/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLQt/PlotWidget.h ** ** Module : ICLQt ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #ifndef ICL_PLOT_WIDGET_H #define ICL_PLOT_WIDGET_H #include #include #include namespace icl{ /// Easy to use widget component for 2D data visualization /** In contrast to it's parent class icl::LowLevelPlotWidget, the icl::PlotWidget interface is allinged with ICL's 2D image annotation framework (see icl::ICLDrawWidget). \section TYP Visualization Types The PlotWidget has two types of content: -# Plotting Data (visualized as scatter-plot: PlotWidget::scatter, or series/function plot: PlotWidget::series, or bar-plot: PlotWidget::bars) -# Annotation data these are extra primitives that are used to show/highligh additional information in the data plot. Annotations are always drawn in the data coordinate space. Only plotting data is used for automatic view-port estimation. \section GEN General Usage The PlotWidget internally uses a synchronized queue of darw commands. Draw commands can only added in a thread-safe manner if the PlotWidget is locked (see PlotWidget::lock() and PlotWidget::unlock() ). The PlotWidget does not support to reference to be visualized data using a shallow/pointer copy. Instead, the given data is always copied deeply into an internal buffer. By theses means, given data must not be kept in memory or synchronized mannually. While locked, the following operations for data visualization are available: - PlotWidget::clear() clears the former draw command queue - PlotWidget::label and PlotWidget::nolabel set/unset the legend label for the next scatter, series or bar plot - PlotWidget::color sets the drawing color. This is usually used for symbols as well as for any lines for drawing data as well as for annotations. - PlotWidget::pen also affects the drawing color, but it can be used to a custom pen for line drawing. The pen can e.g. be set up to draw dashed lines. - PlotWidget::linewidth does also affect the pen, so using PlotWidget::pen, will also overwrite the last linewidth value. - PlotWidget::fill is used to the the color for filled areas, such as the bars in a bar-plot, or area between the function-graph and the y=0 axis in series plots. It also affects the fill color of rect- and ellipse annotations. - PlotWidget::brush is similar to fill as pen to color. By setting a QBrush, special color patterns can be used for filling. - PlotWidget::sym sets the symbol, that is used for scatter and series plots. Supported symbols are listed in the documentation of the AbstractPlotWidget::Pen::Pen constructor. - PlotWidget::scatter, PlotWidget::series and PlotWidget::bars are used to pass Plotting data that is then visualized. For each of these functions, that are several convenience methods and even template that allow for passing differently shaped data directly. For annotation data, the following basic methods are provided. Again, for each of these, several convience methods are also available. - PlotWidget::line draws a line (using the current color) - PlotWidget::rect draws a rect (using the current color and fill) - PlotWidget::circle draws a circle (using the current color and fill) - PlotWidget::text draws text into the drawing area (using the currnet color) - PlotWidget::linestrip draws several lines each starting where the last line ended. In this case, only N-1 points have to be passed for N lines - PlotWidget::grid allows to draw a 2D grid annotation The methods, PlotWidget::title, PlotWidget::xlabel and PlotWidget::ylabel are just convenience function that use the derived Configurable's Configurable::setPropertyValue method in a direct manner. \section _GUI_ GUI Embedding The plot widget is also a component of ICL's icl::GUI framework. The component tag is "plot" its parameters are - X viewport min value - X viewport max value - Y viewport min value - Y viewport max value - an optional flag "gl". If this is given, the PlotWidget is rendered in OpenGL. This can increase the rendering performance, however it can also make it slower Example: \code // create some data std::vector sinData(100); for(float i=0;i<100;++i){ sinData[i] = sin(i/100 * 2*M_PI); } GUI gui; gui << "plot(0,6.283,-1.1,1.1)[@handle=plot@minsize=20x20]" << "!show"; // extract the handle PlotHandle plot = gui["plot"]; plot->lock(); // lock the draw queue plot->color(255,0,0); // set graph line color plot->fill(255,0,0,100); // set graph fill (semi transparent) plot->label("sin(x)"); // set the legend label plot->series(sinData); // add data to visualize plot->unlock(); // unlock the draw queue plot.update(); // post an update event to Qt \endcode \section _EX_ More Examples *Soon!* */ class PlotWidget : public LowLevelPlotWidget{ struct Data; //!< internal data structure Data *m_data; //!< internal data (pimpl) public: /// Constructor with given parent /** Usually, the */ PlotWidget(QWidget *parent=0); /// Destrutor ~PlotWidget(); /// locks the draw queue inline void lock() { LowLevelPlotWidget::lock(); } /// unlocks the draw queue inline void unlock() { LowLevelPlotWidget::unlock(); } /// clears the draw queue virtual void clear(); /// synonym for clear() inline void reset() { clear(); } /// sets the legend label for the next scatter-, series- or bar-plot void label(const std::string &primitiveLabel); /// calls label("") inline void nolabel() { label(""); } /// sets the line color void color(int r, int g, int b, int a=255); /// convenience macro for types that provide and index operator [] /** Please note, that c needs 4 elements at least. */ template inline void color(const VectorType &c){ color(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3]); } /// sets a fully transparent line color inline void nocolor(){ color(0,0,0,0); } /// sets the line pen /** This overwrites the current setting for linewidth and color. The pen can e.g. be used to draw dashed lines. */ void pen(const QPen &pen); /// sets the fill color for series- and bar-plots /** The fill color is also used for rect- and circle annotations */ void fill(int r, int g, int b, int a=255); /// convenience macro for types that provide and index operator [] /** Please note, that c needs 4 elements at least. */ template inline void fill(const VectorType &c){ fill(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3]); } /// sets a fully transparent fill color inline void nofill() { fill(0,0,0,0); } /// sets the fill brush /** This is more powerful then just setting the fill color using PlotWidget::fill. The brush overwrites the current fill color setting. In contrast to PlotWidget::fill, the brush can also be set up to fill areas with a given pattern */ void brush(const QBrush &brush); /// sets the current symbol /** The symbol is used for series and scatter plots */ void sym(char s); /// sets the current symbol and the symbol size /** The symbol size is always given in pixels */ inline void sym(char s, int symsize){ sym(s); this->symsize(symsize); } /// resets the symbol to ' ' which means no symbols are shown inline void nosym() { sym(' '); } /// sets the linewidth void linewidth(float width); /// sets the symbols size void symsize(float size); /// adds a scatter plot with given x- and y-data pointer /** @param xs source pointer for the x-values @param ys source poitner for the y-value @param num number of points @param xStride pointer increment to to iterate through the elements of xs (in sizeof(float) units) @param yStride pointer increment to to iterate through the elements of ys (in sizeof(float) units) @param connect if set to true, successive points are connected using a line */ template void scatter(const T *xs, const T *ys, int num, int xStride = 1, int yStride=1, bool connect=false); /// adds a scatter plot from given vector of points inline void scatter(const std::vector &ps, bool connect=false){ scatter(&ps[0].x, &ps[0].y, ps.size(), 2, 2, connect); } /// adds a scatter plot from given vector of points inline void scatter(const std::vector &ps, bool connect=false){ scatter(&ps[0].x, &ps[0].y, ps.size(), 2, 2, connect); } /// adds a scatter plot from given set of of fixed vectors template inline void scatter(const FixedMatrix *ps, int num, bool connect=false){ scatter(&ps[0][0],&ps[0][1], num, 2, 2, connect); } /// adds series data /** @param data data pointer @param num number of elements @param stride data increment to iterate through the data elements stride is given in sizeof(float) units */ template void series(const T *data, int num, int stride=1); /// adds series data from given std::vector template inline void series(const std::vector &data){ series(data.data(), data.size(), 1); } /// adds bar plot data /** @param data data pointer @param num number of elements @param stride data increment to iterate through the data elements stride is given in sizeof(float) units */ template void bars(const T *data, int num, int stride=1); /// adds bar plot data from given std::vector template inline void bars(const std::vector &data){ bars(data.data(), data.size(), 1); } /// draws a line annotation using the current color void line(const Point32f &a, const Point32f &b); /// draws a line annotation given 4 coordinates inline void line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2){ line(Point32f(x1,y1),Point32f(x2,y2)); } /// draws a line strip annotation void linestrip(const std::vector &ps, bool closedLoop=true); /// draws a line strip annotation void linestrip(const std::vector &ps, bool closedLoop=true); /// draws a line strip annotation void linestrip(const Point32f *ps, int num, bool closedLoop=true); /// draws a line strip annotation void linestrip(const Point *ps, int num, bool closedLoop=true); /// draws a line strip annotation void linestrip(const float *xs, const float *ys, int num, bool closedLoop=true, int stride = 1); /// draws a rectangle annotation with given upper left and lower right coordinate void rect(const Point32f &ul, const Point32f &lr); /// draws a rectangle annotation void rect(const Rect &r); /// draws a rectangle annotation void rect(const Rect32f &r); /// draws a rectangle annotation void rect(float x, float y, float w, float h); /// draws a circle annotation void circle(const Point32f &c, float r); /// draws a circle annotation void circle(float cx, float cy, float r); /// draws a text annotation /** Note.: the text anchor is always centered) */ void text(float x, float y, const std::string &text); /// draws a text annotation /** Note.: the text anchor is always centered) */ void text(const Point32f &p, const std::string &text); /// draws a grid-annoation void grid(int nX, int nY, const float *xs, const float *ys, int stride=1); /// draws a grid-annoation void grid(const Array2D &data); /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(const Array2D &data){ grid(data.getWidth(), data.getHeight(), &data(0,0).x, &data(0,0).y, 2); } /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(int nX, int nY, const float *xys){ grid(nX,nY,xys, xys+1,2); } /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(int nX, int nY, const Point *ps){ grid(Array2D(nX,nY,const_cast(ps),false)); } /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(int nX, int nY, const Point32f *ps){ grid(nX, nY, &ps[0].x, &ps[0].y, 2); } /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector &ps){ grid(nX, nY, &ps[0].x, &ps[0].y, 2); } /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector &ps){ grid(Array2D(nX,nY, const_cast(ps.data()), false)); } /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector &xys){ grid(nX, nY, xys.data(), xys.data()+1,2); } /// draws a grid-annoation inline void grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector &xs, const std::vector &ys){ grid(nX, nY, xs.data(), ys.data()); } /// sets the diagram title /** Please note, that usually the property "borders.top" needs to be set to something around 18. Otherwise, the tiltle is placed within the drawing area */ void title(const std::string &title){ setPropertyValue("labels.diagramm",title); } /// sets the x-axis label void xlabel(const std::string &xlabel){ setPropertyValue("labels.x-axis",xlabel); } /// sets the y-axis label void ylabel(const std::string &ylabel){ setPropertyValue("labels.y-axis",ylabel); } }; }; #endif