.. include:: ../js.rst .. _core: ################################ Basic Types for Image Processing ################################ .. image:: /icons/185px/core.png The Core modules provides basic types, classes and functions for image processing. In particular it introduces ICL's image classes :icl:`ImgBase` and the derived templates :icl:`Img`, where its template parameter *T* defines the pixel data type. Table of Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :ref:`core.image` * :ref:`core.image.types` * :ref:`core.image.pixel-access` * :ref:`core.image.shallow-copy` * :ref:`core.image.data-origin` * :ref:`core.image.channel-concept` * :ref:`core.image.roi` * :ref:`core.image.format` * :ref:`core.image.convert` * :ref:`core.image.const` * :ref:`core.global-functions` * :ref:`core.types` * :ref:`core.color` * :ref:`core.other` .. _core.image: The Image Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | For the implementation of the image classes, we combined inheritance | .. image:: images/image-sketch.png | | and class-templates: The :icl:`ImgBase` class defines an abstract | :alt: shadow | | interface, that manages all image information except for the actual | | | image pixel data. It works as generic interface for | | | the several versions of the :icl:`Img`-template and provides access to | | | | | | * image size (in pixels, as :icl:`utils::Size`) | | | * channel count (as **int**) | | | * run-time-identifiable data type of pixels (as :icl:`core::depth`) | | | * color format (as :icl:`core::format`) | | | * raw image data access | | | * region of interest (as :icl:`Rect`) | | | * a time stamp (as :icl:`Time`) | | | * a single meta data string (as **std::string**) | | | | | | .. note:: | | | | | | All provided setter functions for these parameters work in a lazy | | | fashion. I.e. they will only actually do something if necessary | | | | | | | | | The derived class :icl:`Img` adds a **std::vector** of typed | | | data-pointers -- one for each image channel. These channel data | | | pointers use reference counting to allow for copying images shallowly. | | | | | | We provide extra tutorial chapters for the image classes: | | | | | | * :ref:`tut.using-images` | | | * :ref:`tut.pixel-access` | | | * :ref:`tut.using-imgbase` | | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ .. _core.image.types: Supported Image Types """"""""""""""""""""" The :icl:`Img` template class is **not** implemented in a completely **inline** fashion, which significantly improves the build-times for ICL and for other libraries, that depend on it. Furthermore, we preferred to provide a smaller set of possible image classes that is completely supported by our algorithms, rather than an infinite set. We chose to support images for pixel types * :icl:`icl8u` (usually **unsigned char**) * :icl:`icl16s` (usually **short**) * :icl:`icl32s` (usually **int**) * :icl:`icl32f` (**float**) * :icl:`icl64f` (**double**) defined in **ICLUtils/BasicTypes.h**, directly in the :icl:`icl`-namespace (see also :ref:`utils.basic-types`) Each of these data types has it's own advantages and disadvantages. The greatest disadvantage of the integer types, is their bounded range (e.g. 0-255 for icl8u), which has the effect, that all information has to be scaled to this range. Furthermore, all image processing functions must take care that no range-overflow occurs during calculation. The limited range may also cause loss of information -- particularly in complex systems. However integer types can often be processed significantly faster, and the use of 8 or 16 bit integers leads to less memory usage in comparison to floats .. note:: A nice rule of thumb is: If processing speed matters, use **icl8u** pixels whenever it's possible and avoid Img64f because double processing is much slower on (still common) 32 bit machines (as long as you do not really need double precision) For the supported types convenience **typedef**\ s are supported. Whenever one gets an :icl:`ImgBase` instance, it's :icl:`ImgBase::getDepth`-method can be used to query it's actual run-time type in oder to perform a type-safe down-cast. The :icl:`core::depth` enumeration provides alternatives for each of the supported image types. ===================== =================== ====================== Full Type typedef **depth**-value ===================== =================== ====================== **core::Img** :icl:`core::Img8u` :icl:`core::depth8u` **core::Img** :icl:`core::Img16s` :icl:`core::depth16s` **core::Img** :icl:`core::Img32s` :icl:`core::depth32s` **core::Img** :icl:`core::Img32f` :icl:`core::depth32f` **core::Img** :icl:`core::Img64f` :icl:`core::depth64f` ===================== =================== ====================== Here is a minimal example: .. literalinclude:: examples/imgbase.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: .. _core.image.pixel-access: Pixel Access """""""""""" The :icl:`ImgBase` class provides only raw-data access (in shape of a **void***); for type-safe pixel access, an :icl:`ImgBase`-instance must be casted into it's actual :icl:`Img`-type. The different techniques for pixel-access are also discussed in the :ref:`tutorial` .. _core.image.shallow-copy: Shallow Copy Concept """""""""""""""""""" It is very important to know that :icl:`ImgBase` and :icl:`Img`-instances are copied shallowly. This means that, whenever an image is copied using either a the copy constructor or the assignment operator, the two images will share their image data pointers: .. literalinclude:: examples/shallow-copy.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: .. _core.image.data-origin: Data Origin """"""""""" Just like most of the common image formats, we also defined the upper left image corner as data origin. Actually, many image operations, such as filtering or thresholding, do not even use this information at all. However, as soon as it comes to image visualization and annotation, the definition of the origin is crucial. .. _core.image.channel-concept: Channel-Concept """"""""""""""" The :icl:`Img` class manages images as a stack of image slices -- channels. Channels can be shared by multiple :icl:`Img` instances, which is especially important for fast shallow images copies (see also :ref:`core.image.shallow-copy`). Actually, it is possible to freely compose images from channels of different images. The composed image then shares it's channel data with the original images, such that modifications will effect all images equally. In order to get an independent image a *deep-copy* as well as the :icl:`ImgBase::detach`-method are provided. The latter replaces the *shared* image channel(s) with new independent ones. Shared channel data are stored using the boost-like shared pointer class :icl:`utils::SmartArray`, which uses reference counting for autonomous garbage collection. .. _core.image.roi: Regions of Interest (ROI) """"""""""""""""""""""""" Each image can be set up with a rectangular region of interest (short **ROI**). Most support this feature, i.e. they process only the pixels within the ROI. If a function does not support ROI handling, it's documentation will announce this. Providing ROI support for custom algorithms, can be achieved in different ways. In general, we distinguish between *native* and *non-native* ROI support. If algorithms extract an images ROI before the actual processing takes place, we name this *non-native* support. Usually, this is slightly slower, then actually implementing an algorithms, that works directly on an image ROI. However, there are several pixel accessing techniques that provide implicit ROI handling (see :ref:`tutorial`). .. _core.image.format: Formats and Ranges """""""""""""""""" An :icl:`ImgBase` instance provides information about the (color) format (in shape of an :icl:`core::format` value), that is associated with the image data represented by the images channels. The word *color* was embraced as not all available formats imply color-information. The most commonly known color space is probably the RGB color space. If an :icl:`ImgBase` image has the :icl:`core::format` :icl:`core::formatRGB` * the image has exactly 3 channels * the first channel contains RED-Data in range [0,255] * the second channel contains GREEN-Data in range [0,255] * the third channel contains BLUE-Data in range [0,255] .. note:: The range of all possible color format components is always assumed to be in range [0,255]. As soon as the channel count of the image is altered, it's format will automatically be set to :icl:`core::formatMatrix`, which is used for unspecified color formats. .. _core.image.convert: Deep Copies and Depth Conversion """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Deep Copies Images cannot only be copied shallowly, but also in a *deep copy* manner. In particular, if the source- and destination-image's depth is not identical, the data types have to be converted *deeply* (i.e. pixel by pixel). Even though, the :icl:`Img::detached` method can be used for copying an image *deeply*, we strongly recommend to use image's :icl:`ImgBase::deepCopy` methods, since in contrast to the :icl:`Img::detached` no temporary object needs to be created here. Actually there are two different versions of **deepCopy**: * **ImgBase::deepCopy(ImgBase **dst)** (see :icl:`ImgBase::deepCopy`) * **Img::deepCopy(Img *dst)** (see :icl:`Img::deepCopy`) The **ImgBase**-method uses a pointer-pointer to be able to adapt the destination images **depth** if necessary (see also :ref:`core::ensureCompatible`, :ref:`core::bpp` and :ref:`tut.imgbase-ptrptrs`). For the :icl:`Img`-version, the destination image depth is restricted to the source depth by the function interface, which is why a *normal* pointer-interface is sufficient here. Both deep copy functions will always ensure, that the source and the destination image are equal in all it's parameters. .. note:: There are dedicated methods :icl:`ImgBase::deepCopyROI` that provide ROI support for deeply copying images. These will always use both, the source and the destination image ROI. Depth Conversion Converting an images :icl:`depth` is even simpler to understand than the deep-copy procedure, because there is just one version of :icl:`core::ImgBase::convert`. This method, will keep the destination image's format, but adapt all other image parameters, such as size channel count and color format to the source image before converting the image pixels element-wise .. _core.image.const: Const-Concept """"""""""""" ICL images use the const concept of C++ to ensure the pixel data of const images (of type **const** :icl:`ImgBase` or more precisely **const** :icl:`Img` can not be altered/can only be accessed for reading. Unfortunately this leads to a conflict with our *shallow-copy* concept in the example:: void func(const Img8u &a){ Img8u b = a; b.clear(); } The originally **const** image **a** is shallowly copied to **b**, and clearing **b** does also clear **a**. Even though this could lead to really unexpected results, we decided to stick to this behavior since a fix would either entail to disable the *shallow copy on default* property, or deeply- and shallowly copied images would have to be represented by wrapper-classes, which would make the whole library much more difficult to understand. .. _core.types: Image Processing related Types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :icl:`core::depth` Run-time type for different image pixel types (see :ref:`core.image.types`) :icl:`core::format` Color format type (see :ref:`core.color`) :icl:`core::scalemode` Scaling and sampling interpolation mode. Supported values are * :icl:`core::interpolateNN` for nearest neighbor interpolation * :icl:`core::interpolateLIN` for linear interpolation * :icl:`core::interpolateRA` for region average interpolation, which provides much better results in case of downscaling images (Only supported with Intel IPP) .. todo:: consider implementing super-sampling (RA) for or even lanczos for scaled copy roi :icl:`core::axis` Either :icl:`core::axisHorz`, :icl:`core::axisVert` or :icl:`core::axisBoth`. This defines image axes for mirroring and other operations. **Line Sampling** For efficient line sampling using the *Bresenham* algorithm, a set of classes is provided. :icl:`core::Line`, :icl:`core::Line32f` (easy to use class), :icl:`core::LineSampler` (more efficient, but static memory model) and :icl:`core::SampledLine` (wrapps the :icl:`core::LineSampler`) for while providing an object oriented memory model. **Color Typedefs** Even though not used for color conversion, the ICLCore package provides some default type-names for different color types. All of these typedefs have special :icl:`math::FixedMatrix` as origin * :icl:`core::Color` * :icl:`core::Color4D` * :icl:`core::Color32f` * :icl:`core::Color4D32f` * :icl:`core::RGB` * :icl:`core::RGBA` .. _core.global-functions: Global Functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The core package provides a set of global support functions, that can be split into functions for * :ref:`core.color` * :ref:`core.global.image` * :ref:`core.global.opencv` * :ref:`core.global.statistic` .. _core.global.image: Image Class Support Functions """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" :icl:`core::interleavedToPlanar` Can be use to efficiently transform externally acquire interleaved pixel data into an ICL image. This function works very fast, in particular in case of having Intel IPP support. :icl:`core::planarToInterleaved` Just the other way around: this function can be used to transform the planar ICL image data into an externally needed interleaved data layout :icl:`core::imgNew` This function is provided in many different versions. It can be used as factory functions for creating correct :icl:`core::Img`-instances from given :icl:`core::depth` values .. _core.global.image.ensureCompatible: :icl:`core::ensureCompatible` This set of functions are even more complex then the :icl:`imgNew` function. A specific issue of ICL image class structure is, that we use an *is-a* relation between the interface class :icl:`core::ImgBase` and the actual image instances :icl:`core::Img`. Whenever we face a situation, where we already have an existing :icl:`ImgBase`-instance (that obviously has a fixed :icl:`core::depth`), but we need an :icl:`ImgBase` instance of a different depth, we have to do the following. Our only options is to allocate a new :icl:`Img` where T is the desired type, and to replace the old instance with the new one (e.g. the old-one has to be deleted). In order to tell the caller-scope that an image was actually re-allocated, functions need to provide an :icl:`ImgBase`\ ******-interaface. This is also discussed more in detail in the tutorial chapter :ref:`tut.imgbase-ptrptrs`. .. _core.global.image.bpp: :icl:`core::bpp` This global function is strongly correlated to the :icl:`ImgBase`\ ******-issue stated with the explanation of :icl:`core::ensureCompatible`. Many ICL operators, in particular all filters in the **ICLFilter** package, provide an :icl:`ImgBase`\ ******-interface to allow filters to even adapt the :icl:`core::depth` of given destination images. In a few situation, we know however the correct depth however in advance. Here, the :icl:`bpp`-function (which is abbreviation for :icl:`ImgBase`-pointer-pointer can be used, to avoid having to allocate a temporary object .. literalinclude:: examples/imgbase-ptrptr.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: .. _core.global.opencv: OpenCV Image Conversion Functions """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The ICLCore module also provides a set of compatibility functions for converting ICL images into OpenCVs **IplImage** and **CvMat** types and vice versa. * :icl:`core::ipl_to_img` * :icl:`core::img_to_ipl` * :icl:`core::img_to_cvmat` * :icl:`core::img_to_ipl_shallow` (for shallow copies) * :icl:`core::img_to_cvmat_shallow` (for shallow copies) .. _core.global.statistic: Image Statistic Functions """"""""""""""""""""""""" :icl:`core::hist` and :icl:`core::channelHisto` creates an image histogram with a user defined number of bins for a single or all channels of an image. Please note that ICL's default image displaying GUI component is also able to show the histogram of the currently shown image :icl:`core::mean` computes the mean value for one or all given channels of an image :icl:`core::variance` computes the variance for one or all given channels of an image :icl:`core::stdDeviation` computes the standard deviation for one or all given channels of an image. Here, two versions, one with given mean-values and one that uses an empiric mean are provided. :icl:`core::meanAndStdDev` computes mean and standard deviation at once .. _core.color: Color Formats and Color Conversion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Table of Contents """"""""""""""""" * :ref:`core.color.lut` * :ref:`core.color.ranges` * :ref:`core.color.video-formats` * :ref:`core.color.rgb` * :ref:`core.color.yuv` * :ref:`core.color.hls` * :ref:`core.color.lab` * :ref:`core.color.gray` * :ref:`core.color.rg` * :ref:`core.color.matrix` * :ref:`core.color.benchmark` By now, ICL supports 7 different color formats. For each of these formats, an :icl:`core::format` value is provided. ============================= ===================================== :icl:`core::format` meaning ============================= ===================================== :icl:`core::formatRGB` sRGB color format :icl:`core::formatHLS` Hue Lightness Intensity :icl:`core::formatYUV` Luminance Y and Chrominance U/V :icl:`core::formatChroma` R/G-Chromaticity space :icl:`core::formatLAB` CIE-L\*a\*b\* space :icl:`core::formatGray` simple gray scale :icl:`core::formatMatrix` unspecified color format ============================= ===================================== The main function for color format conversion is :icl:`core::cc`. :icl:`core::cc` uses the source and the destination :icl:`format` to pick the desired format conversion function internally. If the **roiOnly**-flag given to :icl:`core::cc` function is set to true, the source image's ROI is converted into the destination image's ROI. In this case, the destination image is not adapted to the source image. Instead, a single test is performed to ensure, that the source image's ROI has the same size as the destination image's ROI. If the test fails, an error occurs and the function returns immediately. .. note:: Internally all functions are optimized for running without ROI support (in this case, the images data arrays are 1D). Thus, the ROI-Support mode (roiOnly = true) runs approx. 20% (2%-50%) slower depended on the specific source and destination format. The :icl:`core::cc` function uses Intel IPP to speed up the conversion performance for the conversions * RGB -> YUV * YUV -> RGB * RGB -> HLS * HLS -> RGB .. _core.color.lut: Creating LUT-Acceleration """"""""""""""""""""""""" All color conversion methods can be statically performed using a global lookup table for the color conversion. This is done by calling :icl:`core::createLUT` with the to-be-accelerated source and destination format. **We do not recommend to use this features because it usually makes the color conversion significantly slower** .. _core.color.ranges: Color Ranges """""""""""" As a default, all ICL color spaces are represented in the full range of [0,255] in all depths. By these means, we get the advantage of being able to treat all color images in the same way. The disadvantage is, that already existing color conversion routines needed to be adapted to scale each color component to that range automatically. .. _core.color.video-formats: Special Video Coding Color Formats """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In video coding, usually certain YUV sub-formats are used, that use different horizontal and vertical resolutions for the Y and the U/V channels. Even though these format provide an objectively loss-less reduction of the image data size, they are, due to the more complex data layout, not appropriate for digital image processing. For a very few of these YUV sub-formats, ICL provides efficient conversion routines, however these must usually not be used manually because the image acquisition framework provides implicitly converted ICL-images directly. A more general tool for video-color format conversion is provided by the :icl:`io::ColorFormatDecoder` (see :ref:`io.color-format-decoder`) .. _core.color.rgb: sRGB (Most Common and Default) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Obviously, the RGB Color Model (or its absolute Version sRGB -> standard RGB) is the most commonly known color space. Even though many computer vision approaches use other color spaces, such as HLS or LAB, the sRGB color space defines a an *anchor* for most other color conversion functions. So in most cases, the sRGB format defines a bridge format for conversion from one to another format: * X -> Y * X -> RGB * RGB -> Y Another bridge color space (XYZ) is not considered here, because it usually not used in digital image processing. For ICL's color conversion functions we can say: * Converting from or to RGB is fast * other conversion may be much slower. * In particular the L*a*b* space is supported only very slowly .. _core.color.yuv: YUV Space Color Conversion """""""""""""""""""""""""" The literature for the YUV color model conversion is a bit confusing and far away from a kind of pseudocode, that can easily be converted to *fast* C++ code. The YUV Color model divides an incoming RGB signal into its luminance component (Y) and two chrominance components (U and V). The common YUV-color holds Y in the range [0,1], u in range [-0.436,0.436] and v in range [-0.615,0,615]. Hence ICL's color conversion functions are adapted to scale the resulting values to the range [0,255] in all channels. Outgoing from the basic equation for converting rgb to yuv and back:: Y = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B U = -0.147*R - 0.289*G + 0.436*B = 0.492*(B- Y) V = 0.615*R - 0.515*G - 0.100*B = 0.877*(R- Y) R = Y + 1.140*V G = Y - 0.394*U - 0.581*V B = Y + 2.032*U The formulas are adapted for using ranges [0,255]:: Y = (0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B); U = 0.56433408*(B-Y) + 127.5; V = 0.71326676*(R-Y) + 127.5; R = Y + 290.7 * v2; G = Y - 100.47 * u2 - 148.155 * v2; with: u2 = 0.0034196078*U - 0.436; B = Y + 518.16 * u2; and v2 = 0.0048235294*V - 0.615; To avoid expensive floating point operations, the conversions can be optimized by creating a so called fixed point approximation of the above code:: Y = ( 1254097*R + 2462056*G + 478151*B ) >> 22; U = ( 2366989*(B-Y) + 534773760 ) >> 22; V = ( 2991658*(R-Y) + 534773760 ) >> 22; R = Y + ( ( 290 * V2 ) >> 22 ); G = Y - ( ( 100 * U2 + 148 * V2) >> 22 ); with: U2 = 14343*U - 1828717; B = Y + ( ( 518 * U2 ) >> 22 ); and V2 = 20231*v - 2579497; This approximation produces errors less 3/255, and runs up to 20% faster. A further optimization can be implemented using lookup tables. IPP Compatibility In order to achieve compatibility with the yuv color conversion provided by intel IPP (which is used if IPP is available), also ICL's color conversion methods were slightly adapted. We again used fixed point approximations for the algorithms described in the IPP manual:: rgb-to-yuv: y = ( 1254097*r + 2462056*g + 478151*b ) >> 22; u = (2063598*(b-y) >> 22) + 128; v = (3678405*(r-y) >> 22) + 128; if(v<0) v=0; else if(v > 255) v = 255; yuv-to-rgb: icl32s u2 = u-128; icl32s v2 = v-128; icl32s y2 = y<<22; r = (y2 + 4781506 * v2 ) >> 22; g = (y2 - 1652556 * u2 - 2436891 *v2 ) >> 22; b = (y2 + 8522826 * u2 ) >> 22; .. note:: Due to the clipping process of 'v' in **rgb_to_yuv**, this method cannot restore an original rgb value completetly. Since we lost some information in v, the resulting r and g values are differ as follows: r-r' in [-32,35], and g-g' in [-17,18], However, this is usually only an issue when exchanging image between ICL applications that used Intel IPP and others that did not. .. _core.color.hls: HLS Color Space Conversion """""""""""""""""""""""""" The HLS color space, also known as the HSI color space with different channel order describes colors in more independent components. The Hue component can be understood as an angle and is as well as all other color information scaled to the range [0,254]. The value H=255 is identical to H=0 (red). Independent from the color's *hue*, it's *lightness* is defined by the second component. Basic colors as red (r=255,g=0,b=0) have a lightness of 127; lighter colors have a higher L value; darker colors have a lower one. The last component is the *saturation* of the color. The color model can be drawn as a double (hex)cone . Note that the HLS color spaces resolution is higher in it's center (L near 127). The following formulas describe the conversion from and to the RGB format:: (H,L,S) RGBToHLS(R,G,B) (r,g,b) = (R,G,B)/255; m = min(r,g,b) v = max(r,g,b) l = (m+v)/2 if(l <= 0){ (H,L,S) = (0,0,0) return } vm = v-m if ( vm > 0 ) { if(l<=0.5){ s=vm/(v+m) }else{ s=vm/(2.0-v-m) } }else{ (H,L,S)=(0,l*255,0) return } r2 = (v - r) / vm g2 = (v - g) / vm b2 = (v - b) / vm if (r == v) h = (g == m ? 5.0 + b2 : 1.0 - g2) else if (g == v) h = (b == m ? 1.0 + r2 : 3.0 - b2) else h = (r == m ? 3.0 + g2 : 5.0 - r2) if(h == 255) h = 0 (H,L,S) = (h*255/6,l*255,s*255) An optimization, that allows conversion directly with (r,g,b) values in range [0,255] is not yet implemented:: (R,G,B) HLSToRGB(H,L,S) (h,l,s) = (H,L,S)/255; v = (l <= 0.5) ? (l * (1.0 + sl)) : (l + sl - l * sl) if (v <= 0 ) { R = G = B = 0; return; } m = l + l - v; sv = (v - m ) / v; h *= 6.0; int sextant = (int)h; fract = h - sextant; vsf = v * sv * fract; mid1 = m + vsf; mid2 = v - vsf; switch (sextant) { case 0: r = v; g = mid1; b = m; break; case 1: r = mid2; g = v; b = m; break; case 2: r = m; g = v; b = mid1; break; case 3: r = m; g = mid2; b = v; break; case 4: r = mid1; g = m; b = v; break; case 5: r = v; g = m; b = mid2; break; } (R,G,B) = (r,g,b)*255; An additional optimization can be implemented using lookup tables .. _core.color.lab: Lab Color Space Conversion """""""""""""""""""""""""" The LAB color space (strictly CIE L*a*b*), was designed to describe the complete range of colors, that can be seen by the human eye. It must not be mixed up with the "Hunter Lab" color space, that is sure related to the CIE L*a*b*, but in detail much different: "The three parameters in the model represent the lightness of the color (L*, L*=0 yields black and L*=100 indicates white), its position between magenta and green (a*, negative values indicate green while positive values indicate magenta) and its position between yellow and blue (b*, negative values indicate blue and positive values indicate yellow) [...] CIE 1976 L*a*b* is based directly on the CIE 1931 XYZ color space as an attempt to linearize the perceptibility of color differences, using the color difference metric described by the MacAdam ellipse"(wikipedia). So an euclidian (linear) color difference metric can be used here. The following code show the formulas LabToXYZ, XYZToLab, RGBToXYZ and XYZToRGB:: RGBToXYZ static icl32f m[3][3] = {{ 0.412453, 0.35758 , 0.180423}, { 0.212671, 0.71516 , 0.072169}, { 0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227}}; X = m[0][0] * R + m[0][1] * G + m[0][2] * B; Y = m[1][0] * R + m[1][1] * G + m[1][2] * B; Z = m[2][0] * R + m[2][1] * G + m[2][2] * B; XYZToRGB static icl32f m[3][3] = {{ 3.2405, -1.5372,-0.4985}, {-0.9693, 1.8760, 0.0416}, { 0.0556, -0.2040, 1.0573}}; R = m[0][0] * x + m[0][1] * y + m[0][2] * z; G = m[1][0] * x + m[1][1] * y + m[1][2] * z; B = m[2][0] * x + m[2][1] * y + m[2][2] * z; XYZToLAB wX = 95.0456; wY = 100.0; wZ = 108.8754; _13 = 1.0/3.0; XXn = X / wX; YYn = Y / wY; ZZn = Z / wZ; L = (YYn > 0.008856) ? ((116 * pow (YYn, _13))-16) : (903.3 * YYn); fX = (XXn > 0.008856) ? pow (XXn, _13) : 7.787 * XXn + (16 / 116); fY = (YYn > 0.008856) ? pow (YYn, _13) : 7.787 * YYn + (16 / 116); fZ = (ZZn > 0.008856) ? pow (ZZn, _13) : 7.787 * ZZn + (16 / 116); a = 500.0 * (fX - fY); b = 200.0 * (fY - fZ); LABToXYZ d = 6.0/29.0; n = 16.0/116.0; f = 3*d*d; wX = 95.0456; wY = 100.0; wZ = 108.8754; fy = (l+16)/116; fx = fy+a/500; fz = fy-b/200; X = (fx>d) ? wX*pow(fx,3) : (fx-n)*f*wX; Y = (fy>d) ? wY*pow(fy,3) : (fy-n)*f*wY; Z = (fz>d) ? wZ*pow(fz,3) : (fz-n)*f*wZ; .. _core.color.gray: Gray Scale Conversion """"""""""""""""""""" The gray scale conversion is optimized for speed. Although, L of Lab is not equal to the Y of YUV, color formats, that have an brightness-like component are converted to gray scale by simply picking this channel. RGB is converted to gray by the simple channel mean (r+g+b)/3. .. _core.color.rg: r-g-Chromaticity Color Space Conversion """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The chromaticity space r,g,b divides the R,G,B components by the city block norm of the according color r=R/(R+G+B), g=G/(R+G+B), b= B/(R+G+B). By these means, the b-component becomes redundant, and can be left out, which leads to the r-g-chromaticity space. Conversions from the r-g-Chromaticity space to other formats are not possible, as r-g-pixels to not carry enough information for this. .. _core.color.matrix: formatMatrix Conversion """"""""""""""""""""""" As the matrix image format offers no color information, matrix image data is just copied from the source image channels to the destination image channels. If the source image has more channels, the remaining channels are left unregarded. If otherwise the destination image has more channels, this channels are left unchanged .. _core.color.benchmark: Benchmarks """""""""" Reference System: Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, 32Bit Ubuntu 12.04, 4GB RAM, IPP active Images VGA (640x480) varying source and destination depths :icl:`Img8u` --> :icl:`Img8u` +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | src \\ dst | formatRGB | formatHLS | formatYUV | formatChroma | formatLAB | formatGray | +==============+===========+===========+===========+==============+===========+============+ | formatRGB | 0.14ms | 1.3ms | 0.71ms | 2.42ms | 6.73ms | 0.61ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatHLS | 2.01ms | 0.27ms | 2.4ms | 4.4ms | 11.46ms | 0.11ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatYUV | 0.74ms | 2.03ms | 0.26ms | 3.44ms | 7.71ms | 0.11ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatChroma | -- | -- | -- | 0.24ms | -- | -- | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatLAB | 3.46ms | 5.72ms | 5.28ms | 6.37ms | 0.26ms | 0.11ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatGray | 0.31ms | 0.19ms | 0.25ms | -- | 0.26ms | 0.11ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ :icl:`Img32f` --> :icl:`Img32f` +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | src \\ dst | formatRGB | formatHLS | formatYUV | formatChroma | formatLAB | formatGray | +==============+===========+===========+===========+==============+===========+============+ | formatRGB | 1.27ms | 26.1ms | 6.63ms | 5.9ms | 154.8ms | 0.4ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatHLS | 19.98ms | 1.31ms | 29.11ms | 28.54ms | 174.24ms | 0.16ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatYUV | 7.83ms | 34.48ms | 1.5ms | 16.28ms | 162.7ms | 0.17ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatChroma | -- | -- | -- | 0.46ms | -- | -- | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatLAB | 48.99ms | 70.14ms | 58.62ms | 54.98ms | 1.28ms | 0.16ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatGray | 0.57ms | 0.8ms | 0.58ms | -- | 0.63ms | 0.14ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ :icl:`Img8u` --> :icl:`Img32f` +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | src \\ dst | formatRGB | formatHLS | formatYUV | formatChroma | formatLAB | formatGray | +==============+===========+===========+===========+==============+===========+============+ | formatRGB | 0.47ms | 28.15ms | 5.03ms | 4.81ms | 158.56ms | 1.69ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatHLS | 23.18ms | 0.48ms | 7.27ms | 8.77ms | 163.06ms | 0.12ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatYUV | 5.88ms | 27.56ms | 0.47ms | 5.68ms | 157.35ms | 0.12ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatChroma | -- | -- | -- | 0.28ms | -- | -- | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatLAB | 48.93ms | 30.2ms | 10.66ms | 10.04ms | 0.45ms | 0.14ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ | formatGray | 1.59ms | 1.58ms | 1.62ms | -- | 1.65ms | 0.12ms | +--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+------------+ .. _core.other: Rastarized Rendering into Images ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :icl:`ImageRenderer` will be designed in order to render graphical primitives into images. It will replace the global functions for primitive rendering that are right now still placed in the **Qt/Common.h** module. We also plan to create a more general interface for *image overlayed visualization*. .. todo:: write this, once it's implemented and tested