/******************************************************************** ** Image Component Library (ICL) ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2006-2010 CITEC, University of Bielefeld ** ** Neuroinformatics Group ** ** Website: www.iclcv.org and ** ** http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/icl ** ** ** ** File : ICLGeom/examples/intrinsic-camera-calibration.cpp ** ** Module : ICLGeom ** ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter ** ** ** ** ** ** Commercial License ** ** ICL can be used commercially, please refer to our website ** ** www.iclcv.org for more details. ** ** ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the ** ** GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the ** ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL ** ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** ** following information to ensure the GNU General Public License ** ** version 3.0 requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** ** The development of this software was supported by the ** ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology. ** ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche ** ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German ** ** Excellence Initiative. ** ** ** *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "intrinsic-camera-calibration-tools.h" #include #include #include #include #include GUI gui("hsplit"); GenericGrabber *grabber = 0; Img32f IMAGE; Mutex MUTEX; CalibrationData CALIB_DATA; ImgQ WARP_MAP,MAN_WARP_MAP; double DIST_FACTOR[4]; double MAN_DIST_FACTOR[4]; Point32f currPos; void create_empty_warp_map(ImgQ &WARP_MAP){ const Size &size = IMAGE.getSize(); WARP_MAP.setSize(size); WARP_MAP.setChannels(2); Channel32f cs[2]; WARP_MAP.extractChannels(cs); for(int x=0;x("image"); static ICLDrawWidget &w = **d; ImgQ ps = zeros(gridW,gridH,2); w.lock(); w.reset(); w.color(255,0,0,255); for(int x=0;x sort_points(const std::vector points, int gridW, int gridH, int imageW, int imageH){ static std::vector initBounds(2,Range32f(0,1)); static DrawHandle &d = gui.getValue("image"); static ICLDrawWidget &w = **d; randomSeed(); static const float M = 10; static const float E_start = 0.8; float mx = float(imageW-2*M)/(gridW-1); float my = float(imageH-2*M)/(gridH-1); float b = M; SOM2D som(2,gridW,gridH,initBounds,0.5,0.5); for(int x=0;x(som.getNeuron(x,y).prototype.get()); p[0] = mx * x + b; p[1] = my * y + b; } } URandI ridx(points.size()-1); float buf[2]; std::vector sorted(points.size()); QMessageBox::StandardButton btn = QMessageBox::No; while(btn != QMessageBox::Yes){ for(int j=0;j<100;++j){ som.setEpsilon(E_start * ::exp(-j/30)); for(int i=0;i<1000;++i){ unsigned int ridxVal = ridx; // DEBUG_LOG("idx is " << ridxVal); const Point &rnd = points[ridxVal]; buf[0] = rnd.x; buf[1] = rnd.y; som.train(buf); } } vis_som(som,gridW,gridH); w.lock(); w.color(0,100,255,255); for(unsigned int i=0;i=0 && idx < gridW*gridH){ sorted.at(idx) = points.at(i); w.text(str(idx),p.x,p.y,-1,-1,12); }else{ ERROR_LOG("could not sort point at index " << i); } } w.unlock(); w.update(); btn = QMessageBox::question(*gui.getValue("image"), "please confirm ...","Is this tesselation correct?", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel); if(btn == QMessageBox::Cancel) throw ICLException("cancel pressed"); } return sorted; } void optimize_params(){ Mutex::Locker l(MUTEX); if(gui.getValue("use-stochastic-opt")){ calc_distortion_stochastic_search(CALIB_DATA,IMAGE.getWidth(),IMAGE.getHeight(),DIST_FACTOR); }else{ calc_distortion(CALIB_DATA,IMAGE.getWidth(),IMAGE.getHeight(),DIST_FACTOR); } std::cout << "distortion factors: [ " << DIST_FACTOR[0] << " " << DIST_FACTOR[1] << " " << DIST_FACTOR[2] << " " << DIST_FACTOR[3] << " ]" << std::endl; update_warp_map(); } void set_state(bool good){ static ImgQ iGood(Size(75,25),formatRGB); static ImgQ iBad(Size(75,25),formatRGB); static bool first = true; if(first){ first = false; color(0,255,0,255); fill(0,255,0,255); fontsize(12); text(iGood,20,0,"good"); color(255,0,0,255); fill(255,0,0,255); text(iBad,2,0,"searching"); } static ImageHandle &h = gui.getValue("state"); h = good ? iGood : iBad; h.update(); } void man_show_cb(){ std::cout << "distortion factors:[ " << std::endl; std::cout << MAN_DIST_FACTOR[0] << " "; std::cout << MAN_DIST_FACTOR[1] << " "; std::cout << MAN_DIST_FACTOR[2] << " "; std::cout << MAN_DIST_FACTOR[3] << " ]" << std::endl; } void manual_adjust_cb(){ Mutex::Locker l(MUTEX); gui_LabelHandle(manErr); gui_float(manScale); gui_float(manDist); MAN_DIST_FACTOR[0] = currPos.x; MAN_DIST_FACTOR[1] = currPos.y; MAN_DIST_FACTOR[2] = manDist; MAN_DIST_FACTOR[3] = manScale < 0 ? (1.0+manScale/2) : 1+manScale; manErr = get_fitting_error(CALIB_DATA,MAN_DIST_FACTOR); update_warp_map(MAN_WARP_MAP, MAN_DIST_FACTOR); } void mouse(const MouseEvent &evt){ if(evt.isPressEvent() || evt.isDragEvent()){ currPos = evt.getPos(); } manual_adjust_cb(); } void manual_adjust(){ Mutex::Locker l(MUTEX); static DrawHandle &d = gui.getValue("image"); static ICLDrawWidget &w = **d; static WarpOp warp(MAN_WARP_MAP); warp.setWarpMap(MAN_WARP_MAP); d = warp.apply(&IMAGE); w.color(0,100,255,255); w.fill(0,100,255,100); w.rect(currPos.x-3,currPos.y-3,6,6); gui_bool(manShowGrid); static const int NX = 20; static const int NY = 15; static const float DX = IMAGE.getWidth()/NX; static const float DY = IMAGE.getHeight()/NY; if(manShowGrid){ w.color(255,0,0,120); static std::vector grid; if(!grid.size()){ grid.reserve( (NX+2)*(NY+2)); for(int y=0;y<=(NY+1);++y){ for(int x=0;x<=(NX+1);++x){ grid.push_back(Point32f(x*DX,y*DY)); } } } w.grid(grid.data(),NX+2,NY+2,true); } } void detect_vis(bool add=false){ Mutex::Locker l(MUTEX); static DrawHandle &d = gui.getValue("image"); static ICLDrawWidget &w = **d; static Img32f grayIm(IMAGE.getSize(),formatGray); cc(&IMAGE,&grayIm); static LocalThresholdOp lt(35,-10,0); static int &threshold = gui.getValue("thresh"); static int &maskSize = gui.getValue("mask-size"); lt.setGlobalThreshold(threshold); lt.setMaskSize(maskSize); static ImgBase *ltIm = 0; lt.apply(&grayIm,<Im); gui_bool(useMorph); static ImgBase *moIm = 0; static MorphologicalOp morph(MorphologicalOp::dilate3x3); morph.setClipToROI(false); morph.apply(ltIm,&moIm); static RegionDetector rd(100,50000,0,0); rd.setConstraints(gui.getValue("min-blob-size"),50000,0,0); const std::vector &rs = rd.detect(useMorph ? moIm : ltIm); static std::string &vis = gui.getValue("vis"); if(vis == "color"){ d = IMAGE; }else if(vis == "gray"){ d = grayIm; }else if(vis == "thresh"){ d = ltIm; }else if(vis == "morph"){ d = moIm; }else if(vis == "warp"){ static WarpOp warp(WARP_MAP); static ImgBase *waIm = 0; warp.apply(&IMAGE,&waIm); d = waIm; }else if(vis == "warp-field"){ static Img8u bg(IMAGE.getSize(),1); d = bg; w.lock(); w.color(255,0,0,200); for(int x=IMAGE.getSize().width-10;x>=0;x-=20){ for(int y=IMAGE.getSize().height-10;y>=0;y-=20){ Point32f p = distort_point(x,y); w.line(x,y,p.x,p.y); w.point(x,y); } } w.unlock(); }else if(vis == "warp-map"){ d = WARP_MAP; } if(!add){ w.lock(); w.color(255,0,0,200); } std::vector pts; for(unsigned int i=0;i("min-form-factor"); bool warpX = (vis == "warp") || (vis == "warp-field") || (vis == "warp-map"); if(rs[i].getFormFactor() < minFormFactor){ if(!add && !warpX){ w.linestrip(rs[i].getBoundary()); w.text(str(rs[i].getFormFactor()),rs[i].getCOG().x,rs[i].getCOG().y,-1,-1,10); w.sym(rs[i].getCOG().x,rs[i].getCOG().y,ICLDrawWidget::symPlus); } pts.push_back(rs[i].getCOG()); } } if(!add){ w.unlock(); set_state((int)pts.size() == CALIB_DATA.dim()); }else{ DEBUG_LOG("adding data ..."); if((int)pts.size() != CALIB_DATA.dim()){ ERROR_LOG("unable to add current state: some markers are missing\n" "found " << pts.size() << " searching for " << CALIB_DATA.nx << "x" << CALIB_DATA.ny << "=" << CALIB_DATA.dim()); }else{ CALIB_DATA.data.push_back(CalibrationStep()); IMAGE.deepCopy(&CALIB_DATA.data.back().colorImage); moIm->convert(&CALIB_DATA.data.back().image); try{ CALIB_DATA.data.back().points = sort_points(pts, CALIB_DATA.nx, CALIB_DATA.ny, IMAGE.getWidth(), IMAGE.getHeight()); }catch(ICLException &ex){ std::cout << "aborted ..." << std::endl; CALIB_DATA.data.pop_back(); } } } } void add(void){ detect_vis(true); } void save_warp_map(){ static DrawHandle &d = gui.getValue("image"); std::string defName = str("./warp-map-")+str(WARP_MAP.getSize())+ "-"+str(DIST_FACTOR[0])+"-"+str(DIST_FACTOR[1])+"-"+str(DIST_FACTOR[2])+"-"+str(DIST_FACTOR[3])+".icl"; QString name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(*d,"save warp-map ... ",defName.c_str(), "Float Images (*.icl *.pgm *.pnm)"); if(name != ""){ try{ save(WARP_MAP,name.toLatin1().data()); }catch(const std::exception &ex){ ERROR_LOG("error while writing file ..."); } } } void create_pattern_gui(){ static ICLDrawWidget w; w.setGeometry(QRect(500,500,640,480)); int W = CALIB_DATA.nx; int H = CALIB_DATA.ny; Img8u bg(Size(W+1,H+1),1); std::fill(bg.begin(0),bg.end(0),255); w.setImage(&bg); w.lock(); w.reset(); w.color(0,0,0,255); w.fill(0,0,0,255); float D = 0.4; for(int i=1;i<=W;++i){ for(int j=1;j<=H;++j){ w.ellipse(i,j,D,D); } } w.unlock(); w.show(); } void init(){ CALIB_DATA.nx = pa("-nx",0); CALIB_DATA.ny = pa("-ny",0); grabber = new GenericGrabber(FROM_PROGARG("-input")); grabber->setIgnoreDesiredParams(true); grabber->grab()->convert(&IMAGE); create_empty_warp_map(WARP_MAP); create_empty_warp_map(MAN_WARP_MAP); if(pa("-init")){ for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ MAN_DIST_FACTOR[i] = DIST_FACTOR[i] = pa("-init",i); } update_warp_map(); } if(pa("-cp")){ create_pattern_gui(); } gui << "draw[@minsize=32x24@handle=image]"; GUI controls("vbox[@minsize=10x1]"); controls << "image[@maxsize=100x2@minsize=5x2label=state@handle=state]"; controls << "combo(!color,gray,thresh,morph,warp,warp-field,warp-map)[@out=vis@label=visualization]"; controls << "togglebutton(off,on)[@out=grab-loop-val@handle=grab-loop@label=grab loop]"; controls << "fslider(0.8,2.0,1.1)[@out=min-form-factor@label=roundness]"; controls << "slider(10,10000,500)[@out=min-blob-size@label=min blob size]"; controls << (GUI("vbox[@label=local threshold]") << "slider(2,100,10)[@out=mask-size@label=mask size]" << ("slider("+*pa("-thresh-range",0)+","+ *pa("-thresh-range",1)+",-10)[@out=thresh@label=threshold]") ); controls << "togglebutton(!no,yes)[@out=useMorph@label=use morphed image]"; controls << "button(add)[@handle=add]"; controls << "togglebutton(no,yes)[@out=use-stochastic-opt@label=stochastic mode]"; controls << "button(optimize)[@handle=optimize]"; controls << "button(save)[@handle=save]"; GUI manCont("vbox[@minsize=10x1]"); manCont << ( GUI("hbox") << "fslider(-100,1500,0,vertical)[@out=manDist@label=dist@handle=manDistH]" << "fslider(-1,1,0,vertical)[@out=manScale@label=scale@handle=manScaleH]" ) << "label(---)[@maxsize=100x2@handle=manErr]" << "togglebutton(off,on)[@maxsize=100x2@out=manShowGrid@label=grid]" << "button(write)[@maxsize=100x2@handle=manWrite@handle=manWriteH]"; gui << ( GUI("tab(auto,manual)[@handle=tab]") << controls << manCont ); gui.show(); gui.registerCallback(new GUI::Callback(manual_adjust_cb),"manDistH,manScaleH"); gui.registerCallback(new GUI::Callback(man_show_cb),"manWriteH"); gui["image"].install(new MouseHandler(mouse)); // gui.getValue("detect").registerCallback(new GUI::Callback(detect)); (*gui.getValue("grab-loop"))->setChecked(true); // (*gui.getValue("state"))->setFitMode(ICLWidget::fmFit); (*gui.getValue("state"))->setMenuEnabled(false); CALIB_DATA.data.reserve(10); gui.getValue("add").registerCallback(new GUI::Callback(add)); gui.getValue("save").registerCallback(new GUI::Callback(save_warp_map)); } void run(){ static DrawHandle &d = gui.getValue("image"); static ICLDrawWidget &w = **d; static bool &grab = gui.getValue("grab-loop-val"); //static ButtonHandle &add = gui.getValue("add"); static ButtonHandle &opt = gui.getValue("optimize"); gui_TabHandle(tab); if(grab){ Mutex::Locker l(MUTEX); grabber->grab()->convert(&IMAGE); } w.lock(); w.reset(); w.unlock(); if((*tab)->currentIndex() == 0){ detect_vis(false); }else{ manual_adjust(); } d.update(); if(opt.wasTriggered()){ DEBUG_LOG("optimizing ..."); optimize_params(); } Thread::msleep(20); } int main(int n, char **ppc){ paex ("-nx","count of marker grid points in horizontal direction") ("-ny","count of marker grid points in horizontal direction ") ("-input","define input device (e.g. -dc 0 or -file 'images/*.ppm'") ("-init","defined 4 initial values for distortion factors") ("-cp","create an extra widget that shows a calibration pattern") ("-thresh-range","define min and max value for\n" "local threshold operators slider for threshold adjustment"); return ICLApp(n,ppc,"-nx(int=5) -ny(int=4) [m]-input|-i(device,device-params) " "-cp -init(float=0,float=0,float=0,float=0) " "-thresh-range(min=-20,max=20)",init,run).exec(); }