/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLFilter/FFTOp.h ** ** Module : ICLFilter ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ namespace filter{ /** This class implements the unary operator for the fast and discrete 2D fourier transformation. As known the fft can only be applied if the datasize is a power of 2. This implementation uses the fft as far as it can be applied and switches to the dft, so you can use it if datasize is not a power of 2 too. If MKL or IPP is available, FFTOp tries to use it if possible. \section EXAMPLE Simple FFT-computation demo
\code #include GUI gui; int main(int n, char **args){ painit(n,args,"-input|-i(filename)",init); Img32 src = load(*pa("-i")); FFTOp fftop(FFTOp::LOG_POWER_SPECTRUM,FFTOp::NO_SCALE); const ImgBase *dst = fftop.apply(&src); // note: icl-xv must be within your PATH show(norm(cvt(dst))); } \endcode \image html fft.jpg
Save the above sourcecode to a file, compile and link it. Execute it: ./appname -input pic.jpg \section RM Result modes These modes configure the way the destinationimage (the result of the fft) shall be returned. Different results like logpowerspectrum, real part or phase and magnitude can be obtained. (see icl::FFTOp::ResultMode) \section SM Sizeadaption modes These modes configure the sourceimage before processing the fft. The sourceimage can be scaled up, so that the datasize is a power of 2 (this is needed if you want to use the IPP acceleration or the faster part of the fallback). You can also scale the image down, leave it as it is or create a border and fill it with several methods. (see icl::FFTOp::SizeAdaptionMode) \section IPP_MKL_ACCEL Intel Ipp/Intel MKL acceleration If you own the Intel IPP or MKL library, the computation of the fft can be accelarated by using it. The IPP functions assume a datasize of power of 2 (see icl::FFTOp::SizeAdaptionMode). If IPP is available on you system and the datasize is a power of 2, it will be used automatacally. If MKL is available on your system, it will be used if IPP is not available or the datasize is not a power of 2. If IPP and MKL are not available, the fallback will be used. The MKL and fallback functions support also datasizes which are not power of 2. Supported source and destinationtypes:
\section BENCH Benchmark results The following benchmark has been done on Intel Dual Core 2.4GHz CPU on a PC with 2GiB RAM. Since IPP and MKL provide their fft results in a packed format, the time for unpacking is included in this benchmarks. Also IPP and MKL do not support every possible sourcetype, so time for typeconversation is also included if necessary. All times are provided in ms per channel.:
lib/size (format)QVGA(320x240)HVGA(480x320)VGA(640x480)SVGA(800x600)XGA(1024x768)DSVGA(1200x800)512x5121024x1024
IPP - - - - - - 4 21
MKL 1 2 7 12 36 26 6 58
FB 214 440 896 5509 1395 11064 438 1915
*/ class FFTOp : public UnaryOp{ private: ///Forwarddeklaration. class Data; ///Class for internal params and buffers. Data *m_data; //Applies fft/dft on all channel of sourceimage. /**Called by apply. Applies fft/dft and resultmode. Possible sourceparam is: Img, Img, Img, Img, Img. Possible destinationparam is: Img and Img.*/ template void apply_internal(const core::Img &src, core::Img &dst, math::DynMatrix > &buf, math::DynMatrix > &dstBuf); //Adapts sourceimage before fft/dft computation. /**Called by apply. Adapts sourceimage to specified values(scaling, padding on so on).Possible sourceparam is: Img, Img, Img, Img, Img*/ template const core::Img *adapt_source(const core::Img *src); //Applies an inplace fftshift after computation of the fft (if possible). /** Applies inplace fftshift on destinationimage after fftcomputation. Possible sourceparam is: Img and Img*/ template void apply_inplace_fftshift(math::DynMatrix &m); public: ///Modes how the sourceimage is to adapt before fftcomputation. /**Several sizeadaptionmodes for sourceimageadaption*/ enum SizeAdaptionMode{ NO_SCALE,//!< sourceimage stays as is PAD_ZERO,//!< creates a border with zeros around the sourceimage(new size is next power of 2 after originsize, or origanalsize if it is power of 2) PAD_COPY,//!< continues the image with copies the sourceimage(new size is next power of 2 after originsize, or origanalsize if it is power of 2) PAD_MIRROR,//!< mirrors the image on the edges of the sourceimage(new size is next power of 2 after originsize, or origanalsize if it is power of 2) SCALE_UP,//!< zooms to next higher power of 2 of originsize, or origanalsize if it is power of 2 SCALE_DOWN //!< zooms to next lower power of 2 of originsize, or origanalsize if it is power of 2 }; ///Modes how the destinationimage will be created. /**Several resultmodes for destinationimage.*/ enum ResultMode{ TWO_CHANNEL_COMPLEX,//!< alternates real- and imaginarypart of fftcomputation IMAG_ONLY,//!< imaginarypart of fftcomputation REAL_ONLY,//!< realpart of fftcomputation POWER_SPECTRUM,//!< powerspectrum of fftcomputation LOG_POWER_SPECTRUM,//!< logpowerspectrum of fftcomputation MAGNITUDE_ONLY,//!< magnitude of fftcomputation PHASE_ONLY,//!< phase of fftcomputation TWO_CHANNEL_MAGNITUDE_PHASE//!< alternates magnitude and phase of fftcomputation }; ///Creates a new FFTOp-object. /**Constructor. Params can be changed later. @param rm the resultmode @param sam the sizeadaptionmode before applying FFTOp @param fftshift wether to apply fftshift to destinationimage after fftcomputation or not* @param forceDFT wether to apply dft or fft*/ FFTOp(ResultMode rm=LOG_POWER_SPECTRUM, SizeAdaptionMode sam=NO_SCALE, bool fftshift=true,bool forceDFT=false); /**Destructor*/ ~FFTOp(); ///Sets the resultmode. /**@param rm the resultmode to be set*/ void setResultMode(ResultMode rm); ///Returns the resultmode as int. /**@return the current resultmode.*/ int getResultMode(); ///Sets the sizeadaptionmode. /**@param sm the sizeadaptionmode to be set*/ void setSizeAdaptionMode(SizeAdaptionMode sam); ///Returns the sizeadaptionmode. /**@return the current sizeadationmode*/ int getSizeAdaptionMode(); ///Returns true if the diskrete fourier transfarmation shall be used, else false. /**@return true if dft should be used, false if fft should be used*/ bool getForceDFT(); ///Set wether to force the diskrete fourier transformation or to use the fast fourier transformation /**@param pForceDFT*/ void setForceDFT(bool pForceDFT); ///Set wether to fftshift the destinationimage or not /**@param pFFTShift true if the destinationimage should be shifted, else false*/ void setFFTShift(bool pFFTShift); ///Returns the current value for fftshift. /**@return true if destinationimage is to be fftshifted, else false*/ bool getFFTShift(); ///Call this method to start fftcomputation. /**Applies FFTOp on src and dst. @param *src pointer to sourceimage @param **dst pointer to pointer to destinationimage*/ virtual void apply(const core::ImgBase *src, core::ImgBase **dst); /// Import unaryOps apply function without destination image using UnaryOp::apply; }; } // namespace filter }