.. include:: ../js.rst .. _io: #################### Image In- and Output #################### .. image:: /icons/185px/io.png The ICLIO module contains functions and classes that support image in- and output. The package contains a large set of classes, that are actually not interesting for users. Therefore, only the relevant classes will be mentioned here. In particular, the IO module contains almost 40 implementations for the :icl:`io::Grabber` interface, but since only the :icl:`io::GenericGrabber` is to be used, all other classes are not discussed. Table of Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :ref:`io.generic-grabber` * :ref:`io.grabbers.device-selection` * :ref:`io.grabbers.properties` * :ref:`io.grabber-backends` * :ref:`io.file-types` * :ref:`io.generic-image-output` * :ref:`io.grabbers.output-device-selection` * :ref:`io.output-backends` * :ref:`io.color-format-decoder` * :ref:`io.intrinsic-calibrator` * :ref:`io.others` .. _io.generic-grabber: The Generic Grabber ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Even though, a large set of Grabber implementations is available, we strongly recommend to use instances of the :icl:`io::GenericGrabber` only. The :icl:`GenericGrabber` wraps all other supported Grabber implementations internally. At construction time, the :icl:`GenericGrabber` is set up with a pair of string parameters (usually specified on the application's command line) that select which device has to use internally. By these means, you can simply write applications that are able to acquire images from all available image sources without having to check possibly supported back-ends manually. Furthermore, your application will also benefit from ICL-updates, which provide further grabber-implementations automatically, and the string-based devide selection mechanism does also provide an elegant way to set grabber-properties from the command-line. Here is a small example for a dynamic-source grab example +---------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | .. literalinclude:: examples/generic-grabber.cpp | .. image:: images/generic-grabber.png | | :linenos: | :alt: shadow | | :language: c++ | | +---------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ .. _io.grabbers.device-selection: Device Selection from Command Line """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A minimally adapted version of this application is available as an example application called 'icl-viewer'. The program argument -input expects two sub-arguments, the *backend-selector* and the *device selector* In following examples you will see synergy of ICL's program argument evaluation toolbox and the :icl:`io::GenericGrabber` * grab from the first fire-wire device available:: icl-viewer -input dc 0 * grab from a file :: icl-viewer -input file my-image.png * grab from a list of files (note, the pattern has be be set in single tics):: icl-viewer -input file 'images/*.jpg' * create the famous 'lena' demo image (also possible: 'parrot', 'cameraman' and others):: icl-viewer -input create lena * create an animated demo image (a moving red square):: icl-viewer -input demo 0 * grab from a standad webcam using opencv:: icl-viewer -input cvcam 0 * grab from a pylon compatible GigE device:: icl-viewer -input pylon 0 .. _io.grabbers.properties: Adapting Camera Properties from Command Line """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In addition to the simple device selection, also camera device properties can be set from command line. For this, a list of *@property=value* tokens is simply appended to the *device-selector* * force VGA size (this must be supported by the device):: icl-viewer -input dc 0@size=VGA * list all possible properties and their allowed values and ranges:: icl-viewer -input dc 0@info * instantiate a grabber and directly load a property configuration file (note: these files can be created interactively with the camera-configuration tool **icl-camera-config** or by reading a devices properties using e.g. **icl-camera-param-io -d dc 0 -o my-file.xml**):: icl-viewer -input dc 0@load=my-file.xml * set several options at once:: icl-viewer -input kinectc '0@LED=green@core::format=IR Image (10Bit)' * enable image undistortion according to undistortion parameters stored in an appropriate xml file:: icl-camviewer -input dc 0=my-udist-properties.xml .. todo:: appropriate means, that the xml-files were created by serializing an icl::ImageUndistortion structure to a file. The tools (fix these names!) **icl-opencvcamcalib-demo**, **icl-intrinsic-camera-calibration** and **icl-intrinsic-calibrator-demo** can be setup to write the calibration results in the correct file format .. _io.grabber-backends: List of Supported Grabber Backends """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Each ICL-application that is implemented using a combination of program argument and the :icl:`GenericGrabber`, is able to provide a list of all currently supported backends and how to understand their specific *device-selector*. Simple write e.g.:: icl-viewer -input list all A full list would currently contain the following, the library dependencies are not part of automatically created list. +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | index | ID | parameter | description | library dependency | +=======+=========+==========================================+===========================================================+===============================+ | 0 | kinectd | device ID | kinect depth camera source | libfreenect | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 1 | kinectc | device ID | kinect color camera source | libfreenect | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 2 | kinecti | devide ID | kinect IR camera source | libfreenect | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 3 | v4l | /dev/videoX index or device-file | V4l2 based camera source | videodev-headers or libv4l | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 4 | dc | camera ID or unique ID | IEEE-1394a based camera source (FireWire 400) | libdc1394 | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 5 | dc | camera ID or unique ID | IEEE-1394b based camera source (FireWire 800) | libdc1394 | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 6 | sr | device Index or -1 for auto select | Mesa Imaging SwissRanger depth camera source | libmesasr | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 7 | xine | video filename | Xine library based video file source | libxine | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 8 | cvvideo | video filename | OpenCV based video file source | OpenCV >= 2.3 | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 9 | cvcam | camera ID | OpenCV based camera source | OpenCV >= 2.3 | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 10 | sm | shared memory segment name | Qt-based shared memory source | Qt | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 11 | pylon | camera ID ?? or IP-address | Basler Pylon based gigabit-ethernet (GIG-E) camera source | Basler Pylon and Genicam libs | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 12 | rsb | [comma sep. transport list=spread]:scope | Robotics Service Bus based image source | librsbcore librsc | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 13 | file | file name or file-pattern (in '') | image source for single or a list of image files | imagemagic, libpng, libjpeg | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 14 | demo | 0 | demo image source | -- | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 15 | create | parrot|lena|cameraman|mandril | everywhere available test images source | libjpeg | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 16 | oni | depth|rgb|ir | OpenNI-based depth camera grabber for Kinect and X-tion | OpenNI | +-------+---------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ .. _io.file-types: Supported Image File Types """""""""""""""""""""""""" ICL supports a huge variety of image file types. Some of them are supported natively, i.e. no extra library is necessary. Most of the formats do not support to load and save image meta data and icl-specific image features such as the region of interest. **Natively supported Image Types** * **ppm, pgm and pnm** are supported as a common, simple and uncompressed image format * **csv** comma separated value files can also be read natively * **icl** a first **pnm**-like data format * **bicl** and **jicl** the *new* common icl-specific data types, which supports all image properties, including image meta-data. The **jicl** format is uses jpeg-compression internally, while **bicl** stored the image data in a binary manner, but uncompressed * **rle1**, **rle4**, **rle6**, and **rle8** is also an icl-specific format that is in particular well suited for binary images. The formats use run length encoding, where for each format, a certain number of bits is used for encoding a pixel value. I.e. **rle1** uses 1 bit for the pixel value, and is therefore only able to represent binary images. However in case of binary images, the maximum run length is defined by the remaining 7 bits (128), which usually leads to a very high loss-less compression ratio. The **rle4** format is able to represent 16 different gray-values, however its theoretical maximum compression is much less, and this effect is even stronger for **rle6**, which can distinguish up to 64 gray values, which is usually enough for visualization. The **rle8** format works slightly differently, because it uses two bytes -- 16bits -- for each run-token. Therefore, it is loss-less for common :icl:`Img8u` source images, but still providing a maximum run length of 256, which leads to a very high compression for homogeneous binary image regions. The **rle**-type also support loading and saving of all other image properties, including meta-data. **Image Files that need External Libraries** * **.gz** for each natively supported file suffix also a suffix.gz- version is supported, which simply writes the files with zlib. Even though, this is rather slow, it can sometimes provide good loss-less image compression * **jpeg** is supported if ICL has libjpeg or image-magick support, or * **png** is supported if ICL has png or image-magick support * if image-magick is supported, also all file-types are supported, that can be tacked by image magick. A list of file types supported by image magick can be obtained from command line using:: identify -list format .. _io.generic-image-output: The Generic Image Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :icl:`io::GenericImageOutput` works very similar to the :icl:`io::GenericGrabber`, however in an opposite direction. It has a single method called :icl:`GenericImageOutput::send`: .. literalinclude:: examples/generic-image-output.cpp :linenos: :language: c++ .. _io.grabbers.output-device-selection: Output Selection from Command Line """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Since almost all ICL-applications use the :icl:`io::GenericGrabber` in combination with ICL's programm argument evaluation toolbox, nearly all ICL applications can be set up to grab their source images from an arbitrary image source. In this context, the application **icl-pipe** might be very useful: **icl-pipe** does not only have a generic image souce, but is does also uses the :icl:`io::GenericImageOutput` to stream the grabbed images *somewhere else*. Here are some examples: * grab images from dc camera and dump the results into files (#### is replaced by the image index, here 0000, 0001, ... for more ore less trailing zeros, just add more or less hashes #):: icl-pipe -input dc 0 -o file images/image-####.ppm * grab images and pipe them to a shared memory segment which can directly be accessed by other ICL applications:: icl-pipe -input dc 0 -o sm my-segment * now, the images can be read online from the shared memory:: icl-viewer -input sm my-segment * capture a video using an opencv based video writer (here, with DIVX codec, VGA-resolution and playback speed of 24 frames per second (note, not all combinations of codecs, resolutions and sizes are possible, actually, most are not :-):: icl-pipe -input dc 0 -o video my-video.avi,DIVX,VGA,24 * re-encode a video using a xine-based grabber:: icl-pipe -input video some-file.mpg -o some-file-converted,DIVX,SVGA,30 * grab images from a robotics service bus scope /foo/bar (using spread-based multicast connection):: icl-camviewer -input rsb /foo/bar * grab images from a robotics service bus scope /foo/bar (using socket connection):: icl-camviewer -input rsb socket:/foo/bar * grab video file and use a robotics service bus informer to publish the image via spread and socket simultaneously:: icl-pipe -input cvvideo myfile.avi -o rsb spread,socket:/foo/bar .. _io.output-backends: List of Supported Output Backends """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Just like the :icl:`GenericGrabber` also the :icl:`GenericImageOutput` can be used to query a list of supported backends from the command line. Of course, we need an application, that uses the :icl:`GenericImageOutput` in combination with ICL's program argument evaluation environtment, such as **icl-pipe**:: icl-pipe -i demo 0 -o list all A complete list looks like this, and again, we added a column for the library dependency: +----+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | nr | id | parameters | explanation | library dependency | +====+=======+=============================+================================+================================+ | 0 | video | video filename | OpenCV based video file writer | OpenCV >= 2.3 | +----+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | sm | shared memory segment ID | Qt based shared memory writer | Qt | +----+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | 2 | rsb | [transports=spread]:scope | Network output stream | librsbcore, librsc | +----+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | 3 | file | file pattern in tics '' | File Writer | optionally, libjpeg, ... | +----+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ .. _io.color-format-decoder: The ColorFormatDecoder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :icl:`io::ColorFormatDecoder` is closely connected to the :icl:`io::FourCC` utility class. Its :icl:`ColorFormatDecoder::decode` function is able to decode commonly encoded images. Here, the data is represented by a single data pointer (in shape of a **const** :icl:`icl8u` *****), and the color format is specified by an also passed :icl:`FourCC` instance. Currently, the following FourCC codes are supported **GRAY**, **GREY** and **Y800** are all the same simple row-major byte gray scale images **YUYV**, **Y444**, **YU12** YUV sub-formats **MJPE** Motion jpeg **MYRM** Customly defined fourcc value for the Myrmex tactile device designed by Carsten Schürmann .. note:: Whenever a new V4L2 camera provides an unrecognized color format, support for this format must be added to the :icl:`ColorFormatDecoder` .. _io.intrinsic-calibrator: Intrinsic Camera Calibration (*will be moved*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ICL's intrinsic camera calibration framework is currently not properly supported and maintained. The application for camera calibration is not working properly and its OpenCV-based parameters are not supported by ICL's image undistortion! .. todo:: this part must be moved somewhere else. The calibration procedure should be implemented in ICLCV, but the calibration result (in shape of definition of the image undistortion model should be moved to ICLCore .. _io.others: Other Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :icl:`JPEGEncoder` and :icl:`JPEGDecoder` These are used at several locations. First of all for reading and writing jpeg images, but also shared-memory- and rsb-based inter process communication can be optimized using jpeg compression. The decoder is also used for motion-jpeg decoding. :icl:`FileList` The file list can be used to expand bash-style file patterns, such as "images/\*.png". Once instantiated, the file list provides lexicographically ordered random access to the matching files. Usually, this must not be used manually, as it is automatically used if the :icl:`GenericGrabber` is instantiated with a "file" *backend selector*. :icl:`FilenameGenerator` The :icl:`FilenameGenerator` allows for creating incremental file-names such as "image-001.png", "image-002.png", etc. For this, a given pattern string must contain a connected set of hashes (e.g. "image-###.png"). The more hashes are used, the more trailing zeros are inserted :icl:`ImageCompressor` The image compressor is used to create the binary ICL image formats **bicl**, **jicl** and also the **rleX**-formats. Actually its image serialization is also used for shared-memory- and rsb-based network communication