/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2010 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLQt/src/ConfigFileGUI.cpp ** ** Module : ICLQt ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; namespace icl{ static QString get_entry_type(const ConfigFile::Entry &e){ return e.getTypeName().c_str(); } typedef QString (*entry_to_string_func)(const std::string &key,const ConfigFile &cfg); QString entry_to_string_no_op(const std::string&,const ConfigFile&){ return "---"; } static QString get_entry_text(const ConfigFile::Entry &e){ return e.value.c_str(); } QTreeWidgetItem *find_child(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, const char *name){ for(int i=0;;++i){ QTreeWidgetItem *ci = parent->child(i); if(ci){ if(ci->text(0) == name) return ci; }else{ return 0; } } return 0; } void ConfigFileGUI::saveAs(){ QString fnNew = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(m_tree,"save...","./","XML-Files (*.xml)"); if(fnNew == "") return; m_config->save(fnNew.toLatin1().data()); } void ConfigFileGUI::load(){ QString fn = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(m_tree,"load ...","./","XML-Files (*.xml)"); if(fn != ""){ ConfigFile *newCfg = new ConfigFile(fn.toLatin1().data()); if(m_own) delete m_config; m_own = true; m_config = newCfg; loadConfig(*m_config); } } ConfigFileGUI::~ConfigFileGUI(){ delete m_tree; } void ConfigFileGUI::updateTree(){ loadConfig(*m_config); } ConfigFileGUI::ConfigFileGUI(const ConfigFile &config, QWidget *parent) throw(ICLException): GUI("vbox[@handle=parent]",parent),m_own(false),m_tree(new QTreeWidget){ m_tree->setColumnCount(3); m_tree->setColumnWidth(0,250); m_tree->setColumnWidth(1,200); m_tree->setColumnWidth(2,50); loadConfig(config); GUI buttons("hbox[@handle=right@maxsize=1000x2]"); buttons << "button(collapse)[@handle=collapse]"; buttons << "button(expand)[@handle=expand]"; buttons << "button(save)[@handle=save-as]"; buttons << "button(load)[@handle=load]"; buttons << "button(update)[@handle=update]"; (*this) << buttons; (*this) << str("vbox[@handle=left@label=config:")+config.get("config.title","no title")+"]"; this->create(); connect(*getValue("collapse"),SIGNAL(clicked()),m_tree,SLOT(collapseAll())); connect(*getValue("expand"),SIGNAL(clicked()),m_tree,SLOT(expandAll())); //connect(*getValue("save"),SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(save())); connect(*getValue("save-as"),SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(saveAs())); connect(*getValue("load"),SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(load())); //connect(*getValue("reload"),SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reload())); connect(*getValue("update"),SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(updateTree())); (*getValue("parent"))->resize(500,500); getValue("left").add(m_tree); connect(m_tree,SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this,SLOT(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int))); // now we need components for these data types /* - char - unsigned char - short - unsigned short - int - unsigned int - float - double - string - Size - Point - Rect - Range32s - Range32f - bool */ } QWidget *ConfigFileGUI::getWidget(){ return *getValue("parent"); } void ConfigFileGUI::loadConfig(const ConfigFile &config){ m_config = const_cast(&config); m_tree->clear(); QTreeWidgetItem *root = new QTreeWidgetItem(m_tree); QStringList header; header << "entry" << "value" << "type"; m_tree->setHeaderLabels (header); root->setText(0,"config"); m_tree->insertTopLevelItem(0,root); const std::vector es = config.getEntryList(); for(unsigned int i=0;iid == "config.config.title") continue; // some error here -> todo fix in config file if(es[i]->id == "config.title") continue; // some error here -> todo fix in config file const std::vector tk = tok(es[i]->id,"."); ICLASSERT_RETURN(tk.front() == "config"); QTreeWidgetItem *item = root; for(unsigned int j=1;jid); } }else{ if(jsetText(0,tk[j].c_str()); item->addChild(n); item = n; }else{ QTreeWidgetItem *n = new QTreeWidgetItem(item); QString t = get_entry_type(*es[i]); QString e = get_entry_text(*es[i]); n->setForeground(0,QColor(60,150,255)); n->setText(0,tk[j].c_str()); n->setText(1,e); n->setText(2,t); item->addChild(n); #define YES_USE_SLIDERS_PLEASE #ifdef YES_USE_SLIDERS_PLEASE if(t == "string"){ const ConfigFile::KeyRestriction *restriction = es[i]->restr.get(); if(restriction && restriction->hasValues){ const std::string &values = restriction->values; std::string p = str("[@minsize=3x1@out=v@handle=h]"); m_guis.push_back(NamedGUI()); GUI &gui = m_guis.back().gui; gui = GUI(str("combo(")+values+")"+p); gui.create(); ComboHandle &ch = gui.getValue("h"); ch.registerCallback(SmartPtr(this,false)); int idx = (*ch)->findText(e); if(idx!=-1){ (*ch)->setCurrentIndex(idx); }else{ ERROR_LOG("Entry: " << es[i]->id << ":\nValue list does not contain initial value"); } m_guis.back().id = es[i]->getRelID(); m_guis.back().type = t.toLatin1().data(); m_guis.back().item = n; m_tree->setItemWidget(n,1,*gui.getValue("h")); n->setText(1,""); } }else if(t == "bool"){ m_guis.push_back(NamedGUI()); GUI &gui = m_guis.back().gui; bool bo = icl::parse(e.toLatin1().data()); std::string tr = bo ? "!true" : "true"; gui = GUI("togglebutton(false,"+tr+")[@handle=b@out=v@minsize=5x1]"); gui.create(); gui.getValue("b").registerCallback(SmartPtr(this,false)); m_guis.back().id = es[i]->getRelID(); m_guis.back().type = t.toLatin1().data(); m_guis.back().item = n; m_tree->setItemWidget(n,1,*gui.getValue("b")); n->setText(1,""); }else if(t == "float" || t == "int"){ const ConfigFile::KeyRestriction *restriction = es[i]->restr.get(); if(restriction && restriction->hasRange){ const Range64f r(restriction->min,restriction->max); std::string p = str("[@minsize=5x1@out=v@handle=h]"); m_guis.push_back(NamedGUI()); GUI &gui = m_guis.back().gui; gui = GUI("hbox[@handle=b]"); std::string el = e.toLatin1().data(); bool ok = true; if(!r.contains(to64f(el))){ ERROR_LOG("Entry: " << es[i]->id << ":\nInitial value is out of given range"); } if(t == "float"){ gui << str("fslider(")+str(r.minVal)+','+str(r.maxVal)+','+el+')'+p; gui.create(); gui.getValue("h").registerCallback(SmartPtr(this,false)); }else if (t == "int"){ gui << str("slider(")+str((int)r.minVal)+','+str((int)r.maxVal)+','+el+')'+p; gui.create(); gui.getValue("h").registerCallback(SmartPtr(this,false)); }else{ ok = false; } if(ok){ m_guis.back().id = es[i]->getRelID(); m_guis.back().type = t.toLatin1().data(); m_guis.back().item = n; m_tree->setItemWidget(n,1,*gui.getValue("b")); n->setText(1,""); }else{ m_guis.pop_back(); } } } #endif } } } } m_tree->expandToDepth(2); } static QString get_syntax(const QString &type){ std::map ts; if(!ts.size()){ ts["char"] = ""; ts["unsigned char"] = "<8-Bit positive Integer> {0,1,..,255}"; ts["int"] = ""; ts["unsigned int"] = ""; ts["char"] = ""; ts["short"] = "<16-Bit signed Integer> {-32768,..,32767}"; ts["unsigned char"] = "<16-Bit positive Integer> {0,..,65535}"; ts["float"] = ""; ts["double"] = ""; ts["string"] = ""; ts["Size"] = " or fixed (VGA,SVGA,...)"; ts["Point"] = "<(X,Y)> (X and Y are signed integers"; ts["Rect"] = ""; ts["Range32s"] = "<[MIN,MAX]> (MIN and MAX are signed integers)"; ts["Range32f"] = "<[MIN,MAX]> (MIN and MAX are floats)"; } std::map::const_iterator it = ts.find(type); if(it != ts.end()){ return it->second; }else{ return ""; } } typedef bool (*update_entry_func)(const std::string&,const std::string &,ConfigFile &cfg); template bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ try{ cfg.set(key,parse(val)); }catch(ICLException &ex){ return false; } return true; } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ if(val.size() == 1){ cfg.set(key,val[0]); return true; }else { return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; int i = QString(val.c_str()).toInt(&ok); if(ok && i>= 0 && i<=255){ cfg.set(key,i); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; int i = QString(val.c_str()).toInt(&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,i); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; unsigned int i = QString(val.c_str()).toUInt(&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,i); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; short i = QString(val.c_str()).toShort(&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,i); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; short i = QString(val.c_str()).toUShort(&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,i); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; float f = QString(val.c_str()).toFloat(&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,f); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; float f = QString(val.c_str()).toDouble(&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,f); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ cfg.set(key,val); return true; } Size toSize(const QString &val, bool *ok){ Size s(val.toLatin1().data()); if(s != Size(-1,-1)){ *ok = true; return s; } int w = val.section('x',0,0).toInt(ok); if(!*ok) return Size::null; int h = val.section('x',1,1).toInt(ok); if(!*ok) return Size::null; return Size(w,h); } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; Size s = toSize(val.c_str(),&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,s); return true; }else{ return false; } } Point toPoint(QString val, bool *ok){ if(val.length() < 5){ *ok = false; return Point::null; } if(val[0] != '(' || val[val.length()-1] != ')'){ *ok = false; return Point::null; } val = val.mid(1,val.length()-2); int x = val.section(',',0,0).toInt(ok); if(!*ok) return Point::null; int y = val.section(',',1,1).toInt(ok); if(!*ok) return Point::null; return Point(x,y); } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; Point p = toPoint(val.c_str(),&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,p); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ QString qk = val.c_str(); bool ok = false; Size s = toSize(qk.section(')',1,1),&ok); if(!ok) return false; Point p = toPoint(qk.section(')',0,0).mid(1),&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,Rect(p,s)); return true; }else{ return false; } } Range32s toRange32s(QString val, bool *ok){ if(val.length() < 5){ *ok = false; return Range32s(); } if(val[0] != '[' || val[val.length()-1] != ']'){ *ok = false; return Range32s(); } val = val.mid(1,val.length()-2); int minVal = val.section(',',0,0).toInt(ok); if(!*ok) return Range32s(); int maxVal = val.section(',',1,1).toInt(ok); if(!*ok) return Range32s(); return Range32s(minVal,maxVal); } Range32f toRange32f(QString val, bool *ok){ if(val.length() < 5){ *ok = false; return Range32f(); } if(val[0] != '[' || val[val.length()-1] != ']'){ *ok = false; return Range32f(); } val = val.mid(1,val.length()-2); float minVal = val.section(',',0,0).toFloat(ok); if(!*ok) return Range32f(); float maxVal = val.section(',',1,1).toFloat(ok); if(!*ok) return Range32f(); return Range32f(minVal,maxVal); } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; Range32s r = toRange32s(val.c_str(),&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,r); return true; }else{ return false; } } template<> bool update_entry_templ(const std::string &key,const std::string &val,ConfigFile &cfg){ bool ok = false; Range32f r = toRange32f(val.c_str(),&ok); if(ok){ cfg.set(key,r); return true; }else{ return false; } } static bool update_config_entry(const std::string &key, const std::string &val, const std::string &type, const ConfigFile &cfg){ static std::map ue; if(!ue.size()){ #define E(T) ue[#T] = update_entry_templ; E(char);E(unsigned char);E(short);E(unsigned short);E(int); E(unsigned int);E(float);E(double);E(string);E(Size); E(Point);E(Rect);E(Range32s);E(Range32f); #undef E } std::map::iterator it = ue.find(type); if(it != ue.end()){ cfg.lock(); bool ok = it->second(key,val,const_cast(cfg)); cfg.unlock(); return ok; }else{ ERROR_LOG("undefined type:" << type); return false; } } void ConfigFileGUI::exec(const std::string &handle){ // not used yet ... // here is space for a later optimization ... } void ConfigFileGUI::exec(){ for(std::list::iterator it = m_guis.begin();it!=m_guis.end();++it){ if(it->type == "int"){ int i = it->gui.getValue("v"); m_config->set(it->id,i); }else if(it->type == "float"){ float f = it->gui.getValue("v"); m_config->set(it->id,f); }else if(it->type == "string"){ std::string s = it->gui.getValue("v"); m_config->set(it->id,s); }else if(it->type == "bool"){ bool s = it->gui.getValue("v"); m_config->set(it->id,s); } } } void ConfigFileGUI::itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column){ if(column != 1 || item->text(2) == "unsupported" || item->text(2) == ""){ return; } for(std::list::iterator it = m_guis.begin();it!=m_guis.end();++it){ if(it->item == item){ return; } } QStringList keys; for(QTreeWidgetItem *curr = item; curr ;curr=curr->parent()){ keys.push_front(curr->text(0)); } QString key = keys.join("."); if(m_config->getPrefix().length()){ key = std::string(key.toLatin1().data()).substr(m_config->getPrefix().length()).c_str(); } //std::cout << "key was :" << key.toLatin1().data() << std::endl; QStringList dialogText; dialogText << "Adjust the value of" << item->text(0) << "Syntax:" << get_syntax(item->text(2)); bool ok = false; QString t = QInputDialog::getText(m_tree,"Change config value",dialogText.join("\n"),QLineEdit::Normal, item->text(1),&ok); if(!ok) return; ok = update_config_entry(key.toLatin1().data(),t.toLatin1().data(),item->text(2).toLatin1().data(),*m_config); if(ok){ item->setText(1,t); }else{ QMessageBox::warning(m_tree,"Warning...","Syntax was not correct!\nNew values is ignored."); } } }