#include #include #include void get_angles(const FixedMatrix &M, float &rx, float &ry, float &rz){ rx = ::asin(M(1,2)); float cosx = ::cos(rx); ry = ::acos(M(2,2)/cosx); rz = ::acos(M(1,1)/cosx); } const char *inifile[116] = { "# SVS Engine v 3.2 Stereo Camera Parameter File", "", "[image]", "max_linelen 640", "max_lines 480", "max_decimation 1", "max_binning 1", "max_framediv 1", "gamma 0", "color_right 0", "color 1", "ix 0", "iy 0", "vergence 0.000000", "rectified 1", "width 640", "height 480", "linelen 640", "lines 480", "decimation 1", "binning 1", "framediv 0", "subwindow 0", "have_rect 1", "autogain 0", "autoexposure 0", "autowhite 0", "autobrightness 0", "gain 50", "exposure 50", "contrast 50", "brightness 50", "saturation 50", "red 0", "blue 0", "", "[stereo]", "convx 11", "convy 11", "corrxsize 15", "corrysize 15", "thresh 7", "unique 10", "lr 1", "ndisp 32", "dpp 16", "offx 0", "offy 0", "frame 1.050000", "", "[external]", "Tx -88.915959", "Ty -0.157128", "Tz 4.306600", "Rx 0.000422", "Ry 0.005006", "Rz 0.002866", "", "[left camera]", "pwidth 640", "pheight 480", "dpx 0.007000", "dpy 0.007000", "sx 1.000000", "Cx 306.526995", "Cy 286.809716", "f 511.363092", "fy 513.712339", "alpha 0.000000", "kappa1 -0.159408", "kappa2 0.161214", "kappa3 0.000000", "tau1 0.000000", "tau2 0.000000", "proj", "5.140000e+002 0.000000e+000 3.065270e+002 0.000000e+000", "0.000000e+000 5.140000e+002 2.757325e+002 0.000000e+000", "0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 1.000000e+000 0.000000e+000", "rect", "9.990557e-001 -1.115309e-003 -4.343369e-002", "1.107551e-003 9.999993e-001 -2.026861e-004", "4.343389e-002 1.543897e-004 9.990563e-001", "", "[right camera]", "pwidth 640", "pheight 480", "dpx 0.007000", "dpy 0.007000", "sx 1.000000", "Cx 323.916494", "Cy 264.655358", "f 521.225593", "fy 523.525160", "alpha 0.000000", "kappa1 -0.152761", "kappa2 0.142905", "kappa3 0.000000", "tau1 0.000000", "tau2 0.000000", "proj", "5.140000e+002 0.000000e+000 3.239165e+002 -4.570280e+004", "0.000000e+000 5.140000e+002 2.757325e+002 0.000000e+000", "0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 1.000000e+000 0.000000e+000", "rect", "9.988248e-001 1.767150e-003 -4.843450e-002", "-1.758498e-003 9.999985e-001 2.212436e-004", "4.843481e-002 -1.358116e-004 9.988263e-001", "", "[global]", "GTx 0.000000", "GTy 0.000000", "GTz 0.000000", "GRx 0.000000", "GRy 0.000000", "GRz 0.000000", 0 }; int main(int n, char **ppc){ pa_explain("-GRx","global x-rotation"); pa_explain("-GRy","global y-rotation"); pa_explain("-GRz","global z-rotation"); pa_explain("-GTx","global x-translation"); pa_explain("-GTy","global y-translation"); pa_explain("-GTz","global z-translation"); pa_explain("-convx","stereo matching prefilter kernel size (in x-direction)"); pa_explain("-convy","stereo matching prefilter kernel size (in y-direction)"); pa_explain("-corrxsize","width of correlation search window"); pa_explain("-corrysize","height of correlation search window"); pa_explain("-dpp","subpixel interpolation (do not change!)"); pa_explain("-frame","frame expansion scaling factor"); pa_explain("-left","defined filename for left cameras xml-config file"); pa_explain("-right","defined filename for rightcameras xml-config file"); pa_explain("-left-Cx","distorsion center for left camera (x)"); pa_explain("-right-Cx","distorsion center for right camera (x)"); pa_explain("-left-Cy","distorsion center for left camera (y)"); pa_explain("-right-Cy","distorsion center for right camera (y)"); pa_explain("-left-alpha","intrinsic skew parameter (only for analog cams)"); pa_explain("-right-alpha","intrinsic skew parameter (only for analog cams)"); pa_explain("-left-dpx","effective pixel size in x-direction for current resolution"); pa_explain("-right-dpx","effective pixel size in x-direction for current resolution"); pa_explain("-left-dpy","effective pixel size in y-direction for current resolution"); pa_explain("-right-dpy","effective pixel size in y-direction for current resolution"); pa_explain("-left-kappa1","first radial distortion parameter"); pa_explain("-right-kappa1","first radial distortion parameter"); pa_explain("-left-kappa2","2nd radial distortion parameter"); pa_explain("-right-kappa2","2nd radial distortion parameter"); pa_explain("-left-kappa3","3rd radial distortion parameter"); pa_explain("-right-kappa3","3rd radial distortion parameter"); pa_explain("-left-sx","aspect ratio (analog cameras only)"); pa_explain("-right-sx","aspect ratio (analog cameras only)"); pa_explain("-left-tau1","first tangential distortion pamrameter"); pa_explain("-right-tau1","first tangential distortion pamrameter"); pa_explain("-left-tau2","2nd tangential distortion pamrameter"); pa_explain("-right-tau2","2nd tangential distortion pamrameter"); pa_explain("-lr","left/right filter on (1) or off (0)"); pa_explain("-ndisp","number of disparities to search"); pa_explain("-offx","horopter x-offset"); pa_explain("-offy","vertical image offset, not used"); pa_explain("-thresh","confidence threshold value"); pa_explain("-unique","unknown and not documented!"); pa_explain("-o","define output filename (/dev/stdout at default)"); pa_init(n,ppc,"-left(1) -right(1) -o(1) -convx(1) -convy(1) -corrxsize(1) -corrysize(1) " "-thresh(1) -unique(1) -lr(1) -ndisp(1) -dpp(1) -offx(1) -offy(1) -frame(1) " "-left-dpx(1) -right-dpx(1) -left-dpy(1) -right-dpy(1) -left-sx(1) -right-sx(1) " "-left-Cx(1) -right-Cx(1) -left-Cy(1) -right-Cy(1) -left-alpha(1) -right-alpha(1) " "-left-kappa1(1) -right-kapa1(1) -left-kappa2(1) -right-kappa2(1) -left-kappa3(1) " "-right-kappa3(1) -left-tau1(1) -right-tau1(1) -left-tau2(1) -right-tau2(1) " "-GTx(1) -GTy(1) -GTz(1) -GRx(1) -GRy(1) -GRz(1)"); if(pa_defined("-test")){ FixedMatrix R1(9.990557e-001,-1.115309e-003,-4.343369e-002, 1.107551e-003,9.999993e-001,-2.026861e-004, 4.343389e-002,1.543897e-004,9.990563e-001); FixedMatrix R2(9.988248e-001,1.767150e-003,-4.843450e-002, -1.758498e-003,9.999985e-001,2.212436e-004, 4.843481e-002,-1.358116e-004,9.988263e-001); float x2,y2,z2; float x1,y1,z1; get_angles(R1.transp(),x1,y1,z1); get_angles(R2.transp(),x2,y2,z2); std::cout << "R:" << 0.000422 << "\t" << 0.005006 << "\t" << 0.002866 << std::endl; std::cout << "1:" << x1 << "\t" << y1 << "\t" << z1 << std::endl; std::cout << "2:" << x2 << "\t" << y2 << "\t" << z2 << std::endl; std::cout << "xx" << x2-x1 << "\t" << y2-y1 << "\t" << z1+z2 << std::endl; //std::cout << "+:" << x1+x2 << "\t" << y1+y2 << "\t" << z1+z2 << std::endl; //std::cout << "-:" << x1-x2 << "\t" << y1-y2 << "\t" << z1-z2 << std::endl; //std::cout << "||" << abs(x1)+abs(x2) << "\t" << abs(y1)+abs(y2) << "\t" << abs(z1)+abs(z2) << std::endl; return 0; } if(!pa_defined("-left") || !pa_defined("-right")){ pa_usage("parameters -left and -right are mandatory!"); exit(-1); } Camera left(pa_subarg("-left",0,"")); Camera right(pa_subarg("-right",0,"")); FixedMatrix L,R; L.col(0) = left.getNorm().part<0,0,1,3>(); L.col(1) = left.getUp().part<0,0,1,3>(); L.col(2) = left.getHorz().part<0,0,1,3>(); R.col(0) = right.getNorm().part<0,0,1,3>(); R.col(1) = right.getUp().part<0,0,1,3>(); R.col(2) = right.getHorz().part<0,0,1,3>(); FixedMatrix T = R*L.transp(); float rx,ry,rz; get_angles(T,rx,ry,rz); Vec d = left.getPos()-right.getPos(); float dx = d[0]; float dy = d[1]; float dz = d[2]; //std::cout << "rot: \n" << create_rot_3D(0.000422,0.005006,0.002866) << std::endl; std::ofstream os(pa_subarg("-o",0,"/dev/stdout").c_str()); ICLASSERT_THROW(left.getViewPort() == right.getViewPort(),ICLException("view port sizes of left and right cam must be equal")); int iW = left.getViewPort().width; int iH = left.getViewPort().height; std::vector params(inifile,inifile+114); std::string scope = "none"; for(unsigned int i=0;i ts = tok(p," "); if(ts.size() == 2){ std::string &pa = ts[0]; //std::string &va = ts[1]; #define REPLACE(s,x,v) if(scope == #s && pa == #x) { os << pa << " " << v << std::endl; continue; } #define REPLACE_PA(s,x,d) if(scope == #s && pa == #x) { os << pa << " " << pa_subarg("-" #x,0,str(#d)) << std::endl; continue; } #define REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(x,d) \ if(scope == "left camera" && pa == #x) { os << pa << " " << pa_subarg("-left-" #x,0,str(d)) << std::endl; continue; } \ else if(scope == "right camera" && pa == #x){ os << pa << " " << pa_subarg("-right-" #x,0,str(d)) << std::endl; continue; } REPLACE(image,max_linelen,iW); REPLACE(image,max_lines,iH); REPLACE(image,width,iW); REPLACE(image,height,iH); REPLACE(image,linelen,iW); REPLACE(image,lines,iH); REPLACE_PA(stereo,convx,11); REPLACE_PA(stereo,convy,11); REPLACE_PA(stereo,corrxsize,15); REPLACE_PA(stereo,corrysize,15); REPLACE_PA(stereo,thresh,7); REPLACE_PA(stereo,unique,10); REPLACE_PA(stereo,lr,1); REPLACE_PA(stereo,ndisp,32); REPLACE_PA(stereo,dpp,16); REPLACE_PA(stereo,offx,0); REPLACE_PA(stereo,offy,0); REPLACE_PA(stereo,rame,1.05000); REPLACE(external,Tx,dx); REPLACE(external,Ty,dy); REPLACE(external,Tz,dz); REPLACE(external,Rx,rx); REPLACE(external,Ry,ry); REPLACE(external,Rz,rz); REPLACE(left camera,pwidth,iW); REPLACE(left camera,pheight,iH); REPLACE(right camera,pwidth,iW); REPLACE(right camera,pheight,iH); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(dpx,0.007); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(dpy,0.007); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(sx,1.0000); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(Cx,iW/2); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(Cy,iH/2); REPLACE(left camera,f,left.getFocalLength()/pa_subarg("-left-dpx",0,0.007)); REPLACE(right camera,f,right.getFocalLength()/pa_subarg("-right-dpx",0,0.007)); REPLACE(left camera,fy,left.getFocalLength()/pa_subarg("-left-dpy",0,0.007)); REPLACE(right camera,fy,right.getFocalLength()/pa_subarg("-right-dpy",0,0.007)); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(alpha,0.0); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(kappa1,0.0); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(kappa2,0.0); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(kappa3,0.0); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(tau1,0.0); REPLACE_PA_LRCAM(tau2,0.0); REPLACE_PA(global,GTx,0); REPLACE_PA(global,GTy,0); REPLACE_PA(global,GTz,0); REPLACE_PA(global,GRx,0); REPLACE_PA(global,GRy,0); REPLACE_PA(global,GRz,0); os << p << std::endl; }else if (ts.size()){ Camera &cam = (scope == "left camera") ? left : right; float fy = cam.getFocalLength()/pa_subarg("-left-dpy",0,0.007); float Cx = pa_subarg((scope == "left camera") ? "-left-Cx" : "-right-Cx", 0, iW/2); float Cy = pa_subarg((scope == "left camera") ? "-left-Cx" : "-right-Cx", 0, iW/2); if(ts[0] == "proj"){ i+=3; os << "proj" << std::endl; os << fy << " " << 0.0 << " " << Cx << " " << 0.0 << std::endl; os << 0.0 << " " << fy << " " << Cy << " " << 0.0 << std::endl; os << 0.0 << " " << 0.0 << " " << 1.0 << " " << 0.0 << std::endl; }else if(ts[0] == "rect"){ os << "rect" << std::endl; i+=3; /// first simple approach: right camera is (rot=0,0,0) if(scope == "left camera"){ // here we need the rotation from left cam to the right cam ... FixedMatrix T = create_rot_3D(rx,ry,rz).transp(); for(int y=0;y<3;++y){ os << T(0,y) << " " << T(1,y) << " "<< T(2,y) << std::endl; } }else{ os << "1 0 0" << std::endl; os << "0 1 0" << std::endl; os << "0 0 1" << std::endl; } } }else{ os << std::endl; } } }