/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLGeom/examples/swiss-ranger-demo.cpp ** ** Module : ICLGeom ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include GenericGrabber *grabber = 0; HSplit gui; Img32f IMAGE; Camera CAM; Point32f POS; Scene scene; enum VisMode{ SOLID,DEPTH,INTEN,CONFI}; Vec estimate_3D_pos(const Point32f &p, const Img32f &image, const Camera &cam){ ViewRay vr = cam.getViewRay(p); Vec o = vr.offset; Vec v = vr.direction; v = v/v.length(); float val = image.subPixelLIN(p.x,p.y,0); Vec r = o + v*val; r[3] = val; return r; } Vec estimate_3D_pos(const Point32f &p, float val, const Camera &cam){ ViewRay vr = cam.getViewRay(p); Vec o = vr.offset; Vec v = vr.direction; v = v/v.length(); Vec r = o + v*val; r[3] = val; return r; } struct ImageObj : public SceneObject{ Size size; Mutex mutex; Img8u image; virtual void lock(){ mutex.lock(); } virtual void unlock(){ mutex.unlock(); } inline int idx(int x, int y){ return x+y*size.width; } inline Vec &node(int x, int y){ return m_vertices[idx(x,y)]; } inline GeomColor &col(int x, int y){ return m_vertexColors[idx(x,y)]; } ImageObj(const Size &s):size(s){ image = Img8u(size,formatRGB); for(int x=0;x rs(image.getChannels()); for(unsigned int i=0;iimage); float maxDepth = rs[0].maxVal; m_vertices[size.getDim()] = estimate_3D_pos(Point(0,0),maxDepth,cam); m_vertices[size.getDim()+1] = estimate_3D_pos(Point(size.width,0),maxDepth,cam); m_vertices[size.getDim()+2] = estimate_3D_pos(Point(size.width,size.height),maxDepth,cam); m_vertices[size.getDim()+3] = estimate_3D_pos(Point(0,size.height),maxDepth,cam); m_vertices[size.getDim()+4] = cam.getPosition(); } for(int x=0;x 0){ float c = 255-(255*(image(x,y,0)-rs[0].minVal)/rs[0].getLength()); col(x,y) = GeomColor(c,c,c,255); } break; case INTEN: if(image.getChannels() > 1){ float c = 255*(image(x,y,1)-rs[1].minVal)/rs[1].getLength(); col(x,y) = GeomColor(c,c,c,255); //col(x,y) = image(x,y,1); } break; case CONFI: if(image.getChannels() > 2){ float c = 255*(image(x,y,2)-rs[1].minVal)/rs[2].getLength(); col(x,y) = GeomColor(c,c,c,255); } break; } } } unlock(); } }; ImageObj *grid = 0; void mouse(const MouseEvent &evt){ if(evt.isPressEvent() || evt.isDragEvent()){ POS = evt.getPos(); } } void init(){ gui << ( Tab("2D,3D").handle("tab") << Draw().handle("draw").minSize(32,24) << Draw3D().handle("draw3D").minSize(32,24) ) << ( VBox().maxSize(12,100) << Button("off","!on").out("grab").label("grab loop") << Button("off","!on").out("pp").label("median") << ( VBox().label("3D vis ") << CheckBox("points",true).out("points") << CheckBox("lines").out("lines") << CheckBox("fill").out("fill") << CheckBox("image").out("imageOn") << Spinner(1,10,2).out("pointSize").label("point size") << Combo("solid,depth,intensity,confidence").handle("visColor") << Button("reset pos").handle("resPos") ) ) << Show(); gui["draw"].install(mouse); grabber = new GenericGrabber(pa("-i")); CAM = Camera(*pa("-input",2)); static DrawHandle draw = gui["draw"]; static DrawHandle3D draw3D = gui["draw3D"]; (*draw)->setRangeMode(ICLWidget::rmAuto); float data[] = {0,0,0,1000,1000,1000}; SceneObject *o = new SceneObject("cuboid",data); o->setVisible(Primitive::quad,false); o->setVisible(Primitive::triangle,false); scene.addObject(o); grid = new ImageObj(CAM.getRenderParams().viewport.getSize()); scene.addObject(grid); scene.addCamera(CAM); scene.addCamera(CAM); (*draw3D)->install(scene.getMouseHandler(0)); (*draw3D)->setViewPort(Size(176,144)); } void run(){ DrawHandle draw = gui["draw"]; static ButtonHandle resPos = gui["resPos"]; static ICLDrawWidget &w = **draw; bool grab = gui["grab"]; bool pp = gui["pp"]; if(grab){ const ImgBase *image = grabber->grab(); if(pp){ static MedianOp mo(Size(3,3)); mo.setClipToROI(false); IMAGE=cvt(mo.apply(image)); ImgBorder::copy(&IMAGE); IMAGE.setFullROI(); }else{ IMAGE=cvt(image); } } draw = IMAGE; Vec p3D = estimate_3D_pos(POS,IMAGE,CAM); w.color(0,100,255,255); w.fill(0,100,255,100); w.rect(POS.x-1,POS.y-1,1,1); w.color(255,255,255,255); w.text("("+str(p3D[0])+","+str(p3D[1])+","+str(p3D[2]) + ")[VAL:"+str(p3D[3])+"]",POS.x+3,POS.y+3,-1,-1,10); draw.render(); static TabHandle tab = gui["tab"]; static DrawHandle3D draw3D = gui["draw3D"]; static ComboHandle visColor = gui["visColor"]; bool points = gui["points"]; bool lines = gui["lines"]; bool fill = gui["fill"]; bool imageOn = gui["imageOn"]; int pointSize = gui["pointSize"]; if(resPos.wasTriggered()){ scene.getCamera(0) = scene.getCamera(1); } if((*tab)->currentIndex() == 1){ grid->setVisible(Primitive::vertex,points); grid->setVisible(Primitive::line,lines); grid->setVisible(Primitive::quad,fill); grid->update(IMAGE,CAM,(VisMode)visColor.getSelectedIndex(),pointSize,imageOn); ICLDrawWidget3D &dw = **draw3D; dw.link(scene.getGLCallback(0)); dw.render(); } Thread::msleep(10); } int main(int n, char **ppc){ pa_explain("-i","for input device selection"); return ICLApplication(n,ppc,"[m]-input|-i(device,device-params,camera-xml-file)",init,run).exec(); }