/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLQt/Qt.h ** ** Module : ICLQt ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #ifndef ICL_QT_H #define ICL_QT_H #include /** \defgroup COMMON "Most common classes" \defgroup HANDLES "GUI Component Handle classes" \defgroup UNCOMMON "Uncommon classes (internally used)" \mainpage ICLQt For Rapid Development of GUI-based Computer-Vision Applications As it's core, this package provides a wrapper API for Qt-based GUI components. The main class of this package is the icl::GUI class (documentation: \ref GUI_INTRO) . Further essential components are located in the \ref IVF . \section _GENERAL_ General Idea of this Package When developing computer vision applications, one does usually not want to fight with the common GUI issues -- such as layouting GUI components and synchronizing GUI events and values with the applications working thread. To avoid theses issues, ICL comes up with a string- and stream-based GUI creation framework, that allows for creating most complex GUIs with just a few lines of well readable code. However it always provides full access to the underlying Qt-components to enable the user to use traditional Qt-code to implement custom stuff where it is needed. The GUI-framework provides some special components, such as the image visualization and annotation widgets (\ref IVF) and the icl::PlotWidget for 2D data visualization. In addition all common Qt-components, such as sliders and buttons, are also wrapped. \section IVF Image Visualisation and Annotation Framework Development of a QWidget implementation for image visualisation implies finding answers to the following questions: - How can images be visualized at all? - How can this be done efficiently? - How can different image depths be handled (and how can this be done efficiently)? - How must images be scaled and moved to fit optimally into a given widget? - How can image processing and image visualisation be decoupled to avoid that the GUI gets stuck if the processing loop needs a lot of time for each cycle? - How can different threads for processing and visualisation be synchronized? - How can the user change image visualisation parameters (e.g, brightness or contrast adjustment)? - How can images be annotated in online applications (here again, one has to face synchronization issues)? - How can the image annotation be abstracted from visualisation features (e.g., current zoom)? - How can 3D objects be drawn into a scene so that it matches it's real-world counter part? - Can 3D overlay be implemented using OpenGL? - ...
ICL's image visualization and annotation framework consists essentially of the three widget classes - icl::ICLWidget - icl::ICLDrawWidget - icl::ICLDrawWidget3D. At the lowest layer, the icl::GLImg provides an interfaces for converting ImgBase instances into an OpenGL texture (if the image is larger than OpenGL's maximum texture sizes, it has to be split into several texture) that can be drawn arbitrarily into an OpenGL scene. Internally, the icl::GLImg class is used for different image depths depths. Here, OpenGL's pixel-transfer parameters are used for hardware accelerated brightness and contrast adjustment. Furthermore, fitting images into the widget viewport can simply be performed by the graphics hardware. The GLImg can also be used as efficient video texture. The next layer is implemented by the icl::ICLWidget class, which inherits Qt's QGLWidget class for creation of an embedded OpenGL context and viewport. The ICLWidget provides a software interface for setting different visualisation parameters (explained in the icl::ICLWidget documentation) as well as an embedded user interface for interactive adaption of these parameters. Furthermore, the ICLWidgets provides a function setImage(ImgBase*) to make it show a new image. Internally, the image is buffered into a mutex-protected interleaved intermediate format, which can more easily be transferred to the graphics buffer. By these means, setImage can simply be called from the application's working thread without any explicit synchronization. Once an new image is given, the icl::ICLWidget will automatically post a Qt-update event by calling the ICLWidget::render() method. In this way, the used OpenGL context is actually re-rendered asynchronously in the application's GUI thread. For image annotation (such as rendering boxes or symbols on top of the image to visualize image processing results), the icl::ICLDrawWidget is provided. It works like a drawing state-machine that automatically synchronized image annotations with Qt's event loop. Internally, this is achieved by using two thread-safe draw-command queues. One of these queues can be filled with new draw commands, while the other queue belongs to the GUI thread and is rendered. Every time, the parent icl::ICLWidget classes icl::ICLWidget::render() method is called, the queues are swapped, and the queue that is now being filled with new commands is automatically cleared. Here, the icl::ICLDrawWidget adapts the behavior of the parent icl::ICLWidget class. The icl::ICLDrawWidget will not automatically call ICLWidget::render() when a new background image is given. Since usually setting the background image is followed by posting a set of draw-commands, icl::ICLWidget::render() has to be called manually, once the image annotation is finished. (TODO add reference to example) On the last level, the icl::ICLDrawWidget3D, which itself extends the icl::ICLDrawWidget, provides an interfaces for rendering 3D stuff on top of an image. The icl::ICLDrawWidget3D provides the icl::ICLDrawWidget3D::link method, which links a simple callback function to it. When the icl::ICLDrawWidget3D is rendered, it will also execute the linked OpenGL callback function in the GUI Thread, while still being able to render 2D annotations. It is highly recommended to use the icl::Scene class to create 3D rendering overlays The scene class can easily provide an appropriate OpenGL callback function for it's contained cameras. Usage examples are given on ICL's webpage. Select info->tutorial in the top-menu. \image html drawing-layers.png "Collaboration in ICL's visualisation and annotation framework"
\section OSM The ICLWidget's On-Screen-Menu
note: this section is not up-to-date\n The icl::ICLWidget's on-screen-menu provides a lot of basic features to adjust image visualisation parameters, such as brightness-contrast adjustment, or zooming to a certain sub-rectangle of the whole image. Furthermore, it provides basic functionalities for capturing images, to select single image channels and to show an online updated image histogram.\n The on-screen-menu can be activated by the user by mouse. The menu control buttons appear automatically when the mouse is hovered above the widget and disappear automatically when the mouse leaves the widget screen area. In cases where the on-screen-menu isn't needed the automatic appearing of the widget control buttons can be deactivated. The leftmost button shows or hides the menu. By default, the menu is embedded into the widget. The 2nd button detaches the menu from the widget and makes the menu an independent window. The next button that shows two diagonally aligned filled squares changes the internal image interpolation mode. By default, the image texture is painted using nearest neighbour interpolation, which means that image pixels have hard edges in zoomed view. If the interpolation mode button is toggled a linear interpolation is used for texture rendering. The iterative zoom button, which is left to the image interpolation button, can be used to drag a zooming area. If the image zoom is active, the image zoom button is tainted red. Another click on the image zoom button disabled the image zoom to re-activated the original mode. The rightmost button is only visible if the widget's content is currently recorded from the widgets menu. It can be used as a shotcut to stop recording even if the menu is currently not visible. A detailed explanation of the on-screen-menu itself is provided in the icl::ICLWidget's documentation section \ref ICLWIDGET_OSM. \image html osm-1.png "Widget control buttons"
\section MOD Modules - \ref COMMON - \ref HANDLES - (for ICL-developers) \ref UNCOMMON */ #endif