/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2010 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLUtils/src/XMLNode.cpp ** ** Module : ICLUtils ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ /* static std::string strip(const std::string &s){ if(!s.length()) return ""; std::string::size_type f = s.find_first_not_of(" \n\t"); std::string::size_type l = s.find_last_not_of(" \n\t"); return s.substr(f,l-f); } */ static inline const std::string &strip(const std::string &s) { return s; } XMLNode::XMLNode():m_parent(0),m_document(0),m_type(XMLNode::UNDEFINED),m_attribs(new XMLAttMap){} XMLNode::XMLNode(XMLNode *parent, XMLDocument *doc): m_parent(parent),m_document(doc),m_type(XMLNode::UNDEFINED),m_attribs(new XMLAttMap){} bool XMLNode::isText() const{ return m_type == TEXT; // return m_text != ""; } bool XMLNode::isComment() const{ return m_type == COMMENT; // return m_comment != ""; } bool XMLNode::isNode() const{ return m_type == NODE; } bool XMLNode::isNull() const{ return !m_document; } bool XMLNode::isRoot() const{ return !m_parent; } bool XMLNode::hasAttribute(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) const{ if(!m_attribs || !isNode()) return false; const_attrib_iterator it = m_attribs->find(name); if(it != m_attribs->end()){ if(value != "") return it->second == value; else return true; } return false; } const std::string & XMLNode::getTag() const throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only NODE nodes have tags"); return m_content; } const std::string &XMLNode::getComment() const throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only COMMENT nodes have comments :-)"); return m_content; } const std::string & XMLNode::getText() const throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isText()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only TEXT can ge asked for getText()"); return m_content; } XMLNode::const_attrib_iterator XMLNode::attrib_begin() const throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ return const_cast(this)->attrib_begin(); } XMLNode::const_attrib_iterator XMLNode::attrib_end() const throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ return const_cast(this)->attrib_end(); } XMLNode::attrib_iterator XMLNode::attrib_begin() throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only NODES may have attributes"); return m_attribs->begin(); } XMLNode::attrib_iterator XMLNode::attrib_end() throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only NODES may have attributes"); return m_attribs->end(); } int XMLNode::getLevel() const{ return m_parent ? (m_parent->getLevel() + 1) : 0; } XMLDocument *XMLNode::getDocument(){ return m_document; } const XMLDocument *XMLNode::getDocument() const{ return m_document; } XMLNode *XMLNode::getParent(){ return m_parent; } const XMLNode *XMLNode::getParent() const{ return m_parent; } static std::string get_indent(int level){ std::ostringstream str; for(int i=0;ihasAttributes()) return ""; std::ostringstream str; str << ' '; for(XMLNode::const_attrib_iterator it = node->attrib_begin(); it != node->attrib_end();){ str << it->first << '=' << '"' << it->second << '"'; ++it; if(it != node->attrib_end()) str << ' '; } return str.str(); } void XMLNode::serialize(std::ostream &s, int level,bool lastNodeWasText, bool recursive) const{ switch(m_type){ case NODE: if(hasChildren()){ if(recursive){ if(!lastNodeWasText && level) s << std::endl; s << get_indent(level) << "<" << m_content << get_attrib_text(this) << ">"; lastNodeWasText = false; for(std::vector::const_iterator it = m_subnodes.begin(); it != m_subnodes.end(); ++it){ (*it)->serialize(s,level+1,lastNodeWasText,recursive); lastNodeWasText = (*it)->isText(); } if(!lastNodeWasText) s << std::endl << get_indent(level); s << ""; }else{ s << std::endl << get_indent(level) << "<" << m_content << get_attrib_text(this) << ">@" << m_subnodes.size() << " subnodes@" << get_indent(level) << ""; } }else{ if(!lastNodeWasText && level) s << std::endl; s << get_indent(level) << "<" << m_content << get_attrib_text(this) << "/>"; } break; case COMMENT: if(!lastNodeWasText && level) s << std::endl; s << get_indent(level) << ""; break; case TEXT: s << m_content; break; default: if(!lastNodeWasText && level) s << std::endl; s << get_indent(level) << "<@undefined type-ID=\"" << (int)m_type << "\"/>"; break; } } XMLNode::const_node_iterator XMLNode::begin() const throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only CONTAINER nodes have subnodes"); return m_subnodes.begin(); } XMLNode::const_node_iterator XMLNode::end() const throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only CONTAINER nodes have subnodes"); return m_subnodes.end(); } XMLNode::node_iterator XMLNode::begin() throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only CONTAINER nodes have subnodes"); return m_subnodes.begin(); } XMLNode::node_iterator XMLNode::end() throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only CONTAINER nodes have subnodes"); return m_subnodes.end(); } XMLNode::Type XMLNode::getType() const{ return m_type; } int XMLNode::getChildCount() const{ return (int)m_subnodes.size(); } bool XMLNode::hasChildren() const{ return (bool)getChildCount(); } bool XMLNode::hasAttributes() const{ return m_attribs && m_attribs->size(); } int XMLNode::getAttributeCount() const{ return m_attribs ? m_attribs->size() : 0; } void XMLNode::addNode(XMLNodePtr child,int index) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException,DoubledReferenceException){ switch(getType()){ case TEXT: case COMMENT: case UNDEFINED: throw InvalidNodeTypeException("childs can only be added to SINGLE- or to CONTAINER nodes (parent:" + str(*this) + ")"); case NODE: if(child->m_parent && child->m_parent != this){ throw DoubledReferenceException("tryed to add a child that already has a parent node"); } if(child->m_document && child->m_document != m_document){ throw DoubledReferenceException("tryed to add a child that is already part of another document"); } child->m_parent = this; child->m_document = m_document; if(index >= 0 && (int)m_subnodes.size() < index){ m_subnodes.insert(begin()+index, child); }else{ m_subnodes.push_back(child); } break; default: throw std::logic_error(str("in function:") + __FUNCTION__ + "(XMLNode::Type value ALL is just a shortcut and" " cannot be used as a node type"); } } void XMLNode::addText(const std::string &text, int idx) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ XMLNodePtr n = new XMLNode; n->m_type = TEXT; n->m_content = strip(text); addNode(n,idx); } void XMLNode::addNode(const std::string &tag,int idx) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ XMLNodePtr n = new XMLNode; n->m_type = NODE; n->m_content = tag; addNode(n,idx); } void XMLNode::addNodeWithTextContent(const std::string &tag,const std::string &text, int index) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ XMLNodePtr n = new XMLNode; n->m_type = NODE; n->m_content = tag; addNode(n,index); n->addText(text); } void XMLNode::addComment(const std::string &comment,int idx) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ XMLNodePtr n = new XMLNode; n->m_type = COMMENT; n->m_content = comment; addNode(n,idx); } void XMLNode::addXML(const std::string &xml,int idx) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException,ParseException){ XMLDocument doc(xml); XMLNodePtr cpy = doc.getRootNode()->deepCopy(this,m_document); addNode(cpy,idx); } void XMLNode::addXML(std::istream &stream,int idx) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException,ParseException){ XMLDocument doc(stream); addNode(doc.getRootNode()->deepCopy(this,m_document),idx); } XMLNodePtr XMLNode::removeChildNode(unsigned int index) throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ switch(getType()){ case NODE:{ if(index <= m_subnodes.size()){ throw ChildNotFoundException("child index was too high (given index:" + str(index) + " sub node vector size:" + str(m_subnodes.size())+")"); } XMLNodePtr n = m_subnodes[index]; m_subnodes.erase(begin()+index); n->m_parent = 0; n->m_document = 0; return n; } default: throw InvalidNodeTypeException("childs can only be removed from container nodes"); return 0; } } std::vector XMLNode::removeChildNode(const std::string &tagName, bool all) throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ switch(getType()){ case NODE:{ std::list hold,del; for(node_iterator it = begin();it != end() ;++it){ if((all || !del.size()) && (*it)->isNode() && (*it)->getTag() == tagName){ del.push_back(*it); (*it)->m_parent = 0; (*it)->m_document = 0; }else{ hold.push_back(*it); } } if(!del.size()) throw ChildNotFoundException("unable to remove child "+ tagName+" (reason: tag not found)"); m_subnodes = std::vector(hold.begin(),hold.end()); return std::vector(del.begin(),del.end()); break; } default: throw InvalidNodeTypeException("childs can only be removed from container nodes"); return std::vector(); } return std::vector(); } std::vector XMLNode::removeAllComments(){ switch(getType()){ case COMMENT:{ return std::vector(1,delSelf()); } case NODE:{ std::list hold,del; for(node_iterator it = begin();it != end() ;++it){ if((*it)->isComment()){ del.push_back(*it); (*it)->m_parent = 0; (*it)->m_document = 0; }else{ if((*it)->isNode()){ std::vector v = (*it)->removeAllComments(); for(unsigned int i=0;i(hold.begin(),hold.end()); return std::vector(del.begin(),del.end()); break; } default: break; } return std::vector(); } XMLNode &XMLNode::operator[](unsigned int index) throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException(__FUNCTION__ + str(": is only allowd for NODE nodes")); if(index < m_subnodes.size()) return *m_subnodes[index]; else throw ChildNotFoundException(__FUNCTION__ + str(": index too large")); return *this; } const XMLNode &XMLNode::operator[](unsigned int index) const throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ return const_cast(this)->operator[](index); } XMLNode &XMLNode::operator[](const std::string &tag) throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException(__FUNCTION__ + str(": is only allowed for CONTAINER nodes")); for(node_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it){ if((*it)->isNode() && (*it)->getTag() == tag) return **it; } throw ChildNotFoundException(__FUNCTION__ + str(": unable to find node with tag name ") + tag); return *this; } const XMLNode &XMLNode::operator[](const std::string &tag) const throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ return const_cast(this)->operator[](tag); } XMLNode &XMLNode::operator[](const XMLNodeIdx &idx) throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException(__FUNCTION__ + str(": is only allowed for NODE nodes")); if(idx.m_special == XMLNodeIdx::FIRST){ return **begin(); }else if(idx.m_special == XMLNodeIdx::LAST){ return **(end()-1); } int idxNr = idx.m_idx; for(node_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it){ if((*it)->isNode() && (*it)->getTag() == idx.m_tag && !idxNr--){ return **it; } } throw ChildNotFoundException(__FUNCTION__ + str(": unable to find node with tag name ") + idx.m_tag + " and index " + str(idx.m_idx) ); return *this; } const XMLNode &XMLNode::operator[](const XMLNodeIdx &idx) const throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ return const_cast(this)->operator[](idx); } XMLNode &XMLNode::getFirstChildNode(int types) throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(types == ALL){ return this->operator[](0u); }else{ if(m_type != NODE) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only NODE nodes may have child nodes"); for(node_iterator it=begin(); it!= end(); ++it){ if( (*it)->getType() & types ) return **it; } throw ChildNotFoundException(__FUNCTION__); return this->operator[](0u); // just to avoid compiler warning } } const XMLNode &XMLNode::getFirstChildNode(int types) const throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ return const_cast(this)->getFirstChildNode(types); } XMLNode &XMLNode::getLastChildNode(int types) throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(types == ALL){ return this->operator[]((unsigned int)getChildCount()-1); }else{ if(m_type != NODE) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only NODE nodes may have child nodes"); for(node_iterator it=--end(); it>= begin(); ++it){ if( (*it)->getType() & types ) return **it; } throw ChildNotFoundException(__FUNCTION__); return this->operator[](0u); // just to avoid compiler warning } } const XMLNode &XMLNode::getLastChildNode(int types) const throw (ChildNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ return const_cast(this)->getLastChildNode(types); } const XMLAttribRef XMLNode::operator()(const std::string &attributeName) const throw (AttribNotFoundException,InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only NODE nodes may have attibutes (attibute: " + attributeName + ")"); return XMLAttribRef(m_attribs,attributeName); } XMLAttribRef XMLNode::operator()(const std::string &attributeName) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isNode()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("only NODE nodes may have attibutes (attibute: " + attributeName + ")"); return XMLAttribRef(m_attribs,attributeName); } XMLNodePtr XMLNode::deepCopy(XMLNode *newParent, XMLDocument *newDoc) const{ XMLNode *cpy = new XMLNode; cpy->m_type = m_type; cpy->m_parent = newParent; cpy->m_document = newDoc; if(isNode()){ for(const_node_iterator it=begin();it!=end();++it){ cpy->m_subnodes.push_back((*it)->deepCopy(cpy,newDoc)); } } if(hasAttributes()){ cpy->m_attribs = XMLAttMapPtr(new XMLAttMap(attrib_begin(), attrib_end())); } cpy->m_content = m_content; return cpy; } XMLNodePtr XMLNode::delSelf(){ if(!m_parent){ XMLNodePtr _this = m_document->m_root; m_document->m_root = XMLNodePtr(); return _this; }else{ for(node_iterator it = m_parent->begin(); it != m_parent->end(); ++it){ if(it->get() == this){ XMLNodePtr _this= *it; m_parent->m_subnodes.erase(it); return _this; } } throw std::logic_error("node was not able to remove itself ? why ?"); } } void XMLNode::setText(const std::string &text) throw (InvalidNodeTypeException){ if(!isText()) throw InvalidNodeTypeException("Text can only be assigned to TEXT"); m_content = text; } std::string XMLNode::getPath(const std::string &delim) const{ const XMLNode *curr = this; std::list l; while(curr){ if(curr->isNode()){ l.push_front(curr->getTag()); }else{ std::string cmt = curr->getComment(); l.push_front(str("@comment{")+cmt.substr(0,iclMax(7,(int)cmt.size()-1))+"...}@"); } curr = curr->m_parent; } std::ostringstream str; std::copy(l.begin(),l.end(),std::ostream_iterator(str,delim.c_str())); return str.str(); } std::string XMLNode::toString(bool recursive) const{ std::ostringstream str; serialize(str,0,false,recursive); return str.str(); } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const XMLNode &node){ node.serialize(os,0,false,true); return os; } std::vector XMLNode::getAllChildNodes(const XMLNodeFilter &filter){ std::vector v; switch(getType()){ case NODE: if(filter(*this)) { v.push_back(this); } for(node_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it){ std::vector s = (*it)->getAllChildNodes(); for(std::vector::iterator it2 = s.begin(); it2!= s.end(); ++it2){ if(filter(**it2)){ v.push_back(*it2); } } } break; default: if(filter(*this)){ v.push_back(this); } } return v; } const std::vector XMLNode::getAllChildNodes(const XMLNodeFilter &filter) const{ return const_cast(this)->getAllChildNodes(filter); } XMLNodeIterator XMLNode::recursive_begin(const XMLNodeFilter &filter){ return XMLNodeIterator(*this,filter); } XMLNodeIterator XMLNode::recursive_end(){ return XMLNodeIterator(); } XMLNodeConstIterator XMLNode::recursive_begin(const XMLNodeFilter &filter) const{ return XMLNodeConstIterator(*this,filter); } XMLNodeConstIterator XMLNode::recursive_end() const{ return XMLNodeConstIterator(); } bool XMLNode::hasChild(const std::string &tag, int types, int maxDepth, const std::string attrib1, const std::string &value1, const std::string attrib2, const std::string &value2, const std::string attrib3, const std::string &value3) const{ XMLNodeFilterCombination c = ((tag=="") ? (const XMLNodeFilter&)XMLNodeFilterByTag(tag) : (const XMLNodeFilter&)XMLNodeFilterAll()) & XMLNodeFilterByType(types); if(maxDepth > 0){ c = c | XMLNodeFilterByLevel(maxDepth); } if(attrib1 != ""){ c = c | XMLNodeFilterByAttrib(attrib1,value1); } if(attrib2 != ""){ c = c | XMLNodeFilterByAttrib(attrib2,value2); } if(attrib3 != ""){ c = c | XMLNodeFilterByAttrib(attrib3,value3); } return hasChild(c); } bool XMLNode::hasChild(const XMLNodeFilter &filter) const{ return getAllChildNodes(filter).size(); } }