/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2010 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLIO/src/Grabber.cpp ** ** Module : ICLIO ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace icl{ namespace grabber{ string toStr(double val){ // {{{ open char buf[100]; sprintf(buf,"%f",val); return buf; } // }}} string toStrComma(double val){ // {{{ open char buf[100]; sprintf(buf,"%f,",val); return buf; } // }}} inline bool inList(const string &s, const std::vector &vec){ // {{{ open return find(vec.begin(),vec.end(),s) != vec.end(); } // }}} } using namespace grabber; Grabber::~Grabber() { ICL_DELETE( m_poImage ); ICL_DELETE( m_distortionBuffer ); ICL_DELETE( m_warp ); } bool Grabber::supportsProperty(const std::string &property){ // {{{ open return inList(property,getPropertyList()); } // }}} string Grabber::translateSteppingRange(const SteppingRange& range){ // {{{ open return str(range); /* static const string begin("["); return begin+toStr(range.minVal)+","+toStr(range.maxVal)+"]:"+toStr(range.stepping); */ } // }}} SteppingRange Grabber::translateSteppingRange(const string &rangeStr){ // {{{ open return parse >(rangeStr); /* const char *str = rangeStr.c_str(); if(*str++ != '['){ ERROR_LOG("syntax error: " << rangeStr); return SteppingRange(); } char *str2 = 0; double minVal = strtod(str,&str2); if(*str2++ != ','){ ERROR_LOG("syntax error: " << rangeStr); return SteppingRange(); } str = str2; double maxVal = strtod(str,&str2); if(*str2++ != ']'){ ERROR_LOG("syntax error: " << rangeStr); return SteppingRange(); } if(*str2++ != ':'){ ERROR_LOG("syntax error: " << rangeStr); return SteppingRange(); } str = str2; double stepping = strtod(str,&str2); return SteppingRange(minVal,maxVal,stepping); */ } // }}} string Grabber::translateDoubleVec(const vector &doubleVec){ // {{{ op4mn unsigned int s = doubleVec.size(); if(!s) return "{}"; string stri = "{"; for(unsigned int i=0;i Grabber::translateDoubleVec(const string &doubleVecStr){ // {{{ open const char *str = doubleVecStr.c_str(); if(*str++ != '{'){ ERROR_LOG("syntax error "<< doubleVecStr); return vector(); } const char *end = str+doubleVecStr.size(); char *next=const_cast(str); vector v; while(next(); } return v; } str = next+1; } return vector(); } // }}} string Grabber::translateStringVec(const vector &stringVec){ // {{{ open unsigned int s = stringVec.size(); if(!s) return "{}"; string str = "{"; for(unsigned int i=0;i Grabber::translateStringVec(const string &stringVecStr){ // {{{ open const char *str = stringVecStr.c_str(); if(*str++ != '{'){ ERROR_LOG("[code 4] syntax error "<< stringVecStr); return vector(); } const char *end = str+stringVecStr.size(); char *curr=const_cast(str); char *next = 0; vector v; while(curr(); } next = strchr(curr,'"'); if(!next){ ERROR_LOG("[code 2] syntax error "<< stringVecStr); return vector(); } *next = '\0'; v.push_back(curr); *next++ = '"'; if(*next != ','){ if(*next == '}'){ return v; }else{ ERROR_LOG("[code 1] syntax error "<< stringVecStr); return vector(); } } curr = next+1; } return v; } // }}} ImgBase* Grabber::prepareOutput (ImgBase **ppoDst) { // use internal output image, if ppoDst == 0 if(!ppoDst) ppoDst = &m_poImage; // adapt destination image to desired params and depth ensureCompatible(ppoDst, m_eDesiredDepth, m_oDesiredParams); return *ppoDst; } const ImgBase *Grabber::grab(ImgBase **ppoDst){ if(!m_warp) return grabUD(ppoDst); if(ppoDst){ m_warp->apply(grabUD(),ppoDst); return *ppoDst; }else{ m_warp->apply(grabUD(),&m_distortionBuffer); return m_distortionBuffer; } } static inline void distort_point(const double params[4], int xi, int yi,float &xd, float &yd){ const double &x0 = params[0]; const double &y0 = params[1]; const double &f = params[2]/100000000.0; const double &s = params[3]; float x = s*(xi-x0); float y = s*(yi-y0); float p = 1 - f * (x*x + y*y); xd = (p*x + x0); yd = (p*y + y0); } void Grabber::enableDistortion(double params[4],const Size &size, scalemode m){ Img32f image(size,2); Channel32f cs[2]; image.extractChannels(cs); DEBUG_LOG("creating warp map with params: " << params[0] << ","<< params[1] << ","<< params[2] << ","<< params[3] ); for(float xi=0;xisetWarpMap(warpMap); m_warp->setScaleMode(m); } void Grabber::disableDistortion(){ ICL_DELETE(m_warp); ICL_DELETE(m_distortionBuffer); } static std::vector filter_unstable_params(const std::vector ps){ std::vector fs; fs.reserve(ps.size()); static std::string unstable[6]={ "trigger-from-software", "trigger-mode", "trigger-polarity", "trigger-power", "trigger-source", "iso-speed" }; for(unsigned int i=0;i ps = get_io_property_list(); if(skipUnstable){ ps = filter_unstable_params(ps); } // f["config.property-list"] = cat(ps,","); this is no longer needed! if(writeDesiredParams){ f.setPrefix("config.desired-params."); f["ignored"] = getIgnoreDesiredParams(); f["size"] = getDesiredSize(); // this makes no sense ! f["roi"] = str(getDesiredParams(),getROI()); f["format"] = str(getDesiredFormat()); f["depth"] = str(getDesiredDepth()); } f.setPrefix("config.properties."); for(unsigned int i=0;i psSupported = get_io_property_list(); if(skipUnstable){ psSupported = filter_unstable_params(psSupported); } if(f.contains("config.property-list")){ ERROR_LOG("the config.property-list tag is deprecated and no longer used"); } // new version const XMLNodePtr doc = f.getHandle()->getRootNode(); ICLASSERT_THROW(doc,ICLException("configuration file's root node was not found")); const std::vector propRoot = doc->getAllChildNodes(XMLNodeFilterByTag("section") & XMLNodeFilterByAttrib("id","properties")); ICLASSERT_THROW(propRoot.size(),ICLException("no property section found")); const XMLNode &props = *propRoot[0]; const std::vector propNodes = props.getAllChildNodes(XMLNodeFilterByTag("data") & XMLNodeFilterByAttrib("id") & XMLNodeFilterByAttrib("type")); std::vector ps(propNodes.size()); for(unsigned int i=0;i ps = tok(f["config.property-list"],","); // old if(loadDesiredParams){ f.setPrefix("config.desired-params."); try{ setIgnoreDesiredParams(f["ignored"]); setDesiredSize(f["size"]); setDesiredDepth(parse(f["depth"])); setDesiredFormat(parse(f["format"])); // this makes no sense !! f["roi"] = str(getDesiredParams(),getROI()); }catch(...){ std::cerr << "Warning: no desired params were found in given property file" << std::endl; } } f.setPrefix("config.properties."); for(unsigned int i=0;i(f[prop]))); }else if(type == "menu"){ setProperty(prop,f[prop]); }// type command is skipped! } } }