#!/bin/bash RESOURCE_DIR=@ICL_RESOURCE_DIR_PLACEHOLDER@ PGK_CFG_NAME=@ICL_PKG_CFG_PLACEHOLDER@ if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then echo -e "usage:\n\ticl-create-project PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME" echo -e "\t(e.g.) ./icl-create-project MyICLProject" exit 1 fi if [ -d $1 ] ; then echo "error: foldername $1 already exists" exit 1 fi if [ -e $1 ] ; then echo "error: file with name $1 already exists" exit 1 fi if [ "$1" = "--update" ] ; then if [ ! -e Makefile ] ; then echo "error: unable to find Makefile" exit -1 fi if [ ! -e Makefile.custom ] ; then echo "error: unable to find Makefile.custom" exit -1 fi echo "# The following commands are suggested to" echo "# update your project build structure:" if [ -e "application" ] ; then echo svn mv application app fi if [ ! -e test ] ; then echo "mkdir test" echo "cp ${RESOURCE_DIR}/sample-test.cpp.template ./${PROJECT}/test/sample-test.cpp" echo "svn add test" fi if [ ! "$(echo Makefile | grep update-from-svn)" ] ; then echo "svn export https://opensource.cit-ec.de/svn/icl/trunk/scripts/icl-create-project-data/Makefile.template" echo "cp Makefile Makefile.old" echo "mv Makefile.template Makefile" echo "svn export https://opensource.cit-ec.de/svn/icl/trunk/scripts/icl-create-project-data/Makefile.custom.template" echo "cp Makefile.custom Makefile.custom.old" echo "mv Makefile.custom.template Makefile.custom" AT="@" echo "sed -i \"s|${AT}ICL_PGK_CFG_PLACEHOLDER${AT}|${PGK_CFG_NAME}|g\" Makefile.custom" echo '#please transfer your custom changes from Makefile.custom.old to the new Makefile.custom' else echo "make update-from-svn" fi exit 0; fi PROJECT=$1 # Create folder root dir echo -n "Creating folder ${PROJECT} ... " mkdir -p ./${PROJECT} echo "done" # Create folder lib dir echo -n "Creating sub folders ..." for T in src app doc test ; do mkdir -p ./${PROJECT}/$T ; echo " $T" done echo " done" echo -n "Copying custom makefile ... " sed 's/\(^PC_DEPS=.*$\)/\1 gtest/g' ${RESOURCE_DIR}/Makefile.custom.template > ./${PROJECT}/Makefile.custom echo "done" echo -n "Copying sample test ... " cp ${RESOURCE_DIR}/sample-test.cpp.template ./${PROJECT}/test/sample-test.cpp echo "done" echo -n "Copying makefile ... " cp ${RESOURCE_DIR}/Makefile.template ./${PROJECT}/Makefile echo "done" echo -n "Copying doxyfile ... " cp ${RESOURCE_DIR}/doxyfile.template ./${PROJECT}/doc/doxyfile echo "done" echo "All source files placed in src/ are build into lib${PROJECT}.so which" echo "is automatically linked against the programs build from all source" echo "files placed in app/ by calling" echo " >> make" echo " >> make install" echo "Any source files in the test/ are build and run by calling" echo " >> make test" echo "" echo "You can change the build configuration by editing Makefile.custom." echo "You can adapt the name of your library and you can add" echo "linker and compiler flags etc." echo "You can change the build configuration by editing Makefile.custom." echo "" echo "You can always update the created build-system by calling" echo " >> make update-from-svn"