#ifndef ICL_CORNER_DETECTOR_CSS_H #define ICL_CORNER_DETECTOR_CSS_H #include #include #include namespace icl{ /// Curvature Corner Detector /** * Implementation of the Curvature Scale Space corner detection algorithm * described in the paper "Corner detector based on global and local curvature properties", * by Chen He, Xiao and Yung, Nelson H.C. in Optical Engineering 2008. * There also is a Matlab implementation of the algorithm by Chen He, Xiao available * at http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7652 * * The algorithm takes an array of contour points as input, that are then smoothed * by a gaussian filter. Afterwards the curvature function is calculated and its * maxima positions are taken as corner candidates. * Afterwards all candidates which belong to round or "false" (noise induced, etc.) corners * are removed and finally a list of corners is given back. * * Parameters for the algorithm are: * rc_coeff - denotes the minimum ratio of major axis to minor axis of an ellipse, * whose vertex could be detected as a corner by proposed detector * The default value is 1.5. * angle_thresh - denotes the maximum obtuse angle that a corner can have when * it is detected as a true corner, default value is 162. * sigma - denotes the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter when * computeing curvature. The default sig is 3. * straight_line_thresh - to estimate the angle of a corner, either a circle or a * straight line approximation of the left and right surrounding is used. * The straight line approximation is used, if the angle between the * left neigbour, corner candidate and and the point on the contour half * way between them is smaller than straight_line_thresh. * 0 leads to circle approximation only, 180 to straight line approximation only. * * Diffent to the reference implementation of Xiao He, the second half of the contour * is copied before the start of the contour and the first half of the contour is * copied behind the end of the contour. That way, the (artificially) first and * last corners in the closed contour are calculated more acurately, since there are * no discontinuities. * * For visualizing the algorithm, you can call setDebugMode(true) after construction * of the CornerDetectionCSS object and retrieve detailed information of the detection * process afterwards with the getDebugInformation() method. * See the icl-corner-detection-css-demo as an example. * * usage example: * \code * const std::vector &rs = d.detect(&image); * const std::vector &boundary = getThinnedBoundary(rs[0].getBoundary()); * CornerDetectorCSS css; * const std::vector &corners = css.detectCorners(boundary); * \endcode **/ class CornerDetectorCSS { public: /// 1 dim gaussian kernel struct GaussianKernel { std::vector gau; float sigma; float cutoff; int width; // only one side of the gaussian, gau has width*2+1 elements! GaussianKernel(): sigma(0), cutoff(0), width(0) {} }; /// Detailed information about one corner detection run. struct DebugInformation { GaussianKernel gk; std::vector boundary; std::vector smoothed_boundary; std::vector kurvature; std::vector extrema; std::vector extrema_without_round_corners; std::vector extrema_without_false_corners; std::vector corners; std::vector angles; int offset; // the number of additional points at begin and end of // smoothed_boundary and kurvature float angle_thresh; float rc_coeff; float straight_line_thresh; }; /// Default constructor with given arguments CornerDetectorCSS(float angle_thresh=162., float rc_coeff=1.5, float sigma=3., float curvature_cutoff=100., float straight_line_thresh=0.1): angle_thresh(angle_thresh), rc_coeff(rc_coeff), sigma(sigma), curvature_cutoff(curvature_cutoff), straight_line_thresh(straight_line_thresh), debug_mode(false) {}; /// calculates a normalized 1d gaussian std::vector /** * @param gauss reference to GaussianKernel struct * @param sigma sigma^2 is the variance of the gaussian, default is 1 * @param cutoff if value of gaussian drops below this value, it is set to zero, default is 0.001 * @return width of the gaussian tails, so the size of the returned std::vector is 2*width+1 */ static int gaussian(GaussianKernel &gauss, float sigma, float cutoff); /// detects the corners in the passed contour /** * Use this function to detect the corners in an image.\n * A reference to the contour in which the corners should be detected must be passed. The contour * should be "thinned", meaning that it should look e.g. like *
        ooox                ooxx
        ooxo  and not like  oxxo
        oxoo                xxoo
        xooo                xooo
*/ const std::vector &detectCorners(const std::vector &boundary); /// detects corners on int-points const std::vector &detectCorners(const std::vector &boundary); /// returns the result of last detectCorners call /** This function can be used as optimization e.g. whithin ICLBlob::Region implementation */ inline const std::vector &getLastCorners() const { return corners; } /// Returns approximated angles of corners in deg. Call detectCorners method first. const std::vector &getCornerAngles() const { return corner_angles; } inline void setAngleThreshold(float value){ angle_thresh = value; } inline void setRCCoeff(float value){ rc_coeff = value; } inline void setSigma(float value){ sigma = value; } inline void setCurvatureCutoff(float value){ curvature_cutoff = value; } inline void setStraightLineThreshold(float value) { straight_line_thresh = value; } inline float getAngleThreshold() const { return angle_thresh;} inline float getRCCoeff() const { return rc_coeff; } inline float getSigma() const { return sigma; } inline float getCurvatureCutoff() const { return curvature_cutoff; } inline float getStraightLineThreshold() const { return straight_line_thresh;} inline void setDebugMode(bool value) { debug_mode = value; } const DebugInformation &getDebugInformation() const { return debug_inf; } /// Small wrapper for ippsConv_32f /** @param dst destination data pointer of size dim+kernelDim -1 Performs the following operation \f[ \mbox{dst}[n] = \sum\limits_{k=0}^n \mbox{src}[k] \cdot \mbox{kernel}[n-k] \f] for all \f$ n \in [0,\mbox{dim}+\mbox{kernelDim}-1]\f$ with \f$ \mbox{src}[x] = 0 \f$ for \f$ x \not\in [0,\mbox{dim}-1] \f$ and \f$ \mbox{kernel}[x] = 0\f$ for \f$ x \not\in [0,\mbox{kernelDim}-1] \f$ */ static void convolute_1D(float *vec, int dim, float *kernel, int kernelDim, float *dst); private: /// parameters float angle_thresh, rc_coeff, sigma, curvature_cutoff, straight_line_thresh; /// debug mode flag bool debug_mode; /// gausian kernel GaussianKernel m_gauss; /// finds the indicies of extrema /** * @param extrema reference to a std::vector in which the extrema are stored * @param x function values * @param length number of points in array x */ static void findExtrema(std::vector &extrema, icl32f* x, int length); /// removes round corners by comparing all corner candidates with adaptive local threshold /** * The round corner coefficient denotes the minimum ratio of major axis to minor * axis of an ellipse, whose vertex could be detected as a corner by proposed detector. * @param rc_coeff round corner coefficient * @param k curvature function * @param extrema indicies of extrem points in curvature function k */ static void removeRoundCorners( float rc_coeff, icl32f* k, std::vector &extrema); /// remove false corners by checking the corner angle /** * The angle threshold denotes the maximum obtuse angle that a corner can have when * it is detected as a true corner. * @param angle_thresh angle threshold * @param xx,yy x,y dimension of smoothed contour * @param k curvature function * @param length number of points in smoothed contour (and curvature function) * @param maxima indicies of maximum points in curvature function k */ static void removeFalseCorners(float angle_thresh, icl32f* xx, icl32f* yy, icl32f* k, int length, std::vector &maxima, std::vector &corner_angles, float straight_line_thresh); /// estimates the angle of a corner /** * Eestimates the angle of a corner in a part of the curve by fitting a circle * on each side of the corner and calculating the angle between the two tangents. * @param x,y x,y dimension of the contour segment around the corner * @param length number of points in contour segment * @param center position of corner in contour segment */ static float tangentAngle(icl32f* x, icl32f* y, int length, int center, float straight_line_thresh); // result lists std::vector corners; std::vector corner_angles; std::vector extrema; std::vector inputBuffer; DebugInformation debug_inf; }; } #endif