#ifndef XML_NODE_CONST_ITERATOR_H #define XML_NODE_CONST_ITERATOR_H #include namespace icl{ /// Shallow wrapper of a XMLNodeIterator instance that provides const access to nodes \ingroup XML /** @see XMLNodeIterator */ class XMLNodeConstIterator : public std::iterator{ /// Wrapped uncost iterator type XMLNodeIterator it; /// Private 'real' constructor only available by the friend class XMLNode XMLNodeConstIterator(const XMLNode &origin, const XMLNodeFilter &filter):it(origin,filter){} public: /// Empty constructor creating an end-iterator XMLNodeConstIterator(){} /// For tight integration with XMLNode class friend class XMLNode; /// pre-increment operator XMLNodeConstIterator operator++(int){ XMLNodeConstIterator t(*this); ++it; return t; } /// post-increment operator XMLNodeConstIterator &operator++(){ ++it; return *this; } /// dereference operator (providing access to current node) (const only) const XMLNode &operator*() const{ return it.operator*(); } /// pointer operator (providing access to current node) (const only) const XMLNode* operator->() const{ return it.operator->(); } /// inequality comparison operator bool operator!=(const XMLNodeConstIterator &other) const{ return it != other.it; } /// equality comparison operator bool operator==(const XMLNodeConstIterator &other) const{ return it == other.it; } }; } #endif