#ifndef ICL_UNCOPYABLE_H #define ICL_UNCOPYABLE_H namespace icl{ /// Class interface for un-copyable classes. /** In some cases, classes might not be copied e.g. if the implementation of this would be very complex and it provides no benefits to copy an instance of a particular class.\n To forbid, that instance of this class might be copied, you can either implement a private copy constructor and a private assignment operator, or you can inherit the Uncopyable class.\n The following example demonstrates how you can protect a picture from being copied: \code #include class Picasso : public Uncopyable{ ... }; int main(){ Picasso guernica; Picasso copyOfGuernica = guernica; // not allowed Picasso anotherTryToCopyGuernica( guernica ); // also not allowed return 0; } \endcode **/ class Uncopyable{ protected: /// Empty base constructor Uncopyable(){} private: /// forbidden copy constructor Uncopyable(const Uncopyable &other){ (void)other; } /// forbidden assignment operator Uncopyable &operator=(const Uncopyable &other){ (void)other; return *this; } }; } #endif