/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLGeom/src/PlotWidget3D.cpp ** ** Module : ICLGeom ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ using namespace utils; using namespace math; using namespace core; using namespace qt; namespace geom{ static Range32f round_range(Range32f r){ if(r.minVal > r.maxVal){ std::swap(r.minVal,r.maxVal); } float m = fabs(r.maxVal - r.minVal); float f = 1; if( m > 1 ){ while( m/f > 100){ f *= 10; } }else{ while( m/f < 10){ f *= 0.1; } } r.minVal = floor(r.minVal/f) * f; r.maxVal = ceil(r.maxVal/f) * f; return r; } std::string create_label(float r){ return str(fabs(r) < 0.0000001 ? 0 : r); // todo rounding and stuff } struct Axis : public SceneObject{ PlotWidget3D *parent; Range32f roundedRange; std::string label; std::vector labels; Axis(PlotWidget3D *parent,const Range32f &range, bool invertLabels, const std::string &label): parent(parent),label(label){ roundedRange = round_range(range); const float min = roundedRange.minVal; const float max = roundedRange.maxVal; const int N = 10; // todo find something better const float step = (max - min)/N; const float lenBase = 0.1; const float d = 0.1; // distance of lables to the tics for(int i=-N/2,l=0; i<= N/2;++i, ++l){ float r = float(i)/(N/2); float len = i ? lenBase : 2*lenBase; addVertex(Vec(r,0,0,1)); addVertex(Vec(r,len,0,1)); addVertex(Vec(r,0,len,1)); addVertex(Vec(invertLabels ? -r : r,-d,0,1)); addLine(4*l,4*l+1); addLine(4*l,4*l+2); labels.push_back(new TextPrimitive(4*l+3,0,0,0,create_label(min + l*step), 20,GeomColor(255,255,255,255), -1,-1,-1,-1,.1)); addCustomPrimitive(labels.back()); } addVertex(Vec((invertLabels ? -1 : 1) * (1+2*d),0,0,1)); labels.push_back(new TextPrimitive(m_vertices.size()-1,0,0,0,label, 25,GeomColor(255,255,255,255), -1,-1,-1,-1,.13)); addCustomPrimitive(labels.back()); } }; struct CoordinateFrameObject3D : public SceneObject{ PlotWidget3D *parent; SceneObject *rootObject; Range32f ranges[3]; Axis *axes[3]; CoordinateFrameObject3D(PlotWidget3D *parent, SceneObject *rootObject): parent(parent),rootObject(rootObject){ axes[0] = axes[1] = axes[2] = 0; setLockingEnabled(true); addVertex(Vec(1,-1,1,1)); addVertex(Vec(1,1,1,1)); addVertex(Vec(-1,1,1,1)); addVertex(Vec(-1,-1,1,1)); addVertex(Vec(1,-1,-1,1)); addVertex(Vec(1,1,-1,1)); addVertex(Vec(-1,1,-1,1)); addVertex(Vec(-1,-1,-1,1)); for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ addLine(i,(i+1)%4); addLine(4+i,4+(i+1)%4); addLine(i,i+4); } updateTics(); } void updateTics(){ const Range32f *pranges = parent->getViewPort(); if(ranges[0] == pranges[0] && ranges[1] == pranges[1] && ranges[2] == pranges[2] ){ return; } std::copy(pranges,pranges+3,ranges); static const std::string labels[3] = { "X", "Y", "Z" }; for(int i=0;i<3;++i){ if(axes[i]) removeChild(axes[i]); axes[i] = new Axis(parent,ranges[i],i==1,labels[i]); addChild(axes[i]); } axes[0]->translate(0,-1,-1); axes[1]->rotate(0,0,M_PI/2); axes[1]->translate(-1,0,-1); axes[2]->rotate(-M_PI/2,0,0); axes[2]->rotate(0,M_PI/2,0); axes[2]->translate(-1,-1,0); } virtual void prepareForRendering(){ //use ranges // todo obtain parent view-port (which could be dynamically computed) // adapt tics and tic-labels (if neccessary) // perhaps, the cs-object could have 2 modes (either showing all 6 sides) // or only the back-sides (which could be opaque or semitransparent then) // actually, what do we do with all the properties: // IDEA: the PlotWidget3D could be configurable and add a new // Special Button to itself (because it is actually also an ICLWidget) // perhaps: adapt the tics object (only if neccessary) } // we do this in OpenGL directly virtual void customRender(){ /* float color[] = { 1,1,1,1 }; glColor4fv(color); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex3f(-1,-1,-1); glVertex3f(1,-1,-1); glVertex3f(1,1,-1); glVertex3f(-1,1,-1); glVertex3f(-1,-1,-1); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex3f(-1,-1,1); glVertex3f(1,-1,1); glVertex3f(1,1,1); glVertex3f(-1,1,1); glVertex3f(-1,-1,1); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(-1,-1,-1); glVertex3f(-1,-1,1); glVertex3f(1,-1,-1); glVertex3f(1,-1,1); glVertex3f(1,1,-1); glVertex3f(1,1,1); glVertex3f(-1,1,-1); glVertex3f(-1,1,1); glEnd(); */ } }; struct PlotWidget3D::Data{ Scene scene; Range32f givenViewport[3]; Range32f computedViewport[3]; // TODO: all visible stuff is always added to the root object // the root object is used to set the scale-part of it's transformation // so that all scene objects (or more precisely the plot3D's 3D-viewport) // is automatically fit into the [-1,1]^3 cube, which is the 3D coordinate frame SceneObject *rootObject; CoordinateFrameObject3D *coordinateFrame; float pointsize; float linewidth; bool smoothfill; GeomColor color,fill; void add(SceneObject *obj, bool passOwnership=false, bool addOnly=false){ if(!addOnly){ obj->setPointSize(pointsize); obj->setLineWidth(linewidth); if(!color[3]){ obj->setVisible(Primitive::vertex,false); obj->setVisible(Primitive::line,false); }else{ obj->setVisible(Primitive::vertex,true); obj->setVisible(Primitive::line,true); obj->setColor(Primitive::vertex,color); obj->setColor(Primitive::line,color); } if(!fill[3]){ obj->setVisible(Primitive::triangle,false); obj->setVisible(Primitive::quad,false); obj->setVisible(Primitive::polygon,false); }else{ obj->setVisible(Primitive::triangle,true); obj->setVisible(Primitive::quad,true); obj->setVisible(Primitive::polygon,true); obj->setColor(Primitive::triangle,fill); obj->setColor(Primitive::quad,fill); obj->setColor(Primitive::polygon,fill); } } rootObject->lock(); rootObject->addChild(obj,passOwnership); updateBounds(); // todo: only extend bounds by newly added object!! LinearTransform1D tx(computedViewport[0],Range32f(-1,1)); LinearTransform1D ty(computedViewport[1],Range32f(-1,1)); LinearTransform1D tz(computedViewport[2],Range32f(-1,1)); rootObject->setTransformation(Mat(tx.m,0,0,tx.b, 0,ty.m,0,ty.b, 0,0,tz.m,tz.b, 0,0,0,1)); rootObject->unlock(); coordinateFrame->lock(); coordinateFrame->updateTics(); coordinateFrame->unlock(); } Data(){ pointsize = 1; linewidth = 1; smoothfill = true; color = geom_red(255); fill = geom_blue(255); } template void update_bounds(Range32f computedViewport[3], SceneObject *o){ // DEBUG_LOG("updating bounds for object " << (void*)o << (rootObject ? "[root]" : "[other]")); if(o != rootObject){ const std::vector &vs = o->getVertices(); //DEBUG_LOG("checking " << vs.size() << " nodes! [" << (X?"X":"") << (Y?"Y":"") << (Z?"Z":"") << "]" ); for(size_t i=0;i computedViewport[0].maxVal) computedViewport[0].maxVal = v[0]; } if(Y){ if(v[1] < computedViewport[1].minVal) computedViewport[1].minVal = v[1]; if(v[1] > computedViewport[1].maxVal) computedViewport[1].maxVal = v[1]; } if(Z){ if(v[2] < computedViewport[2].minVal) computedViewport[2].minVal = v[2]; if(v[2] > computedViewport[2].maxVal) computedViewport[2].maxVal = v[2]; } } } for(int i=0;igetChildCount();++i){ update_bounds(computedViewport,o->getChild(i)); } } void updateBounds(){ const bool dyn[3] = { !givenViewport[0].getLength(), !givenViewport[1].getLength(), !givenViewport[2].getLength() }; for(int i=0;i<3;++i){ computedViewport[i] = dyn[i] ? Range32f::inv_limits() : givenViewport[i]; } switch( dyn[0] + dyn[1]*2 + dyn[2]*4 ){ case 0: break; // nothing to do here! case 1: update_bounds(computedViewport,rootObject); break; case 2: update_bounds(computedViewport,rootObject); break; case 3: update_bounds(computedViewport,rootObject); break; case 4: update_bounds(computedViewport,rootObject); break; case 5: update_bounds(computedViewport,rootObject); break; case 6: update_bounds(computedViewport,rootObject); break; case 7: update_bounds(computedViewport,rootObject); break; default: break; } } }; const Range32f *PlotWidget3D::getViewPort() const{ return m_data->computedViewport; } PlotWidget3D::PlotWidget3D(QWidget *parent):ICLDrawWidget3D(parent),m_data(new Data){ std::fill(m_data->givenViewport,m_data->givenViewport+3,Range32f(0,0)); m_data->scene.setBounds(5); Camera cam(Vec(8,1.5,1.5,1), -Vec(8,1.5,1.5,1).normalized(), Vec(0,0,-1,1), 7, Point32f(320,240),200,200, 0, Camera::RenderParams(Size(640,480), 1,10000, Rect(0,0,640,480), 0,1)); m_data->scene.addCamera(cam); install(m_data->scene.getMouseHandler(0)); link(m_data->scene.getGLCallback(0)); m_data->rootObject = new SceneObject; m_data->rootObject->setLockingEnabled(true); m_data->coordinateFrame = new CoordinateFrameObject3D(this,m_data->rootObject); m_data->scene.addObject(m_data->coordinateFrame); // must be rendered first (adapts rootObj-transform) m_data->scene.addObject(m_data->rootObject); SceneLight &l = m_data->scene.getLight(1); l.setSpecularEnabled(true); l.setOn(); l.setPosition(Vec(0,0,10,1)); l.setAnchorToWorld(); l.setSpecular(GeomColor(255,255,255,255)); } PlotWidget3D::~PlotWidget3D(){ delete m_data; } const Camera &PlotWidget3D::getCamera() const{ return m_data->scene.getCamera(0); } void PlotWidget3D::setCamera(const Camera &cam){ m_data->scene.getCamera(0) = cam; } void PlotWidget3D::setViewPort(const Range32f &xrange, const Range32f &yrange, const Range32f &zrange){ m_data->givenViewport[0] = xrange; m_data->givenViewport[1] = yrange; m_data->givenViewport[2] = zrange; m_data->updateBounds(); // compute an actual view-port used, that is slightly larger // or equal to the given viewport. /** Strategy: use larger abs value of min,max A A = XXX * 10^k (e.g. A = 122*10^0 -> 122 A = 160*10^2 -> 16000 A = 881*10-3 -> 0.881 then set viewport to next higher multiple of 10 122 -> 130 16000 -> 16000 0.881 -> 0.89 if this is only or or two away from the next multiple of 100 use this one 122 -> 130 16000 -> 16000 0.881 -> 0.9 use same strategy for minValue, but wrt. the quatisation of the max value max = 175*10^1 = 1750 -> use 180*10^1 min = 884*10^-2 = 8.84 min is transfered and rounded to upper exponent first min' = 0.884 * 10^1 which could be interpreted as 0 or 1, but the runding of max was done */ } Scene &PlotWidget3D::getScene(){ return m_data->scene; } const Scene &PlotWidget3D::getScene() const{ return m_data->scene; } SceneObject *PlotWidget3D::getRootObject(){ return m_data->rootObject; } const SceneObject *PlotWidget3D::getRootObject() const{ return m_data->rootObject; } void PlotWidget3D::add(SceneObject *obj, bool passOwnerShip){ m_data->add(obj,passOwnerShip); } void PlotWidget3D::remove(Handle h){ m_data->rootObject->removeChild(h); } void PlotWidget3D::color(int r, int g, int b, int a){ m_data->color = GeomColor(r,g,b,a); } void PlotWidget3D::fill(int r, int g, int b, int a){ m_data->fill = GeomColor(r,g,b,a); } void PlotWidget3D::pointsize(float size){ m_data->pointsize = size; } void PlotWidget3D::linewidth(float width){ m_data->linewidth = width; } void PlotWidget3D::clear(){ m_data->rootObject->removeAllChildren(); } void PlotWidget3D::nocolor(){ m_data->color[3] = 0; } void PlotWidget3D::nofill(){ m_data->fill[3] = 0; } void PlotWidget3D::smoothfill(bool on){ m_data->smoothfill = on; } void PlotWidget3D::lock(){ m_data->scene.lock(); } void PlotWidget3D::unlock(){ m_data->scene.unlock(); } PlotWidget3D::Handle PlotWidget3D::scatter(const std::vector &points){ SceneObject *obj = new SceneObject; obj->getVertices() = points; obj->getVertexColors().resize(points.size()); m_data->add(obj); return obj; } namespace{ struct scale_color_range{ LinearTransform1D t; scale_color_range(const Range32f &r) : t(r,Range32f(0,1)){} GeomColor operator()(const GeomColor &c) const{ return GeomColor(t(c[0]),t(c[1]),t(c[2]),t(c[3])); } }; } PlotWidget3D::Handle PlotWidget3D::scatter(const std::vector &points, const std::vector &colors, const Range32f &colorRange){ ICLASSERT_THROW(points.size() == colors.size(), ICLException("PlotWidget3D::scatter(points,colors):" " points.size() must be equal to colors.size()!")); SceneObject *obj = new SceneObject; obj->getVertices() = points; obj->getVertexColors().resize(points.size()); if(colorRange == Range32f(0,1)){ std::copy(colors.begin(),colors.end(), obj->getVertexColors().begin()); }else{ std::transform(colors.begin(),colors.end(), obj->getVertexColors().begin(), scale_color_range(colorRange)); } obj->setPointSize(m_data->pointsize); m_data->add(obj,true,true); return obj; } PlotWidget3D::Handle PlotWidget3D::linestrip(const std::vector &points){ SceneObject *obj = new SceneObject; obj->getVertices() = points; obj->getVertexColors().resize(points.size()); for(size_t i=1;iaddLine(i-1,i); } m_data->add(obj); return obj; } PlotWidget3D::Handle PlotWidget3D::surf(const std::vector &points, int nx, int ny){ SceneObject *grid = new GridSceneObject(nx,ny,points,m_data->color[3],m_data->fill[3]); grid->setLockingEnabled(true); grid->createAutoNormals(m_data->smoothfill); m_data->add(grid); return grid; } PlotWidget3D::Handle PlotWidget3D::surf(Function fxy, const Range32f &rx, const Range32f &ry, int nx, int ny, PlotWidget3D::Handle reuseObject){ std::vector pointsVec; std::vector &points = reuseObject ? reuseObject->getVertices() : pointsVec; points.resize(nx*ny); if(reuseObject) reuseObject->lock(); if(reuseObject) reuseObject->getVertexColors().resize(nx*ny); float dx = rx.getLength()/ (nx-1); float dy = ry.getLength()/ (ny-1); for(int y=0;yrootObject->hasChild(reuseObject)){ reuseObject->createAutoNormals(m_data->smoothfill); }else{ m_data->add(reuseObject); } reuseObject->unlock(); return reuseObject; }else{ return surf(points,nx,ny); } } PlotWidget3D::Handle PlotWidget3D::label(const Vec &p, const std::string &text){ SceneObject *obj = new SceneObject; if(p[3]) obj->addVertex(p); else obj->addVertex(Vec(p[0],p[1],p[2],1)); obj->addText(0,text,8,m_data->color,20); obj->setVisible(Primitive::vertex,false); m_data->add(obj,true,true); return obj; } namespace{ // only for registering this class as a GUI component! struct Plot3DGUIWidget : public GUIWidget{ PlotWidget3D *draw; Plot3DGUIWidget(const GUIDefinition &def):GUIWidget(def,6,6,GUIWidget::gridLayout,Size(16,12)){ draw = new PlotWidget3D(this); draw->setViewPort(Range32f(def.floatParam(0),def.floatParam(1)), Range32f(def.floatParam(2),def.floatParam(3)), Range32f(def.floatParam(4),def.floatParam(5))); addToGrid(draw); if(def.handle() != ""){ getGUI()->lockData(); getGUI()->allocValue(def.handle(),PlotHandle3D(draw,this)); getGUI()->unlockData(); } } }; qt::GUIWidget *create_plot_3D_widget_instance(const qt::GUIDefinition &def){ Plot3DGUIWidget *w = 0; try{ w = new Plot3DGUIWidget(def); }catch(ICLException &ex){ std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl << "syntax is:" << "draw3D() (no parameters supported)" << std::endl; return 0; } return w; } void assign_plot_handle_3D(const PlotHandle3D &src, PlotHandle3D &dst){ dst = src; } struct Plot3DGUIWidgetRegisterer{ Plot3DGUIWidgetRegisterer(){ qt::GUI::register_widget_type("plot3D",create_plot_3D_widget_instance); qt::DataStore::register_trivial_assignment_rule("PlotHandle3D","PlotHandle3D"); } } plot3DWidgetRegisterer; } } }