/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLIO/src/SwissRangerGrabber.cpp ** ** Module : ICLIO ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #include /** why this is now defined */ //typedef uint32_t DWORD; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include inline int set_canon(int flag){ struct termios t; tcgetattr( fileno(stdin), &t); if( flag) t.c_lflag |= (ICANON|ECHO); else t.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO); tcsetattr( fileno(stdin), TCSANOW, &t); return 1; } namespace icl{ static std::string translate_modulation_freq(ModulationFrq m) throw (ICLException){ switch(m){ #define CASE(X) case MF_##X##MHz: return #X+str("MHz"); CASE(40);CASE(30);CASE(21);CASE(20);CASE(19);CASE(60); CASE(15);CASE(10);CASE(29);CASE(31);CASE(14_5);CASE(15_5); #undef CASE default: throw ICLException(".."); return ""; } } static ModulationFrq translate_modulation_freq(const std::string &m){ #define CASE(X) else if(m==(#X)+str("MHz")) {return MF_##X##MHz;} if(0){} CASE(40)CASE(30)CASE(21)CASE(20)CASE(19)CASE(60) CASE(15)CASE(10)CASE(29)CASE(31)CASE(14_5)CASE(15_5) #undef CASE throw ICLException(".."); return (ModulationFrq)-1; } static float get_max_range_mm(ModulationFrq m){ switch(m){ #define CASE(X,R) case MF_##X##MHz: return R; CASE(40,3750); CASE(30,5000); CASE(21,7140); CASE(20,7500); CASE(19,7890); CASE(60,2500); CASE(15,10000); CASE(10,15000); CASE(29,5170); CASE(31,4840); CASE(14_5,10340); CASE(15_5,9860); #undef CASE default: return 0; } } /// crazy debug output method (taken from the libmesasr sample application) static int swiss_ranger_debug_callback(SRCAM srCam, unsigned int msg, unsigned int param, void* data){ switch(msg) { case CM_MSG_DISPLAY: // redirects all output to console { if (param==MC_ETH) return 0; char*p=(char*)data,*q; while( (q=strchr(p,'\n')) ) { fputs(">>>> >>>> ",stdout); fwrite(p,q-p+1,1,stdout); p=&q[1]; } fputs(">>>> >>>> ",stdout); puts((char*)p); return 0; } case CM_PROGRESS: { #ifndef HIWORD # define HIWORD(X) ((unsigned short)((unsigned long)(X)>>16)) # define LOWORD(X) ((unsigned short)((unsigned long)(X)&0xFFFF)) #endif int state =LOWORD(param); int progress=HIWORD(param); switch(state) { case CP_FLASH_ERASE: printf("Erasing flash (%d%%)...\n",progress);break; case CP_FLASH_WRITE: printf("Writing flash (%d%%)...\n",progress);break; case CP_FLASH_READ: printf("Reading flash (%d%%)...\n",progress);break; case CP_FPGA_BOOT: printf("Boot FPGA (%d%%)...\n",progress);break; case CP_CAM_REBOOT: printf("Reboot camera (%d%%)...\n",progress);break; case CP_DONE: puts("\ndone."); } return 0; } default: { //default handling return SR_GetDefaultCallback()(0,msg,param,data); } } } static std::map g_props; static struct g_props_initializer{ g_props_initializer(){ #define ENTRY(X) g_props[#X] = X ENTRY(AM_COR_FIX_PTRN); ENTRY(AM_MEDIAN); ENTRY(AM_CONV_GRAY); //ENTRY(AM_SHORT_RANGE); ENTRY(AM_CONF_MAP); ENTRY(AM_HW_TRIGGER); ENTRY(AM_SW_TRIGGER); ENTRY(AM_DENOISE_ANF); #undef ENTRY } } g_props_initializer_instance; static int prop(const std::string &x){ std::map::iterator it = g_props.find(x); if(it != g_props.end()){ return it->second; } return -1; } /*static std::string prop(int v){ for(std::map::iterator it = g_props.begin();it!=g_props.end();++it){ if(it->second == v){ return it->first; } } return ""; }*/ #define ICL_SR_SUCCESS 0 template void adapt_result_t(Img &im, int us_add){ const unsigned int dim = (unsigned int)im.getDim(); T *data = im.getData(0); for(unsigned int i=0;igetDepth()){ #define ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(D) case depth##D: adapt_result_t(*image->asImg(),us_add); break; ICL_INSTANTIATE_ALL_DEPTHS; #undef ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH } } template void copy_sr_data_src_dst(const srcT *src, dstT *dst, int dim){ for(int i=0;i(src[i]); } template void copy_sr_data_src(const void *src, dstT *dst, int dim,ImgEntry::DataType t){ switch(t){ case ImgEntry::DT_UCHAR: copy_sr_data_src_dst((icl8u*)src,dst,dim); break; case ImgEntry::DT_CHAR: copy_sr_data_src_dst((char*)src,dst,dim); break; case ImgEntry::DT_USHORT: copy_sr_data_src_dst((unsigned short*)src,dst,dim); break; case ImgEntry::DT_SHORT: copy_sr_data_src_dst((icl16s*)src,dst,dim); break; case ImgEntry::DT_UINT: copy_sr_data_src_dst((unsigned int*)src,dst,dim); break; case ImgEntry::DT_INT: copy_sr_data_src_dst((icl32s*)src,dst,dim); break; case ImgEntry::DT_FLOAT: copy_sr_data_src_dst((icl32f*)src,dst,dim); break; case ImgEntry::DT_DOUBLE: copy_sr_data_src_dst((icl64f*)src,dst,dim); break; default: ERROR_LOG("unknown ImgEntry::DataType value " << (int)t); } } void copy_sr_data(const void *src, void *dst, int dim, ImgEntry::DataType t, depth d){ switch(d){ #define ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(D) case depth##D: copy_sr_data_src(src,(icl##D*)dst,dim,t); break; ICL_INSTANTIATE_ALL_DEPTHS; #undef ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH default: ICL_INVALID_DEPTH; } } template void fix_unknown_pixels_t(S *conv_map, Channel c, T val){ int dim = c.getDim(); for(int i=0;i void fix_unknown_pixels(const void *conv_map, ImgEntry::DataType t, Channel c, T val){ switch(t){ case ImgEntry::DT_UCHAR: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const icl8u*)conv_map,c,val); break; case ImgEntry::DT_CHAR: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const char*)conv_map,c,val); break; case ImgEntry::DT_USHORT: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const unsigned short*)conv_map,c,val); break; case ImgEntry::DT_SHORT: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const icl16s*)conv_map,c,val); break; case ImgEntry::DT_UINT: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const unsigned int*)conv_map,c,val); break; case ImgEntry::DT_INT: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const icl32s*)conv_map,c,val); break; case ImgEntry::DT_FLOAT: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const icl32f*)conv_map,c,val); break; case ImgEntry::DT_DOUBLE: fix_unknown_pixels_t((const icl64f*)conv_map,c,val); break; default: ERROR_LOG("unknown ImgEntry::DataType value " << (int)t); } } enum IntensityImageMode{ iimUnknownPixelsZero, iimUnknownPixelsMinusOne, iimUnknownPixelsUnchanged }; class SwissRangerGrabberImpl::SwissRanger{ public: SRCAM cam; Size size; Img32f buf; ImgBase *image; int id; int pickChannel; IntensityImageMode iim; std::string depthMapUnit; bool createXYZ; }; static int g_swissranger_instance_count = 0; SwissRangerGrabberImpl::SwissRangerGrabberImpl(int serialNumber, depth bufferDepth, int pickChannel) throw (ICLException):Grabber(){ g_swissranger_instance_count++; if(g_swissranger_instance_count == 1){ set_canon(0); } SR_SetCallback(swiss_ranger_debug_callback); m_sr = new SwissRanger; unsigned short version[4]; SR_GetVersion(version); if(serialNumber < 0){ m_sr->id = SR_OpenDlg(&m_sr->cam,3,0); if(m_sr->id <= 0){ ICL_DELETE(m_sr); throw ICLException("unable to open SwissRanger (SR_OpenDlg) device with serialNumber " + str(serialNumber)); } }else{ m_sr->id = SR_OpenUSB(&m_sr->cam,serialNumber); if(m_sr->id <= 0){ ICL_DELETE(m_sr); throw ICLException("unable to open SwissRanger (SR_OpenUSB) device with serialNumber " + str(serialNumber)); } } m_sr->iim = iimUnknownPixelsMinusOne; m_sr->size.width = SR_GetCols(m_sr->cam); m_sr->size.height = SR_GetRows(m_sr->cam); m_sr->buf = Img32f(m_sr->size,3); m_sr->image = imgNew(bufferDepth,m_sr->size,0); m_sr->pickChannel = pickChannel; m_sr->depthMapUnit = "16Bit"; m_sr->createXYZ = true; SR_SetMode(m_sr->cam,AM_COR_FIX_PTRN|AM_CONV_GRAY|AM_DENOISE_ANF|AM_CONF_MAP); } SwissRangerGrabberImpl::~SwissRangerGrabberImpl(){ ICL_DELETE(m_sr->image); SR_Close(m_sr->cam); ICL_DELETE(m_sr); --g_swissranger_instance_count; if(!g_swissranger_instance_count){ SR_SetCallback(SR_GetDefaultCallback());//set default global callback set_canon(1); } } float SwissRangerGrabberImpl::getMaxRangeMM(const std::string &modulationFreq) throw (ICLException){ return get_max_range_mm(translate_modulation_freq(modulationFreq)); } float SwissRangerGrabberImpl::getMaxRangeVal() const{ const std::string &u = m_sr->depthMapUnit; if(u == "16Bit") return 65535; float unitFactor = (u=="mm")?1:(u=="cm")?0.1:0.001; float maxRange = get_max_range_mm(SR_GetModulationFrequency(m_sr->cam)); return unitFactor * maxRange; } const ImgBase *SwissRangerGrabberImpl::acquireImage(){ Mutex::Locker l(m_mutex); SR_Acquire(m_sr->cam); Time captureTime = Time::now(); static const unsigned int SF = sizeof(float); SR_CoordTrfFlt(m_sr->cam, m_sr->buf.getData(0),m_sr->buf.getData(1),m_sr->buf.getData(2),SF,SF,SF); ImgBase &result = *m_sr->image; ImgEntry *imgs = 0; int num = SR_GetImageList(m_sr->cam,&imgs); result.setChannels((m_sr->pickChannel<0) ? (num +(m_sr->createXYZ*3)) : 1); ImgEntry *im_DISTANCE = 0; int DISTANCE_idx = -1; ImgEntry *im_AMPLITUDE = 0; int AMPLITUDE_idx = -1; ImgEntry *im_INTENSITY = 0; int INTENSITY_idx = -1; ImgEntry *im_CONF_MAP = 0; int CONF_MAP_idx = -1; for(int i=0;ipickChannel == -1){ copy_sr_data(imgs[i].data,result.getDataPtr(i),result.getDim(),imgs[i].dataType,result.getDepth()); if( (m_sr->depthMapUnit != "16Bit") && (t == ImgEntry::IT_DISTANCE)){ result.normalizeChannel(i,Range64f(0,65535),Range64f(0,getMaxRangeVal())); } }else{ if(m_sr->pickChannel == i){ copy_sr_data(imgs[i].data,result.getDataPtr(0),result.getDim(),imgs[i].dataType,result.getDepth()); if( (m_sr->depthMapUnit != "16Bit") && (t == ImgEntry::IT_DISTANCE)){ result.normalizeChannel(0,Range64f(0,65535),Range64f(0,getMaxRangeVal())); } } } } if(m_sr->iim != iimUnknownPixelsUnchanged){ if(im_CONF_MAP && im_AMPLITUDE){ if( (m_sr->pickChannel == -1) || (m_sr->pickChannel == AMPLITUDE_idx) ){ int ampChannelIdx = m_sr->pickChannel < 0 ? AMPLITUDE_idx : 0; switch(result.getDepth()){ #define ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(D) \ case depth##D :fix_unknown_pixels(im_CONF_MAP->data, im_CONF_MAP->dataType, \ (*result.asImg())[ampChannelIdx], \ m_sr->iim == iimUnknownPixelsZero ? 0 : -1); break; ICL_INSTANTIATE_ALL_DEPTHS #undef ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH } } } } if(m_sr->createXYZ && m_sr->pickChannel < 0){ if(result.getDepth() != depth32f){ ERROR_LOG("creation of xyz-channels is only supported if an icl32f buffer is used\nyou can specifiy this buffer depth in the SwissRanger constructor"); } else { // result has depth of icl32f for(int i=0;i<3;++i) deepCopyChannel(&m_sr->buf, i, result.asImg(), num+i); } } result.setTime(captureTime); return &result; } const std::vector &SwissRangerGrabberImpl::getDeviceList(bool rescan){ static std::vector deviceList; if(rescan){ SRCAM cams[100] = { 0 }; // 800.000 euros! DWORD inAddr = 0; // what is this ? DWORD inMask = 0; // how to use a mask here ? int nFound = SR_OpenAll(cams,100,inAddr,inMask); for(int i=0;iiim = iimUnknownPixelsMinusOne; else if(value == "zero") m_sr->iim = iimUnknownPixelsZero; else if(value == "unchanged") m_sr->iim = iimUnknownPixelsUnchanged; else ERROR_LOG("invalid value \"" << value << "\" for property \"" << property << "\""); }else if(property == "modulation-frequency"){ try{ SR_SetModulationFrequency(m_sr->cam, translate_modulation_freq(value)); }catch(...){ ERROR_LOG("undefined modulation frequency value :" << value); } }else if(property == "depth-map-unit"){ if(value != "16Bit" && value != "mm" && value != "cm" && value != "m"){ ERROR_LOG("Unknown unit for depth map :" << value); }else{ m_sr->depthMapUnit = value; } }else if(property == "create-xyz-channels"){ if(value == "on") m_sr->createXYZ = true; else if(value == "off") m_sr->createXYZ = false; else{ ERROR_LOG("undefined value for create-xyz-channels (allowed are on and off):" << value); } }else if(!supportsProperty(property)){ ERROR_LOG("nothing known about a property " << property ); return; } else { int curMode = SR_GetMode(m_sr->cam); int id = prop(property); if(value=="on"){ SR_SetMode(m_sr->cam, id | curMode); }else{ SR_SetMode(m_sr->cam, curMode&~id); } } } std::vector SwissRangerGrabberImpl::getPropertyList(){ std::vector v; v.push_back("AM_COR_FIX_PTRN"); v.push_back("AM_MEDIAN"); v.push_back("AM_CONV_GRAY"); v.push_back("AM_SHORT_RANGE"); v.push_back("AM_CONF_MAP"); v.push_back("AM_HW_TRIGGER"); v.push_back("AM_SW_TRIGGER"); v.push_back("AM_DENOISE_ANF"); v.push_back("intensity-image-mode"); v.push_back("modulation-frequency"); v.push_back("depth-map-unit"); v.push_back("current-range"); v.push_back("create-xyz-channels"); return v; } std::string SwissRangerGrabberImpl::getType(const std::string &name){ if(name == "current-range"){ return "info"; }else if(supportsProperty(name)){ return "menu"; }else{ return "undefined"; } } std::string SwissRangerGrabberImpl::getInfo(const std::string &name){ if(name == "current-range"){ return "just an info string"; }else if(name == "intensity-image-mode"){ return "{\"zero\",\"minus one\",\"unchanged\"}"; }else if(name == "modulation-frequency"){ //Mutex::Locker l(m_mutex); //unsigned int serial = SR_ReadSerial(m_sr->cam); // CamType t = {CT_UNKNOWN=0,CT_SR2A,CT_SR2B,CT_SR3K_USB,CT_SR3K_ETH,CT_SR4K_USB,CT_SR4K_ETH,CT_SR4K_B_GIG_E,CT_LAST}; //DEBUG_LOG("serial is " << serial); //TODO in current lib version, there is no possibility to find out camera type ?? return "{\"40Mhz\",\"30MHz\",\"21MHz\",\"20MHz\",\"19MHz\",\"60MHz\"," "\"15MHz\",\"10MHz\",\"29MHz\",\"31MHz\",\"14_5MHz\",\"15_5MHz\"}"; }else if(name == "depth-map-unit"){ return "{\"16Bit\",\"mm\",\"cm\",\"m\"}"; }else if(supportsProperty(name)){ return "{\"on\",\"off\"}"; }else{ return "undefined"; } } std::string SwissRangerGrabberImpl::getValue(const std::string &name){ Mutex::Locker l(m_mutex); if(name == "current-range"){ ModulationFrq m = SR_GetModulationFrequency(m_sr->cam); return str(get_max_range_mm(m)) +"mm"; }else if(name == "intensity-image-mode"){ return m_sr->iim == iimUnknownPixelsMinusOne ? "minus one" : m_sr->iim == iimUnknownPixelsZero ? "zero" : "unchanged"; }else if(name == "depth-map-unit"){ return m_sr->depthMapUnit; }else if(name == "modulation-frequency"){ ModulationFrq m = SR_GetModulationFrequency(m_sr->cam); return translate_modulation_freq(m); }else if(name == "create-xyz-channels"){ return m_sr->createXYZ ? "on" : "off"; }else if(!supportsProperty(name)){ ERROR_LOG("nothing known about a property " << name ); return ""; } int id = prop(name); int curMode = SR_GetMode(m_sr->cam); if(id & curMode) return "on"; else return "off"; } }