#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then echo -e "usage:\n\ticl-create-project PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME" echo -e "\t(e.g.) ./icl-create-project MyICLProject" exit 1 fi if [ -d $1 ] ; then echo "error: foldername $1 already exists" exit 1 fi if [ -e $1 ] ; then echo "error: file with name $1 already exists" exit 1 fi PROJECT=$1 RESOURCE_DIR=@RESOURCE_DIR_PLACEHOLDER@ # Create folder root dir echo -n "Creating folder ${PROJECT} ... " mkdir -p ./${PROJECT} echo "done" # Create folder lib dir echo -n "Creating sub folders ..." for T in lib src obj application doc test ; do mkdir -p ./${PROJECT}/$T ; echo " $T" done echo " done" echo -n "Copying custom makefile ... " sed 's/\(^PC_DEPS=.*$\)/\1 gtest/g' ${RESOURCE_DIR}/Makefile.custom.template > ./${PROJECT}/Makefile.custom echo "done" echo -n "Copying sample test ... " cp ${RESOURCE_DIR}/sample-test.cpp.template ./${PROJECT}/test/sample-test.cpp echo "done" echo -n "Copying makefile ... " cp ${RESOURCE_DIR}/Makefile-with-tests.template ./${PROJECT}/Makefile echo "done" echo -n "Copying doxyfile ... " cp ${RESOURCE_DIR}/doxyfile.template ./${PROJECT}/doc/doxyfile echo "done" echo "All source files placed in src/ are build into lib${PROJECT}.so which" echo "is automatically linked against the programs build from all source" echo "files placed in application/ by calling" echo " >> make" echo " >> make install" echo "Any source files in the test/ are build and run by calling" echo " >> make test"