#include "iclConverter.h" #include "iclCC.h" #include "iclImg.h" #include "iclTestImages.h" #include #include #include #include int main(){ Img8u a(Size(1000,1000),formatRGB); Img32f b(Size(1000,1000),formatGray); for(int i=0;i<5;++i){ cc(&a,&b); } { BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION for(int i=0;i<1000;++i){ cc(&a,&b); } } } ImgBase *createDiffImage(ImgBase *a, ImgBase *b){ ImgBase *r = 0; BinaryArithmeticalOp(BinaryArithmeticalOp::absSubOp).apply(a,b,&r); return r; } icl64f errorSum(Img64f *img){ icl64f err=0; for(int c=0;cgetChannels();++c){ err += std::accumulate(img->begin(c),img->end(c),icl64f(0)); } return err; } string getName(int i){ switch(i){ case 0: return "orderScaleConvertCC"; case 1: return "orderScaleCCConvert"; case 2: return "orderConvertScaleCC"; case 3: return "orderConvertCCScale"; case 4: return "orderCCScaleConvert"; case 5: return "orderCCConvertScale"; } return "wrong mode"; } int main2(){ printf("This is the Converter test application: \n" "It reads the maccaw2.ppm image in ICLCC/examples, \n" "with params depth64f, formatRGB and Size(750,1002).\n" "This image is converted to depth8u,formatYUV and \n" "Size(222,817) and then converted back. The resulting \n" "Image should differ averagely not more than 15 \n" "from the original image. \n" "The Test application applies this conversion for all \n" "6 by the Converter supported operation-orders. \n " "The result is \"successful\" if all 6 estimated \n" "average pixel errors are < 15. \n\n" ); /// test for PCA compress Img64f image = cvt64f(create("parrot")); /// Testing 64f,rgb,750,1002 -> 8u,lab,222x817 -> and back ImgBase *src = image.deepCopy(); ImgBase *mid = new Img8u(Size(222,817), formatYUV); ImgBase *dst = new Img64f(src->getParams()); Converter::oporder oos[6] = { Converter::orderScaleConvertCC, Converter::orderScaleCCConvert, Converter::orderConvertScaleCC, Converter::orderConvertCCScale, Converter::orderCCScaleConvert, Converter::orderCCConvertScale }; bool foundErr = false; for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ Converter(oos[i]).apply(src,mid); Converter(oos[i]).apply(mid,dst); ImgBase *diff = createDiffImage(src,dst); icl64f err = errorSum(diff->asImg()); if(err/(diff->getDim()*diff->getChannels()) > 15.0){ foundErr = true; printf("per pixel error for mode %s is too high: %f \n",getName(i).c_str(),err/(diff->getDim()*diff->getChannels())); } show( scale((label(cvt(dst),"result"),label(cvt(diff),"diff-map")),0.2) ); delete diff; } delete src; delete mid; delete dst; if(foundErr){ printf("Converter test failed due to above errors! \n"); return 1; }else{ printf("Converter test successfull \n"); return 0; } return 0; }