#ifndef ICL_REGION_PCA_INFO_H #define ICL_REGION_PCA_INFO_H #include namespace icl{ /// data-struct to represent local PCA information \ingroup G_RD class RegionPCAInfo{ public: /// Default Constructor RegionPCAInfo(float len1=0, float len2=0, float arc1=0, int cx=0, int cy=0): len1(len1),len2(len2),arc1(arc1),arc2(arc1+M_PI/2),cx(cx),cy(cy){} /// length of first major axis float len1; /// length of second major axis float len2; /// angle of the first major axis float arc1; /// angle of the second major axis (arc1+PI/2) float arc2; /// x center of the region int cx; /// y center of the region int cy; /// null PCAInfo static const RegionPCAInfo null; }; } #endif