils::cat(ls,","); } public: /// Constructor with given comma separated list of initial entries Combo(const std::string &commaSepEntries, int initialIndex=0): GUIComponent("combo",form_args(commaSepEntries,initialIndex)){} }; /// SpinBox component /** Creates a SpinnerHandle and an int-valued output that reflects the current value */ struct Spinner : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ /// creat spinbox component with given range and initial value Spinner(int min, int max, int curr): GUIComponentWithOutput("spinner",form_args_3(min,max,curr)){} }; /// Frames per second estimator component /** create an FpsHandle that must be explicitly re-rendered in every loop-cycle of the FPS-monitored loop */ struct Fps : public GUIComponent{ /// creates fps component with given time window for estimating a running-average of the computed FPS-values Fps(int timeWindowSize=10): GUIComponent("fps",utils::str(timeWindowSize)){} }; /// camera configuration component /** Create no handle and no output. Results in a button, that opens a real-time camera property configuration dialog. The component can either be used to adjust all camera, a grabber was instantiated for or, it can be tuned for a certain camera with given non-default constructor parameters. Please note: If no constructor parameters are given, only grabbers, that have been created before the GUI-creation are referenced by this component */ struct CamCfg : public GUIComponent{ private: /// utility method static inline std::string form_args(const std::string &a, const std::string &b){ std::ostringstream str; if(a.length()){ str << a; if(b.length()){ str << ',' << b; } } return str.str(); } public: /// create a camera configurabion component with optionally specified device CamCfg(const std::string &deviceTypeHint="", const std::string &deviceIDHint=""):GUIComponent("camcfg",form_args(deviceTypeHint,deviceIDHint)){} }; /// Propery adjustment component for configuable instances /** creates an embedded tabbed vertical scroll widget that allows for adjust properties of a configurable instance in real-time. The referenced configurable must be create before the GUI-creation. Creates no handle and no output */ struct Prop : public GUIComponent{ /// create configurable component reflecting the properties of the given Configurable instance Prop(const std::string &configurableID):GUIComponent("prop",configurableID){} }; /// Color selection component /** Creates a ColorHandle. */ struct ColorSelect : public GUIComponentWithOutput{ /// create color selection component /** if the alpha parameter is set to -1, no alpha value can be specified */ ColorSelect(int r, int g, int b, int a=-1):GUIComponentWithOutput("color",a>=0 ? form_args_4(r,g,b,a) : form_args_3(r,g,b)){} }; /// Process status component /** Creates a complex compoment that lists online-process information, such as processor usage, memory consumption and curren thread count */ struct Ps : public GUIComponent{ /// create ps component with given update rate Ps(int updatePFS=10):GUIComponent("ps",utils::str(updatePFS)){} }; /// Creates not component struct Dummy : public GUIComponent{ Dummy():GUIComponent(""){} }; /// Finalizes GUI creation (actually creates the Qt-GUI and makes it visible) struct Show : public GUIComponent{ Show():GUIComponent("!show"){}; }; /// Finalizes GUI creation (actually creates the Qt-GUI but initially hidden) struct Create : public GUIComponent{ Create():GUIComponent("!create"){}; }; } // namespace qt }