#ifndef MOUSE_HANDLER_H #define MOUSE_HANDLER_H #include #include namespace icl{ /// MouseEvent handling interaface \ingroup COMMON /** Here's a short example: \code #include #include GenericGrabber *grabber; ICLWidget *widget; class Mouse : public MouseHandler{ public: virtual void process(const MouseEvent &event){ std::cout << "image location: " << event.getPos() << std::endl; std::cout << "widget location: " << event.getWidgetPos() << std::endl; std::string eventNames[] = {"MoveEvent","DragEvent","PressEvent","ReleaseEvent", "EnterEvent","LeaveEvent"}; std::cout << "type: " << eventNames[event.getType()] << std::endl; if(event.isPressEvent()){ if(event.getColor().size()){ std::cout << "color:"; std::copy(event.getColor().begin(),event.getColor().end(),std::ostream_iterator(std::cout,",")); std::cout << endl; }else{ std::cout << "no color here!" << std::endl; } } } } mouse; void init(){ widget = new ICLWidget(0); widget->setGeometry(200,200,640,480); widget->show(); grabber = new GenericGrabber; widget->install(&mouse); } void run(){ widget->setImage(grabber->grab()); widget->update(); } int main(int n, char **ppc){ return ICLApplication(n,ppc,"",init,run).exec(); } \endcode */ class MouseHandler : public QObject{ Q_OBJECT public: /// ICLWidget is allowed to connect to the private slot handleEvent friend class ICLWidget; /// mouse_handler function type typedef void (*mouse_handler)(const MouseEvent &event); /// Create a mouse handler with given callback function /** In most cases a MouseHandler can be used directly by passing a mouse_handler function to it's constructor. The mouse handler function is called by virtual void process automatically */ explicit MouseHandler(mouse_handler handler): m_handler(handler){} protected: /// This constructor can be called from derived classes /** derived classes will reimplement virtual void process(const MouseEvent &event), so in this case, no external mouse_handler function needs to be passed */ MouseHandler(): m_handler(0){} public slots: /// connected to the ICLWidget's signal mouseEventOccured void handleEvent(const MouseEvent &event); public: /// this function is called automatically when the handleEvent slot is invoked /** It can be reimplemented for custom mouse interaction. If a mouse handling function is enough for your purpose, you can also pass a function of type mouse_handler to the constructor of a MouseHandler instance. The default implementation of process calls the handler function if it's not null. **/ virtual void process(const MouseEvent &event); private: /// internal mouse handler function mouse_handler m_handler; }; } #endif