/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2010 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : include/ICLCore/ImgParams.h ** ** Module : ICLCore ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter, Robert Haschke ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #ifndef IMG_PARAMS_H #define IMG_PARAMS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ /// The ImgParams class stores all image parameters \ingroup IMAGE \ingroup TYPES /** This class offers an encapsulation of all Img parameters - size - channels - format - roi The class helps to create image processing classes getting certain image parameters. This parameters can now directly be aquired from an ImgBase object. In addition to this, except to the ImgBases underlying depth (which is commited to the depth of the underlying Img object) Images can be made compatible by calling imageA.setParams(imageB.getParams()) */ class ImgParams{ public: /// as default size=(0,0), channels=0, format=matrix, roi=(0,0,0,0) static const ImgParams null; /// creates a null ImgParams object /** @see setup @see null */ ImgParams(const ImgParams ¶ms=null): m_oSize(params.m_oSize),m_iChannels(params.m_iChannels), m_eFormat(params.m_eFormat),m_oROI(params.m_oROI){} /// creates an ImgParams object with specified size, channels, roi and formatMatrix /** @see setup */ ImgParams(const Size &size, int channels, const Rect &roi = Rect::null) { setup(size,formatMatrix,channels,roi); } /// creates an ImgParams object with specified size, channels, roi and format /** @see setup*/ ImgParams(const Size &size, format fmt, const Rect &roi = Rect::null); /// creates an ImgParams object with all given parameters /** Note that channels and format are not independent. Hence, if the given channel count is not compatible to the given format, an exception is thrown. @see setup */ ImgParams(const Size &size, int channels, format fmt, const Rect& roi = Rect::null) { setup(size,fmt,channels,roi); } /// creates an ImgParams object with specified size, format and roi given as POD-Types /** channel count is adapted to the given format @see setup */ ImgParams(int width, int height, format fmt, int roiX=0, int roiY=0, int roiWidth = 0, int roiHeight = 0); /// creates an ImgParams object with specified size, channel and roi given as POD-Types /** The format is set to "formatMatrix" @see setup */ ImgParams(int width, int height, int channels, int roiX=0, int roiY=0, int roiWidth = 0, int roiHeight = 0); /// creates an ImgParams object with ALL possible parameters /** Note that channels and format are not independent. Hence, if the given channel count is not compatible to the given format, an exception is thrown. @see setup */ ImgParams(int width, int height, int channels, format fmt, int roiX=0, int roiY=0, int roiWidth=0, int roiHeight=0); /// checks wether the object instance is null, i.e. all elements are zero bool isNull() const { return (*this)==null; } /// returns !(*this==other) bool operator!=(const ImgParams &other) const{ return !((*this)==other); } /// test is all parameters (size, roi, channels, format) are identical bool operator==(const ImgParams &other) const; /// sets the size to the current value (and resets the roi to null) void setSize(const Size &size); /// sets the format to the given format (the channel count is adapted on demand) void setFormat(format fmt); /// sets the channels to the given channel count (format is set to "formatMatrix" on demand) void setChannels(int channels); /// sets the image ROI offset to the given value /** If the offset is not inside of the image or the new offset causes the roi not to fit into the image, nothing is done, and an exception is thrown. */ void setROIOffset(const Point &offset); /// sets the image ROI size to the given value /** If the new roi size causes the roi not to fit into the image, nothing is done and an exception is thrown */ void setROISize(const Size &roisize); /// set both image ROI offset and size /** This function evaluates if the new offset is inside of the image, as well as if the resulting roi does fit into the image. */ void setROI(const Point &offset, const Size &roisize); /// sets the image ROI to the given rectangle void setROI(const Rect &roi) { setROI (roi.ul(),roi.getSize()); } /// checks, eventually adapts and finally sets the image ROI offset void setROIOffsetAdaptive(const Point &offset); /// checks, eventually adapts and finally sets the image ROI size void setROISizeAdaptive(const Size &size); /// as setROI, but if checks for negative parameters /** While the methods setROI, setROIOffset and setROISize directly set the images ROI from the given arguments (if possible), the following methods adapt the ROI parameters to assure a valid ROI. Negative values are interpreted relative to the whole image size resp. the lower right corner of the image. E.g. an offset (5,5) with size (-10,-10) sets the ROI to the inner sub image with a 5-pixel margin. offset(-5,-5) and size (5,5) sets the ROI to the lower right 5x5 corner. **/ void setROIAdaptive(const Rect &r); /// adapt given ROI, such that it fits for the current ImgParams /** @see setROIAdaptive **/ Rect& adaptROI(Rect &roi) const; /// returns ROISize == ImageSize bool hasFullROI() const { return m_oROI.getSize() == m_oSize;} /// sets the ROI to 0,0,image-width,image-height void setFullROI(){ setROI(Point::null, getSize()); } /// returns the objects size const Size& getSize() const { return m_oSize; } /// returns the objects channel count int getChannels() const { return m_iChannels; } /// returns the object format format getFormat() const { return m_eFormat; } /// returns the objects ROI rect const Rect& getROI() const { return m_oROI; } /// copies the roi parameters into the given structs offset and size void getROI(Point &offset, Size &size) const { offset=getROIOffset(); size = getROISize(); } /// returns the objects ROI offset const Point getROIOffset() const { return m_oROI.ul(); } /// returns the objects ROI size const Size getROISize() const{ return m_oROI.getSize(); } /// returns the objects image width int getWidth() const { return m_oSize.width; } /// return the objects image height int getHeight() const{ return m_oSize.height; } /// returns ROI-dependent pixel offset, to address the upper left ROI pixel int getPixelOffset() const { return m_oROI.x+m_oROI.y*getWidth(); } /// returns the ROI width of the object int getROIWidth() const{ return m_oROI.width; } /// returns the ROI height of the object int getROIHeight() const{ return m_oROI.height; } /// returns the ROI X-Offset of the object int getROIXOffset() const{ return m_oROI.x; } /// returns the ROI Y-Offset of the object int getROIYOffset() const { return m_oROI.y; } /// returns the count of image pixels (width*height) int getDim() const { return getSize().getDim(); } /// returns the count of ROI pixels ( ROI_width*ROI_height ) int getROIDim() const { return getROISize().getDim(); } private: /// initialisation function /** The initialisation function does all the magic that is necessary to setup all parameters correctly. There are two issues, that must be treated in a special way: 1. size must be positive in [0,inf) x [0,inf) 2. set up the format and channel count correctly 3. ensure, that the roi has a valid size and position

Format and Channel Count

The parameters format and channel count depend on each other. The channel count is fixed and well defined for all allowed formats except "formatMatrix", where the channel count is arbitrary including zero. So, if the given format distincts from formatMatrix, the given channel count is disobeyed and the objects channel count is set to the channel count associated with the given format (e.g. the "formatRGB" has three channels). The association is performed by the global icl-namespace function getChannelsOfFormat (see the functions documentation for more details. If the given format is "formatMatrix", then the channel count is checked to be positive (in [0,inf)) to avoid errors, that would occur, if e.g. -5 channels are allocated at runtime.

Ensure a Valid ROI Size

In total, there are three problems, that need to be tackled when the ROI is set. - Check if the given roi is null: if the given roi is null (this means the rect has offset (0,0) and size (0,0)), then the objects ROI is set up to cover the whole image rect (offset (0,0) and size (image-width,image-height)). If it is not null, the following two issues must be regarded. - Check if the given offset is inside of the image: This should be self-evident. If the offset is outside the image rect, it is set to (0,0), and furthermore a specific exception is thrown. - Check if the given roi size is valid: This can be devided into two parts: 1. The ROI size must be positive (in [0,inf) x [0,inf)). If not, the roi is set to null (whole image) and an error is thrown. 2. The ROI must fit into the image. Otherwise the ROI is set to null (whole image) and an error is thrown. */ void setup(const Size &size, format fmt, int channels, const Rect &roi); /// image size Size m_oSize; /// image channel count int m_iChannels; /// image format (formatRGB, formatMatrix, ...) format m_eFormat; /// image roi Rect m_oROI; }; /// ostream operator SIZExCHANNELS@FORMAT.ROI std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ImgParams &p); /// istream operator std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, ImgParams &p); } #endif