#include #include #include namespace icl{ struct Posit::Data{ typedef DynMatrix DMat; int N; // number of model points int maxIterations; // termination criterion 1 float minDelta; // termination criterion 2 std::vector model; // model points DynMatrix O; // object matrix (pseudo inverse of model points) Posit::Result result; // storage for pose result DMat I; // normalized image points DMat U; // normalized image coords (xs) DMat V; // normalized image coords (ys) DMat R1,R2,R3,R1normalized,R2normalized; DMat W; DMat M; // homogeneous model coordinates }; Posit::Posit(int maxIterations, float minDelta):data(new Data){ data->maxIterations = maxIterations; data->minDelta = minDelta; data->N = 0; } Posit::Posit(const std::vector &modelPoints,int maxIterations, float minDelta):data(new Data){ setModel(modelPoints); data->maxIterations = maxIterations; data->minDelta = minDelta; } Posit::~Posit(){ delete data; } void Posit::setModel(const std::vector &modelPoints){ data->model = modelPoints; data->N = (int)modelPoints.size(); const int N = data->N; data->M.setBounds(4,N); for(int i=0;iM(0,i) = v[0]; data->M(1,i) = v[1]; data->M(2,i) = v[2]; data->M(3,i) = 1; } data->O = data->M.pinv(); data->I.setBounds(2,N); data->U.setBounds(1,N); data->V.setBounds(1,N); data->R1.setBounds(1,4); data->R2.setBounds(1,4); data->R3.setBounds(1,4); } const std::vector &Posit::getModel() const{ return data->model; } Posit::Posit(const Posit &other) : data(new Data){ *this = other; } Posit &Posit::operator=(const Posit &other){ #define POSIT_COPY(X) data->X = other.data->X POSIT_COPY(N); POSIT_COPY(maxIterations); POSIT_COPY(minDelta); POSIT_COPY(model); POSIT_COPY(O); POSIT_COPY(result); POSIT_COPY(I); POSIT_COPY(U); POSIT_COPY(V); POSIT_COPY(R1); POSIT_COPY(R2); POSIT_COPY(R3); POSIT_COPY(R1normalized); POSIT_COPY(R2normalized); POSIT_COPY(W); POSIT_COPY(M); return *this; } void Posit::setMaxIterations(int maxIterations){ data->maxIterations = maxIterations; } void Posit::setMinDelta(float minDelta){ data->minDelta = minDelta; } int Posit::getMaxIterations() const{ return data->maxIterations; } float Posit::getMinDelta() const{ return data->minDelta; } FixedColVector Posit::Result::getAngles() const{ const Mat &M = *this; float angle_x(0), angle_y(0), angle_z(0); angle_y = asin(M(0,2)); /* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal_lock ? */ if ( fabs( cos( angle_y ) ) > 1.0e-6f ) { angle_x = atan2(-M(1,2),M(2,2)); angle_z = atan2(-M(0,1),M(0,0)); }else{ angle_x = 0; angle_z = atan2(M(1,0),M(1,1)); } return FixedColVector(angle_x,angle_y,angle_z); } FixedColVector Posit::Result::getTranslation() const{ const Mat &m = *this; return FixedColVector(m(3,0),m(3,1),m(3,2),1); } template static inline T norm3dyn(const DynMatrix &m){ return sqrt(m[0]*m[0] + m[1]*m[1] + m[2]*m[2]); } const Posit::Result &Posit::findPose(const std::vector &imagePoints, const Camera &cam) throw (ICLException){ Point32f pp = cam.getPrincipalPointOffset(); float fx = cam.getFocalLength()*cam.getSamplingResolutionX(); float fy = cam.getFocalLength()*cam.getSamplingResolutionY(); return findPose(imagePoints,pp,fx,fy); } const Posit::Result &Posit::findPose(const std::vector &imagePoints, const Point &pp, float fx, float fy) throw (ICLException){ BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION; typedef DynMatrix DMat; typedef FixedColVector Vec3; const int N = data->N; float ifx = 1.0/fx; float ify = 1.0/fy; for(int i=0;iU[i] = data->I(0,i) = (imagePoints[i].x - pp.x)*ifx; data->V[i] = data->I(1,i) = (imagePoints[i].y - pp.y)*ify; } float T[3]={0,0,0}; Vec R[3]={Vec(0.0),Vec(0.0),Vec(0.0)}; float a(0),b(0),s(0),u(0),v(0),du(0),dv(0); for(int i=0;imaxIterations;++i){ data->O.mult(data->U,data->R1); data->O.mult(data->V,data->R2); a = 1.0/norm3dyn(data->R1); b = 1.0/norm3dyn(data->R2); T[2] = ::sqrt(a*b); // alternatively: T[2] = 0.5*(a+b); data->R1.mult(T[2],data->R1normalized); data->R2.mult(T[2],data->R2normalized); R[0][0] = data->R1normalized[0]; R[0][1] = data->R1normalized[1]; R[0][2] = data->R1normalized[2]; R[0][3] = data->R1normalized[3]; R[1][0] = data->R2normalized[0]; R[1][1] = data->R2normalized[1]; R[1][2] = data->R2normalized[2]; R[1][3] = data->R2normalized[3]; R[2] = cross(R[0],R[1]); data->R3[0] = R[2][0]; data->R3[1] = R[2][1]; data->R3[2] = R[2][2]; data->R3[3] = T[2]; T[0] = data->R1normalized[3]; T[1] = data->R2normalized[3]; data->M.mult(data->R3,data->W); data->W *= 1./T[2]; s=0; for(int j=0;jU[j]; v = data->V[j]; data->U[j] = data->W[j] * data->I(0,j); data->V[j] = data->W[j] * data->I(1,j); du = u-data->U[j]; dv = v-data->V[j]; s += du*du + dv*dv; } if(fx*fy*s < data->minDelta){ // std::cout << "reached error of " << delta << " after " << (i+1) << " iterations (stop!)" << std::endl; break; } } data->result(0,0) = R[0][0]; data->result(1,0) = R[0][1]; data->result(2,0) = R[0][2]; data->result(3,0) = T[0]; data->result(0,1) = R[1][0]; data->result(1,1) = R[1][1]; data->result(2,1) = R[1][2]; data->result(3,1) = T[1]; data->result(0,2) = R[2][0]; data->result(1,2) = R[2][1]; data->result(2,2) = R[2][2]; data->result(3,2) = T[2]; data->result(0,3) = data->result(1,3) = data->result(2,3) = 0; data->result(3,3) = 1; return data->result; } }