#ifndef ICLBORDERBOX_H #define ICLBORDERBOX_H #include #include /// The icl namespace namespace icl{ /// A simple utility class (QWidget with titled border) \ingroup UNCOMMON struct BorderBox : public QGroupBox{ /// Create a new BorderBox Object /** @param label title of the border @param content child widget @param parent optional parent widget*/ BorderBox(const QString &label, QWidget *content, QWidget *parent) : QGroupBox(label,parent), m_poContent(content){ m_poLayout = new QVBoxLayout; m_poLayout->setMargin(3); m_poLayout->addWidget(content); setLayout(m_poLayout); } /// returns the content of this widget (the child) QWidget *content() { return m_poContent; } private: QVBoxLayout *m_poLayout; //