#ifndef ICL_SOM2D_H #define ICL_SOM2D_H #include namespace icl{ /// Simple Wrapper class of the generic SOM Implementation for 2D SOMs /** As the SOM class provides a very abstract interface for generic K-D Self Organizing Maps, the SOM2D class offers a more convenient interface for exactly 2D SOMs.\n Therefore it has a specialized constructor (now receiving the count of x-Cells and y-Cells directly as well as a specialized getNeuron()- function. */ class SOM2D : public SOM{ /** \cond this function is just used here for an inline vector creation*/ template static inline std::vector vec2(const T &t1, const T &t2){ std::vector v(2); v[0] = t1; v[1] = t2; return v; } /** \endcond */ public: /// Wrapper constructor for 2D SOMs /** @param dataDim dimension of data elements and therewith dimension of prototype vectors @param nXCells cell count of the SOM in x-direction @param yXCells cell count of the SOM in y-direction @param prototypeBounds @see SOM @param epslion @see SOM @param sigma @see SOM */ SOM2D(unsigned int dataDim, unsigned int nXCells, unsigned int nYCells, const std::vector >& prototypeBounds, float epsilon=0.1, float sigma=1):SOM(dataDim,vec2(nXCells,nYCells),prototypeBounds,epsilon,sigma){} /// Wrapper function to access a neuron at a certain grid position /** @param x x-grid locatio of the neuron @param y y-grid locatio of the neuron **/ const Neuron &getNeuron(int x, int y) const { return m_vecNeurons[x+m_vecDimOffsets[1]*y]; } }; } #endif