#ifndef ICLCONVERTER_H #define ICLCONVERTER_H #include #include namespace icl{ /// General Image Converter /** The Converter wraps and summarizes all image conversion routines, including depth change, scaling and color conversion. It provides all necessary buffers to do several of these changes in series. Simply provide the desired output format to dst of the apply function, and this method will select the appropriate conversion steps.\n If demanded, the converter provides an interface to specify the order of the different operations. **/ class Converter : public Uncopyable{ public: /// enum to define internal used operation order enum oporder{ orderScaleConvertCC = 12, orderScaleCCConvert = 21, orderConvertScaleCC = 102, orderConvertCCScale = 201, orderCCScaleConvert = 120, orderCCConvertScale = 210 }; /// constructor /** @param applyToROIOnly if true, the source images ROI only is used instead of the whole src image. */ Converter(bool applyToROIOnly=false); /// other constructor /** @param o operation order @param applyToROIOnly if true, the source images ROI only is used instead of the whole src image. **/ Converter(oporder o, bool applyToROIOnly=false); /// creates a converter, and converts the srcImage to dstImage immediately Converter(const ImgBase *srcImage, ImgBase *dstImage, bool applyToROIOnly=false); /// destructor ~Converter(); /// image conversion function /** Although this function looks like the iclcc function located in the iclcc.h, it brings some additional functionalities (see class description). @param src source image @param dst destination image **/ /// transfers the image data from the source image into the image data of the destination image /** @param src source image @param dst destination image **/ void apply(const ImgBase *src, ImgBase *dst); /// sets up the converter to apply operations on the source images roi only /** @see Converter(bool,bool) */ void setApplyToROIOnly(bool applyToROIOnly){ m_bROIOnly = applyToROIOnly; } /// Sets up the operation order for this converter /** In many cases it is necessary to apply two or three different operations after another to convert the source image into the given destination image. Possible operation are: - scaling - depth conversion - color conversion In some cases it might be useful to force the Converter to begin the conversion procedure with scaling before e.g. a depth conversion is applied. This can speed up the performance much if the image is scaled down befor applying the depth conversion. In another scenario, the image is scaled up: In this case, the depth conversion should have been made before the scaling operation. Note: As the color conversion is able to apply an implicit depth conversion, this two step are ordered internally by regarding the currently given oporder. @param o new operation order definition **/ void setOperationOrder(oporder o){ m_eOpOrder = o; } /// sets a new scale interpolation method (default is interpolateNN) void setScaleMode(scalemode scaleMode); private: /// converts dependent on the destination images depth void dynamicConvert(const ImgBase *src, ImgBase *dst); /// internally used conversion function /** This function wraps the icl::cc function and optimizes its performance by using the Converter objects internally hold color conversion buffer for "emulated" color conversions. (E.g. HLStoYUV, is emulated by HLSToRGB followed by RGBToYUV. icl::cc stores the result of HLSToRGB in a temporarily allocated and released image buffer. The Converter uses an persistent buffer of the Converter object.) This will speed up cross format conversions in looped applications. @param src source image @param dst destination image */ void cc(const ImgBase *src, ImgBase *dst); /// Buffer for size conversion ImgBase *m_poSizeBuffer; /// Buffer for emulated color conversin using Converter::cc(...) ImgBase *m_poCCBuffer; /// Buffer for depth conversion ImgBase *m_poDepthBuffer; /// Buffer for ROI extraction ImgBase *m_poROIBuffer; /// Buffer for color conversion ImgBase *m_poColorBuffer; /// flag that indicates whether to work on source images ROI or on the whole sorce image bool m_bROIOnly; /// currently set operation order /** @see setOperationOrder */ oporder m_eOpOrder; /// internal scalemode scalemode m_scaleMode; }; } #endif