The ICL is a computer-vision library, so it provides of course a large set of computer-vision functions. However a lot of additional components (like the Qt-GUI wrapper API \iclclassref{Qt}{GUI} or the program argument evaluation tools \iclheaderref{Utils}{ProgArg}) turned out to be very useful even for general purpose programming. \section{Large variety of simple-to-use Algorithms} As IPP developers supposable thought a lot about the set of algorithms that must be provided in a computer-vision toolkit, a first step in ICL implementation was to provide simple and \emph{care-free} wrappers for fundamental image manipulation functions provided by the IPP. Manipulation functions can be split into several subsets to facilitate the overview: \begin{itemize} \item Data copy and convert functions.\\ \iclnamespaceref{Core}, \iclclassref{Core}{Img}, \iclclassref{Core}{ImgBase} \item Statistic functions (like min- or max elements/indices) or mean pixel value etc.\\ \iclnamespaceref{Core}, \iclclassref{Core}{Img}, \iclheaderref{Core}{Mathematics} \item Arithmetical operations (e.g. pixel-wise addition of two images etc)\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{UnaryArithmeticalOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{BinaryArithmeticalOp}. \item Logical operations (e.g. pixel wise OR etc..)\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{UnaryLogicalOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{BinaryLogicalOp}. \item Affine transformations (pixel locations are changed)\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{AffineOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{RotateOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{ScaleOp}, (...), \iclclassref{Filter}{WarpOp} \item Thresholding and comparison functions.\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{UnaryCompareOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{BinaryCompareOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{ThresholdOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{LocalThresholdOp}, \item Morphological operations\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{MorphologicalOp} \item Convolution functions.\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{ConvolutionOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{DynamicConvolutionOp} \item Proximity-Measurement functions (E.g. normalized cross correlation)\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{ProximityOp} \item Canny-Edge-Detector\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{CannyOp} \item Integral-Image computation\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{IntegralImgOp} \item Local-Threshold operations\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{LocalThresholdOp} \item Color-Format conversion\\ \iclclassref{CC}{Converter}, \iclheaderref{CC}{CC} \item Lookup table operations\\ \iclclassref{Filter}{LUTOp}, \iclclassref{Filter}{LUT2D}, \iclclassref{Filter}{LUTOp3Channel} \item Disparity image computation (using SVS-Wrapper)\\ \iclclassref{Algorithms}{SVS} \item Blob detection and tracking algorithms\\ \iclclassref{Blob}{ColorBlobSearcher}, \iclclassref{Blob}{ReginBasedBlobSearcher}, \iclclassref{Blob}{PositionTracker} \item Connected component analysis\\ \iclclassref{Blob}{RegionDetector} \item Image-File grabber and writer support for most common image formats (.ppm,.pnm,.pgm,.icl: native, many many other formats using an libmagick++-Wrapper)\\ \iclclassref{IO}{FileGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{FileWriter}, \iclclassref{IO}{GenericGrabber} \item Camera grabber support for a large set of cameras (FireWire-cams using libdc1394, Phillips-Webcam-Grabber, v4l and v4l2 Grabber using a wrapper the Unicap-Library \footnote{} as well as a grabber for SwissRanger\footnote{}\todo{fix?} cameras\\ \iclclassref{IO}{DCGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{PWCGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{UnicapGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{GenericGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{SwissRangerGrabber} \item XCF\footnote{}-grabber and publisher)\\ \iclclassref{IO}{XCFMemoryGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{XCFPublisherGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{XCFServerGrabber}, \iclclassref{IO}{XCFPublisher}, \iclheaderref{IO}{XCFUtils} \item Image visualization and annotation using Qt\\ \iclclassref{Qt}{GUI}, \iclclassref{Qt}{ICLWidget}, \iclclassref{Qt}{ICLDrawWidget}, \iclclassref{Qt}{ICLDrawWidget3D}, \item Prototyping API ICLQuick\\ \iclnamespaceref{Quick} \item Image annotation and pixel based drawing functions\\ \iclnamespaceref{Quick} \item Camera calibration toolkit (for extrinsic and for intrinsic Camera parameters like, radial distortion) \iclnamespaceref{Geom} and ICL-example applications \inlinecode{icl-extrinsic-camera-calibration} and \inlinecode{icl-intrinsic-camera-calibration} \item Converters for OpenCVs \icode{CvMat} and \icode{IplImage} structures that allow easy use of OpenCV functions\todo{Not yet implemented!}.\\ \iclheaderref{OpenCV}{OpenCV} \end{itemize} \section{Well-chosen selection of ready-to-use Tools} In addition to the set of functionalities regarding image processing, ICL provides a variety of usability tools and classes, that facilitate application development significantly. Here is a short listing: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{ICLUtils package:} \iclpackageref{Utils}:\\ \begin{itemize} \item Thread and Mutex class (wrapping pthread functionalities)\\ \iclclassref{Utils}{Thread} \iclclassref{Utils}{Mutex} \item Matrix/Vector class providing some BLAS functionalities\\ \iclstructref{Utils}{DynMatrix} \iclstructref{Utils}{DynVector} \item FixedMatrix/Vector class (providing matrix dimensions as template parameters and therewith allowing compilers a lot of optimizations)\\ \iclclassref{Utils}{FixedMatrix} \iclstructref{Utils}{FixedColVector} \iclstructref{Utils}{FixedRowVector} \item Time and Timing classes including benchmarking times\\ \iclclassref{Utils}{Time} \iclclassref{Utils}{Timer} \iclclassref{Utils}{StackTimer} \item String Tokenizer class\\ \iclclassref{Utils}{StringTokenizer} \item Shallow- and Un- copyable interfaces\\ \iclclassref{Utils}{Uncopyable} \iclclassref{Utils}{ShallowCopyable} \item The so called \emph{ProgArg} environment, that allows to define and extract program parameters\\ \iclheaderref{Utils}{ProgArg} \item Clipped data type conversion using the \inlinecode{clipped_cast}-template\\ \iclheaderref{Utils}{ClippedCast} \item ICL-related exceptions\\ \iclheaderref{Utils}{Exception} \item (Debugging)-Macros \\ \iclheaderref{Utils}{Macros} \item StringUtils environment for conversion of common data-types into strings and vice versa \\ Including some useful utility functions e.g. a regular-expression matcher. \iclheaderref{Utils}{StringUtils} \item A set of most common data types like Rects, Lines, Ranges, and Points \\ \iclclassref{Core}{Rect} \iclclassref{Core}{Line} \iclstructref{Core}{Range} \iclclassref{Core}{Point} \iclclassref{Core}{Point32f} (...) \item A simple DOM-based XML parser and creator.\\ \iclclassref{Utils}{XMLDocument} and \iclclassref{Utils}{XMLNode} \item An xml-configuration file class (ConfigFile). That allows simple definition and extraction of configuration parameters.\\ \iclclassref{Utils}{ConfigFile} \end{itemize} \item \textbf{ICLCore package:} \iclpackageref{Core}\\ \begin{itemize} \item Statistic functions and random number generators\\ \iclheaderref{Core}{Random} \item Mathematic / and statistic functions\\ \iclheaderref{Core}{Mathmatics} \end{itemize} \item \textbf{ICLIO package:} \iclpackageref{IO}\\ \begin{itemize} \item A simple File implementation providing reading and writing of files as well as reading and writing zipped file (using a wrapper of libz)\\ \iclclassref{IO}{File} \item A FileNameGenerator structure that allows generation of enumerated file names (e.g. for writing a list of files)\\ \iclclassref{IO}{FileNameGenerator} \item A FileList structure that expands file patterns (e.g. 'images/*.jpg') to a list of files that match to the pattern.\\ \iclclassref{IO}{FileList} \end{itemize} \item \textbf{ICLGeom package:} \iclpackageref{Geom}\\ \begin{itemize} \item Camera and Scene implementation that allows 3D-Modelling and polygon based rendering (no raytracing!!, Z-buffering-support only when using OpenGL) \\ \iclclassref{Geom}{Camera} \iclclassref{Geom}{Scene2} \item Object interface that enables to handle objects within a scene\\ \iclclassref{Geom}{Object2} \end{itemize} \item \textbf{ICLAlgorithms package:} \iclpackageref{Algorithms}\\ \begin{itemize} \item A generic N-to-M dimensional SOM (self organizing map) implementation\\ \iclclassref{Algorithms}{SOM} \iclclassref{Algorithms}{SOM2D} \end{itemize} \item \textbf{ICLQt package:} \iclpackageref{Qt}\\ \begin{itemize} \item A powerful Qt-Wrapper for simple and off-the-cuff creation of most complex GUI's components. Here about 20 common GUI components\footnote{including sliders and buttons as well as image-visualization and augmentation compenents} can be layouted and synchronized very conveniently\\ \iclclassref{Qt}{GUI} \item A GUI-Widget to change configuration file entries at run-time.\\ \iclclassref{Qt}{ConfigFileGUI} \end{itemize} \item Remaining packages are ICLCC \iclpackageref{CC}, ICLQuick \iclpackageref{Quick}, ICLFilter \iclpackageref{Filter} and ICLBlob \iclpackageref{Blob} and ICLOpenCV \iclpackageref{OpenCV}\\ The most common functions in this packages are for image processing only, so they are not mentioned in this section. \end{itemize}