/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLUtils/Configurable.h ** ** Module : ICLUtils ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ namespace utils{ /// Interface for classes that can be configured from configuration-files and GUI-Components /** The Configurable-interface can be used to define a classes parameters/properties that shall be changed at runtime. The Configurable-subclasses can define properties that can be accessed by string identifiers. Each property has a type, a type-dependend description of possible values, a current value and a so called volatileness. Please see class interface and it's function descriptions for more details. A list of supported property types is provided in the documentation of the method icl::Configurable::getPropertyType \section IMPL Implementing the Configurable Interface It is strongly recommended to use the Configurable's property storage mechanism to manage a classes properties. Special behaviour to the adaption of certain properties can easily be added by registering a callback to an own member function. Alternatively, all Configurable's virtual methods can be reimplemented to obtain special behaviour. In this case the programmer himself can provide storage for the classes properties, but this is -- as said above -- not recommended due to the complex interface. \section CP Child Configurables Configurables can not only have a list of properties that can be got and set, but also a list of chlidren. All child-properties will also become properties of it's parent. However, the first section prefix (which is used for the property-tab's label) can be adapted. Note that this behaviour must be preserved if the virtual functions setPropertyValue and getPropertyValue are reimplemented. Usually, you can simply call Configurable::[set/get]PropertyValue(...) at the end of you versions of these methods. \section REG Configurable Registration Configurable class should be registered statically using one of the two registration macros REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE or REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE_DEFAULT. This is strongly recommended since the class interface of a configurable class does not give information about the properties that are provided by a specific Configurable class. Instead, all classes, that implement the Configurable interface, can be registered statically, which allows for runtime exploration of possible Configurable classes and their supported properties. The example application icl-configurable-info can be used to explore allowed properties. In order to make the static registration process as easy as possible, special macros are provided. Example: \code namespace icl{ // MyConfigurable.h struct MyConfigurable{ MyConfigurable(); void foo(){} ... }; } // MyConfigurable.cpp namespace icl{ MyConfigurable::MyConfigurable(){ addProperty(....); } void MyConfigurable::foo() {...} // registration at the end of the .cpp file // within the icl-namespace REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE_DEFAULT(MyConfigurable); } \endcode If no default constructor is available, the macro REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE can be used. Here, you can also specify how an instance of that class is created. Example: \code namespace icl{ // MyComplexConfigurable.h struct MyComplexConfigurable{ // no default constructor MyComplexConfigurable(int i, float j); void foo(){} ... }; } // MyComplexConfigurable.cpp namespace icl{ MyComplexConfigurable::MyComplexConfigurable(int i, float j){ addProperty(....); } void MyComplexConfigurable::foo() {...} // provide default arguments here REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE(MyComplexConfigurable, return new MyComplexConfigurable(1,4.5)); } \endcode For classes with pure-virtual methods, it is recommended to provide a dummy non-virtual extension of that class whose name is extended by a _VIRTUAL postfix. In this case, listing the Configurable classnames shows explicitly, that a class is a virtual interface. Example: \code namespace icl{ // MyVirtualConfigurable.h struct MyVirtualConfigurable{ MyVirtualConfigurable(); // pure virtual method virtual void foo(int bar) = 0; ... }; } // MyVirtualConfigurable.cpp namespace icl{ MyVirtualConfigurable::MyVirtualConfigurable(){ addProperty(....); } struct MyVirtualConfigurable_VIRTUAL : public MyVirtualConfigurable{ virtual void foo(int){} }; // register the dummy implementation REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE_DEFAULT(MyVirtualConfigurable_VIRTUAL); } \endcode \section EX Examples There are several examples available in the ICL-source try. Use the ICL-tool icl-configurable-info -list to obtain a list of all Configurable implementations and their supported properties. */ class Configurable{ public: /// Represents a single property struct Property{ Property():configurable(0),volatileness(0){} Property(Configurable *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &info, const std::string &value, int volatileness, const std::string &tooltip):configurable(parent),name(name),type(type),info(info),value(value), volatileness(volatileness), tooltip(tooltip){} Configurable *configurable; //!< corresponding Configurable std::string name; //!< property-ID std::string type; //!< property-type (menu, range,....); std::string info; //!< property-information (depends on type) std::string value; //!< (optional) property-value this can be use to store current property value int volatileness; //!< volatileness of a this property (0= no-volatileness, X=expected update every X msec) std::string tooltip; //!< property description, that is also used as tooltip std::string childPrefix; /// for more efficient find bool operator==(const std::string &name) const { return this->name == name; } }; private: /// by default internally use property list typedef std::map PropertyMap; /// list of all properties PropertyMap m_properties; /// internal list of child configurables std::vector m_childConfigurables; /// internal pointer to elder configurable Configurable* m_elderConfigurable; /// internal ID, that is used to provide global access to all instantiated configurables at runtime by given ID; std::string m_ID; /// static list of all instantiated Configurables static std::map m_instances; /// list of patterns for deactiavted properties std::vector m_deactivated; protected: /// locks all accesses to property values /** adding and adapting properties is not thread safe! */ UncopiedInstance m_mutex; /// This can be used by derived classes to store supported properties in the internal list /** Throws an exception if the property name is already defined. Note: properties names can structured using '.'-delimiters. e.g. properties like general.threshold,general.mean,filer.mask-size. This is then later translated into a structured configuratable GUI. */ void addProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &info, const Any &value=Any(), int volatileness=0, const std::string &tooltip=std::string()) throw (ICLException); /// This adds another configurable as child /** Child configurables can be added with a given prefix. If this prefix is not "", the childs properties will get an own tab in the configurables GUI. Note: if the prefix is not "", it should end with a '.' character. If not, an additional '.' is added automatically in order to move all properties into a dedicated tab */ void addChildConfigurable(Configurable *configurable, const std::string &childPrefix=""); /// this CAN be used e.g. to store a property value in internal property-list /** Throws an exception if the given propertyName is not supported */ Property &prop(const std::string &propertyName) throw (ICLException); /// this CAN be used e.g. to store a property value in internal property-list /** Throws an exception if the given propertyName is not supported */ const Property &prop(const std::string &propertyName) const throw (ICLException); /// create this configurable with given ID /** all instantiated configurables are globally accessible by static getter functions If given ID is "", then this configurable is not added to the static list. Configurables can later be put into the static list by using setConfigurableID **/ Configurable(const std::string &ID="") throw (ICLException); public: /// virtual destructor ~Configurable(){} /// Copy constructor /** the configurable ID is not copied. Use setConfigurableID afterwards */ Configurable(const Configurable &other); /// Assignment operator /** the configurable ID is not copied. Use setConfigurableID afterwards */ Configurable &operator=(const Configurable &other); /// sets the ID of this configurable /** The ID is used for accessing the configurable globally*/ void setConfigurableID(const std::string &ID) throw (ICLException); /// returns the configurables static ID inline const std::string &getConfigurableID() const{ return m_ID; } /// adds an additional deativation pattern /** By this means, extended or also accumulating Configurable-instances can hide some of their inherited/accumulated properties. E.g. special ICLFilter::UnaryOp instances can hide the UnaryOp-properties 'Clip To ROI' and 'Check Only' if it is not appropriate to adapt these. The given pattern can be an abitrary regular expression which compared icl::match(const std::string&, const std::string&,int); E.g. to deactivate all UnaryOp-properties, you can add the filter reg-ex '^UnaryOp' more precisesly, you could also add the filter-reg-ex '^UnaryOp\..*' which ensures that a '.' and some other characters follow the 'UnaryOp' string. Commonly the '^Foo' can be used to remove all properties with given prefix 'Foo'. */ void deactivateProperty(const std::string &pattern); /// removed a formerly added deactivation pattern /** Please note, that usually this should not be used because there is most probably a reason why a property was deactivated before. */ void deleteDeactivationPattern(const std::string &pattern); /// this returns a filtered list of properties (using all filters added by deactivateProperty) std::vector getPropertyListWithoutDeactivated(); /// this function can be used to adapt a specific property afterwards /** Please note: The newly given type and info value must of cause be compatible with the current property type. The type of a property cannot be changed. Please note also, that this Function also needs to be reimplemented if getPropertyInfo or getPropertyType was reimplemented. A range property can e.g. be adapted to a menu property, which then again restricts possible values. You can also set a properties type from range:spinbox to range:slider */ virtual void adaptProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &newType, const std::string &newInfo, const std::string &newToolTip) throw (ICLException); /// this function can be used in subclasses to create a default ID /** The ID will be the first not used prefixNUMBER where number is an integer value 0,1,... */ static std::string create_default_ID(const std::string &prefix); /// Function type for changed properties typedef Function Callback; /// add a callback for changed properties void registerCallback(const Callback &cb){ callbacks.push_back(cb); } /// removes a callback that was registered before void removedCallback(const Callback &cb); /// this can be used to let this instance also apply property changes to others /** Please take care to not create cyclic dependency graphs */ void syncChangesTo(Configurable *others, int num=1); protected: /// internally managed list of callbacks std::vector callbacks; /// calls all registered callbacks void call_callbacks(const std::string &propertyName); public: /// used as shortcut -- just an empty vector of std::strings static const std::vector EMPTY_VEC; /// returns configurable by given ID /** returns instantiated Configurable by given ID or NULL, if the ID was not found */ static Configurable* get(const std::string &id); /// sets a property value /** If this method is specialized in subclasses, the parent method shold be called at the end in order to call all registered callbacks. If the property is actually owned by a child-configurable, the function forwards to that configurable */ virtual void setPropertyValue(const std::string &propertyName, const Any &value) throw (ICLException); /// returns a list of All properties, that can be set using setProperty /** This function should usually not be used. Instead, you should call getPropertyListWithoutDeactivated @return list of supported property names **/ virtual std::vector getPropertyList(); /// base implementation for property check (seaches in the property list) /** This function may be reimplemented in an optimized way in particular subclasses.**/ virtual bool supportsProperty(const std::string &propertyName); /// writes all available properties into a file /** @param filename destination xml-filename @param propertiesToSkip some common grabber parameters e.g. trigger-settings cause problems when they are read from configuration files, hence these parameters are skipped at default*/ virtual void saveProperties(const std::string &filename, const std::vector &propertiesToSkip=EMPTY_VEC); /// reads a camera config file from disc /** @ see saveProperties */ virtual void loadProperties(const std::string &filename,const std::vector &propertiesToSkip=EMPTY_VEC); /// get type of property /** This is a new minimal configuration interface: When implementing generic video device configuration utilities, the programmer needs information about the properties received by getPropertyList(). With the getType(const string&) function, you can explore all possible params and properties, and receive a type string which defines of which type the given property was: \n (for detailed description of the types, see also the get Info function) Types are: - "range" this is the same as "range:slider" (see below) - "range:slider" the property is a double value in a given range - "range:spinbox" the property is an int-value in given range with stepping 1 - "value-list" the property is a double value in a list of possible values - "menu" the property is a string value in a list of possible values - "flag" the property is a boolean flag that can be set to "on" and "off" - "command" property param has no additional parameters (this feature is - "float" the property value can be any valid float value within a given range - "int" the property value can be any valid int value within a given range - "string" the property is a string value with a given maximum length - "color" the property has RGBA values in range 0-255 used e.g. for triggered abilities of grabbing devices, like "save user settings" for the PWCGrabber - "info" the property is an unchangable internal value (it cannot be set actively) - ... (propably some other types are defined later on) */ virtual std::string getPropertyType(const std::string &propertyName){ return prop(propertyName).type; } /// get information of a properties valid values /** This is the second function of the minimal configuration interface: If received a specific property type with getType(), it's possible to get the corresponding range, value-list or menu with this funcitons. The Syntax of the returned strings are: - "[A,B]:C" for a range with min=A, max=B and stepping = C or [A,B] with no stepping - "[A,B]" for float- and int-properties with min=A and max=B - ",A,B,C,..." for a value-list and A,B,C are ascii doubles (real commas can be escaped using \) - ",A,B,C,..." for a menu and A,B,C are strings (real commas can be escaped using \) - nothing for "info"- and "color"-typed properties - MAX_LENGTH for string typed properties - flag-properties always have the possible values "on|1|true" or "off|0|false" Note: The received string can be translated into C++ data with some static utility function in this Grabber class. */ virtual std::string getPropertyInfo(const std::string &propertyName){ return prop(propertyName).info; } /// returns the current value of a property or a parameter /** If the property is actually owned by a child-configurable, the function forwards to that configurable */ virtual Any getPropertyValue(const std::string &propertyName); /// returns the tooltip description for a given property virtual std::string getPropertyToolTip(const std::string &propertyName) { return prop(propertyName).tooltip; } /// Returns whether this property may be changed internally /** For example a video grabber's current stream position. This can be changed from outside, but it is changed when the stream is played. The isVolatile function should return a msec-value that describes how often the corresponding feature might be updated internally or just 0, if the corresponding feature is not volatile at all. The default implementation of isVolatile returns 0 for all features. So if there is no such feature in your grabber, this function must not be adapted at all. "info"-typed Properties might be volatile as well */ virtual int getPropertyVolatileness(const std::string &propertyName){ return prop(propertyName).volatileness; } /// registers a configurable type /** @see \ref REG */ static void register_configurable_type(const std::string &classname, Function creator) throw (ICLException); /// returns a list of all registered configurable classnames /** @see \ref REG */ static std::vector get_registered_configurables(); /// creates a configurable by given name /** @see \ref REG */ static Configurable *create_configurable(const std::string &classname) throw (ICLException); }; /// registration macro for configurables /** @see \ref REG */ #define REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE(NAME,CREATE) \ struct StaticConfigurableRegistrationFor_##NAME{ \ typedef StaticConfigurableRegistrationFor_##NAME This; \ static Configurable *create(){ \ CREATE; \ } \ StaticConfigurableRegistrationFor_##NAME(){ \ Configurable::register_configurable_type(#NAME, &This::create); \ } \ } staticConfigurableRegistrationFor_##NAME; /// simpel registration macro for configurables that provide a default constructor /** @see \ref REG */ #define REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE_DEFAULT(NAME) REGISTER_CONFIGURABLE(NAME,return new NAME) } // namespace utils }