/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2012 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLGeom/PoseEstimator.cpp ** ** Module : ICLGeom ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter, Robert Haschke ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Further Copyright Note: Parts of this code were taken, from ** ** VTK 5.6.0 vtkLandmarkTransform.cxx ** ** Copyright (c) 1993-2008 Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, ** ** Bill Lorensen -- All rights reserved. ** *********************************************************************/ #include #include namespace icl{ template static void perpendiculars(const T x[3], T y[3], T z[3], T theta){ int dx,dy,dz; double x2 = x[0]*x[0]; double y2 = x[1]*x[1]; double z2 = x[2]*x[2]; double r = sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2); // transpose the vector to avoid divide-by-zero error if(x2 > y2 && x2 > z2){ dx = 0; dy = 1; dz = 2; } else if(y2 > z2) { dx = 1; dy = 2; dz = 0; } else{ dx = 2; dy = 0; dz = 1; } double a = x[dx]/r, b = x[dy]/r, c = x[dz]/r; double tmp = sqrt(a*a+c*c); if(theta){ double sintheta = sin(theta); double costheta = cos(theta); if(y){ y[dx] = (c*costheta - a*b*sintheta)/tmp; y[dy] = sintheta*tmp; y[dz] = (-a*costheta - b*c*sintheta)/tmp; } if(z){ z[dx] = (-c*sintheta - a*b*costheta)/tmp; z[dy] = costheta*tmp; z[dz] = (a*sintheta - b*c*costheta)/tmp; } }else{ if (y) { y[dx] = c/tmp; y[dy] = 0; y[dz] = -a/tmp; } if (z){ z[dx] = -a*b/tmp; z[dy] = tmp; z[dz] = -b*c/tmp; } } } template static inline FixedColVector get_mean_col_vec(const DynMatrix &m){ return FixedColVector ( std::accumulate(m.row_begin(0),m.row_end(0),T(0)), std::accumulate(m.row_begin(1),m.row_end(1),T(0)), std::accumulate(m.row_begin(2),m.row_end(2),T(0))) * (1.0/m.cols()); } template static inline FixedColVector cross_prod(const FixedMatrix &v1, const FixedMatrix &v2){ return FixedColVector(v1[1]*v2[2]-v1[2]*v2[1], v1[2]*v2[0]-v1[0]*v2[2], v1[0]*v2[1]-v1[1]*v2[0]); } template FixedMatrix PoseEstimator::quaternion_to_rotation_matrix(T w, T x, T y, T z){ T ww = w*w; T wx = w*x; T wy = w*y; T wz = w*z; T xx = x*x; T yy = y*y; T zz = z*z; T xy = x*y; T xz = x*z; T yz = y*z; FixedMatrix M; M(0,0) = ww + xx - yy - zz; M(0,1) = 2.0*(wz + xy); M(0,2) = 2.0*(-wy + xz); M(1,0) = 2.0*(-wz + xy); M(1,1) = ww - xx + yy - zz; M(1,2) = 2.0*(wx + yz); M(2,0) = 2.0*(wy + xz); M(2,1) = 2.0*(-wx + yz); M(2,2) = ww - xx - yy + zz; return M; } template FixedMatrix PoseEstimator::map(const DynMatrix &Xs, const DynMatrix &Ys, PoseEstimator::MapMode mode) throw (IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException,SingularMatrixException){ ICLASSERT_THROW(Xs.rows() == 3 || Xs.rows() == 4, IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException("PoseEstimator::map: Xs.rows must be 3 or 4 (for homogeneous coordinates)")); ICLASSERT_THROW(Ys.rows() == 3 || Ys.rows() == 4, IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException("PoseEstimator::map: Ys.rows must be 3 or 4 (for homogeneous coordinates)")); ICLASSERT_THROW(Xs.cols() == Ys.cols(), IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException("PoseEstimator::map: Point count in Xs and Ys must be equal")); ICLASSERT_THROW(Xs.cols() > 0, IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException("PoseEstimator::map: At least 1 point is needed for relative pose estimation")); ICLASSERT_THROW(Xs.cols() > 3 || mode !=Affine, IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException("PoseEstimator::map: for affine mapping, at least 4 points are needed!")); static const T eps = getDepth() == getDepth() ? -23 : -52; typedef FixedMatrix M4; typedef FixedMatrix M3; typedef FixedColVector V3; typedef FixedColVector V4; const unsigned int N_PTS = Xs.cols(); V3 cx = get_mean_col_vec(Xs); V3 cy = get_mean_col_vec(Ys); // -- if only one point, stop right here if (N_PTS == 1 || mode==Translation) { return M4(1,0,0,cy[0]-cx[0], 0,1,0,cy[1]-cx[1], 0,0,1,cy[2]-cx[2], 0,0,0,1); } M4 TM = M4::id(); // -- build the 3x3 matrix M -- M3 M(T(0)),XXt(T(0)); T sx=0,sy=0; for(unsigned i=0; i < N_PTS; ++i) { // get origin centered point V3 x=V3(Xs(i,0),Xs(i,1),Xs(i,2))-cx; V3 y=V3(Ys(i,0),Ys(i,1),Ys(i,2))-cy; // accumulate the products a*b' into the matrix M M += x*y.transp(); // for the affine transform, compute ((x*x')^-1 * x*b')'. // x*y' is already in M. Here we put x*x' in XXt. if (mode == Affine){ XXt += x * x.transp(); } // accumulate scale factors sx += x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]; sy += y[0]*y[0]+y[1]*y[1]+y[2]*y[2]; } if (mode == Affine) { M3 R = XXt.pinv() * M; // copy transposed for(int y=0;y<3;++y){ for(int x=0;x<3;++x){ TM(x,y) = R(y,x); } } }else{ // compute required scaling factor (if desired) const double scale = (double)sqrt(sx/sy); // -- build the 4x4 matrix N -- M4 N; // on-diagonal elements N(0,0) = M(0,0)+M(1,1)+M(2,2); N(1,1) = M(0,0)-M(1,1)-M(2,2); N(2,2) = -M(0,0)+M(1,1)-M(2,2); N(3,3) = -M(0,0)-M(1,1)+M(2,2); // off-diagonal elements N(1,0) = N(0,1) = M(2,1)-M(1,2); N(2,0) = N(0,2) = M(0,2)-M(2,0); N(3,0) = N(0,3) = M(1,0)-M(0,1); N(1,2) = N(2,1) = M(1,0)+M(0,1); N(1,3) = N(3,1) = M(0,2)+M(2,0); N(2,3) = N(3,2) = M(2,1)+M(1,2); // the eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue is the quaternion we want T w; V3 v; M4 evecs; V4 evals; try{ N.eigen(evecs,evals); }catch(ICLException &e){ throw SingularMatrixException("error in eigenvalue decomposition (the internal matrix is too singular)"); } if(fabs(evals[0]-evals[1]) < 0.00001 || N_PTS == 2){ // if points are collinear, choose the quaternion that // results in the smallest rotation. V3 dx( Xs(1,0)-Xs(0,0), Xs(1,1)-Xs(0,1), Xs(1,2)-Xs(0,2)); V3 dy( Ys(1,0)-Ys(0,0), Ys(1,1)-Ys(0,1), Ys(1,2)-Ys(0,2)); dx.normalize(); dy.normalize(); w = dx.dot(dy)[0]; v = cross_prod(dx,dy); T r = v.length(); T theta = atan2(r,w); // construct quaternion w = cos(theta/2); if (r > eps) v *= sin(theta/2)/r; else { // rotation by 180 degrees: special case // rotate around a vector perpendicular to dx perpendiculars(dx.data(),v.data(),NULL,0); v *= sin(theta/2); } } else { // points are not collinear w = evecs(0,0); // // goes not! -> g++ seems not to be in the mood to compile this :-) // v = evecs.part<3,1,1,3>(); for(int y=0;y<3;++y){ v[y] = evecs(0,y+1); } } M3 R = quaternion_to_rotation_matrix(w,v[0],v[1],v[2]); // here, also part<..> was supposed to work for(int i=0;i<3;++i){ for(int j=0;j<3;++j){ TM(i,j) = R(i,j); } } if (mode != RigidBody) { TM = M4(scale,0,0,0, 0,scale,0,0, 0,0,scale,0, 0,0,0,1) * TM; // TM.scale(scale); } } // the final translation is given by the difference in the transformed // source centroid and the target centroid M3 R; // = TM.part<0,0,3,3>(1); this can also not be compiled! -> g++ bug for(int y=0;y<3;++y) { std::copy(TM.row_begin(y),TM.row_begin(y)+3,R.row_begin(y)); } V3 trans = cy - R * cx; std::copy(trans.begin(),trans.end(), TM.col_begin(3)); return TM; } template FixedMatrix PoseEstimator::map(const DynMatrix&,const DynMatrix&,PoseEstimator::MapMode mode) throw (IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException,SingularMatrixException); template FixedMatrix PoseEstimator::map(const DynMatrix&,const DynMatrix&,PoseEstimator::MapMode mode) throw (IncompatibleMatrixDimensionException,SingularMatrixException); }