#ifndef UNARY_OP_H #define UNARY_OP_H #include "iclOpROIHandler.h" namespace icl{ /** \cond */ class MultiThreader; /** \endcond */ /// Abstract Base class for Unary Operators \ingroup UNARY /** A list of unary operators can be found here:\n \ref UNARY **/ class UnaryOp{ public: /// Explicit empty constructor UnaryOp(); /// Explicit copy constructor UnaryOp(const UnaryOp &other); /// Explicit declaration of the assignment operator UnaryOp &operator=(const UnaryOp &other); /// Destructor virtual ~UnaryOp(); /// pure virtual apply function, that must be implemented in all derived classes virtual void apply(const ImgBase *operand1, ImgBase **dst)=0; /// *NEW* apply function for multithreaded filtering (currently even slower than using one thread) virtual void applyMT(const ImgBase *operand1, ImgBase **dst, unsigned int nThreads); /// applys the filter usign an internal buffer as output image /** Normally, this function must not be reimplemented, because it's default implementation will call apply(const ImgBase *,ImgBase**) using an internal buffer as destination image. This destination image is returned. */ virtual const ImgBase *apply(const ImgBase *src); /// sets if the image should be clip to ROI or not /** @param bClipToROI true=yes, false=no */ void setClipToROI (bool bClipToROI) { m_oROIHandler.setClipToROI(bClipToROI); } /// sets if the destination image should be adapted to the source, or if it is only checked if it can be adapted. /** @param bCheckOnly true = destination image is only checked, false = destination image will be checked and adapted. */ void setCheckOnly (bool bCheckOnly) { m_oROIHandler.setCheckOnly(bCheckOnly); } /// returns the ClipToROI status /** @return true=ClipToROI is enable, false=ClipToROI is disabled */ bool getClipToROI() const { return m_oROIHandler.getClipToROI(); } /// returns the CheckOnly status /** @return true=CheckOnly is enable, false=CheckOnly is disabled */ bool getCheckOnly() const { return m_oROIHandler.getCheckOnly(); } protected: bool prepare (ImgBase **ppoDst, depth eDepth, const Size &imgSize, format eFormat, int nChannels, const Rect& roi, Time timestamp=Time::null){ return m_oROIHandler.prepare(ppoDst, eDepth,imgSize,eFormat, nChannels, roi, timestamp); } /// check+adapt destination image to properties of given source image virtual bool prepare (ImgBase **ppoDst, const ImgBase *poSrc) { return m_oROIHandler.prepare(ppoDst, poSrc); } /// check+adapt destination image to properties of given source image /// but use explicitly given depth virtual bool prepare (ImgBase **ppoDst, const ImgBase *poSrc, depth eDepth) { return m_oROIHandler.prepare(ppoDst, poSrc, eDepth); } MultiThreader *m_poMT; private: OpROIHandler m_oROIHandler; ImgBase *m_buf; }; } #endif