/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLGeom/SceneObject.h ** ** Module : ICLGeom ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #ifndef ICL_SCENE_OBJECT_H #define ICL_SCENE_OBJECT_H #ifndef HAVE_OPENGL #warning "this header must not be included if HAVE_OPENGL is not defined" #else #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ /** \cond */ class Scene; /** \endcond */ /// The SceneObject class defines visible objects in scenes or scene graph nodes /** SceneObject instances are used in combination with the icl::Scene class. You can add SceneObjects into a Scene and then render these as an image overlay. A scene object is defined by - a list of 3D-homogeneous vertices - a list of primitives that use indices to the vertex list - a transformation matrix - a list of children that are rendered relatively to their parent object SceneGraph objects can also have no vertices. In this case they are invisible nodes within a scene graph. \section CREATION Creation of SceneObjects Usually special SceneObject instances are created by subclassing the SceneObject class. Subclasses can either simply add other SceneObjects e.g. using the utility methods SceneObject::addCube or SceneObject::addSphere or they can also define a custom geometry by adding vertices and primitives using SceneObject::addVertex and e.g. SceneObject::addLine or SceneObject::addQuad \section NORMALS Normals Normals are used for realistic lighting. Therefore, it is recommended to use normals when objects are defined. Normals are also stored in a list. Each face-vertex references one of the normals of this list. \subsection AN AutoNormals If no normals are provided, the normals are computed automatically at run-time using cross-product: - lines: no auto normals - triangles (vertices a,b,c) -> (a-c) x (b-c) - quads (vertices a,b,c,d) -> (d-c) x (b-c) - polygons: no auto normals supported - textures: here we always use auto-normals \section DYN Dynamic SceneObjects and Locking Custome extensions of the SceneObject-interface can implement the SceneObject's virtual method SceneObject::prepareForRendering which is calle every time before the object is acutally rendered. Here, the custom SceneObject can be adapted dynamically. \n Please note: When then you want to change the vertex-, primitive- or you'll have to enable the SceneObjects locking mechanism using SceneObject::setLockingEnabled(true). For compatibility with former version of the SceneObject class, you can also re-implement the virtual methods SceneObject::lock() and SceneObject::unlock() appropriately. Usually this will look like this: \code class MySceneObject : public SceneObject{ Mutex mutex; public: void lock() { mutex.lock(); } void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); } ... }; \endcode \section _COLORS_ Colors In the object specification (when you add vertices and other primitives, colors are always expected to be in ICL's commong [0,255]^3 range. However, the colors are scaled by 1/255 to range [0,1]^3 internally, since this is how OpenGL can access the colors more easily. Please keep in mind, that the colors you can find in m_vertexColors and also in primitive-instances is alaws in [0,1]^3 range \section CFV Colors From Vertices Sometimes, you might want to draw primtives that use different colors for different corners and interpolate between these. This can be achieved by using SceneObject::setColorsFromVertices(true). \section _DISPLAY_LISTS_ Display Lists For static objects (or objects that are not so frequently changed), display lists can be created using SceneObject::createDisplayList(). This will speed up the object rendering significantly. Please note, that a display list is always created in the next render cycle, which is why SceneObject::createDisplayList can also be called from the working thread. */ class SceneObject{ public: /// provides direct access for the Scene class friend class Scene; /// create an object SceneObject(); /// create by string: /** currently allowed: - "cube" params: [x,y,z,radius]; - "cuboid" params: [x,y,z,dx,dy,dz] - "sphere" params: [x,y,z,radius,rzSteps,xySlices] - "spheroid" params: [x,y,z,rx,ry,rz,rzSteps,xySlices] - "superquadric" params: [x,y,z,rx,ry,rz,dx,dy,dz,e1,e2,rzSteps,xySlices] where \n - (x,y,z)^T is the center position - (rx,ry,rz)^T are the rotation euler angles - (dx,dy,dz)^T are the diameters into x-, y- and z-direction - (e1,and e2) are the roundness parameters - (rzSlices,rxSlices) is used for the number of steps the create nodes */ SceneObject(const std::string &type,const float *params); /// create a cube scene object static inline SceneObject *cube(float x, float y, float z, float r){ const float p[] = { x,y,z,r }; return new SceneObject("cube",p); } /// create a cuboid scene object static inline SceneObject *cuboid(float x, float y, float z, float dx, float dy, float dz){ const float p[] = { x,y,z,dx,dy,dz }; return new SceneObject("cuboid",p); } /// create a shere scene object static inline SceneObject *sphere(float x, float y, float z, float r, int rzSteps, int xySlices){ const float p[] = { x,y,z,r, rzSteps, xySlices }; return new SceneObject("sphere",p); } /// create a shere scene object static inline SceneObject *spheroid(float x, float y, float z, float rx, float ry, float rz, int rzSteps, int xySlices){ const float p[] = { x,y,z,rx, ry, rz, rzSteps, xySlices }; return new SceneObject("spheroid",p); } /// create a superquadric scene object static inline SceneObject *superquadric(float x, float y, float z, float rx, float ry, float rz, float dx, float dy, float dz, float e1, float e2, int rzSteps, int xySlices){ const float p[] = { x,y,z,rx, ry, rz, dx, dy, dz, e1, e2, rzSteps, xySlices }; return new SceneObject("superquadric",p); } /// creates a scene object from given .obj file SceneObject(const std::string &objFileName) throw (ICLException); /// deep copy of SceneObject instance /** The new instance's parent is set to null, i.e. it must be added to other's parent explicitly if this is necessary. */ SceneObject(const SceneObject &other) { *this = other; m_parent = 0; } /// assignment operator for deep copy /** This instances parent is not changed. I.e. it must be added to other's parent explicitly if this is necessary. */ SceneObject &operator=(const SceneObject &other); /// Empty destructor (but virtual) virtual ~SceneObject(); /// returns object vertices /** If the vertex count is changed, the object needs to be locked */ std::vector &getVertices(); /// returns object vertices (const) const std::vector &getVertices() const; /// returns object vertex colors /** If the number of vertex colors is changed, the object needs to be locked */ std::vector &getVertexColors(); /// returns object vertex colors (const) const std::vector &getVertexColors() const; /// returns object's primitives (lines, quads, etc...) std::vector &getPrimitives(); /// returns object's primitives (lines, quads, etc...) (const) const std::vector &getPrimitives() const; /// changes visibility of given primitive type void setVisible(int oredTypes, bool visible, bool recursive=true); /// returns visibility of given primitive type bool isVisible(Primitive::Type t) const; /// adds a new vertex to this object /** Please note, that colors are defined in ICL's commong [0,255] range, but they are stored internally in [0,1] range, since this is how OpenGL expects colors */ void addVertex(const Vec &p, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(255,0,0,255)); /// adds a GLImg as shared texture void addSharedTexture(SmartPtr gli); /// adds an ImgBase * as shared texutre void addSharedTexture(const ImgBase *image, scalemode sm=interpolateLIN); /// adds a new normal to this object void addNormal(const Vec &n); /// adds a new line to this object /** If the given normal indices (na and nb) are -1, no normals are used for this primitives */ void addLine(int x, int y, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(100,100,100,255)); /// adds a new triangle to this onject /** If the given normal indices (na,nb and nc) are -1, auto-normal are computed using cross-product */ void addTriangle(int a, int b, int c, int na, int nb, int nc, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(0,100,250,255)); /// convenience method for creation of a triangle with auto-normals inline void addTriangle(int a, int b, int c, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(0,100,250,255)){ addTriangle(a,b,c,-1,-1,-1,color); } /// adds a new triangle to this onject /** If the given normal indices (na,nb,nc and nd) are -1, auto-normal are computed using cross-product */ void addQuad(int a, int b, int c, int d, int na, int nb, int nc, int nd, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(0,100,250,255)); /// convenience method for creation of a quad with auto-normals inline void addQuad(int a, int b, int c, int d, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(0,100,250,255)){ addQuad(a,b,c,d,-1,-1,-1,-1,color); } /// add a polygon to this object (note triangles and quads are slower here) /** If the given normal indices's size is 0, auto-normal are computed using cross-product */ void addPolygon(int nPoints,const int *vertexIndices, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(0,100,250,255), const int *normalIndices=0); /** If the given normal indices (na,nb,nc and nd) are -1, auto-normal are computed using cross-product */ void addTexture(int a, int b, int c, int d, const ImgBase *texture, int na, int nb, int nc, int nd, bool createTextureOnce=true, scalemode sm = interpolateLIN); /// convenience method for creation of a texture with auto-normals inline void addTexture(int a, int b, int c, int d, const ImgBase *texture, bool createTextureOnce=true, scalemode sm = interpolateLIN){ addTexture(a,b,c,d,texture,-1,-1,-1,-1,createTextureOnce,sm); } /// adds are shared texture primitive /** The sharedTextureIndex references a shared texture that has been added by using SceneObject::addSharedTexture */ void addTexture(int a, int b, int c, int d, int sharedTextureIndex, int na=-1, int nb=-1, int nc=-1, int nd=-1); /// adds a texture that is drawn on a 2D grid of vertices in 3D space void addTextureGrid(int w, int h, const ImgBase *image, const icl32f *px, const icl32f *py, const icl32f *pz, const icl32f *pnx=0, const icl32f *pny=0, const icl32f *pnz=0, int stride = 1,bool createTextureOnce=true,scalemode sm=interpolateLIN); /// adds a texture grid that has two different texture for the two faces /** Internally, the TwoSidedTextureGridPrimitive is used */ void addTwoSidedTextureGrid(int w, int h, const ImgBase *front, const ImgBase *back, const icl32f *px, const icl32f *py, const icl32f *pz, const icl32f *pnx=0, const icl32f *pny=0, const icl32f *pnz=0, int stride = 1,bool createFrontOnce=true, bool createBackOnce=true, scalemode sm=interpolateLIN); /// adds text-texture quad -primitive to this object /** If the given normal indices (na,nb,nc and nd) are -1, auto-normal are computed using cross-product. Please note, that the text aspect ratio might not be preserved @param holdTextAR not supported yet! */ void addTextTexture(int a, int b, int c, int d, const std::string &text, const GeomColor &color, int na, int nb, int nc, int nd, int textSize,scalemode sm = interpolateLIN); /// convenience method for creation of a text-texture with auto-normals inline void addTextTexture(int a, int b, int c, int d, const std::string &text, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(255,255,255,255), int textSize=30, scalemode sm = interpolateLIN){ addTextTexture(a,b,c,d,text,color,-1,-1,-1,-1,textSize, sm); } /// adds a billboard text-texture attached to given node index a /** the billboardHeight parameters defines the actual height in world units. The text is always centered at m_vertices[a] and it will always be oriented towards the camera. The textRenderSize parameter defines the pixel resolution of the text */ void addText(int a, const std::string &text, float billboardHeight=10, const GeomColor &color=GeomColor(255,255,255,255), int textRenderSize=30, scalemode sm=interpolateLIN); /// adds a custom primitive /** This should only be used for non-directly supported primitives Note: right now, there is no 'hit' checking for non standard primitives */ inline void addCustomPrimitive(Primitive *p){ m_primitives.push_back(p); } /// adds a cube child-object with given parameters /** returns a pointer to the cube added. This can be used to adapt further properties of that object */ SceneObject *addCube(float x, float y, float z, float d){ return addCuboid(x,y,z,d,d,d); } /// adds a cuboid child-object with given parameters /** returns a pointer to the cube added. This can be used to adapt further properties of that object */ SceneObject *addCuboid(float x, float y, float z, float dx, float dy, float dz); /// adds a cuboid child-object with given parameters /** returns a pointer to the cube added. This can be used to adapt further properties of that object */ SceneObject *addSphere(float x, float y, float z, float r,int rzSteps, int xySlices){ return addSpheroid(x,y,z,r,r,r,rzSteps,xySlices); } /// adds a cuboid child-object with given parameters /** returns a pointer to the cube added. This can be used to adapt further properties of that object */ SceneObject *addSpheroid(float x, float y, float z, float rx, float ry, float rz, int rzSteps, int xySlices); /// adds a cylindical child object with given parameters /** returns a pointer to the cylinder added. This can be used to adapt further properties of that object */ SceneObject *addCylinder(float x, float y, float z, float rx, float ry, float h, int steps); /// adds a conical child object with given parameters /** returns a pointer to the cone added. This can be used to adapt further properties of that object */ SceneObject *addCone(float x, float y, float z, float rx, float ry, float h, int steps); /// tints all Primitives with given type in given color void setColor(Primitive::Type t,const GeomColor &color,bool recursive=true); /// sets point size void setPointSize(float pointSize, bool recursive=true); /// sets point size void setLineWidth(float lineWidth, bool recursive=true); /// performs a deep copy of this object virtual SceneObject *copy() const; /// called by the renderer before the object is rendered /** here, dynamic object types can adapt e.g. their vertices or colors*/ virtual void prepareForRendering() {} /// this function is called when an object is rendered /** The function can be used to draw something in Object coordinates using OpenGL commands directly. When customRender is called, the OpenGL matrices is already prepared correctly. Custom render is always called before the SceneObject's primitives are rendered */ virtual void customRender() {} /// sets how 2D-geom colors are set void setColorsFromVertices(Primitive::Type t, bool on, bool recursive=true); /// returns wheather smooth shading is activated bool getSmoothShading() const; /// sets whether to use smoothshading (default is false) void setSmoothShading(bool on, bool recursive=true); /** @{ @name methods for creation of a scene graph **/ /// Sets a transformation matrix /** All vertices are transformed with this matrix before rendering. If the SceneObject instance has a parent-Scene object, then the parent's SceneObject's transformation pre-multiplied */ virtual void setTransformation(const Mat &m); /// sets the internal transformation to the identity matrix void removeTransformation(); /// multiplies the current transformation matrix by given matrix virtual void transform(const Mat &m); /// utility method for passing arbitrary matrix classes /** Note: the given T instance m, needs to have a function-operator(x,y)*/ template void transform(const T &m){ transform(Mat(m(0,0),m(1,0),m(2,0),m(3,0), m(0,1),m(1,1),m(2,1),m(3,1), m(0,2),m(1,2),m(2,2),m(3,2), m(0,3),m(1,3),m(2,3),m(3,3))); } /// rotates the scene object (this affects it's transformation matrix) virtual void rotate(float rx, float ry, float rz); /// utility wrapper for vector based rotation template inline void rotate(const T &t) { rotate((float)t[0],(float)t[1],(float)t[2]); } /// translates the scene object (this affects it's translates matrix) virtual void translate(float dx, float dy, float dz); /// utility wrapper for vector based translation template inline void translate(const T &t) { translate((float)t[0],(float)t[1],(float)t[2]); } /// transformes the current transformation matrix by a scale matrix virtual void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz); /// utility wrapper for vector based scaling template inline void scale(const T &t) { scale((float)t[0],(float)t[1],(float)t[2]); } /// returns the current transformation matrix /** If the relative flag is true, only this objects transformation matrix is returned. If it is set to false (which is default), also the parent SceneObjects absolute transformation matrix is queried and premultiplied */ Mat getTransformation(bool relative=false) const; /// returns whether the SceneObject has currently a non-ID-transformation /** Here also the parent transformation is regarded if relative is false */ bool hasTransformation(bool relative=false) const; /// returns the parent scene object SceneObject *getParent(); /// returns the parent scene object (const version) const SceneObject *getParent() const; /// adds a new child to this scene object /** If the child's owner ship is passed, it is deleted automatically when it is removed or if the parent is deleted. Otherwise, the caller has to manage the passed child's memory. Note: there is no cycle detection in the SceneObject class. Adding A to B and B to A leads to unknown results and most likely to programm errors. */ void addChild(SceneObject *child, bool passOwnerShip=true); /// removes given child /** no errors if the child was not found */ void removeChild(SceneObject *child); /// removes all children void removeAllChildren(); /// returns whether the SceneObject has children at all bool hasChildren() const; /// returns the number of children int getChildCount() const; /// returns child at given index SceneObject *getChild(int index); /// returns child at given index (const) const SceneObject *getChild(int index) const; /** @} **/ /// returns whether this object is hit by the given viewray /** Please note: only faces (i.e. quads, triangles and polygons are checked) The method returns the hit scene object that was closest to the given view-rays origin or null, if it was not hit. If recursive is true, the scene-graph is traversed from this object on and the actually hit child (or child of child etc.) might also be returned. */ Hit hit(const ViewRay &v, bool recursive=true); /// returns whether this object is hit by the given viewray (const) const Hit hit(const ViewRay &v, bool recursive=true) const{ return const_cast(this)->hit(v,recursive); } /// returns all hits with SceneObjects form the given viewray std::vector hits(const ViewRay &v, bool recursive=true); /// returns all vertices in their final world coordinates std::vector getTransformedVertices() const; /// returns the vertex, that is closest to the given point in wold coordinates /** If relative is true, the vertex is returned in object-coordinates, otherwise it is returned in world coordinates */ Vec getClosestVertex(const Vec &pWorld, bool relative=false) throw (ICLException); /// sets the visibility of this object void setVisible(bool visible, bool recursive=true); /// returns whether this object is currently visible bool isVisible() const { return m_isVisible; } /// calls setVisible(false) void hide(bool recursive=true){ setVisible(false); } /// calls setVisible(true) void show(bool recursive=true){ setVisible(true); } /// sets locking enabled or disabled /** Note, that the method itself locks the internal mutex to prevent, that m_enableLocking is disabled while the mutex is locked somewhere else */ inline void setLockingEnabled(bool enabled) { m_mutex.lock(); m_enableLocking = enabled; m_mutex.unlock(); } /// returns whether locking is current enabled for this object bool getLockingEnabled() const { return m_enableLocking; } /// locks the internal mutex if locking enabled is set to true /** This function can be re implemented by subclasses that need an eplicit locking. Note, that explicit locking can be enabled/disabled using setLockingEnabled\n E.g. if an objects data is updated from another thread, you can sub-class this class and implement a locking mechanism for it*/ virtual void lock(){ if(!m_enableLocking) return; m_mutex.lock(); } /// unlocks the internal mutex if locking enabled is set to true /** This function can be re implemented by subclasses that need an eplicit locking. Note, that explicit locking can be enabled/disabled using setLockingEnabled\n E.g. if an objects data is updated from another thread, you can sub-class this class and implement a locking mechanism for it*/ virtual void unlock(){ if(!m_enableLocking) return; m_mutex.unlock(); } friend struct Primitive; /// sets whether points are visualized in a smoothed manner /** This might not be supported by the graphics hardware or driver. Default value is true */ inline void setPointSmoothingEnabled(bool enabled=true){ m_pointSmoothingEnabled = enabled; } /// sets whether lines are visualized in a smoothed manner /** This might not be supported by the graphics hardware or driver Default value is true */ inline void setLineSmoothingEnabled(bool enabled=true){ m_lineSmoothingEnabled = enabled; } /// sets whether faces are visualized in a smoothed manner /** This might not be supported by the graphics hardware or driver Default value is true */ inline void setPolygonSmoothingEnabled(bool enabled=true){ m_polygonSmoothingEnabled = enabled; } /// deletes and removes all primitives void clearAllPrimitives(); /// creates a displaylist in the next render cycle /** if the displaylist was already created, it is updated */ void createDisplayList(); /// frees the displaylist in the next render cycle void freeDisplayList(); /// sets a fragment shader to use for this object /** use set fragment shader (0) in order to delete the fragment shader */ void setFragmentShader(GLFragmentShader *shader); /// returns the current fragment shader (or NULL if non was given) inline GLFragmentShader *getFragmentShader() { return m_fragmentShader; } /// returns the current fragment shader (or NULL if non was given, const version) inline const GLFragmentShader *getFragmentShader() const{ return m_fragmentShader; } protected: /// recursive picking method static void collect_hits_recursive(SceneObject *obj, const ViewRay &v, std::vector &hits, bool recursive); std::vector m_vertices; std::vector m_normals; std::vector m_vertexColors; std::vector m_primitives; std::vector > m_sharedTextures; int m_visibleMask; bool m_lineColorsFromVertices; bool m_triangleColorsFromVertices; bool m_quadColorsFromVertices; bool m_polyColorsFromVertices; float m_pointSize; float m_lineWidth; bool m_useSmoothShading; bool m_isVisible; /// for the scene graph implementation Mat m_transformation; bool m_hasTransformation; SceneObject *m_parent; std::vector > m_children; Mutex m_mutex; //!< for asynchronous updates bool m_enableLocking; //!< can be enabled bool m_pointSmoothingEnabled; bool m_lineSmoothingEnabled; bool m_polygonSmoothingEnabled; private: /// internally used flag void *m_displayListHandle; /// internal flag /** - 0: no change. - 1: create/update display list in next render cycle - 2: free display-list (if there is any) in the next render cycle */ int m_createDisplayListNextTime; /// internal optionally given fragment shader GLFragmentShader *m_fragmentShader; }; } #endif #endif